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Lurie J.B., Enright P.J. — Classical Feedback Control With Matlab
Lurie J.B., Enright P.J. — Classical Feedback Control With Matlab

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Íàçâàíèå: Classical Feedback Control With Matlab

Àâòîðû: Lurie J.B., Enright P.J.


Doubling as a text book and a reference guide, this volume describes design and implementation of feedback controllers for engineering systems. Special attention is given to the frequency-domain design methods based on loop shaping, Bode integrals, and nonlinear dynamic compensation. The first six chapters support a one-semester course in linear control; the rest of the book considers the issues of complex system simulation, robustness, global stability, and nonlinear control. Throughout, MATLAB and SPICE are used for simulation and design, but no preliminary experience with this software is required. Some knowledge of Laplace transform and frequency responses is assumed. The authors are members of the technical staff at California Institute of Technology.Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR

ßçûê: en

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Lurie, A. I      271
LVDT      233—234
Lyapunov, A. M., First method      269—270
Lyapunov, A. M., Second method      270
Main-vernier system      39—40 405—406 417
Margins, safety      123—124 186 193 302
Margins, stability      63—67 390 394—396
Mason’s rule      41—42 277
Matching      231
Mathieu’s equation      238
MATLAB $\circledR$ commands and program listings      7—9 13—14 60 100—104 117—118 133 140—141 150 180—181 228 251 280 364 376—378
Matrix, control-input      249
Matrix, decoupling      44—45 185
Matrix, estimator gain      254
Matrix, gain      249
Matrix, measurement      254
Matrix, output      249
Matrix, plant noise distribution      254
Matrix, system      249
MIMO system      43—46 passim
Minimum performance boundary      246
Minimum phase function      74—75 79 87 333 341 394
Mobility      206 passim
Mobility, effect on plant uncertainty      214—215
Motor      1—2 passim
Motor, linear      206 213
Motor, permanent magnet      213
Motor, series      218
Multiloop feedback system      36—37
Multiwindow controller      333—347
Nichols chart      10 25 246 327
Noise at actuator input      112—113
Noise at system’s output      99 111—112
Noise of resistance      171
Noise, process      254
Noise, sensor      254
Nominal plant      31 114—115
Non-collocated control      115 119 232—234
Nonlinear distortions      16—17
Nonlinear dynamic compensator, based on absolute stability      276—286
Nonlinear dynamic compensator, based on DF, with local feedback      306—309 338 340—347 405
Nonlinear dynamic compensator, based on DF, with parallel channels      305—306 337—340 344—347
Nonlinear interaction between local and common loops      311—312
Nonlinear product coefficient      17
Nonminimum phase shift (lag)      74 85—86 113 341 394
Norm, $H_{\infty}$      255
Norm, quadratic      254
Norton’s theorem      212
Nyquist, H.      17
Nyquist, H., criterion      61—62 70
Nyquist, H., diagram      9—10
Nyquist, H., frequency      148
Nyquist, H., noise      171
Nyquist, H., stability      64—65 374
Octave      55
Offset voltage      173
On-off control      299
Op-amp      170—174
Op-amp, instrumentation      188
Op-amp, inverting      171
Op-amp, non-inverting      172—174
Op-amp, pinout      174
Op-amp, unity-gain frequency      170—171
Optical encoder      223 234
Optimality      94—96
Overshoot      15 54 59
Participation functions      332
Participation rules      332
Passim Decade      55
Passim Dither      262—264 418
Passim Dynamic nonlinearity      247
Payload      351 359
Phase plane      253
Phase-gain relation      79
PID controller      20 143—145 186 190—192 337—338 387 394
Piezoactuator      40 224—225 417—430
Pilot signal      259—260 262
Plant      1
Plant, collocated      116—118 232 260
Plant, flexible      105 110 115 116—119 120—121 143—145
Plant, identification      257—261
Plant, noise distribution matrix      254
Plant, nominal      31 115
Plant, non-collocated      116 119 232—233
Plant, template      245
Plant, tolerances (uncertainty)      114—115 213—214
Plant, unstable      67—69 119—120
Pole placement      247—248
Popov stability criterion      271—275
Popov, V. M      271
Port      216
Pre-warping      150
Prefilter      33—34 96—97 101—102
Process instability      322
Proof mass      235 360
PSPICE $\circledR$      145 299 399
QFT      245—247
Quality factor      137 186
Rate gyro      234 405
Rate limiter      179
Rate sensor      234
