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Dauns J. — A Concrete Approach to Division Rings |
Предметный указатель |
Schacher, M. and Fein, B. 165
Schacher, M. and Small, L. 32 153 165
Schaefer, R.D. 333 335 339—340
Schur subgroup 153
Schur's lemma 94
Semidirect product 134 138 145
Semigroup power series see also "Power series one
Semigroup power series, division ring 308
Semigroup power series, ring 294—295 301—305 352
Semigroup ring, twisted 301 313 319 352
Semigroup, cancellative 297
Semigroup, cancellative, naturally ordered 352
Semigroup, cancellative, partially ordered 297
Semigroup, cancellative, totally ordered 297
Separable element 99 101
Separable field extension 89 99—100 102 104 see
Separable field extension, maximal 100 102
Simbireva, H. 319
Similar elements 346—347 349
Simple algebra 46—47 92 94—95 96 136 145 see
Simple module 33 92 363
Simple ring 33 92 215 224 225 227
Skew field xix
Skew polynomial 183—184 192—193
Skew polynomial ring 240 263 302 357 361
Skolem — Noether theorem 80—81 368
Small, L. xiii
Smith, K.C. 242 347 359 362 367—369
Smits, T.H.M. 240—241 254 275 277 279 291
Splitting field 105
Standard identity 155 160
| Stiefel, E. 333
Support = supp 61 301
Sylow subgroup 136
Tamhankar, M. 118 294
Tensor product 3 23 27 31 106—114
Totally ordered 296
Totally ordered, division ring 316
Totally ordered, ring 117 304
Totally ordered, semigroup 297 305 313
Trace 337—338
Transcendental extension field 49 55 89 124—125 164
Transcendental indeterminate 125 161
Tschebotarow, N. and Schwerdtfeger, H. 144
Tsen, C.C. 118
Twisted polynomial ring 227 237 344 345 368—370
Twisted skew polynomial ring 366
UFD = unique factorization domain 347—348 351
Uniform dimension 186—188
Unique factorization 50
Universal division algebra 153 164—165 170—172
Valuation, K-valuation 303
Vector cross product 7—8
Wagner identity 155
Weak Bezout domain 351
Weakly quadratic 335
Wedderburn condition 119
Wedderburn theorem 87 96 105 114 163—164
Wedderburn, J.L.M. xii—xiii 32 118 123
Witt, E. 153
Yamada, T. 136—137 143 153
Zero divisor 42
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