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Lurie J.B., Enright P.J. — Classical Feedback Control With Matlab
Lurie J.B., Enright P.J. — Classical Feedback Control With Matlab

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Íàçâàíèå: Classical Feedback Control With Matlab

Àâòîðû: Lurie J.B., Enright P.J.


Doubling as a text book and a reference guide, this volume describes design and implementation of feedback controllers for engineering systems. Special attention is given to the frequency-domain design methods based on loop shaping, Bode integrals, and nonlinear dynamic compensation. The first six chapters support a one-semester course in linear control; the rest of the book considers the issues of complex system simulation, robustness, global stability, and nonlinear control. Throughout, MATLAB and SPICE are used for simulation and design, but no preliminary experience with this software is required. Some knowledge of Laplace transform and frequency responses is assumed. The authors are members of the technical staff at California Institute of Technology.Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR

ßçûê: en

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$H_{\infty}$ method      255—256
$\mu$-analysis and $\mu$-synthesis      255
Absolute encoder      234
Absolute process stability      322—324
Absolute stability      65 270—271
Accelerometer      235 308—309 360 324
Active suspension (vibration isolation)      206—207 228—229
Actuator      1
Actuator, main/vernier arrangement      39—40
Actuator, motor      1—2
Actuator, passim piezoelectric      40 224—225
Actuator, voice coil      40 206—207
Adaptation, direct and indirect      257
Adaptive system      257—265
Aliasing      156—157
Analogies, electrical to hydraulic      209—211
Analogies, electrical to thermal      208—209
Analogies, electromechanical      205—208
Analogies, feedback to connection of two-poles      237 271 324
Analogies, feedback to parallel channels      237 323
Analyzer, signal      197—199 357 361
Antenna      1 4 11—12 19 153
Approximation of constant slope Bode diagram      133—134
Approximation of describing function      296
Asymptote, high-frequency      97 98
Asymptotic Bode diagram      131—133
Asymptotic global stability      270
Automatic level control      19—20
Back emf      104 223 228
Backlash      297—298
Balanced bridge feedback      220 385
Bandwidth of closed-loop feedback      111
Bandwidth of open-loop feedback      110
Bandwidth, functional      111
Bang-bang control      299
Basin of attraction      268
Bessel filter      57—59 101
Bias      269
Bifilar coil      188—189
Bifurcation points      269 325—326
Bilinear function      149 150 152 193 194 220 385
Biquad      147 152
Black, H. S.      17 35 349
Black, H. S., feedforward      35—36
Blackman, R. B., formula      216 382—384
Block diagram transformation      40—43
Bode, H. W.      17 396
Bode, H. W., cutoff      106—107
Bode, H. W., diagram      7
Bode, H. W., integral of feedback      75—76 392
Bode, H. W., integral of gain      78—79
Bode, H. W., integral of imaginary part (phase)      78 136 372
Bode, H. W., integral of real part      75 372 393
Bode, H. W., integral of resistance      76—77
Bode, H. W., passim integral of admittance      77
Bode, H. W., phase-gain relation      79—81 373—375 392
Bode, H. W., step      97—100 139—143
Brake (stall) torque      213
Bridge, balanced      220 386
Bridge, Wheatstone      219 386
Bridged T-circuit      175
Burst of periodic signal      317
Cauer, W., two-pole implementation      179—180
Causal system      79 371
Chart, Nichols      10 25 246 327
Chart, RC-impedance      183
Clegg Integrator      310
Closed-loop transfer function      3 14
Coil, bifilar      188—189
Cold controller switching      335
Collocated control      116—119 232 260
Command      1 passim
Command feedforward      31—32
Commander      33 44
Compensator      1
Compensator, lag      135—136 174—175
Compensator, lead      135 154 174 175 182
Compensator, switched capacitor      184—186
Compound feedback      218 383
Conditional stability      270
Conjecture of filter      291
Control, bang-bang      299
Control, collocated      116—119 232 260
Control, fuzzy-logic      331
Control, input matrix      249
Control, modern      95 253
Control, multiwindow      333—347
Control, non-collocated      115 119 232—234
Control, time-optimal      341—342
Control, vector      249
Controller, composite multiwindow      333—347
Controller, fuzzy logic      332
Controller, PID (proportional-integral-derivative)      20 143 186 190—192 337—338 394
Controller, TID (tilt-integral-derivative)      192—193
Corner frequency      132
Coulomb friction      227
Coupling      43—45 passim
Criterion, Nyquist      61—62
Criterion, Nyquist-Bode      70
Criterion, Popov      271—275
Critical point      63
Cross-sectioned feedback circuit      362
Crossover frequency      8
Current feedback      25 218 312 382
Current regulator      25—26
Cycle, limit      268
Damping coefficient      137 367
Dashpot      143 207
Dead band, dead beat band      299
Dead zone      16
Decoupling matrix      44—45 185
Delay, transport      85 113—114
Describing ftinction      291—292
Describing ftinction of dead zone      293—295
Describing ftinction of hysteresis      297
Describing ftinction of saturation      294—295
Describing ftinction of three position relay      294—295
Describing ftinction, approximate formulas      296
Describing ftinction, inverse      292
Describing ftinction, phase-gain relations for      387
Design sequence      96—97 151 398
Diagram, asymptotic Bode      131—133 passim
Diagram, Bode      7 passim
Diagram, Ince — Strutt      239
