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Hughes C., Hughes T. — Professional Multicore Programming: Design and Implementation for C++ Developers |
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$HOME 126
$MAIL 126
$PATH 126
$SHELL 126
$TERM 126
$USER 126
%CPU 116 118
%MEM 116 118
'implementation layer' mapping 323
'One-to-one' thread mapping 146
'Question and answer browser' program (Blackboard) 296—298
'Question and answer browser' program (Blackboard), components of solution 296—297
'Question and answer browser' program (Blackboard), concurrency infrastructure, block diagram of 302
'Question and answer browser' program (Blackboard), KS for 297
'Question and answer browser' program (Blackboard), listing 8-3 318—321
'Question and answer browser' program (Blackboard), PADL analysis of 301
'Story' of application 323 326 329
AAS see "Architectural Artifacts"
abort() 128
Abstract classes 335
Abstraction (C++) 86
Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) 23 32
Acceptance testing 380
Access policy implementation, with read-write locks 259—261
Access specifiers (visibility property) 343
Access synchronization 244
ACM CCS (Association of Computing Machinery-Computing Classification System) 284 285 286 290
Actions, entry/exit 367 368
Actions, objects and 357
Actions, objects and, call 357
Actions, objects and, create 357
Actions, objects and, destroy 357
Actions, objects and, return 357
Actions, objects and, send 357
Actions, transition and 369
Active class 359
Active objects, diagramming 359—360
activity diagrams 62 64 407
Adaptors 353
addr 116
Address space, processes and 152
Address space, threads and 152
Address space, virtual 110 111
Adornments 350 351 358
After-the-fact exception handling 381
Agent model of pipeline 278—282 see
agents 290—291
Agents, autonomous/semiautonomous 291
Agents, definitions of 290—291
Agents, definitions of, controversy in 290
Agents, definitions of, FIFA 291
Agents, definitions of, five-part 291
Agents, interactional 291
Agents, knowbot 290
Agents, multiagent architectures 291—293 328
Agents, rational 299—300
Agents, situated 291
Agents, smart object 290
Agents, society of, structured 291
Agents, society of, whole more than sum in 291
Agents, softbot 290
Agents, software broker 290
Agile model 39
AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) 23 32
AMD multicore Opteron see "Opteron"
Anonymous instances of classes 346
Answer (global variable) 231 237 244 257
APIs (application programming interfaces) 68 75 see
APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), operating system 69 70 74 75 76 86 93 94 210 282
APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), POSIX 70 75 76
APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), POSIX, interface classes for 86—93
APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), POSIX, layer 2 PADL 288 289 290
Application architecture selection (layer 5-PADL) 288 290—300
Application architecture selection (layer 5-PADL), concurrency flexibility of 300
Application design 283—329
Application design for massive multicore processors 284—287
Application design, 'story' of 323 326 329
Application design, differing notions of 284—286
Application design, PADL model 287—326 328—329 see
Application design, PBS approach 287 326—328 329 375
application programming interfaces see "APIs"
Approach, of Grady Booch 332
Architectural approach in modeling concurrent systems 331 371—372
Architectural approach to parallelism 287 see
Architectural Artifacts (AAs) 41 44 45
Architectural Artifacts (AAs), declarative models and 45
Architectural Artifacts (AAs), defined 45
Architectural Artifacts (AAs), WBS v. 45
Architectures of system 371
Architectures of system, definition (Booch, et. al.) 371
Architectures of system, deployment view 371
Architectures of system, design view 371
Architectures of system, implementation view 371
Architectures of system, process view 371
Architectures of system, use cases 371
Architectures, multicore 2—3
Architectures, multicore, CBE 3 17 28—31
