Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Ward S.A. — Computation Structures |
Предметный указатель |
Number representations, significant bits 360
Number representations, truncation error 36
Number representations, unsigned binary 386-387
Number representations, unsigned integer 34 387
Numbers 33-46 286 337
Numbers, irrational 46
Numbers, rational 46
Numbers, real 42
Nussbaum, D. xx
Nyquist 7
Object language 276
Objects 606
OF/ID see R machine operand
Offset 432
Op1 372
Op2 372
Op3 372
opcodes 295-297 304 306-307 358-359 361 368
Opcodes, suffixed with data size 360
Opcodes, unassigned 375
Open collector 121 246
Operand addresses 359
Operand fetch 355 357 515
Operand store 515
Operating systems 348-353 458 460 493 495 536 539-544 547 549-550 576 599
Operating systems, CTSS 550
Operating systems, design 539
Operating systems, kernel 349 493 539-544 547-549 592-593 599
Operating systems, Multics 497 548 550
Operating systems, secure 547 549
Operating systems, software 349-350
Operating systems, THE 577
Operating systems, Unix 550
Operations 177 179-182 185-186 194 559
Operations, arithmetic 284
Operations, atomic 372
Operations, compare-and-swap 577
Operations, concurrent 224
Operations, fetch-and-add 577
Operations, logical 47 284
Operations, matrix 619
Operations, memory 290
Operations, privileged 348-349 352
Operations, scalar 615
Operations, sequencing of 171
Operations, test-and-set 577
Operations, timing of 171
Operations, unordered 180
Operations, vector 615
OPT see replacement strategy optimal
Order of growth 203
Orthogonality 452
OS see R machine operand
Oscillator, free-running 175
Oscillator, local 176
Oscillator, ring 30
Output gating 15-16
Overflow, arithmetic see number representations overflow
Overspecification 353
p-code 412
Package count 107 111 122
Package size 107
Packet 263
Packet header 259 263
Packet, acknowledgment 264 268
Page 487
page fault 486 489-492 494 543 546 576
Page number, physical 488-490 494
Page number, virtual 488-490 494
Page offset 488-489
page size 487 493
page table 487-488 490-491 493 495 545-546 548
Page table, multilevel 507
Page, wired 491 493
Page-fault handler 486 490-491 493
Page-table address 488-489
Page-table address register 489
Page-table entry (PTE) 488-489 491 493
Page-table lookup 488
PageFault 489
Paging 486-496 543 545-546 548
Paging, and caching 495-496
Paging, cost 496
Paging, dirty bit 488
Paging, implementation 494-495
Paging, valid bit 488-489 491
Paging, written bit 491
PAL see programmed array logic
Parallel algorithms 363
Parallel Distributed Processing Group 622
Parallel-to-serial conversion 118
Parallelism 181 336 353 355-356 472 605-606 608
Parallelism extraction 609
Parallelism, constraints on 609-610
Parallelism, data parallelism 614-615
Parallelism, fine-grained 606 620
Parallelism, massive 616
PARAMETER see procedure linkage
Parity 62 252
Parity bits 40 42
Parity, even 42
Parity, odd 42 62
Partial differential equations 619
Partial ordering 180
Patch panel 356
Path expressions 576
PC 352 372 375 435;
pd see S machine procedure
PDB 538 542;
Perceptrons 622
Performance 201-202 204 206-207 224-225 233 271 273 281 287 298 303 325 335 353-356 364 427 429 452 473 479 482 484 497 513 530 600 605 608-612 615-617 619 622
Performance, limitations 17
Performance, measures 201 224
Performance, requirements 233
Performance, scaling, linear 610
PGet 489 493
Phase 260
Phase drift 260
Physical address 486
Physical limits 244
Pin count 107 122 289
Pins 106
Pipeline 204-220 222 224-225 259 355-356 363 365 459 513-515 525-526 613-615
Pipeline boundary 515
Pipeline conflict 518 525
Pipeline flush 524
Pipeline interlock 516-518 528 614
Pipeline, 0-pipelined circuit 211
Pipeline, clock period 211
Pipeline, freezing pipeline stages 517
Pipeline, ill-formed 525
Pipeline, instruction-stream 514 614
Pipeline, k-pipeline 210-211
Pipeline, k-pipelined circuit, synchronous 211
Pipeline, matching throughput of modules 208
Pipeline, padding 208 214
Pipeline, registers 206-210 213-221 224
Pipeline, registers at output 211
Pipeline, rules 211
Pipeline, sample 205-207 210 213 220
Pipeline, systematic construction 210-212
Pipeline, well-formed 210-211
Pipelined operators 182
PLA see programmable logic array P=NP? 151
Pointers 287 337-338 351 626-621 631-634
Pointers, to procedures 630
Pointers, to structures 634
polling 600
Polynomial evaluation 226
| pop 438
POPPS 540 547
POPPS1 540
POPPS4 556
Position-independent code 389-391 435
Post, Emil 277
Postfix form 383
Postfix notation 412
Powell, Jon xx
Power 16 19-24
Power consumption 107
Pratt, Gill xx
Pre-von Neumann machines see architecture
Precedence 384
Precedence constraints 179 181 184-185 187-188 191 193-195 206 253 559 609
Precedence constraints, essential 180 182
Precedence constraints, nonessential 180 185-186
Precedence relations 179-180 183
Precedence relations, as descriptive tool 179
Precedence relations, as prescriptive tool 179
Prefetch 486
Prefix form 383
