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Raabe D. — Computational materials science |
Предметный указатель |
Grain, interaction model 289 ff
Grain, scale 5 23 249
Grain, size 15
Grandcanonical ensemble 51 56
Grandcanonical ensemble, discrete energies 59
graphite 89
Green — Lagrange strain tensor 261
Green — Lagrange tensor 260
Green’s function 121 133
Green’s function, tensor 134
Green’s function, time-dependent 134
Green’s function, time-independent 134
Growth 178 198 233
Growth, grain 178 198
Growth, precipitation 178 198
GSI 316
Hamilton operator 49 ff 95
Hamilton operator, Heisenberg model 77
Hamilton operator, Ising model 76 225
Hamilton operator, Monte Carlo model 26
Hamilton operator, Potts model 11 26 78 225
Hamilton’s least action principle 99
Hard sphere potential 91
Hashin — Shtrikman model 9 267 275
Heat, capacity 55
Heat, equation 17 32 32 249
Heat, transport 5
Heisenberg spin model 77 ff
Helical periodic border condition 103
Hellmann — Feynman theorem 96
Helmholtz, equation 32 ff
Helmholtz, free energy 56
Helmholtz, phase space 53
Heterophase boundary 104
Hierarchy, relevance 305
Hierarchy, scales 305
High-angle grain boundary 23 25
Hit-or-miss integration 66 ff
Hit-or-miss integration, trial shot 67
Holonomic constraints 98
Homogeneous density 92
Homogenization 268 ff
Homophase, boundary 104
Homophase, interface 178
Hot-rolling texture 298 ff
Hybrid model 162
Hydrostatic stress 126
Hyperbolic partial differential equation 32
IBM 317
IC 316
Idea behind modeling 14 ff
Image force 156
Imitation 13
Impingement 233
Importance sampling 63 71
inclusion 195
Inclusion model 276 ff
Independent variable 9 12 14 17 30 120 322
Independent variable, discretization 32 ff
Individual defect 23
Individual particle 23
Individual particle data 55
Industrial application 23
Inertia force 156
Infinite dislocation 118 120 137
information storage 315
Initial condition 30
Initial-value condition 6 12 20
Initial-value problem 30 32 34 41 250 252
Inner cut-off radius 91
Input/output unit 317
Instruction register 317
Instruction set, complex 315 317
Instruction set, reduced 315 317
integral 68
Integral, definite 68
Integral, expression 18
Integral, formulation 43
Integral, Monte Carlo 68 ff
Integrated circuit 315
Integrated modeling and simulation 11 303
Integration 12 304
Integration, direct 11 303
Integration, equation of motion 88 101
Integration, error 20
Integration, Giga-scale 316
Integration, importance sampling 72 ff
Integration, large-scale 316
Integration, method 71
Integration, mid-scale 316
Integration, Monte Carlo 61 71
Integration, multidimensional definite integral 61
Integration, numerical 67 72
Integration, of models 304 ff
Integration, sequential 11
Integration, simultaneous 11
Integration, small-scale 316
Integration, stochastic 61 67 71
Integration, time 67
Integration, ultra large-scale 316
Integration, Verlet 101
Integration, very large-scale 316
Integration, weighted 72 ff
Integrative simulation 11
Intensive variable 28
Interaction, energy 77
Interaction, lattice defects 9
Interaction, long-range 116
Interaction, many-body 9 89 115
Interaction, particle 53
Interaction, short-range 116
Interatomic attractive 94
Interatomic empirical 92
Interatomic force 14 88
Interatomic pair potential 17
Interatomic potential 51 88 99 249
Interatomic potential, empirical 88
Interatomic potential, many-body 89
Interatomic potential, pair 90
Interatomic potential, radially symmetric 17
Interatomic repulsive 94
interatomic spacing 100
INTERFACE 12 52 84
Interface, curvature 226
Interface, energy 226
Interface, migration 178
Interface, mobility 216 ff
Interface, movement 118
Interface, phenomena 9
Interface, segregation 104
Internal interface 52 87
Internal stress 199
Interpolation function 41 255
Intrinsic calibration 116
Intrinsic point defect 114 162
Intrinsic scale 11
Intrinsic scaling 116
ionic bond 89 93
Ionic crystal 92
Ionic system 91
Ising model 51 75 87 225
Ising model, alloy 77
Ising model, interaction energy 77
Ising model, mixing energy 77
Isobaric-isothermal ensemble 56 ff
Isobaric-isothermal ensemble, discrete energies 59
Isoparametric element 41 255
Isostructural ripening 197 199
Isotropic 120
