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Powers J. — An introduction to fiber optic systems |
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Absorption coefficient 164
Absorption material 36
Activation energy 141
Active region 165
Add/drop configuration 315
Add/drop devices 107
Advantages, fibers 4
Aerial cable 75
Alignment sleeve 96
Alkali halide 37
Alkaline earth fluoride 37
Amplified spontaneous emission 225 228
Amplifier, noise figure 225
Amplifier, optical 224
Amplifier, Raman fiber 235
Amplifier, saturation power 225
Amplifier, semiconductor laser 235
Amplitude distortion 201
Analog bandwidth 3
Analysis, timing 218
Angle of incidence 11
Angle, critical 12
Angular dispersion 308
Angular dispersive device 308
Angular misalignment joint loss 91
Anomalous dispersion 109 239
Anti-Stokes photon 66
Apodized gratings 106
Area, effective 64 65
ASE 225 228
ASE noise 225
Asynchronous class 274
Asynchronous traffic 273 277
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) 294
ATM, asynchronous transfer mode 294
Attenuation coefficient 34
Attenuation measurement 42
Attenuation minimum 37
Attenuation, optical 33
Attenuation-limited transmission 220
Avalanche effect 170
Avalanche photodiode 170
Avalanche photodiode, reach-through 170
bandgap energy 115 163
Bandwidth 3
Bandwidth analog 3
Bandwidth modulation 143
Baseband signal 3
Bathtub curve 137
Baud rate 210
Beam divergence 120
Beam pattern 120
BER 169
Biconic connector 96 98
bidirectional links 303
Bit period 210
Bit stuffing 287
Bit-error rate 169 182 184
Block codes 211
blue shift 73
Bright solitons 239
Brillouin gain coefficient 69
Brillouin scattering 38 313
Brillouin stimulated scattering see “Stimulated Brillouin scattering”
Broadband network 315
Broadcast-and-select network 315
Broadcast-and-select technique 307
Budget, power 212
Buffering material 74
Burial cable 75
Buried heterostructure laser 127
Buried-channel substrate laser 127
Burn-in testing 140
Burrus emitter 119
Bus, linear data 260
Butt-coupling 149
Cable 73
Cable, aerial 75
Cable, burial 75
Cable, loose-buffered 74
Cable, tight-buffered 74
Cable, undersea 74
Cabling loss 40
Carrier-induced phase noise 313
Chain network 315
Chalcogenide glasses 37
Channel, isochronous 277
Channel, overhead 283
Channel, tributary 287
Channel, virtual 295
Chirp 312
Chirp frequency 70 133 143
Chirped grating 106
Circuit decision 161
Circuit driving 145
Cladding 12
Cladding modes 20
Cladding, depressed 24
Class A node 270
Class В node 271
Class, asynchronous 274
Class, synchronous 273
Clock recovery 161
Code block 211
Code group 267
Code, Manchester 210
Code, nonreturn-to-zero (NRZ) 210
Code, RZ (return-to-zero) 210
Coding data 209
Coefficient, absorption, fiber 164
Coefficient, attenuation 34
Coherent detection 310
Collision length 246
Combiner 103
Compensation dispersion 108 235
Concentrator 271
Conditioner, signal, high-speed 286
Cone, fiber acceptance 150
Confinement, optical 11
Connection service 294
Connectionless service 294
Connector 95
Connector, biconic 96 98
Connector, D3 99
Connector, expanded-beam 97
Connector, FC 99
Connector, FC/PC 99
Connector, FDDI 99
Connector, loss measurement 100
Connector, SC 99
Connector, SMA 98
Connector, ST 98
Convertors mode 236
Core 12
Coupler 303
Coupler fabrication 104
Coupler, directional 103
Coupler, fused 104
Coupler, mode-mixing rod 104
Coupling butt 149
Coupling efficiency 85 147
Coupling fraction 102
Coupling source-to-fiber 147
Critical angle 12
Critical length 71
Cross-phase modulation 73 246
Crosstalk 5 73 306
Current dark 172
Current threshold 129
| Cutback method 43
Cutoff, long-wavelength 163
Cutoff, wavelength 21 306
D3 connector 99
