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Raabe D. — Computational materials science |
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Material, science and engineering 9
Material, synthesis 104
Mathematical approximation technique 33
Mathematical model 14 ff
Mathematical state variable model 18
Matrix, diagonalization 96
Matrix, of the Markov chain 73
Matrix, transition probability 73
Maxwell distribution 103
Mean free path 316
Mean free path, electron 316
Mean free path, hole 316
Mechanical equation of state 155 ff
Mechanical properties 5
Medium, anisotropic elastic 118
Medium, isotropic elastic 118
Medium, linear elastic 118
Membrane equation 32
Memory-processor system 315
mesh 41
Mesoscale 250 f
Mesoscale, boundary-value problem 33
Mesoscale, cellular automata 116
Mesoscale, continuum model 11 116
Mesoscale, model 11
Mesoscale, Potts model 225 ff
Mesoscale, simulation 11 113
Mesoscale, simulation, constitutive law 113
Mesoscale, simulation, continuum 113
Mesoscale, simulation, dislocation dynamics 116
Mesoscale, simulation, line defect 116
Mesoscale, simulation, long-range interaction 116
Mesoscale, simulation, methods 113 115
Mesoscale, simulation, phenomenological 113
Mesoscale, simulation, short-range interaction 116
Mesoscopic 5 22 52 249
Mesoscopic average 15
Mesoscopic development of domain size 227
Mesoscopic many-body problem 23
Mesoscopic model 23
Mesoscopic scale 249 ff
Metal 104 114
Metal oxide, field-effect transistor 316
Metal oxide, semiconductor 315
Metallic bond 89
Metropolis Monte Carlo method 5 9 11 51 63 71 87 90 113
Metropolis Monte Carlo method, canonical ensemble 74 ff
Metropolis Monte Carlo method, grandcanonical ensemble 75 ff
Metropolis Monte Carlo method, microcanonical ensemble 74 ff
MFA model 78
MFLOP/s 315
microcanonical ensemble 56 ff 71
Microcanonical ensemble, discrete energies 59
Micromechanics 24
Microscale simulation 113 ff
Microscopic 5 22 53 249
Microscopic, analysis 55
Microscopic, field kinetic theory 9 177
Microscopic, many-body problem 23
Microscopic, model 23
Microscopic, phase field kinetic model 16 f 25 177 193
Microscopic, state 55 ff
Microscopic, variable 55
Microstructure 5 ff 9 17 177
Microstructure, definition 5 ff
Microstructure, dynamics 51 f
Microstructure, evolution 5 9 52 87 113 225 249 303
Microstructure, evolution, direction 5
Microstructure, evolution, path 5
Microstructure, evolution, path-dependence 52
Microstructure, evolution, prediction 23
Microstructure, evolution, space 55
Microstructure, evolution, time 55
Microstructure, hierarchy 5 ff 305
Microstructure, homogenization 249
Microstructure, kinetics 5 9 113 303
Microstructure, length scales 114 ff 304
Microstructure, many-body interaction phenomena 9
Microstructure, mechanics 9 15 24
Microstructure, mechanisms 113
Microstructure, modeling 5
Microstructure, morphology 9 24
Microstructure, optimization 113
Microstructure, path 52 113 120
Microstructure, scales 5 114
Microstructure, scales, definition 5 ff
Microstructure, simulation 5 9 304
Microstructure, simulation methods 12
Microstructure, simulation, 3D 118
Microstructure, simulation, atomistic 53
Microstructure, simulation, conservation law 304
Microstructure, simulation, control 55
Microstructure, simulation, definition 23 ff
Microstructure, simulation, deterministic 52
Microstructure, simulation, discrete 53
Microstructure, simulation, discretized 115
Microstructure, simulation, flow law 304
Microstructure, simulation, general considerations 12 ff
Microstructure, simulation, how-to-do list 12 ff
Microstructure, simulation, integration 304
Microstructure, simulation, scale coupling 304
Microstructure, simulation, statistical 53
Microstructure, simulation, stochastic 52
Microstructure, tailoring 113
Microstructure, temporal evolution 14
Microstructure, topology 24
Microstructure-property relation 303
Microtexture 9
Million instructions per second 315
MIMD 317
Minimum potential energy principle 251
mips 315
MISD 317
Misfit dislocation 104
Misorientation 18 205
Mixing energy 77
Mobile junction 168
Mobility 118 178 239
Mobility, lattice defect 178
Model 13
Model, ab-initio 6 14 27
Model, abstraction 13
Model, analytical solution 20
Model, atomistic 14 24
Model, beyond the atomic scale 14
Model, Bishop — Hill 286 ff
Model, bond order 94 ff
Model, boundary dynamics 115
Model, Bragg — Williams — Gorsky 9
Model, Cahn — Hilliard 11 17
Model, calibration 116
Model, classification 11 23
Model, cluster variation 9
Model, constitutive 14 18
Model, continuum 11 13 24 114
Model, crystal plasticity finite element 11
Model, definition 13 fF
Model, dependent variable 6
Model, descriptive character 27 fF
Model, design 20
Model, deterministic 26 fF
Model, empirical 12 14 27 114
Model, Eshelby 276 ff
Model, evolution equation 6
Model, first-principles 12 26
Model, formal 321
Model, formulation 13 ff 20
Model, full-constraints 280 ff
Model, geometrical 115 118
| Model, Ginzburg — Landau 9 f 181
Model, Hashin — Shtrikman 275 ff
Model, heuristic 14
Model, heuristical 6
Model, how to structure 14
Model, inclusion 276 ff
Model, independent variable 6
Model, input 20
Model, Ising 76 ff 87
Model, kinematics 6
