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Powers J. — An introduction to fiber optic systems |
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Предметный указатель |
Optical receiver 161
Optical resonator 130
Optical time-domain reflectometry (OTDR) 43
Optimum index profile 59
Overall electrical conversion efficiency 129
overhead channels 283
Overhead line 284
Overhead path 285
Overhead section 284
Parameter profile 26
Partition noise 144
Path, overhead 285
Path, virtual 295 296
Pattern, beam 120
Pattern, eye 201
Payload envelope, synchronous 283
Payload floating VT 292
Payload locked VT 293
Payload mapping 293
Payload pointer 286
Penalty performance 203
Penalty sensitivity 201
Performance penalty 203
Period, bit 210
Period, soliton 240
Personick integrals 194
Petermann I MFD 23
Petermann II MFD 23
Phase mask 106
Photodetector 162
Photodiode, avalanche 170
Photodiode, reach-through avalanche 170
Photon 144 163
Photon, anti-Stokes 66
Photon, Stokes 66
Pigtail 147
PIN diode 165
Pleisiochronous 282
Pointer, payload 286
Poisson random process 168
Polarizing splitter 103
Polycrystalline materials 37
Postamplifier 161
Power splitting factor 102
Power, budget 212
Power, noise-equivalent 181
Preamble (PA) field 268
Preamble Destination Address (DA) field 268
Preamble Frame Control (FC) field 268
Preamble Starting Delimiter (SD) field 268
Preamp 161
Preparation of fiber ends 92
Prioritization scheme 273
Profile, parameter 26
Profile, segmented 24
Profile, triangular 24
Profile, W 24
Propagation constant, normalized, b 50
Protocol, Timed Token Rotation (TTR) 273
Pulse width, mean-square 61
Pulse width, RMS 61
q 185
quantization levels 4
Quantum efficiency 166
Quantum efficiency, internal 114
quantum limit 169
Quantum-limited signal-to-noise ratio 180
Quantum-well laser 115 136
Quarter-wavelength grating 135
Radiance 149
Radiation effects 7
radiative recombination 113
Radiative transition 114
Radius, field beam 24
Raman fiber amplifier 235
Raman scattering 39
Range, dynamic 215 263
Range, free-spectral 310
Rate, baud 210
Rate, ionization 173
Ratio, extinction 145 201
Ratio, signal-to-noise 171
Rayleigh scattering 37
Reach-through avalanche photodiode 170
Receiver, optical 161
Receiver, tuning 322
Recombination, radiative 113
Recovery, clock 161
Red shift 73
Reflection loss 92
Reflectometry, optical time-domain 43
Reflectors grating, fiber-lasers and amplifiers 108
Refractive index 11
Region, depletion 162
Relative-intensity noise (RIN) 144
Relaxation oscillations 133
Reliability, source 137
Repeater 224
Resolution, OTDR 77
Resonator, optical 130
Responsivity 165 171
Restricted token 269 276
Return loss 92
Return-to-zero (RZ) code 210
Ridge-guide laser 128
RIN (relative-intensity noise) 144
Ring network 257 318
Rise time device 125
Rise time system 218
RMS pulse width 61
Routing wavelength 306
RZ code 210
Sampling 4
Sampling, time interval 201
Saturation gain 225
Saturation power amplifier 225
SC connector 99
Scattering, Brillouin 38 313
Scattering, linear 37 66
Scattering, loss 37
Scattering, Mie 37
Scattering, nonlinear 37 66
Scattering, Raman 39
Scattering, Rayleigh 37
Scattering, stimulated Brillouin 70
Scattering, Stimulated Raman 66 313
Schrodinger nonlinear equation 240
Score-and-break technique 93
Scrambler mode 43
SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) 281
section overhead 284
Selection, source 211
Self-absorption 123
Semiconductor amplifier filters 310
Semiconductor laser amplifier 235
Semiconductor lasers 113
Semiconductor optical amplifier 235
Sensitivity penalty 201
Service, connection 294
Service, connectionless 294
Shift, blue 73
Shift, red 73
Shifting dispersion 52 53
Short coherence length 145
Short-wavelength source 7 113
Shot noise 172
Side mode suppression ratio (SMSR) 131
Signal, baseband see “Baseband signal”