Damage facet 139
Damage formation, internal 140
Dark current 172
Dark lines 140
Dark soliton 239
data coding 209
Data frame 268
data rate 3
Data rate-distance product 63
Data rates, standard 3
dbm 34
DBR laser 135 143 303
DBR tuning 322
Dead zone 43
Decision circuit 161
Degradation ohmic contact 139
Delay group 55
Delay time, maximum access 275
Demultiplexer 103 303
Demultiplexing 102
Dense WDM 303
depletion region 162
Depressed cladding 24
Detection level 182
Detection, coherent 310
Device, add/drop 107
Device, dispersive 308
Device, filtering 309
DFB laser 143 303 310 312
DFB tuning 322
DFR laser 310
Diameter, mode field 22
Diffusion time 177
Digitization 4
Diode, light emitting (LED) 113
Diode, pin 165
Direct transition 114
Directional coupler 103
dispersion 44
Dispersion compensation 108 235 236
Dispersion flattening 53 54
Dispersion length 239
Dispersion management 236 314
Dispersion material 45 53 61
Dispersion waveguide 49 53
Dispersion, anomalous 109 239
Dispersion, modal 55 62
Dispersion, normal 109
Dispersion, shifting 52 53
Dispersion-compensating fiber 236
Dispersion-limited distance 220
Dispersion-limited transmission 220
Dispersion-shifted fiber 52
Displacement, lateral 88
Displacement, longitudinal 90
Distance, dispersion-limited 220
Distortion amplitude 201
Distributed Bragg reflector see “DBR”
Distributed feedback see “DFB” 143
Distributed-feedback (DFB) laser 134 312
Distribution mode 101
Distribution power 86
Divergence beam 120
Double heterostructure 118
Double-channel planar buried-heterostructure laser 127
Double-clad fiber 54
Dual-attachment station 270
Dynamic OTDR 78
Dynamic range 215 263
Early-release token 270
Edge jitter 202
Effect, avalanche 170
Effective area 64 65
Effective length 65
Effects, nonlinear 312
Efficiency 129 275
Efficiency, coupling 85 147
Efficiency, external quantum 130
Efficiency, incremental 130
Efficiency, internal quantum 114
Efficiency, operating 123
Efficiency, overall electrical conversion 129
Efficiency, quantum 166
Elastomer splice 95
Electromagnetic interference 4
Electromagnetic mode 131
Electron 113
Electron, ionization rate 170
Electronic driving circuit 145
Emission, spontaneous 114 144
Emission, stimulated 114
Emitter wavelength 115
Ending Delimiter (ED) field 268
Energy, activation 141
Energy, bandgap 115 163
Envelope synchronous payload 283
Equalization 236
Equalizer 161
Equation, Schrodinger nonlinear 240
Equilibrium mode simulator 101
Erbium-doped fiber amplifier 227
Error rate, bit (BER) 169
Excess, loss 105 308
Excess, noise 173
Excess, noise factor 173
Expanded-beam connector 97
External quantum efficiency 130
External-element tuning 322
Extinction ratio 145 201
Eye pattern 201
Fabrication, coupler 104
Fabry — Perot (FP) laser 312
Fabry — Perot interferometer filters 322
Fabry — Perot resonator filter 310
Facet, damage 139
Factor, noise 192
Far-field MFD 23
FC connector 99
FC/PC connector 99
FDDI 265
FDDI connector 99
Ferrule 96
Fiber acceptance cone 150
Fiber amplifier, erbium-doped 227
Fiber dispersion-compensating 236
Fiber dispersion-shifted 52
Fiber distributed data interface (FDDI) 265
Fiber double-clad 54
Fiber end preparation 92
Fiber graded-index 25
Fiber multimode 16
Fiber single-mode 7 20
Fiber W 54
Field, beam radius 24
Field, Ending Delimiter (ED) 268
Field, Frame Check Sequence (FCS) 268
Field, Frame Status (FS) 268
Field, information 268
Field, Preamble (PA) 268
Field, Preamble Destination Address (DA) 268
Field, Preamble Frame Control (FC) 268
Field, Preamble Starting Delimiter (SD) 268
Field, Source Address (SA) 268
Figure, noise 192
Filler yarns see “Yarns filler”
Filter 161
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