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Blomberg H.( ed.) — Algebraic theory for multivariable linear systems, Volume 166 |
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Matrix over ring of quotients, Smith — McMillan form of 320
Matrix over ring, adjoint of 310
Matrix over ring, column equivalent 311
Matrix over ring, comaximal, left 311
Matrix over ring, comaximal, right 310
Matrix over ring, coprime, left 310
Matrix over ring, coprime, right 311
Matrix over ring, determinant of 309
Matrix over ring, determinantal rank of 310
Matrix over ring, diagonal 309
Matrix over ring, elementary 311
Matrix over ring, elementary column operation on 312
Matrix over ring, elementary row operation on 311—312
Matrix over ring, equivalent 311
Matrix over ring, identity 309
Matrix over ring, invertible 309
Matrix over ring, left divisor of 310
Matrix over ring, left divisor of, greatest common 310
Matrix over ring, left multiple of 310
Matrix over ring, left multiple of, least common 310
Matrix over ring, lower (left) triangular 309
Matrix over ring, minor of 310
Matrix over ring, partitioned form of 309
Matrix over ring, polynomial see "Polynomial matrix"
Matrix over ring, rational see "Rational matrix"
Matrix over ring, right divisor of 310
Matrix over ring, right divisor of, greatest common 310
Matrix over ring, right multiple of 310
Matrix over ring, right multiple of, least common 310
Matrix over ring, row equivalent 311
Matrix over ring, unimodular 309
Matrix over ring, unit 309
Matrix over ring, upper (right) triangular 309
Mikusinski operational calculus 204
MODE 43 44 151 155
Model, abstract 49
Model, mathematical 4 49
Module 13 73 80 84 210—211 307—308
Module of quotients 278 295 308—309
Module, cyclic 307
Module, finitely generated 307
Module, free 308
Module, free, basis for 308
Module, free, dimension of 308
Module, free, rank of 308
Module, strengthening of 85 211—216
Module, trivial 307
Module, zero 307
Monoid 303
Monomorphism of groups 304
Morphism of groups 304
Morphism of modules 307
Morphism of rings 304
Morphism of vector spaces 53
Multiple 303 305 see "Polynomial
Multiple, least common 305
Negative 303
Numerator 305
Observability 24 55 106 117 159 177 289
Observability index 239
Observable component 120
Observer 106 107 177
Output 50
Output controllability 160
Output set 50
Output signal 6 78
Output, overall 58 61
Overall system 7 58 62 63—64 65—67 247—259
Pole assignment problem 29—30
Polynomial 3 13 76 321
Polynomial function 323—324
Polynomial matrix 3 14—21 76 85—86 279 326—327
Polynomial matrix operator 5 77 78 85 86—87 274 279 see
Polynomial matrix operator, causal 210
Polynomial matrix, canonical form of 14 104
Polynomial matrix, canonical form of, lower triangular 18 328
Polynomial matrix, canonical form of, row proper 105 233 333
Polynomial matrix, canonical form of, upper triangular 18 93 328—329
Polynomial matrix, column degree of 326
Polynomial matrix, column equivalent 14
Polynomial matrix, column permuted canonical form of 329
Polynomial matrix, column proper form of 327
Polynomial matrix, common left divisor of 19
Polynomial matrix, common left divisor of, greatest 19 97
Polynomial matrix, common right divisor of 19
Polynomial matrix, common right divisor of, greatest 19
Polynomial matrix, coprime, left 19 100 335—336
Polynomial matrix, coprime, right 19 108—109 117
Polynomial matrix, coprime, skew 132
Polynomial matrix, degree of 326
Polynomial matrix, determinant of 77
Polynomial matrix, division algorithm for 338—339
Polynomial matrix, elementary 15
Polynomial matrix, elementary column operation on 20
Polynomial matrix, elementary row operation on 14
Polynomial matrix, invertible 14
Polynomial matrix, leading coefficient of 326
Polynomial matrix, minor of 327
Polynomial matrix, rank of 35 85
Polynomial matrix, row degree of 37 110 326
Polynomial matrix, row equivalent 14 92 145
Polynomial matrix, row proper form of 35 104 109 223 327 329—333
Polynomial matrix, triangular 14—17
Polynomial matrix, triangularization of 14—17
Polynomial matrix, unimodular 14 87 90 326
Polynomial operator 5 13 77 81—82 84—85 274 see "Polynomial
Polynomial operator, causal 210
Polynomial operator, degree of 81
Polynomial over field of complex numbers 324
Polynomial over field of complex numbers, multiple zero of 324
Polynomial over ring 321—322
Polynomial over ring, degree of 322
Polynomial over ring, leading coefficient of 322
Polynomial over ring, leading term of 322
Polynomial over ring, monic 322
Polynomial over ring, root of 323
Polynomial over ring, zero of 323
Polynomial systems theory 2 73 80 106 145 176 243 249 252
Polynomial, leading coefficient of 35 322
Polynomial, monic 18
Power 303
Prime 305
Principal ideal domain 305
Projection mapping 207—210 294
