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Raabe D. — Computational materials science |
Предметный указатель |
Statistical kinetics 53 ff
Statistical mechanics 51 53 60 63 71
Statistical mechanics, equilibrium 53
Statistical mechanics, non-equilibrium 53 55
Statistical model 26 ff 114
Statistical numerical solution 51
Statistical plasticity model 16 f
Statistical plasticity model, three-parameter 17
Statistical plasticity model, two-parameter 17
Statistical thermodynamics 53 ff
Stochastic 52 87 321
Stochastic cellular automata 208
Stochastic event 66
Stochastic in molecular dynamics 103
Stochastic matrix 73
Stochastic model 26 ff
Stochastic modeling 117
Stochastic process 61
Stochastic sampling 61 64 66 117
Stochastic trajectory 52 55
Stochastic transformation rule 203
Stored elastic energy, orientation dependence 226
Straight dislocation 118
strain 16
Strain, field 122 ff
Strain, Green — Lagrange 261
Strain, hardening 168
Strain, homogeneity 270
Strain, rate 16
Strain, rate sensitivity 118 120 290
Strain, rate tensor 260
Strain, relaxation 25
Stress, Cauchy tensor 261
Stress, deviator 126
Stress, field 124 ff
Stress, fluctuation criterion 154
Stress, function, Airy’s 136 ff
Stress, homogeneity 270
Stress, Piola — Kirchhoff tensor 261
Stress, strain, conjugate 261 ff
Stress-strain behavior 120
Structure 94
Structure domain 114
Structure domain, amorphous 114
Structure domain, crystalline 114
Structure, evolution 116 304
Structure, evolution equation 6 17 162
Structure, of models 14
Structure, polymer 114
Structure, units 115
Subdomain 41
Subgrain, scale 249
Subgrain, wall 25
Sum over states 58
Superconductivity 9 50
Superposition principle 30
surface 84
Symmetric part, displacement gradient tensor 124
Symmetrical matrix 73
Symmetry 67
Symmetry breaking 252
System, average 55
System, bus 317
System, conservative 98
System, ergodic 52
Tailoring of materials 113 177
Taylor expansion 38 102 126
Taylor factor 9 17
Taylor model 5 25 298
Taylor model, brass shear 288
Taylor model, example 298 ff
Taylor model, full-constraints 280 ff
Taylor model, full-constraints viscoplastic 298
Taylor model, lath 288
Taylor model, pancake 288
Taylor model, relaxed-constraints 287 ff
Taylor model, relaxed-constraints pancake viscoplastic 298
Taylor series expansion 40
Taylor — Bishop — Hill model 9 250 267 287
Temporal discretization 23
Temporal evolution 55
Tensor 16
Tensor, displacement gradient 124
Tensor, invariants 126
Tensor, strain 124
Tensor, stress 126
Tensor, stress deviator 126
Ternary alloy 77
Texture 9 24 268 270 297
TFLOP/s 315
Theory of deriving models 13 ff
Theory, phase field 9 177 187
Thermal activation 18 164
thermal conductivity 50
Thermal conductivity, ceramics 50
Thermal conductivity, metals 50
Thermal conductivity, semiconductors 50
Thermal equilibrium 73
Thermal expansion 51
Thermal force 156 160
Thermal neutron 66
Thermionic valve 315 f
Thermodynamic limes 60
Thermodynamics 5 9 53 78 178
Thermodynamics, equilibrium 5 87 160
Thermodynamics, non-equilibrium 5 17 113
Thermodynamics, state function 53
Thermodynamics, statistical 53 ff
Thin film 233
Thin film, deposition 84
Thin film, microstructure 84
Three-dimensional dislocation dynamics 5
Tight-binding potential 26 90 93 95
Time and length scale 12
Time and length scale, physical 12
Time and length scale, spanning 11
Time, dependent 49
Time, derivative 29 33
Time, evolution 88
Time, interval 34 f
Time, reversible Verlet algorithm 101 ff
Time, scale 23 304
Time, step 88
| Time, trajectory 55
