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Marcus M., Minc H. — Introduction to Linear Algebra |
Предметный указатель |
86 90
(u,v) 29
1-1 transformation 65
A* 52
Addition, vector 3
Additive identity 2
Additive inverse 2
adj A 136
Adjoint 52
Adjugate 136
Arithmetic-geometric mean inequality 170
Associativity 2
Associativity of matrix multiplication 50
Basis 5
Basis, o.n. 31
Basis, standard 5
Bessel's inequality 39
Bilinear function 58
Bilinearity, conjugate 30
Block multiplication of matrices 94
Brauer, A. 198
C(a) 79
Canonical form of a matrix 106
Cassini ovals 198
Cauchy number 112
Cauchy — Binet theorem 128
Cauchy — Schwarz inequality 40
Cauchy's inequalities 203
Cayley — Hamilton theorem 163
Characteristic equation 148
Characteristic matrix 147
Characteristic polynomial 147
Characteristic root 144
Characteristic vector 144
Coefficients 4 146
Column of a matrix 47
Column operations, elementary 91
Column rank of a matrix 79
Column space of a matrix 79
Commutative ring 2
Commutativity 2
Complementary sequence 126
Conformal partitioning 93
Conjugate bilinearity 30
Conjugate of a matrix 52
Conjugate symmetry 29
Conjugate transpose of a matrix 52
Coordinate vector 78
Courant — Fischer theorem 201
Cramer's rule 137
Cycles, disjoint 111
Degree of a polynomial 146
det (A) 120
Determinant 120
Determinant, expansion by column 135
Determinant, expansion by row 135
Determinant, Laplace expansion of 130 132
Diagonal corresponding to a permutation 119
Diagonal matrix 47
Diagonal of a matrix 119
Diagonal product 119
Diagonal, main 47
dim V 10
Direct sum of matrices 95
Direct sum of subspaces 35
Disjoint cycles 111
Distributive law for transformations 18
Distributive laws of matrix multiplication 50
Distributivity 2
Eigenvalue 144
Eigenvector 144
Element of a matrix 47
Elementary column matrices 92
Elementary column operations 91
Elementary column operations, 91
Elementary column operations, 91
Elementary column operations, 91
Elementary matrices 91
Elementary row operations 89
Elementary row operations, 89
Elementary row operations, 89
Elementary row operations, 89
Elementary symmetric function 149
Entry of a matrix 47
Equation, characteristic 148
Equivalence, unitary 158
Equivalent matrices 93
Equivalent systems 87
Euclidean space 31
Even permutations 112
Expansion by column 135
Expansion by row 135
Finite dimensional 5
Fixed vector 143
Gersgorin's disks 197
Gersgorin's theorem 197
Gram matrix 182
Gram — Schmidt process 32
Hadamard determinant theorem 199
Hermite normal form 99
Hermitian matrix 56
Hermitian transformation 56
Homogeneous linear equations 25 78
Homomorphism 16
Idempotent 165
| Identity matrix 47
Identity transformation 18
Identity, additive 2
Identity, multiplicative 2
Independent indeterminates 146
Indeterminate 145
Inner product 29 30
Intersection of subspaces 36
Intersection of subspaces, 36
Invariant subspace 64 99 143
Inverse of a matrix 70
Inverse of a transformation 64
K-cycle 110
ker T 18
Kernel of a transformation 18
Kronecker delta 5
L(U,V) 18
Laplace expansion theorem 130 132
latent root 144
Latent vector 144
Length of a vector 31
Length of orbit 111
linear combination 4
Linear dependence 4
Linear equations 24 78 137
Linear equations, homogeneous 25 78
Linear equations, nonhomogeneous 25
Linear extension of a transformation 21
Linear independence 5
Linear mapping 16
Linear transformation 16
Linear transformation, matrix representation of 46
Linearity of inner product 29
Lower triangular matrix 155
Main diagonal 47
Mapping, linear 16
Matrices, block multiplication of 94
Matrices, direct sum of 95
Matrices, elementary 91
Matrices, equivalent 93
Matrices, product of 49
Matrices, row equivalent 93
Matrices, sum of 49
Matrix 46
Matrix multiplication, associativity of 50
Matrix multiplication, distributive laws of 50
Matrix over Ry 46
Matrix polynomial 162
Matrix representation of a transformation 46
Matrix similarity 74
Matrix, canonical form of 106
Matrix, characteristic 147
Matrix, column of 47
Matrix, column rank of 79
Matrix, column space of 79
Matrix, conjugate of 52
Matrix, conjugate transpose of 52
Matrix, diagonal 47
Matrix, diagonal of 119
Matrix, element of 47
Matrix, entry of 47
Matrix, Gram 182
Matrix, Hermite normal form of 99
Matrix, hermitian 56
Matrix, identity 47
Matrix, inverse of 70
Matrix, lower triangular 155
Matrix, n-square 47
Matrix, nonsingular 70
Matrix, normal 56
Matrix, null space of 78
Matrix, orthogonal 56
Matrix, permutation 164
Matrix, powers of 50
Matrix, rank of 82
Matrix, row of 47
Matrix, row rank of 79
Matrix, row space of 79
Matrix, scalar product of 50
Matrix, singular 70
Matrix, skew-Hermitian 56
Matrix, skew-symmetric 56
Matrix, symmetric 56
Matrix, transpose of 51
Matrix, triangular 155
Matrix, unit 69
Matrix, unitary 56
Matrix, upper triangular 155
Matrix, zero 47
Maximal set 11
Monomial 145
Multiplication scalar 3
Multiplication, scalar 17
Multiplicative identity 2
Multiplicative inverse 2
n-square matrix 47
n-tuples 4
Nilpotent 165
Nonhomogeneous linear equations 25
Nonnegative hermitian matrix 182
Nonsingular matrix 70
Nonsingular transformation 65
Norm 31
Normal matrix 56
Normal transformation 56
Null space of a matrix 78
Nullity of a transformation 24
O.n. 31
O.n. basis 31
Odd permutations 112
One-one transformation 65
Onto transformation 65
Orbit 111
Orthogonal 31
Orthogonal complement 31
Orthogonal matrix 56
Orthogonal similarity 158
Orthogonal transformation 56
Orthonormal 31
Ostrowski, A. 198
Parseval's identity 40
per (A) 120
Permanent 120
Permanent, Laplace expansion of 142
Permutation 108
Permutation matrix 164
Permutation, even and odd 112
Permutation, signum of 113
Perpendicular 31
Polar factorization theorem 188
Polynomial 145
Polynomial, characteristic 147
Polynomial, matrix 162
Positive definite 29 182
Positive semidefinite 182
Powers of a matrix 50
Principal subdeterminant 126
Principal submatrix 126
Product of matrices 49
Product of permutations 108
Product of transformations 17
Product, inner 29
Projection theorem 36
Proper value 144
Ptoper vector 144
Quadratic function 58
r(A) 79
Range of a transformation 18
Rank of a matrix 82
Rank of a transformation 24
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