Isotropic, elastic medium 118
| Isotropic, elasticity 131 ff
Isotropic, limit 92 131
Isotropic, linear elasticity 92
Isotropic, many-body potential 90 ff
Jaumann derivative 261
Kinematic approach 120
Kinematic constraints 16 ff
Kinematic equation 16 ff
Kinematic model 22
Kinematic simulation 5 12
Kinematics 9 258
Kinetic constraints 98
kinetic energy 57 87 98
Kinetic equation 181
Kinetic equation of state 303
Kinetic field theory 5
Kinetic Monte Carlo model 225 ff
Kinetic phase field model 25 177 198
Kinetic Potts model 11 116 229
Kinetics 5 9 178
Kinetics, microstructure 9
Kinetics, of concentration changes 178
Kinetics, phase transformation 9
Kinetics, statistical 53 ff
Kirchhoff stress tensor 261
Kocks — Mecking model 16 f 22
Kohonen net 320 ff
Kroner’s self-consistent model 25 118 280
Lagrange — Euler function 98
Lagrange, equation of motion 99
Lagrange, form 99
Lagrange, formalism 99
Lagrange, formulation 98
Lagrange, representation 258 ff
Lame constants 18
Laplace, equation 32 ff
Laplace, operator 32
Large-scale, integration 316
Large-scale, problem 33
Lattice 76
Lattice, coincidence site 103
Lattice, defects 5 9 113 178
Lattice, defects, collective behavior 5
Lattice, defects, ensemble 23
Lattice, defects, kinetics 115
Lattice, defects, statics 115
Lattice, dynamics 51
Lattice, gas cellular automata 209 ff
Lattice, gas spin model 78 ff
Lattice, parameter 90 ff
Lattice, rotation 16
Lattice, site 117
Lattice, spacing 94
Lattice, structure 93
Law of motion, dislocation 120
Law of motion, Newton 120
Law of motion, portion of dislocation 120
Law of motion, strain rate sensitive 120
Law of motion, viscoplastic 120
Law of motion, viscous 120
Laws of diffusion 179 ff
LCAO 95 ff
Leap-frog method 38 ff
Learning vector quantizer 320
Least action principle 99
Length scale 304
Lennard — Jones pair potential 88 91
Levi — Civita operator 124
Lifshitz — Slyozov — Wagner (LSW) theory 178
Light alloy 199
Limit process 34
Line 315
Line, connectivity 118
Line, defect 116
Line, force 118
Linear combination of atomic orbitals 95 ff
Linear continuum elasticity 15
Linear defect 118
Linear elastic-limit criterion 154
Linear elasticity 92 118 121
Linear elasticity, anisotropic 92
Linear elasticity, isotropic 92
Linear iteration 9
Linear method 34
Linear shape function 255
Linked processes 304
Liouville theorem 57
Liquid-state phase transformation 178
Lithium 91
Local density functional theory 26 f 90 95 97
Local driving pressure 239
Local electron density 92
Local equilibrium 156
Local magnetic moment 77
Local misorientation 205 294
Local orbital model 94
Local orientation gradient 294 ff
Local transformation rule 116 204 207
Localized state 96
Logarithmic strain 261
Lomer — Cottrell lock 168
Long-range interaction 11 116 204
Los Alamos Plasticity (LAP) code 28
Lower-bound parameter 307
LSW theory 178
Luders band 114
Macrocanonical ensemble 56 ff
Macroscale 250 ff
Macroscale, boundary-value problem 33
Macroscale, deformation 249
Macroscopic 5 22 249
Macroscopic average 15
Macroscopic constraints 55
Macroscopic model 23
Macroscopic parameter 55
Macroscopic scale 9 249
Macroscopic state 55
Macroscopic transport equation 53
Macroscopic variable, energy 55
Macroscopic variable, particle number 55
Macroscopic variable, pressure 55
Macroscopic variable, temperature 55
Macroscopic variable, volume 55
Magnesium 91
Magnetic field 76
Mainframe 88
Manhattan project 64
Manufacturing process 6 16 178
Many-body interaction 9 23 53 87 104 115
Many-body interaction, long-range 204
Many-body interaction, mesoscopic 23
Many-body interaction, microscopic 23
Many-body interaction, short-range 204
Many-body potential 90 ff
Many-body potential, empirical 92 f
Many-body potential, isotropic 90 ff
Many-body potential, semi-empirical 92 f
Many-electron system 51
Many-particle simulation 64
Markov chain 51 f 73 87
Massively parallel architecture 315
Material, chemical composition 5
Material, electromagnetic properties 5
Material, engineering 5
Material, heterogeneity 11 250
Material, mechanical properties 5
Material, plasticity 251
Material, properties 5 ff
Material, research 5
Material, response 18
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