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Powers J. — An introduction to fiber optic systems |
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Filter, Fabry — Perot 310
Filter, Fabry — Perot interferometer 322
Filter, interference 309
Filter, multilayer 322
Filter, semiconductor amplifier 310
Filter, sliding 245
Filter, tunable, integrated-optic 322
Filtering devices see “Filter”
Finesse 310
Fixed-location mapping 287
Flattening dispersion 53 54
Floating VT payload 292
Four-photon mixing 40 73 313
Four-wave mixing see “Four-photon mixing”
Fraction, coupling 102
Fractional change (index of refraction) 13
Frame 267
Frame Check Sequence (FCS) field 268
Frame data 268
Frame Status (FS) field 268
Frame stripping 270
Free spectral range 310
Frequency, chirp 70 133 143 312
Frequency, intermediate 310
Fresnel reflection loss 92 154
Front-end 189
Front-end, high-impedance 189
Front-end, integrating 189
Front-end, low-impedance 189
Front-end, transimpedance 191
Fused coupler 104
Fusion splicing technique 93
Gain coefficient, Brillouin 69
Gain saturation 225
Gain-guiding 127
Glasses, chalcogenide 37
Glasses, halide 37
Glasses, heavy-metal 37
Gordon — Haus limit 244
Graded-index fiber 25
Graded-index lens 155
Gradient 26
Grating 106
Grating, apodized 106
Grating, chirped 106
Grating, quarter-wavelength 135
Grating, reflectors 108
Grind-and-polish technique 93
Group code 267
Group delay 55
Halide alkali 37
Halide glasses 37
Heavy-metal oxide glasses 37
Heterojunctions 113
Hierarchy, synchronous digital (SDH) 281
High-impedance front-end 189
High-speed signal conditioner 286
History of fibers 7
hole 113
Hole ionization rate 170
Homojunctions 113
Hopping mode 156
Hydrogen loading 106
Impact ionization 170
Impurities material 36
Incidence, angle 11
Incremental efficiency 130
Index matching epoxy 92
Index matching gel 92
Index of refraction 11
Index profile, optimum 59
Indirect transition 114
Information field 268
Insertion loss 102
Insertion loss method 42
Integrals, Personick 194
Integrated-optic tunable filters 322
Integrating front-end 189
Interface inhomogeneities 40
Interference filter 309
Interference, electromagnetic 4
Interference, intersymbol 188
Intermediate frequency 310
Internal damage formation 140
Internal quantum efficiency 114
Intersymbol interference 188
Intrinsic material 165
Inverse rms width 23
Inverted-rib laser 128
Ionization impact 170
Ionization rate 173
Ionization rate electrons 170
Ionization rate holes 170
Isochronous channel 277
Isochronous traffic 277
Isolators, optical 92 156
Jacket 13 75
Jitter 202 279
Jitter edge 202
Jitter time soliton arrivals 246
Jitter timing 202
Joint loss 86
Junction, semiconductor 114
Lambertian source 149
LAN, local area networks 256
Laser 311
Laser, buried heterostructure 127
Laser, buried-channel substrate 127
Laser, DBR 135 143 303
Laser, DFB 143 303
Laser, distributed-feedback (DFB) 134 310 312
Laser, distributed-feedback reflector (DFR) 310
Laser, double-channel planar buried-heterostructure 127
Laser, Fabry — Perot 312
Laser, inverted-rib 128
Laser, quantum-well 136
Laser, ridge-guide 128
Laser, semiconductor 113
Laser, single-frequency 133
Laser, single-lateral-mode 132
latency 274
Lateral displacement 88
Lateral mode 131
Lattice spacing 114
Launch conditions 100
Leaky mode 20
LED 113 311
LED, super luminescent 156
LED, surface-emitting 119
Length coherence 145
Length collision soliton 246
Length dispersion 239
Length, critical 71
Length, effective 65
Lens, graded-index (GRIN) 155
Lens-coupled fiber 154
Level detection 182
Levels quantization 4
Lifetime 124
light emitting diodes 113
Light generation semiconductors 113
Limit, Gordon — Haus 244
Limit, quantum 169
line overhead 284
Linear bus network 257
Linear data bus 260
Linear scattering 37 66
Linearity 123 130
Lines, dark 140