Diagram, loading      213
Diagram, Nyquist      9—10 passim
Diagram, Nyquist for unstable plant      67—69
Differentiator      171—172
Disturbances      11—12
Dominant poles and zeros      367
Drift      173 235
Driver      1
Dynamic range      137—139 146 173
electromotive force (EMF)      212
Electromotive force (emf), back emf      104 223 228
Encoder      223 234
Equation, Mathieu’s      238
Error      1
Error, feedforward      34
Error, static (steady state)      54 73
Estimator gain matrix      254
Exact linearization      426
Falling branch      269 325—327
Fano R      392
Feedback      2
Feedback, balanced bridge      220 386
Feedback, bandwidth (range) of closed-loop feedback      111
Feedback, bandwidth (range) of open-loop feedback      110
Feedback, bandwidth (range), functional      111
Feedback, common      37—38
Feedback, compound      218 382
Feedback, current      25 218 312 381
Feedback, error      1
Feedback, fall-state      251 254
Feedback, integral of      75—76
Feedback, large      4
Feedback, local      37—38
Feedback, maximization      96 394 394
Feedback, multiloop      36—37
Feedback, negative      3 76 97
Feedback, parallel      217 382
Feedback, path      1
Feedback, positive      3 58 65—66 76 97
Feedback, rate      217
Feedback, series      218 381—382
Feedback, voltage      217 382
Feedforward      31—36
Feedforward, Black’s      35—36
Feedforward, command      31—33 412
Feedforward, error      34
Filter, active RC, multiple feedback      176
Filter, active RC, Sallen-Key      176
Filter, active RC, state variable      177
Filter, active RC, switched capacitor      184—186
Filter, antialiasing      157
Filter, Bessel (Thompson)      57—59 101
Filter, Butterworth      56—57
Filter, Chebyshev      56—57
Filter, conjecture of      291
Filter, filter fork      339—340
Filter, Kalman      262
Filter, linear phase      57
Filter, transversal      264
Flexible (appendages, modes, parts, plant, structures)      77 96 115 116—119 passim
Floating capacitor      215
Flux      218 271
Follower      5 172—173
Force, analogy to current      205—207
Force, analogy to voltage      208
Force, back electromotive      104 223 228
Foster, R., canonical two-pole      180
Foster, R., theorem      180 230
Four-port network      379
Fourier, formulas      291
Fourier, law      208
Free run velocity      213
Frequency, crossover      8
Frequency, Nyquist      148
Frequency, response      7 360—361 passim
Frequency, sampling      147—153
Friction, Coulomb      227
Friction, viscous      226—227
Full-state feedback      251 254
Function, all-pass      86
Function, bilinear      149 150 152 193—194 220 385
Function, lossless impedance      117—118 229—231 371
Function, minimum phase      74—75 79 87 391 394—395
Function, positive real      87 272 323 371
Function, transfer      363
Furnace      351 399
Fuzzy logic controller      332
Gain matrix      249
Gain scheduling      259
Gear, flow chart      225—226
Generator, saw-tooth      199 298—299
Generator, sweep      198—199
Global stability      270 315—316
Goldfarb, L. S      291
Ground      186—187
Guard-point stability margin      67
Gyroscope      234 262 405
Hard oscillation      328
Harmonic balance      289—291
Harmonics      313—314
Heater      209 351 399
Homing system      12 passim
Horowitz, I. M.      IV 18 245 441
Horowitz, I. M., sensitivity      18—19
Hot controller switching      335
Hydraulic systems      209—211
Hysteresis      297
Hysteresis, negative      310
Hysteresis, negative, phase lag of      297
I-plane      9—10
Impedance      207—208 229—230
Impedance of lossless system      118
Impedance, load      212—213 381
Impedance, mechanical      206
Impedance, RC      180
Impedance, source      212
Impedance, wave (characteristic)      231
Incremental encoder      234
Initial value and final-value theorems      362
inner loop      33
Instrumentation amplifier      188
Integral of admittance      77
Integral of feedback      75—76
Integral of gain      78—79
Integral of phase      78
Integral of resistance      76—77
Integrator, Clegg      310—311
Integrator, discrete trapezoidal      146—149
Integrator, half-integrator approximation      134
Integrator, link      12
Integrator, op-amp implementation      171—172
Integrator, switched-capacitor      184
Interferometer, laser      234
Interferometer, orbiting stellar      40 417
Intermodulation      314—315
Internal feedback      68
Inverse describing function      292
Iso-f, iso-E, iso-w lines and responses      300—306
Johnson (Nyquist) noise      171
Jump-resonance      324—327
Junction of links      211—212
Kinematic nonlinearity      267
Kochenburger, R      291
Ladder network      75 86—87
Lag, compensator      135—136 174 175
Lag, nonminimum phase      74 85—86 113 394
Laplace transfer function      363—366
Laplace transform      362
Laser interferometer      234
Lead compensator      135—136 154 174—175 182
Limit cycle      268
Line, transmission      231
Linear Quadratic Gaussian      253—255
Linear Quadratic Regulator      253—254
Linear systems      1
links      1 352—353
LMI      256
Load, cell      206—207 228—229
Load, effect on feedback      219—220
Load, impedance      212—213
Load, resistance      213
Loading diagram      213
Loading line      213
Logarithmic amplifier      199 264
Loop transfer recovery      255
Loop, common      37 311—312
Loop, crossed      38—39
Loop, gain      7
Loop, inner      33
Loop, local      37—38 311—312
Loop, main and vernier      39—40 405—406 417
Loop, nested      38
Loop, outer      33
Loop, phase shift      7
Loop, tangent      41
Lossless distributed structure      230—231
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