Signal-to-noise ratio 171
| Single-attachment station 271
Single-crystal materials 37
Single-frequency laser 133
Single-lateral-mode laser 132
single-mode fiber 7 20
Single-mode operation 21
SLED 119
Slicing, spectral 311
Sliding filters 245
SMA connector 98
Snell’s law 11
SNR see “Ratio signal-to-noise”
SOA (semiconductor optical amplifier) 235
Soliton 235 239
Soliton period 240
Soliton, bright 239
Soliton, dark 239
Source 311
Source Address (SA) field 268
Source reliability 137
Source selection 211
Source testing 140
Source tuning 322
Source, Lambertian 149
Source, long-wavelength 7 113
Source, noise 144
Source, non-Lambertian 153
Source, short-wavelength 7 113
Source-to-fiber coupling 147
Spacing, lattice 114
SPE, synchronous payload envelope 283
Spectral slicing 311
Spectral width 45 124 312
Splice loss, mode effects 101
Splice, elastic 95
Splice, fusion 93
Splice, loose-tube 94
Splice, V-groove 94
Splitter 103
Splitter polarizing 103
Splitting factor 102
Splitting loss 105
Spontaneous emission 114 144
Spooling loss 40
ST connector 98
Standard data rates 3
Standards 6 264
Star network 257 259 315
Station, dual-attachment 270
Station, single-attachment 271
Step-index 14
Step-index fiber 12
Stimulated Brillouin scattering 70
Stimulated emission 114
Stimulated Raman scattering 313
Stokes photon 66
Strained quantum-well laser 115
Strained-layer multiple quantum-well laser 136
Strength members 74
Stripe-geometry 126
Stripping, frame 270
Superluminescent LED 156
Suppression side-modes 131
Surface-emitting LED 119
switched networks 320
Switching 320
Symbol 267
Synchronous class 273
Synchronous data traffic 277
Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) 281
Synchronous network 281
Synchronous optical network SONET 281
Synchronous Payload Envelope 283
Synchronous traffic 273
System, margin 212
System, rise time 218
Target Token Rotation Time (TTRT) 273
Technique, broadcast-and-select 307
Temperature/current tuning 322
Testing, burn-in 140
Testing, laser 140
Testing, source 140
Thermal noise 174
Threshold current 129
Tight-buffered cable 74
Time delay, maximum access time 275
Time diffusion 177
Time interval sampling 201
Time jitter soliton arrivals 246
Time transit 176
Time, target token rotation (TTRT) 273
Time, token rotation 273
Timed Token Rotation (TTR) protocol 273
Timer, token 273
Timer, token holding (THT) 273
Timer, token rotation (TRT) 273
Timing analysis 218
Timing jitter 202
Token 267 269
Token timers 273
Token, early-release 270
Token, holding timer 273
Token, restricted 269 276
Token, rotation time 273
Token, rotation timer (TRT) 273
Token, target rotation time (TTRT) 273
Token, unrestricted 269
Total internal reflection 11
Total number of modes 16
Traffic, asynchronous 273 277
Traffic, isochronous 277
Traffic, synchronous 273
Traffic, synchronous, data 277
Transimpedance front-end 191
Transit time 176
Transition, direct 114
Transition, indirect 114
Transition, nonradiative 114
Transition, radiative 114
Tributary channels 287
Tributary, virtual 292
TTRT, target token rotation time 273
Tuning, DFB and DBR 322
Tuning, external-element 322
Tuning, receiver 322
Tuning, source 322
Tuning, wavelength, temperature and current 322
Ultra-low-loss fiber 36
Undersea cable 74
Unrestricted token 269
V-groove splice 94
V-parameter 15
Virtual channel 295
Virtual path 295
Virtual tributary 292
VT group 292
W profile see “Profile W”
WAN, wide area network 256
Waveguide dispersion 49 53
Wavelength chirp 312
Wavelength cutoff 21 306
Wavelength demultiplexer 103
Wavelength emitter 115
Wavelength multiplexer 103
Wavelength routing 306
Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) 303
Wavelength-routed WDM technique 306
WDM demultiplexer 104
WDM dense 303
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