links, bidirectional 303
| Loading-hydrogen 106
local area networks (LANs) 256
Locked VT payload 293
Long-wavelength cutoff 163
Long-wavelength source 7 113
Longitudinal displacement 90
Longitudinal mode 131
Loose-buffered cable 74
Loose-tube splice 94
Loss cabling 40
Loss connector measurement 100
Loss excess 105 308
Loss fiber 33
Loss hydrogen-induced 36
Loss insertion 102
Loss joining 85
Loss joint 86
Loss joint, angular misalignment 91
Loss joint, fiber radius mismatch 86
Loss joint, index profile mismatch 87
Loss joint, lateral misalignment 88
Loss joint, longitudinal displacement 90
Loss joint, misalignment effects 88
Loss joint, multimode fibers 86
Loss joint, numerical aperture mismatch 86
Loss joint, other factors 88
Loss joint, single-mode fiber 91
Loss macrobends 40
Loss measurement, cut-back method 43
Loss measurement, insertion-loss method 42
Loss measurement, OTDR 43
Loss microbends 40
Loss Presnel reflection 154
Loss reflection 92 154
Loss return 92
Loss scattering 37
Loss splice, mode effects 101
Loss splitting 105
Loss spooling 40
Low-impedance front-end 189
Macrobends 40
MAN, metropolitan area network 256
Management dispersion 236 314
Manchester code 210
Mandrel 101
Mapping, fixed-location 287
Mapping, payload 293
Margin system 212
Mask, phase 106
Material absorption 36
Material dispersion 45 53 61
Material impurities 36
Maximum access time delay 275
Mean-square pulse width 61
Measurement, attenuation 42
Measurement, connector loss 100
Members strength 74
Mesa structure 120
Metropolitan area networks (MANs) 256
MFD see “Mode field diameter”
Microbends 40
Microlenses 154
Mie scattering 37
Minimum attenuation 37
Minority carriers 114
Mixing, four-photon 40 73 313
Mixing, four-wave see “Mixing four-photon”
Modal dispersion 55 62
Modal noise 145
Modal pulse delay distortion 55
Mode convertors 236
Mode distribution 101
Mode effects, splice loss 101
Mode equilibrium simulator 101
Mode field diameter 22
Mode field diameter, far-field 23
Mode field diameter, near-field 23
Mode field diameter, Petermann II 23
Mode mixers 43
Mode number in GI fiber 27
Mode partition noise 132
Mode resonator 131
Mode scrambler 43
Mode, cladding 20
Mode, fiber 14
Mode, hopping 156
Mode, lateral 131
Mode, longitudinal 131
Mode, stripping 20
Mode-mixing rod coupler 104
Modes, number of 86
Modulation, bandwidth 143
Modulation, cross-phase 73 246
Modules, fiber optic 224
Monitor 103
Monomode 20
Monomode fiber see “Single-mode fiber”
Multilayer filter 322
multimode fiber 16
Multiple-quantum-well (MQW) lasers 136
Multiplexer 103 286 303 308
Multiplexing 102
Multiplexing function 286
Multiplexing, wavelength-division (WDM) 303
Multiplication factor 171
Near-field, mode field diameter 23
NEP see “Power noise-equivalent”
Network, broadband 315
Network, broadcast-and-select 315
Network, chain 315
Network, linear bus 257
network, local area (LAN) 256
Network, metropolitan area (MAN) 256
Network, ring 257 318
Network, star 257 259 315
Network, switched 320
Network, synchronous 281
network, wide area (WAN) 256
Node, Class A 270
Node, Class B 271
Noise amplifier 225
Noise excess 173
Noise factor 192
Noise figure 192
Noise source 144
Noise, ASE 225
Noise, carrier-induced phase 313
Noise, modal 145
Noise, mode partition 132
Noise, partition 144
Noise, relative-intensity 144
Noise, shot 172
Noise, thermal 174
Noise, white 172
Noise-equivalent power 181
Non-Lambertian source 153
Nonlinear effects 312
Nonlinear scattering 37 66
Nonlinear Schrodinger equation 240
Nonradiative transition 114
Nonreturn-to-zero (NRZ) code 210
Normal dispersion 109 239
Normalized propagation constant 50
NRZ 210
Numerical aperture 19
Nyquist criterion 4
Ohmic contact degradation 139
Operating efficiency 123
Optical amplifier 224
Optical isolators 92 156
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