Projection method 203 232—243 248 252 298
Quotient 305 323
Quotient equivalence 319—320 336
Quotient equivalence, canonical form for 320 325 336
Quotient equivalence, invariant for 320
rational 325
Rational form 325
Rational form, proper 325
Rational form, strictly proper 325
Rational function 326
Rational matrix 21 94 212 279 337
| Rational matrix operator 212—216 295 see
Rational matrix, factorization of 98 337
Rational matrix, proper 21 95 337
Rational matrix, strictly proper 22 95 337
Rational matrix, strictly proper part of 95
Rational operator 295
Rational operator, causal 295
Reachability 55 286
Real system 4
Real system, large-scale 47
Realizability condition 52 63—67 69 73 202 210
Realization problem 176 237—242
Reconstructibility 55 289
Remainder 323
Response space, zero input 25 79 83 231 253
Response, zero input 25 54
Response, zero state 55
Richness condition 52 66 72
Ring 304
Ring of quotients 278 305—307
Ring of quotients of polynomials 278—279 325—326
Ring with unity 304
Ring, commutative 13 304
Ring, trivial 304
Rosenbrock representation 145—176
Rosenbrock representation, controllability aspects of 151—155
Rosenbrock representation, input-output equivalent 162
Rosenbrock representation, observable 150 162 174
Rosenbrock representation, order of 149 175
Rosenbrock representation, strictly system equivalent 173
Rosenbrock representation, transfer matrix of 150 151 153 175
Rosenbrock system matrix 6 90 107 148—149
Rosenbrock system matrix, modified 148—149
Rosenbrock system matrix, modified, augmented 171 172 174
Rosenbrock system matrix, modified, input-output equivalent 162—176
Rosenbrock system matrix, modified, observable part of 165 166
Rosenbrock system matrix, state-space modified 158 175
Rosenbrock system matrix, strictly system equivalent 163 172—176
Row equivalence 14 92—94 145 283 311—315 see
Row equivalence, canonical form for 93—94 284 328 333
Row equivalence, invariant for 314
scalar 307
Scalar multiplication 307
Semigroup 303 304
Sensitivity analysis 45
Shift operator 273
Sifting property 343
signal 52 273
Signal space 3 4 5 73 75 76—77 81—83 89 107 204—225 273
Signal space, generalized 206 208 346
Signal space, regular 81 276 346
Signal space, sufficiently rich 80 82 86 206 277 346
Similarity transformation 175
Skew coprime 132
Smith (canonical) form of matrix 104 134 135 315
Smith — McMillan form of matrix 320
Stability 23 28—29 36 178 190 292
Stabilizability 106
State 50 158 201
State constraint 59 244—246
State set 50 201
State set, minimal 51 235 241
State space 159
State space, dimension of 159
State space, restricted 245—246
State space, unrestricted 244—245
State, distinguishable by a single input-output pair 55
State, equivalent 50
State, initial 53
State-output mapping 158
State-space approach 2 106
State-space representation 2 90 144 158—176
State-space representation, controllability aspects of 100 159
State-space representation, observable 100 159
State-space representation, order of 159
Stochastic dynamic system 53
Strict system equivalence 163 172—176
Strict system equivalence, transformation of 172
Subalgebra 340
Subdomain 305
Subfield 305
Subgroup 304
Submodule 307
Subring 304
subspace 76
Subsystem 7
system 51—52 201
System description 51 57
System description, equivalent 51
System description, linear 54
System matrix see "Rosenbrock system matrix"
System, block diagram representation of 51 57
Systems theory, basic concepts of 47—48 201
Systems theory, polynomial 2 80 106
Test function 342—348
Test function, improper 224
Time evolution 78 204 226
time function 52
time set 52 68 271 273
Time system 52 64 68
Time system, uniform 52 53
Time, initial 53
Transcendental 321
Transfer equivalence 88 95—100 120 285 286 337
Transfer equivalence, canonical form for 88 99 105 286
Transfer equivalence, complete invariant for 98
Transfer function 94
Transfer function technique 1 2
Transfer matrix 21 88 94—95 96—100 120 126 175 212 285 337 see
Transfer matrix operator 212
Transfer matrix, factorization of 98 144 194 198 337
Transfer matrix, minimal input-output relation determined by 99 286
Transfer matrix, pole of 154
Transfer matrix, proper 21 95 285
Transfer matrix, strictly proper 22 95 285
Transfer matrix, strictly proper part of 95
Transfer ratio 21 95
Unique factorization domain 305
UNIT 304
Unit delay operator 273
Unit element 303
Unit prediction operator 273
Unit step 343—345
Unit step, regular generalized 343
Unity 303
Unobservable component 120
Vector space 13—14 210—216 307
Vector space of quotients 279 295
Weighting function 215
z-transform 1 2
Zero divisor 304
Zero element 303
Zero, decoupling 152 175
Zero, input-decoupling 154—158
Zero, input-output-decoupling 154—158
Zero, output-decoupling 150—158
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