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Blomberg H.( ed.) — Algebraic theory for multivariable linear systems, Volume 166 |
Предметный указатель |
Abstract algebra 13 301 303—320 321—339 340—341
Abstract input-output system 6 50—55
Abstract input-output system, block diagram representation of 51 57
Adder 30 123
Adjacency matrix 59
Algebra 340
algebraic 321
Algebraic equation 25 110 183 239
Anticausality 285
Associate 305
Augmented matrix 15 172 174
Automorphism of groups 304
Automorphism of vector spaces 341
Binary operation 303
Binary operation, associative 303
Binary operation, commutative 303
Block diagram algebra 120
Boolean matrix 58
Cancellation problem 1
Candidate for feedback compensator 34—44 191
Candidate for feedback compensator, satisfactory 35
Candidate for observer 179
Causal input-output relation 275
Causal system 53 73 231 275
Causality 49 52 66 73 284
Causality, generalized 205 209—216 230
Causality, strict 285
Cause-effect relationship 49 50 52 56 59
Characteristic polynomial 23 29 70 185 292
Coefficient list 221 298
Coefficient matrix 221 222
Coefficient matrix, augmented 221 222
Column equivalence 14 311
Comaximal 305 see "Polynomial
Commutative diagram 93 97
Composition of family of difference input-output relations 288
Composition of family of difference input-output relations, causal 289
Composition of family of difference input-output relations, feedback 291
Composition of family of difference input-output relations, input-output relation determined by 288
Composition of family of difference input-output relations, observable 289
Composition of family of difference input-output relations, order of 289
Composition of family of difference input-output relations, parallel 291
Composition of family of difference input-output relations, reconstructible 289
Composition of family of difference input-output relations, regular 289
Composition of family of differential input-output relations 7 82 90 106 110—122 202 243
Composition of family of differential input-output relations, block diagram representation of 10 113
Composition of family of differential input-output relations, controllability aspects of 121—122
Composition of family of differential input-output relations, description of 115
Composition of family of differential input-output relations, equivalent 114 115 118
Composition of family of differential input-output relations, feedback 12 27 184—190
Composition of family of differential input-output relations, input-output equivalent 107 117
Composition of family of differential input-output relations, input-output relation determined by 112—117 250—251
Composition of family of differential input-output relations, observable 24 117 119
Composition of family of differential input-output relations, observable, partially 118—120
Composition of family of differential input-output relations, order of 117
Composition of family of differential input-output relations, parallel 25 123
Composition of family of differential input-output relations, parallel, controllability aspects of 125—126
Composition of family of differential input-output relations, parallel, observable 125
Composition of family of differential input-output relations, parallel, transfer matrix of 126
Composition of family of differential input-output relations, regular 9 114 116 250
Composition of family of differential input-output relations, series 9 11 26 137—143
Composition of family of differential input-output relations, series, controllability aspects of 142—143
Composition of family of differential input-output relations, series, observable 140—143
Composition of family of differential input-output relations, series, transfer matrix of 139
Composition of family of differential input-output relations, series-parallel 141 143—145
Composition of family of differential input-output relations, system determined by 250—259
Composition of family of differential input-output relations, transfer equivalent 120
Composition of family of differential input-output relations, transfer matrix determined by 120 252
Composition of projection and delay operator 296
Composition of projection and differential operator 216—225
Concatenation property 208
Control input 30
Control problem 236 240
Controllability 25 55 100 159 202 236 286
Controllability index 194
Converse relation 89
Coprime 305 see "Polynomial
Decentralized control 45
Decomposition of difference input-output relation 288
Decomposition of difference input-output relation, parallel 290
Decomposition of differential input-output relation 106 118 160—176
Decomposition of differential input-output relation, observable 118
Decomposition of differential input-output relation, parallel 126—133
Decomposition of differential input-output relation, Rosenbrock representation 160—176
Decomposition of differential input-output relation, series 140—145 197
Decomposition of differential input-output relation, series-parallel 141 143—145
