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Perina J., Hradil Z., Jurco B. — Quantum optics and fundamentals of physics
Perina J., Hradil Z., Jurco B. — Quantum optics and fundamentals of physics

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Название: Quantum optics and fundamentals of physics

Авторы: Perina J., Hradil Z., Jurco B.


This book deals with the contemporary development of quantum theory from the point of view of quantum optics. The fundamentals of quantum theory are presented, with particular attention being given to the quantum theory of measurement. General coherent states are adopted as the most important theoretical tool for the description of the interaction of optical fields with matter. Quantum theory predicts various nonclassical phenomena, such as squeezing of vacuum fluctuations, photon antibunching, sub-Poisson photon statistics, collapses and revivals of atomic motion, etc. These quantum effects can be observed, together with violation of various classical and Bell's inequalities, using photon interference and correlation techniques. This is demonstrated by experiments involving single-photon and two-photon interferences, squeezed and sub-Poisson light and twin photons produced by frequency down conversion. All these results are in agreement with quantum theory and they confirm the wave — particle duality of a photon and the `nonlocal' features of quantum theory. For research workers in quantum mechanics, quantum theory, quantum optics and electronics, optical communications, optoelectronics, photonics and nonlinear optics, optical processing and computing.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1994

Количество страниц: 352

Добавлена в каталог: 28.10.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Fourier transformation      50 178
Fourth-order correlation function      161
Franck — Hertz Experiment      41 233 279
Franck — Hertz light      279
Franson experiment      294 297 299
Franson interferometer      259
Frequency down conversion      200 222 251 260
Frequency down conversion in cavities      286
Frequency part      28
Frequency part, negative      28
Frequency part, positive      28
Frequency resonance conditions      185
Frequency shift      142
Gaussian distribution      142
Gelfand triple      50
Generalized coordinate      156
Generalized momentum      156
Generalized superposition      151
Generalized superposition of coherent fields and quantum noise      151
Generating function      40 153 165
Generating function for Laguerre polynomials      153
Generating function for superposition of signal and quantum noise      153
Generating function, normal      153
Generating function, Poisson      153
Geometric phase      80 95 96
Glauber — Sudarshan representation      126
Glauber-Sudarshan quasidistribution      128 142 147 151 178 180
Glauber-Sudarshan quasidistribution for phase-conjugated beam      193
Glauber-Sudarshan quasidistribution of reservoir      142
Glauber-Sudarshan quasidistribution, non-existence of      241 252
Gleason’s theorem      13
Gravitational waves      110
Greenberger — Horne — Zeilinger correlations      258
Group of unitary transformations      51
Hamiltonian      8
Hamiltonian, free      187
Hamiltonian, interaction      187
Hamiltonian, multimode      190
Hamiltonian, radiation      235
Hamiltonian, spectral decomposition of      17
Hanbury Brown — Twiss correlations      32 203 211
Hanbury Brown-Twiss intensity, correlation measurement      197
harmonic oscillator      22
Heisenberg equations of motion      141 224
Heisenberg equations of motion, solution of      165
Heisenberg microscope      56
Heisenberg picture      14
Heisenberg uncertainty relation      100 157 200
Heisenberg uncertainty relation for quadrature components      100
Heisenberg — Langevin approach      140
Heisenberg — Langevin equations      150 222 225 228 235
Heisenberg — Langevin equations, stationary solution of      226
Heisenberg — Weyl group      121
Heterodyne detection      69 72 76 215
Heterodyne detection for two-mode squeezed state      215
Hidden variable      14 241 243
Hidden variable, local      241 243
Hidden variable, local theories      244 245
High-precision measurement      110
Higher-order phenomena      208
Higher-order squeezing      160
Hilbert space      6 43
Hilbert space, full      83
Hilbert space, signal      83
Homodyne detection      69 72 73 158 178 213 214
Homodyne detection, balanced      213 215
Homodyne detection, double      77
Homodyne detection, one-port      73
Homodyne detection, ordinary      213
Homodyne detection, two-port      73
Homodyne detector      268
Homodyne detector, balanced      268
Homodyne tomography      76
Hyper — Raman scattering      151 186
Identical particles      24
Independent light sources      201
Inequalities      238
Inequalities of quantum optics      238
Inequalities, interpretation      238
Infinitesimal generators      85
Input field      158
Integral of motion      17
Integrated intensity      166
Integrated intensity of phase-conjugated beam      194
Integrated intensity, fluctuations      194
Integrated intensity, instantaneous      175
Integrated intensity, mean      166
Integrated intensity, variance of      166 184 223
Intensity correlation      205
Interaction      151
Interaction of optical fields with matter      151
Interaction of single atom with light      187 260
Interaction picture      15 147 150
Interference      171 173 197
Interference fringes      199 207
Interference fringes in fourth-order pattern      207
Interference fringes visibility of      199
Interference in phase space      171
Interference of idler beams      308
Interference of light      171
Interference of physical vacuum      301
Interference of two independent beams      207
Interference, coincidence      292
Interference, constructive      196 197
Interference, destructive      189 197 289
Interference, fourth-order      203 292
Interference, fringes      173
Interference, one-photon      299
Interference, pattern      173
Interference, quantum      299
Interference, second-order      198 292
Interference, single-photon      202 212
Interference, two-photon      299
Interferometer      217
Interferometer, atom      217
Interferometer, ion      217
Interferometer, two-photon      292
Interferometry      216
Interferometry, atomic      285
Interferometry, multiparticle      259