Prime implicant see Boolean expressions implicant prime
primitive elements 1
Printed circuit card 245
Printed documents 338
Priority encoder 142
Priority encoder 8-bit 140
Priority interrupt 592 594-600
Priority interrupt, interrupt priority 408 594-599
Priority interrupt, priority assignment 596-599
Priority interrupt, priority systems 353
Priority interrupt, processor priority 595-596
Priority interrupt, strong 596-599
Priority interrupt, weak 594-596
Privilege 549
Privilege bit 408-409 549
Procedure 309-311 340-347 392-400 626
Procedure descriptor see S machine procedure
Procedure linkage 392-398 400-407 452-458
Procedure linkage, actual parameter 318
Procedure linkage, arguments 319 340 343-344 395 397-398 401 454 627 634
Procedure linkage, arguments passed in registers 454-455
Procedure linkage, arguments passed on the stack 455
Procedure linkage, call by value 318
Procedure linkage, callee 395
Procedure linkage, caller 395-396
Procedure linkage, calling sequence 343
Procedure linkage, entry sequence 343
Procedure linkage, exit sequence 344
Procedure linkage, formal parameter 318 626-627
Procedure linkage, return address 309-310 342 452
Procedure linkage, return sequence 344
Procedure linkage, return value 319 340 344 396
Procedure linkage, saving registers 343 455-457
Procedure, as argument 404
Procedure, as first-class value 364
Procedure, call 309-310 342 349-351
Procedure, communication between procedures 344
Procedure, decimal print 404
Procedure, Fibonacci 398
Procedure, formatted input/output 395
Procedure, generic output 404
Procedure, global 347
Procedure, lexically enclosing 345 347
Procedure, recursive 347
Procedure, return 310 342
Procedure-linkage information 342 367
Process descriptor block (PDB) 537-538 543
Process number 538
Processes 534-536 539 546 549 560 599 606 620
Processes, communicating 606
Processes, consumer 562
Processes, consumer, multiple 565
Processes, producer 562
Processes, producer, multiple 565
Processes, runnable 571
Processes, sequential, multiple 606
Processes, terminal server 587
Processes, waiting 571
Processing element 615 620
Processor 210 239 336
Processor enable bits 615
Processor mesh 623
Processor multiplexing 534-539
Processor stack 367-412
Processor state 288 337 342-343 349-353 372 395 398-399
Processor state, saved 343-344 350
Processor status word (PSW) 350 353 368 408-409 439 458 534 537 549 592-593 596
Processor, control 348
Processor, cost 359
Processor, general-purpose 178 217
Processor, high-performance 353
Processor, microprogrammed 325
Processor, peripheral 600
Processor, physical 539 544
Processor, very high performance 287 355-356
Processor, virtual 412 534 539 544-545 549
Processor-memory communication 471
Processor-memory interface 471
ProcList 537-538 542
Producer-consumer communication 587
Product-of-sums expressions, canonical 51
Product-of-sums expressions, synthesis from Karnaugh maps 61
Production systems 277
PROGRAM 189-190 272-273 275-277 298 356 628
Program counter (PC) 337 349-350 357 360 368 373 385 391 395 408-409 435 458 460-461 534 576
Program counter (PC), backing up 542
Program counter (PC), multiple 525
Program, self-modifying 356
Program, stored 356
Program, user-level 348-351 539
programmability 178 273
Programmable logic array (PLA) 123-124 126-130 133 146 269
Programmable logic array (PLA), AND plane 124
Programmable logic array (PLA), design 126
Programmable logic array (PLA), manufacture of 126
Programmable logic array (PLA), NAND plane 124
Programmable logic array (PLA), NOR plane 124
Programmable logic array (PLA), OR plane 124
Programmed array logic (PAL) 129 134 146
Programmed array logic (PAL), AND plane 129
Programmed array logic (PAL), OR plane 129
Programming 269 273
Programming disciplinarians 356
Programming languages 190 347 364-365 599 609
Programming languages, Ada 336 340 348 365
Programming languages, algebraic 381
Programming languages, ALGOL 60 339-340 345 347 364
Programming languages, APL 364
Programming languages, assembly language see assembly language
Programming languages, BCPL 365
Programming languages, block-structured 367
Programming languages, C see C programming language
Programming languages, COBOL 364
Programming languages, Common Lisp 364
Programming languages, for parallel computers 363
Programming languages, FORTH 367
Programming languages, FORTRAN 344 347 364 381 404 533 609 625
Programming languages, functional 365
Programming languages, high-level 273 275 315 513
Programming languages, higher-level 336-354 363-364
Programming languages, lexically scoped 277
Programming languages, LISP 273 275 277 336 340 344-345 347-348 364-365 383 404 412 625
Programming languages, LISP 1.5 364
Programming languages, logic programming languages 607
Programming languages, Pascal 336 339-340 345 347-348 365 381 625
Programming languages, PL/1 364 625
Programming languages, Postscript 367
Programming languages, Prolog 365 607
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