Architectures, multicore, challenges in 64
Architectures, multicore, comparison of 21
Architectures, multicore, Core 2 Duo 21 31—33
Architectures, multicore, designs for 19—34
Architectures, multicore, hybrid 3—4
Architectures, multicore, Opteron dual core 21—25
Architectures, multicore, software redesigning for 1
Architectures, multicore, trend in 3 14 36 45 65 86 283
Architectures, multicore, UltraSparc T1 25—28
Architectures, single core processor 5—15
Architectures, single core processor, application development 1
Architectures, single core processor, multicore programming and 15—17
Arguments, passed to threads 163—165
Asio class library 305
Assertion class 280
assignment operator 343 344
Association (stereotype) 358
Association of Computing Machinery-Computing Classification System (ACM CCS) 284 285 286 290
Associations (between objects) 333 349
Associations (between objects), bi-directional 349
Associations (between objects), binary 349
Associations (between objects), constraints 352
Associations (between objects), link 357
Associations (between objects), multiplicity in 352
Associations (between objects), n-ary 349
Associations (between objects), names for 352
Associations (between objects), navigation 351
Associations (between objects), properties 352
Associations (between objects), properties, [addOnly] 352
Associations (between objects), properties, [changeable] 352
Associations (between objects), properties, [frozen] 352
Associations (between objects), role in 352
Associations (between objects), type 352
Associations (between objects), unidirectional 349 352
Asynchronous cancellation 173
Asynchronous processes 133—135
Atomic functions 192
Attention layer 324
Attribute object, condition variable 264—265
Attribute object, mutex 254—256
Attribute object, pthread 167—171
Attribute object, pthread_cond_t 264—265
Attribute object, pthread_mutex_t 254—256
Attribute object, pthread_rwlock_t 258—259
Attribute object, thread 154 155
Attributes (of classes) 337 see
Attributes (of classes), ordering 343—345
Attributes (of classes), ordering, by access 343
Attributes (of classes), ordering, by category 343 344
Attributes (of classes), ordering, by category names 344 345
Attributes (of classes), properties 339 340 342
Attributes (of classes), properties, [addOnly] 340
Attributes (of classes), properties, [changeable] 340
| Attributes (of classes), properties, [frozen] 340
Attributes (of classes), visibility of 343
Attributes (of classes), visualizing 336—339
attrp parameter 100—102
Austin Common Standards Revision Group 63 see
Auto parallelization option 6 33
Automated painters see "Painters"
Autonomous/ semi autonomous agents 291
Back Side Bus (BSB) 14
base class 349
Behavior part, of collaboration 356
Behavioral perspective (modeling concurrent systems) 331 357—370
Bi-directional association 349
binary associations 349
Binary semaphores 248
Binding 348
Binding, explicit 348
Binding, implicit 348
Blackboard model 293—300 328
Blackboard model with threads 420—421
Blackboard model, control strategies in 324—326
Blackboard model, problem solvers in 293 294 295
Blackboard Systems (Englemore & Morgan) 299
Blackboard(s) 293—294
Blackboard(s) as critical section 317—318
Blackboard(s) as iterative shared solution space 298—299
Blackboard(s), 'question and answer browser' program see "'Question and answer browser' program"
Blackboard(s), architecture, logical layout 298—299
Blackboard(s), defined 293—294
Blackboard(s), formal usage 290
Blackboard(s), memory configurations for 295
Blackboard(s), solution spaces 295 297 298—299 324
Blackboard(s), structuring approaches for 294—299
Block event 366
blocked state see "Waiting state"
Booch, Grady 371 372
Booch, Grady, Approach of 332
Boost C++ Libraries 316 see
Boost C++ Libraries, mutex class, implementation of (listing 8-2) 312—316
Boost C++ Libraries, thread class, implementation of (listing 8-1) 305—312
Boss thread 161 269 271 412 413 414
Boss/ worker approaches see "Delegation model"
Bottom-up multicore programming 5 17 21 300