Interferometry, neutron      221
Interferometry, two-photon      216
Irreducible representation      84
Jackiw state      174
Jaynes — Cummings model      187 188
Jaynes — Cummings model, dynamical properties of      188
Jaynes — Cummings model, generalized      196
Joint probability distribution      7 246
Joint probability distribution of hidden variables      246
Josephson junction      99
Josephson parametric amplifier      274
Kerr effect      196
Kerr nonlinearity      182 184
Klein — Gordon equation      26
Lagrange — Euler equation      184
Langevin force      142 143 223
Laser      201
Laser interferometry      80
Laser interferometry of gravitational waves      80
Laser, ideal      201
Lie group      118
Light      40
Light of natural sources      40
Light with squeezed number fluctuations      43
Light, antibunched      154
Light, chaotic      40 205
Light, coherent      40
Light, laser      205 210
Light, linearly polarized      203
Light, non — Gaussian      205
Light, nonclassical      98 284
Light, pseudothermal      205
Light, pure quantum      284
Light, quasimonochromatic      162
Light, sub — Poissonian      41 154 266 284
Light, thermal      205
Likelihood function      89
Linear amplifier      98
Linear amplifier, passive      102
Linear amplifier, phase insensitive      101 102
Linear amplifier, phase sensitive      101
Linear amplifier, phase-conjugating      101
Linear operator corrections      227
Linear operator corrections to stationary solution      227
Linear stability analysis      229
Local oscillator      73 158 214 268
Local oscillator, noise      215
Local realistic theory      247
Lorentzian spectrum      162
Lowering operator      136
Mach — Zehnder interferometer      90 216 262
Mach — Zehnder interferometer with one photon      262
Macroscopic exponential decay      189
Macroscopic superposition states      180
Mandel — Rice formula      42 204
Markov approximation      146 150
Markov properties of      143
Master equation      145 146 150
Maximum entropy principle      163
Maxwellian classical wave fields      173
Mean number      154 163
Mean number of emitted photoelectrons      163
Mean number of photons      154
Mean photon number      158
Measurement      61 156
Measurement of first kind      67
Measurement of nonclassical quasidistribution      156
Measurement of noncommuting observables      65
Measurement of second kind      67
Measurement, back-action of      66
Measurement, continuous      67
Measurement, demolition      103
Measurement, direct      61 62 68
Measurement, feasible      80
Measurement, generalized quantum      65
Measurement, ideal feasible      84
Measurement, indirect      61 62 69
Measurement, nonclassical      94
Measurement, nondemolition      105
Measurement, optical      69
Measurement, positional      199
Measurement, quantum      65
Measurement, quantum limits of      286
Meter variables      99
Michelson interferometer      112
Michelson interferometer for detection of gravitational waves      112
Micromasers      188 219 281 284
Minimum uncertainty states      157 173 270
Minimum uncertainty states for photon numbers and phase      173
Minimum uncertainty states, number-phase      183
Moments      129
Moments, antinormal ordering      129
Moments, normal ordering      129
Moments, Q-ordered      131
Moments, symmetric ordering      129
Momentum operator      228
Multiparticle correlation experiment      244
Multiphoton absorption      149 151
Multiphoton annihilation      196
Multiphoton creation      196
Multiphoton detection      197
Multiphoton emission      149 151
Multiport beam splitter      289
Multiwave mixing      243
Naimark extension      65
Noise circle      157
Noise ellipse      101 157 159 171 269
Noise minimum state      182 184
noise reduction      233 286
Nonclassical behaviour      143
Nonclassical field      162
Nonclassical light      310
Nonclassical light, intense macroscopic      310
Nonclassical optical phenomena      156
Nonclassical properties      286
Nonclassical states      151
Nondemolition measurement      98 105—107 224 286
Nondemolition measurement, quantum      104
Nondemolition observable      106 107
Nondemolition variable      107
Nonlinear optical processes      151 185
Number of degrees of freedom      163
Objective realism      243
Observable      5—7 10
Observable, compatible      7
Observable, noncommuting      57
Observable, physical measurement of      6
Occupation number      25
Occupation number, representation      25
Occupation number, state      23
Operator      10
Operator, adjoint      44
Operator, angular momentum      192
Operator, commuting      64
Operator, commuting self-adjoint      10
Operator, complete set of      48
Operator, expectation value of      10
Operator, hermitian      43 44
Operator, Hilbert — Schmidt      50
Operator, image of      49
Operator, self-adjoint      6 10 43 44
Operator, spectral decomposition of      10
Operator, symmetric      43 44
Operator, trace class      52
Operator, unitary      44
Optical back-action-evading, measurement      107
Optical bistability      274
Optical fields      153
Optical fields, partially coherent      199
Optical fields, quantum features of      153
Optical fields, quantum statistical properties of      153 180
Optical fields, wave properties of      197
Optical homodyne tomography      180
Optical Kerr effect      234 260 275
Optical parametric down conversion      180
Optical parametric oscillator      216 312
Optical parametric oscillator, two-mode      312
Optical parametric process      151 228 253
Optical parametric process with classical pumping      164
Optical parametric process, degenerate      164
Optical parametric process, non-degenerate      161 164 253
Ordering      32
Ordering, alternating      33
Ordering, antinormal      32 148
Ordering, normal      32 148
Ordering, symmetric      127
oscillations      156 164
Oscillations in photocount distribution      156 180
Oscillations in photon distributions      164
Oscillations in photon-number distribution      170
Parametric Down Conversion      186
Partial polarization      159 161 205
Particle effect      173
Pauli matrices      133 137
Phase      87
Phase conjugated beam      192
Phase conjugating mirror      192
Phase conjugation      151 260
Phase conjugation, dynamics      193
Phase conjugation, process      192
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