Topological network model 5 11 25 115 118 239
Topological network model, application 241 ff
Topological network model, examples 242 ff
topology 27
Topology, thin film 233
Topology, Voronoi 118
Topology, Wigner — Seitz 118
Total differential 17
Totalistic cellular automata 207
Traction 126
Trail functions 251
Trajectory 52
Trajectory, deterministic 52 ff
Trajectory, in phase space 55
Trajectory, stochastic 52 ff
Transformation 78 177 198 249 250
Transformation rule 116 117 207
Transformation rule, deterministic 201 ff
Transformation rule, global 201 ff
Transformation rule, local 116 201
Transformation rule, long-range interaction 203
Transformation rule, probabilistic 201 ff
Transformation rule, short-range interaction 203
Transformation rule, stochastic 203
Transformation, in ceramics 178 198
Transformation, in metals 178 198
Transformation, in polymers 178 198
transistor 315 f
Transition, matrix 73
Transition, metal 92
Transition, probability 51
Transition, probability matrix 73
Translational discrepancy 322
Translational equilibrium 127
Transport, coefficient 53
Transport, equation 53
Trial function 33 41 43
Trial state 73
TRUE 321
Truncation error 20 34
Tungsten 92
Twist boundary 84
Two-dimensional dislocation dynamics 5
ULSI 316
Ultra Large-Scale Integration 316
Uncorrelated random number 61
Unit communication network 317
Upper-bound parameter 307
Vacancy 5
Vacancy formation 92
Valence electron 94 f
Van der Waals, bond 89 91
Van der Waals, solid 92
Variable, dependent 12 14 30 322
Variable, energy 55
Variable, extensive 15
Variable, independent 12 14 29 322
Variable, intensive 15
Variable, mass-dependent 15
Variable, mass-independent 15
Variable, particle number 55
Variable, pressure 55
Variable, state 12 14
Variable, temperature 55
Variable, volume 55
Variational method 44
Variational potential energy principle 252
Variational Principle 251 f
Variational principle, Dirichlet 251
Variational principle, virtual displacement 251
Variational problem 43
Variational quantum Monte Carlo method 26
Variational virtual displacement principle 251
VAX 317
Vector computing 315
Vein 114
Velocity, atom 102
Velocity, field 103
Velocity, gradient tensor 260
Verlet method 33 38 52 87 101
Vertex model 5 9 25 115 118 239
Vertex model, application 241 ff
Vertex model, bulging phenomena 241
Vertex model, continuous grain growth 241
Vertex model, continuous recrystallization 241
Vertex model, crystal recovery 241
Vertex model, discontinuous grain growth 241
Vertex model, examples 242 ff
Vertex model, incipient stages of discontinuous recrystallization 241
Vertex model, low-cycle fatigue deformation 241
Vertex model, nucleation 241
Vertex model, subgrain growth 241
Vertex model, superplastic deformation 241
Very large-scale integration 316
Virtual displacement principle 43 251
Viscoplastic deformation 270 ff 272
Viscoplastic dislocation dynamics 164
Viscoplastic dynamics 118
Viscoplastic flow 120
Viscoplastic model 290 298
Viscous dislocation dynamics 164
Viscous dynamics 118 120
Viscous flow 120
VLSI 316
Voigt model 9 267 273
Volterra model, D. 136
Volume, dilatation 261
Volume, of simulation box 100
von Neumann configuration 64 ff 206 317
Voronoi topology 118
Water 89
Wave equation 32 ff 49 252
Wave function 87 95
Wave mechanics 95
Weak pseudopotential 90
Weight distribution function 58
Weighted integration 71 ff
Weighting function 44 71 319
Wigner — Seitz topology 118
Workstation 88
Yield surface 126 257 270
Zener anisotropy ratio 131
Zustandsintegral 58 60
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