Model, kinetic 28
Model, kinetic multistate Potts Monte Carlo 11 116 229
Model, kinetic phase field 11
Model, Kocks — Mecking 22
Model, Kroner 280 ff
Model, localized-orbital 94
Model, macroscopic 23
Model, mathematical 18 321
Model, mesoscale 11 14 115
Model, microscale 14
Model, microscopic phase field kinetic 178
Model, microstructure 23
Model, molecular field approximation 9
Model, Monte Carlo 61
Model, multistate Potts 11 225
Model, nanoscale 14
Model, network 9 115
Model, non-space discretized 114
Model, overview 5 ff
Model, pair-functional 93
Model, path-dependence 28
Model, phase field 9 11 34 177 187
Model, phenomenological 6 11 27 114
Model, physical mechanism 14
Model, polycrystal plasticity 291
Model, Potts 9 87 115 225
Model, predictive power 11 23
Model, pseudopotential 94
Model, relaxed-constraints 287 ff
Model, Reuss 274 ff
Model, Sachs 288 ff
Model, scale 23
Model, scaling 116
Model, self-consistent 9 280 291 298
Model, self-consistent viscoplastic 298
Model, shell 93 ff
Model, space-discretized 114
Model, spring 9
Model, state equation 6
Model, state variable 6
Model, static 28
Model, statistical 26 ff 114
Model, statistical kinematical 12
Model, statistical plasticity 17
Model, stochastic 26 ff
Model, structure 13
Model, Taylor 280 ff
Model, theoretical 14
Model, tight-binding 95 ff
Model, topological network 11 115
Model, vertex 9 11 115 118
Model, Voigt 273 ff
Modeling and simulation 6 13 20
Modeling and simulation, basic idea 14 ff
Modeling and simulation, basic steps 6
Modeling and simulation, definition 6 13 18 23
Modeling and simulation, distinction from simulation 22
Modeling and simulation, how to do 14
Modeling and simulation, integrated 11 303
Modeling and simulation, numerical 13 20
Modeling and simulation, principle 13
Modeling and simulation, theory 13 ff
Mohr circle 126
Molecular Dynamics 5 11 17 22 26 33 38 51 79 87 94 98 100 113 249
Molecular dynamics, ab-initio 9 97
Molecular dynamics, Andersen scheme 100 ff
Molecular dynamics, application 104 ff
Molecular dynamics, attractive terms in potentials 91
Molecular dynamics, boundary conditions 103
Molecular dynamics, Coloumb interaction of nuclei 91
Molecular dynamics, constant pressure 100 ff
Molecular dynamics, constant temperature 101 ff
Molecular dynamics, empirical pair potential 90 ff
Molecular dynamics, equations of motion 100
Molecular dynamics, finite difference method 38
Molecular dynamics, introduction 87 ff
Molecular dynamics, Lennard — Jones pair potential 88 91
Molecular dynamics, Morse pair potential 88
Molecular dynamics, Nose scheme 101 ff
Molecular dynamics, number of atoms 88
Molecular dynamics, pair potential 90 ff
Molecular dynamics, pair potential, empirical 91 ff
Molecular dynamics, pair potential, Lennard — Jones 91 ff
Molecular dynamics, pair potential, Morse 91 ff
Molecular dynamics, Parinello scheme 100 ff
Molecular dynamics, Pauli repulsion 91
Molecular dynamics, polymer 106
Molecular dynamics, solution of equations of motion 101
Molecular dynamics, stochastics 103
Molecular field approximation 9 78
Molecule 53 55 88 98
Molecule, crystal 91
Molecule, orbital 89
Momentum vector 55 58 87
Monomer 106
Monte Carlo method 9 11 26 51 61 204 208 213 225
Monte Carlo method, algorithm 87
Monte Carlo method, application in materials science 81 ff
Monte Carlo method, characteristic steps 61 ff
Monte Carlo method, classification 63
Monte Carlo method, direct integration 51
Monte Carlo method, equilibrium states 51
Monte Carlo method, Hamiltonian 63
Monte Carlo method, Heisenberg spin model 77
Monte Carlo method, hit-or-miss method 66
Monte Carlo method, importance sampling 63 67 71
Monte Carlo method, in materials science, crystal growth 81
Monte Carlo method, in materials science, diffusion 81
Monte Carlo method, in materials science, epitaxial growth 81
Monte Carlo method, in materials science, fracture 81
Monte Carlo method, in materials science, heteropliase interface 81
Monte Carlo method, in materials science, phase transformation 81
Monte Carlo method, in materials science, polymers 81
Monte Carlo method, in materials science, surface and interface phenomena 81
Monte Carlo method, in materials science, thermodynamics 81
Monte Carlo method, integration 52 66 68 71
Monte Carlo method, Ising lattice 63
Monte Carlo method, kinetic 52 225
Monte Carlo method, lattice gas spin model 78 ff
Monte Carlo method, lattice type 63
Monte Carlo method, mesoscale 225
Monte Carlo method, Metropolis algorithm 5 51 73
Monte Carlo method, microstructure simulation 51
Monte Carlo method, multistate 225
Monte Carlo method, naive sampling 63 68
Monte Carlo method, non-overlapping random walk 84
Monte Carlo method, path-dependent prediction 51
Monte Carlo method, path-independent prediction 51
Monte Carlo method, Potts model 63 225
Monte Carlo method, quantum mechanical 77
Monte Carlo method, random walk 84
Monte Carlo method, sampling method 63
Monte Carlo method, simple sampling 63 68
Monte Carlo method, simulation 52 63
Monte Carlo method, statistics 51
Moore configuration 206 ff 208
Morphology 9
Morse pair potential 88 91
MSI 316
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