Decomposition of differential input-output relation, state-space 160
Decoupling theory 45
Delta function 206 207 343—348
Delta function, Dirac 343
Delta function, Kronecker 309
Denominator 305
Denominator set 306 325
Determinateness 47 56 63—66 71—72
Diagnostics 45
Difference equation, linear time-invariant 271 274 275 282 284
Difference input-output system see "Difference system"
Difference system 3 271 273 275 293
Difference system, causal 275
Difference system, linear 294
Differential equation, linear time-invariant 5 73 201
Differential input-output system see "Differential system"
Differential operator 4 75 76
Differential operator, causal 210
Differential system 3 75 79 90 231
Differential system, causal 230
Differential system, controllable 231
Differential system, dimension of 231
Differential system, linear 230
Differential system, proper 232
Differential system, strictly proper 232
Differentiation operator 4
Differentiation operator, generalized 346
Distinguishable by a single input-output pair 55
distribution see "Generalized function"
Distributive 303
Divide 305
Division algorithm 17 323—325
Divisor 305 see "Polynomial
Divisor, greatest common 19 305
Dynamic system 52 53 64 69—72 90 107 201 230
Electrical network 259
Elementary column operation 18 312
Elementary matrix 15 311
Elementary row operation 14 311
Elimination procedure 9 23 107—110 116 176
Endomorphism of groups 304
Endomorphism of vector spaces 340
Epimorphism of groups 304
Equivalence of matrices 311
Equivalence of matrices, canonical forms for 315
Estimator 3 107
Euclidean algorithm 324—325
Factor set 306
Feedback compensation 27—44 184—199
Feedback compensator 27—44 184—199 292
Feedback compensator, candidate for 34—44 191—199
Feedback compensator, candidate for, satisfactory 35
Feedback composition 12 27—44 184 187 291
Feedback control 2 27 106 107 184
Feedback interconnection 69
Field 13 304
Field of quotients 14 84 210 278 307
Final segment 204 226
first element 99
Fixed point 63
Fourier transform 1 67
Fundamental theorem of algebra 324
Generalized convolution 345
Generalized derivative 206 343
| Generalized differentiation operator 206 346
Generalized function, complex-valued 203 205 342—348
Generalized function, complex-valued, piecewise infinitely regularly differentiable 5 76 203 205—210 345—348
Generalized function, complex-valued, piecewise infinitely regularly differentiable, concatenation property of 208
Generalized function, complex-valued, piecewise infinitely regularly differentiable, subspaces of 208
Generalized function, complex-valued, piecewise infinitely regularly differentiable, value at t 206
Generalized function, complex-valued, regular 342
Generalized function, complex-valued, restriction of 348
Generalized function, complex-valued, singular 343
Generator 337
Generator for difference input-output relation 282
Generator for difference input-output relation, anticausal 285
Generator for difference input-output relation, causal 285
Generator for difference input-output relation, input-output equivalent 283
Generator for difference input-output relation, order of 282
Generator for difference input-output relation, proper 285
Generator for difference input-output relation, regular 282
Generator for difference input-output relation, row equivalent 283
Generator for difference input-output relation, strictly causal 285
Generator for difference input-output relation, transfer equivalent 285
Generator for differential input-output relation 6 88 90—94
Generator for differential input-output relation, characteristic polynomial of 23
Generator for differential input-output relation, input-output equivalent 23 79 88 92—94 96 106
Generator for differential input-output relation, order of 6 90
Generator for differential input-output relation, proper 21 95
Generator for differential input-output relation, quotient equivalent 337
Generator for differential input-output relation, regular 6 88 90 91—92
Generator for differential input-output relation, row equivalent 22 92—94 95
Generator for differential input-output relation, strictly proper 22 95
Generator for differential input-output relation, transfer equivalent 88 95—100
Generator, quotient equivalent 337
Generator, transfer equivalent 337
Green's function 215
Group 303
Group, abelian 303 304
Group, additive 303
Group, commutative 303
Group, multiplicative 303
Hierarchical control 45
Ideal, two-sided 305
Ideal, two-sided, principal 305
Identification 23 44
Impulse response function 215
Indeterminate over ring 13 81 84 277 321
Infinitely continuously differentiable complex-valued function 5 76 206 343
Initial condition list 221
Initial condition mapping 217—225 297
Initial condition mapping for polynomial matrix operator 219 220 297
Initial condition mapping for polynomial operator 219 297
Initial segment 78 204 226 275
Input 50
Input set 50
Input signal 6 78
Input, overall 58 62
Input-output equivalence 23 79 88 92—94 107 117 145 161—170 283