Bottom-up multicore programming, declarative 300
Bottom-up multicore programming, imperative 300 see
Boundary related errors 390
Broadcast operation, condition variable and 263
BSB see "Back Side Bus"
Build and fix model 39
Bus connection 14—15
Bus connection, DCA and 22
buses 14—15
Buses, Back Side 14
Buses, EIB 28 30 31
Buses, Front Side 14
Buses, processors-to-, configuration 14—15
C++, abstraction 86
C++, compilers see "Compilers"
C++, encapsulation 86 see
C++, interface classes see "Interface classes"
C++, ISO standard and 17 62 63
C++, library approach to parallelism and 62—64
C++, multiparadigm programming 5 46 64 86
C++, multiprocessing implementation in 62—64
C++, predicates see "Predicates"
C++, Stroustrup and 62—63 322
C++0x (C++09) standard 304—305
C++0x (C++09) standard, class libraries 305
C++0x (C++09) standard, class libraries, asio 305
C++0x (C++09) standard, class libraries, early implementations 316
C++0x (C++09) standard, class libraries, Interprocess 305
C++0x (C++09) standard, class libraries, MPI 305
C++0x (C++09) standard, mutex interface class 312
C++0x (C++09) standard, mutex interface class, implementation of (listing 8-2) 312—316
Cache 12
Cache, compiler options 8—9 13
Cache, L1 12
Cache, L2 12—13
Calculation errors 390
Calculus, situational 286
Call action 357
Cancelability state 172 173
Cancelability type 172 173
Cancelable thread 172
Cancellation 172—180
Cancellation of peer thread 174
Cancellation points 175—176
Cancellation points, list of 177—178
Cancellation, asynchronous 173
Cancellation, deferred 173
Cancellation, disabled 173
Cancellation-safe, library functions 177
Cancellation-safe, system calls 177
Catch [ ] block 392
CBE (IBM Cell Broadband Engine) 3 17 28—31
CBE (IBM Cell Broadband Engine), comparison 21
CBE (IBM Cell Broadband Engine), heterogeneous architecture 28 29 30 33
CBE (IBM Cell Broadband Engine), Linux and 29
CBE (IBM Cell Broadband Engine), memory models 29—30
CBE (IBM Cell Broadband Engine), PPE 28 29 30 31
CBE (IBM Cell Broadband Engine), processor overview 28—29
CBE (IBM Cell Broadband Engine), SDK 29
CBE (IBM Cell Broadband Engine), SPEs 28 29 30 31
CBE (IBM Cell Broadband Engine), SPUs 30 31
CCS (Computing Classification System) 284 285 286 290
Cell Broadband Engine see "CBE"
Challenges (concurrency) 35—65
Challenges (concurrency), concurrency designs 37 61—62 401-409
Challenges (concurrency), concurrent access to data/ resources by multiple tasks/agents 51—56
Challenges (concurrency), debugging 60—61
Challenges (concurrency), decomposition see "Decomposition"
Challenges (concurrency), list of 36—37
Challenges (concurrency), multiprocessing implementation in C++ 62—64
Challenges (concurrency), processes/ threads, necessary number of 59—60
Challenges (concurrency), resource contention see "Resource contention"
Challenges (concurrency), task-to-task communication 47—51
Challenges (concurrency), testing and 60—61 377—379 see
child processes 79 80 82 141 152
Chip designs, CBE 3 17 28—31
Chip designs, Core 2 Duo 21 31—33
Chip designs, Opteron dual core 21—25
Chip designs, UltraSparc T1 25—28
Chip manufacturers 1
Chip manufacturers, CMPs and 2
Chip multiprocessors see "CMPs"
Chip-level multithreading (CMT) 25 29 149 see
Chipset 32
Chipset, Northbridge 31 32
Chipset, Southbridge 31 32
class diagrams 401—405
Class libraries (C++0x standard) 305
Class libraries (C++0x standard), asio 305
Class libraries (C++0x standard), Interprocess 305
Class libraries (C++0x standard), MPI 305
Class(es) see also "Interface classes" "Specific
Class(es), abstract 335
Class(es), active 359
Class(es), associated, multiplicity between 347
Class(es), attributes see "Attributes"
Class(es), base 349
Class(es), collection 335
Class(es), concrete 335
Class(es), container 335
Class(es), datatypes 335
Class(es), defined 334
Class(es), domain 335
Class(es), exception see "Exception classes"
Class(es), icon 336 347 348
Class(es), instances of a 345
Class(es), instances of a, visualizing 345—347
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