Rate-stabilized, rate feedback      153 217
RC-impedance chart      183
Redundancy      36 45
Reference      5 19 249 264 195—196
Regulator, current      25—26
Regulator, Linear Quadratic (LQR)      253—254
Regulator, Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG)      253—255
Regulator, voltage      5—6 passim
Relay, three position      266 293
Relay, two-position      299
Resistance, integral of      76—77
Resistance, load      213
Resistance, thermal      208
Resolver      233
Return difference      2 95 380
Return ratio      2 380
Return signal (fed back signal)      1
Rise time      54
Root locus      59—60 247—249 392—393
RTI (real time interrupt)      154
Rules for time-domain to frequency domain conversion      54—55 362
Rules, Masons      41—42 277
Rules, participation      329
Safety margins      123—124 302
Sallen-Key filter      176
Sample and hold      156
Sampling frequency and period      147—153
Saturation      16 178—179 266 293
Saturation in local and common loops      311—312
Saturation with frequency depended threshold      296
Schmitt trigger      298
Sensitivity      17—18
Sensitivity, Horowitz      18—19
Sensor noise      111—113
Series feedback      218 381—382
Series, Laurent      372
Servo, servomotor      2
Servomechanism      1 2
Settling time      54
Shaker      345
Siderostat      416
Signal-to-noise ratio      236
SIMULINK $\circledR$      222 227—229 250
Single-loop generic system      379
Source impedance      212
Spacecraft, passim Specifications      105
Spectral density      11—13
SPICE models or program listings      89—90 144—145 303—304 309 320—321
Stability of process      322
Stability, absolute      270—271
Stability, asymptotic      270
Stability, conditional      270
Stability, global      270 315—317
Stability, local      269
Stability, margins      63—67 390 394
Stability, margins, guard point      67
Stability, verification      315—317
Stall torque      213
Star tracker      234 262
State estimate      254
State variable filter      177
state variables      249
Static attractor      268
Static error      54 73
Static nonlinearity      267
Stiffness coefficient      207 208
Stray inductance, capacitance, stiffness, mass      97
Structural design      46 96 211—212
Subharmonics      327—329
Switched capacitor circuits      184—186
Symmetrical regulator      195—196
System with distributed parameters      230
System with unstable plant      67—69 119—120
System, absolutely stable      270—271 270
System, homing      12 59 99 185 279 282
System, linear time-variable (LTV)      158 238—239
System, main-vernier      39—40 405—406 417
System, matrix      249
System, multi-input multi-output (MIMO)      43—46
System, passim multiloop      36—37
System, passim Nyquist-stable      64—65 108—109 316 405
System, passim single-input single-output (SISO)      1
System, single-loop      1
System, tracking      4—5
System, Type 0, 1, 2 systems      72—74
Tachometer      234
Thevenin’s theorem      212
Three-valued function      325—326
Thrusters      343—345
TID controller      192—193
Time delay, rise, settling      54
Time variable (LTV)      158 238—239
Time-optimal control      343—345
Time-response to step command      15 passim
Torque, brake (stall)      213
Tracking      4—5 58 340—342 388
Transfer function      363
Transform, Laplace      362
Transform, Tustin      149—151
Transformer, balanced-to-unbalanced      189
Transformer, flowchart      225—226
transmission line      231
Transport delay (lag)      85 113—114
Tunnel effect accelerometer      308—309 347
Tustin A.      149 291
Tustin A., transform      149—151
Two-pole network, Cauer      180—181
Two-pole network, Foster      180—181
Two-port      220
Two-position relay      299
Type 0, Type 1, Type 2 systems      72—74
Unstable plant      67—69 119—120
Vanishing signals      270
Variables at links’ junction      212
Variables, state-space      249
VCO (voltage controlled oscillator)      2 268
Velocity, free running      213
Vernier actuator      39—40 405—406 417 207 228—229
Voice coil      40 206 228—229 416—419
Voltage feedback      217 382
Voltage regulator      5—6 406
Wave impedance      231
Weight function      79—80 255
Weighting matrix      253—254
Whetstone bridge      219 385
Wind disturbance      12
Wind up, antiwindup controllers      191 278—279 336—338
Wind up, phenomenum      336
Windows in multiwindow controllers      333—334
Windows, nonlinear      178—179
Yo-yo      343
Z-transform (Tustin, bilinear), C-code      152—153
Z-transform (Tustin, bilinear), tables      152
Zames, G      255
1 2
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