Input-output equivalence, canonical form for 88 93—94 104 162 284
Input-output equivalence, complete invariant for 93—94 162
Input-output mapping 50 201
Input-output mapping, causal 52 209 214—216 231
Input-output mapping, parametric 50—52 64 227 230 241 246 247 249 252
Input-output mapping, parametric, equivalent 51
Input-output relation 51 73 201
Input-output relation, difference 275
Input-output relation, difference, causal 275
Input-output relation, difference, characteristic polynomial of 292
Input-output relation, difference, controllable 286
Input-output relation, difference, decomposition of 288
Input-output relation, difference, generation of 274 see
Input-output relation, difference, minimal 286
Input-output relation, difference, order of 282
Input-output relation, difference, reachable 286
Input-output relation, difference, regular 282
Input-output relation, difference, transfer equivalent 286
Input-output relation, differential 5 78 88 89—105
Input-output relation, differential, asymptotically stable 23
Input-output relation, differential, block diagram representation of 111
Input-output relation, differential, characteristic polynomial of 23
Input-output relation, differential, controllable 25 100 121
Input-output relation, differential, decomposition of 118 197
Input-output relation, differential, generation of 78 89 see
Input-output relation, differential, minimal 97 99 129
Input-output relation, differential, order of 6 90
Input-output relation, differential, proper 21 95
Input-output relation, differential, regular 6 88 90—91
Input-output relation, differential, strictly proper 22 95
Input-output relation, differential, transfer equivalent 88 98—100
Input-output relation, internal 9 113
Input-output relation, internal, reduced 147
Input-output relation, internal-overall 8 115
Input-output relation, overall 8 9 112 115
Input-state relation 158
Insensitivity with respect to parameter variations 34—35 44 178 191 258
Integral domain 13 84 304
Integration by parts 225
Integration in generalized sense 225 343
Interconnection constraint 8 57—59 111 113 245
Interconnection matrix 7 57 61 111
Interconnection of family of differential systems 243—269
Interconnection of family of differential systems, determinate 246 250
Interconnection of family of differential systems, equivalent 255 258
Interconnection of family of differential systems, input-output mapping determined by 246—250
Interconnection of family of differential systems, restricted state space 245—246
Interconnection of family of differential systems, stability properties of 258
Interconnection of family of differential systems, system determined by 247—259
Interconnection of family of differential systems, system determined by, dimension of 250
Interconnection of family of differential systems, transfer matrix determined by 247
Interconnection of family of differential systems, unrestricted state space 244—245
Interconnection of family of systems 56—72 110 201
Interconnection of family of systems, block diagram representation of 62
Interconnection of family of systems, determinate 59 63—67 71—72 114
Interconnection of family of systems, indeterminate 66 72
Interconnection of family of systems, input-output mapping determined by 64 65—67 70—72
Interconnection of family of systems, input-output relation determined by 63 65—67 70—72
Interconnection of family of systems, system determined by 62—64 66—67 71—72
Internal system 62 63—64 65—67 247—259
Inverse 303
Irreducible 305
Isomorphism of groups 304
Isomorphism of rings 84
Kernel 304
Laplace transform 67—68 80 94 149 203 216 224—226
Laplace transform, generalized 225 229
Leading coefficient 35 322
Leading term 322
Linear dynamic system 79 204 226—242
Linear dynamic system, finite dimensional 227—242
Linear mapping 307
Linear mappings, algebra of 84 210 340
Linear system 53—55 201
Linear system, dimension of 54
Linear system, finite dimensional 54 73
Linear system, linear description of 54
LIST 308
Matrix difference equation 275 279
Matrix differential equation 13 78 89
Matrix over principal ideal domain 312—320
Matrix over principal ideal domain, determinantal divisor of 314
Matrix over principal ideal domain, diagonal reduction of 314
Matrix over principal ideal domain, greatest common divisor of 316—320
Matrix over principal ideal domain, invariant factor of 314
Matrix over principal ideal domain, least common multiple of 316
Matrix over principal ideal domain, rank of 315
Matrix over principal ideal domain, secondary 313
Matrix over principal ideal domain, secondary row operation on 313
Matrix over principal ideal domain, Smith (canonical) form of 315
Matrix over principal ideal domain, triangular reduction of 313
Matrix over ring 309
Matrix over ring of quotients 318—320
Matrix over ring of quotients, canonical upper triangular form of 334
Matrix over ring of quotients, quotient equivalent 319
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