Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Marcus M., Minc H. — Introduction to Linear Algebra |
Предметный указатель |
Rational form 146
Real normal matrix 56
Ring 2
Ring, commutative 2
rng T 18
Root of an equation 146
Row equivalent matrices 93
Row of a matrix 47
Row operation, elementary 89
Row rank of a matrix 79
Row space of a matrix 79
Scalar multiplication 3
Scalar product of a matrix 50
Scalar product of a transformation 17
Scalars 3
Schur's inequality (Theorem 3.6) 169
Schur's theorem (Theorem 2.6) 158
Sequence sets 125
Set notation 19
Set, maximal 11
Signum of a permutation 113
Similar matrices 74
Similarity 74
Similarity, orthogonal 158
Similarity, unitary 158
Simultaneous diagonalization 172
Simultaneous triangularization 172
Singular matrix 70
Singular transformation 65
Singular values 191
Skew-Hermitian matrix 56
Skew-hermitian transformation 56
Skew-symmetric matrix 56
Skew-symmetric transformation 56
Space spanned by a set 5
Space, Euclidean 31
Space, unitary 31
Spanning set 5
Square root 185
Standard basis 5
Standard inner product 30
Subdeterminant 126
Subdeterminant, principal 126
SubMatrix 126
Submatrix, principal 126
subspace 11
Subspace, invariant 64 99 143
Subspaces, direct sum of 35
Subspaces, intersection of 36
Subspaces, sum of 35
Sum of matrices 49
Sum of matrices, direct 95
Sum of subspaces 35
Sum of transformations 17
Sum, direct 35
Sylvester's law of nullity 19
| Symmetric group of degree n 108
Symmetric matrix 56
Symmetric transformation 56
T* 53
tr(a) 151
Trace 151
Transformation 1-1 65
Transformation, adjoint of 53
Transformation, hermitian 56
Transformation, identity 18
Transformation, inverse of 64
Transformation, kernel of 18
Transformation, linear 16
Transformation, linear extension 21
Transformation, nonsingular 65
Transformation, normal 56
Transformation, nullity of 24
Transformation, one-one; 65
Transformation, onto 65
Transformation, orthogonal 56
Transformation, range of 18
Transformation, rank of 24
Transformation, singular 65
Transformation, skew-hermitian 56
Transformation, skew-symmetric 56
Transformation, symmetric 56
Transformation, unitary 56
Transformations, distributive law 18
Transformations, product of 17
Transformations, sum of 17
Transposition 111
Triangle inequality 40
Triangular matrix 155
Unit matrix 69
Unit vector 31
Unitary equivalence 158
Unitary matrix 56
Unitary similarity 158
Unitary space 31
Unitary transformation 56
Unknowns 146
Upper triangular matrix 155
Vector addition 3
Vector space 2
Vector space of n-tuples 4
Vector, characteristic 144
Vector, coordinate 78
Vector, fixed 143
Vector, length of 31
Vector, norm of, Si Vectors 2
Vector, unit 31
Vectors, orthogonal 31
Vectors, orthonormal 31
Zero matrix 47
Zero of a polynomial 147
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