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Hughes C., Hughes T. — Professional Multicore Programming: Design and Implementation for C++ Developers |
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Thread(s), reuse and 151
Thread(s), safe data structures 268
Thread(s), safety, libraries and 71 190—192
Thread(s), scheduling policies 155
Thread(s), scheduling policies and 155
Thread(s), setting 183—187
Thread(s), similarities, with processes 152—153 201
Thread(s), software 149
Thread(s), stacks of see "Stacks"
Thread(s), states 157
Thread(s), strategies see "Thread strategies"
Thread(s), terminating 171—180
Thread(s), terminating, cancellation process in 172—180
Thread(s), terminating, self 171—172
Thread(s), transitions and 157
Thread(s), uncancelable 172
Thread(s), unsafe 191
Thread(s), user 74—75
Thread(s), user-level 144—147
Thread(s), variables for 188—189
thread-specific data (TSD) 148
Threaded programs, compiling/ linking 162
Threaded programs, example 160—162
Threading Building Blocks library see "TBB library"
thread_object interface class 87 89 90 93
thread_object interface class as wrapper 193 201
thread_object interface class, declaration 88—90
thread_object interface class, extending 193—200 201
thread_object interface class, implementation 90—91
Throughput 150
Throwing exception object 394—395
Time 116
Time slices 15 60 112 113 114
Timed wait operation, condition variable and 263
Timing considerations 58—59
Top-down approaches, multicore programming 17 see
Top-down approaches, PADL model see "PADL model"
Top-down approaches, PBS see "PBS"
Tradition 35
Transaction rollback 392
transitions 367 368 369
Transitions, internal 367 368
Transitions, parts of, action 369
Transitions, parts of, event trigger 369
Transitions, parts of, guard condition 369
Transitions, parts of, source state 369
Transitions, parts of, target state 369
Transitions, self- 367 368
Transitions, state 112—113
Transitions, threads and 157
Transitions, triggerless 363 369
Transparency, operating system 72 86 94 105
Trend, in CMPs 3 14 36 45 65 86 283
Triggerless transitions 363 369
Try ownership operation, mutex semaphores 253
Try ownership operation, POSIX semaphores 249
Try ownership operation, read-write locks 258
TSD (thread-specific data) 148
TT 116
tty 116
Type functions (pthread_mutex_t attribute object) 255
Type, cancelability 172 173
UID 116
UltraSparc T1 (Sun) 25—28
UltraSparc T1 (Sun), code listing 25
UltraSparc T1 (Sun), comparison 21
UltraSparc T1 (Sun), compilers 28
UltraSparc T1 (Sun), functional overview 27
UltraSparc T1 (Sun), L2 cache 28
UltraSparc T1 (Sun), listing 2-1 25 29
UltraSparc T1 (Sun), memory controllers 28
UltraSparc T1 (Sun), processors available to operating system 25—26
UltraSparc T1 (Sun), V9 cores 27
UMA architecture see "Uniform Memory Access architecture"
UML (Universal Modeling Language) 61—62 372—373 401—409
UML (Universal Modeling Language), concurrent systems and 332—333 see
UML (Universal Modeling Language), creators of 372
UML (Universal Modeling Language), defined 332—333
UML (Universal Modeling Language), diagrams 373
UML (Universal Modeling Language), diagrams as UML language primitive 333
UML (Universal Modeling Language), diagrams for active objects 359—360
UML (Universal Modeling Language), diagrams of concurrent substates 369—370
UML (Universal Modeling Language), diagrams, activity 62 64 407
UML (Universal Modeling Language), diagrams, class 89 401—405
UML (Universal Modeling Language), diagrams, collaboration 62 357—358 405—406
UML (Universal Modeling Language), diagrams, component 61
UML (Universal Modeling Language), diagrams, deployment 61 62 85
UML (Universal Modeling Language), diagrams, interaction 405—407
UML (Universal Modeling Language), diagrams, object 401—405
UML (Universal Modeling Language), diagrams, package 409
UML (Universal Modeling Language), diagrams, sequence 62 361—362 406
UML (Universal Modeling Language), diagrams, state/ concurrent state 62 64 366—367 408
UML (Universal Modeling Language), grammar 333
UML (Universal Modeling Language), language primitives 332—333
Uncancelable thread 172
Unidirectional association 349 352
Uniform Memory Access (UMA) architecture 24 25
Unit testing 379
Unit testing, activities 390
Unit testing, phases 390
Universal Modeling Language see "UML"
UnrecognizedWords 336 341 342 346 351 353 356 360 361 362
| Unsafe, thread 191
unsetenv() 127
Unshared resources 130
use cases 371
User 116
User ID 98
User interface errors 390
user mode 108 146
User processes 108
User stack 109
user threads 74—75
User-level threads 144—147
user_thread class 87 89 92
user_thread class, definition for (listing 4-6) 91—92
user_thread class, UML class relationship 89
Utility/ support classes 335
V&V (verification and validation) 387 389—390
V9 cores 27
Validation see "Verification and validation"
valid_code 139—140
valid_code, predicate class, declaration of 384
valid_code, predicate class, definition of 384—385
Variables for threads/ processes/ semaphores 188—189
Variables, ITC and 231—233
Vector container 353 354
Vectorization option 6 33
Vectorizer 6
Verification and validation (V&V) 387 389—390
Views (STAPL) 322
virtual address space 110 111
Virtual page frame number (VPFN) 110
Visibility property, access specifiers 343
Visibility property, attributes/ services and 343
Visibility property, symbols for 343
Visibility, of objects 357—358
Visualizing, attributes 336—339
Visualizing, classes 336
Visualizing, instances of a class 345—347
Visualizing, interface classes 353—355
Visualizing, responsibilities 336—339
Visualizing, services 336—339
Visualizing, template classes 348—349
Visualizing, whole system 371—372
VPFN (virtual page frame number) 110
Wait operation, condition variable and 263
wait() function call 135—137
Waiting (blocked) state 112 113 114
waitpid() function 136
Wakeup event 366
Waterfall model 40
WBS see "Work Breakdown Structure"
Whole system, visualizing 371—372
Whole-part relationships 352
William, Anthony 312
WordExpertAgent 336 339 340
Work breakdown structure (WBS) 41 45 268
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), AAs v. 45
work breakdown structure (WBS), defined 45
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), procedural models and 45
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), thread strategies and 268
Workpile approaches 417
Worlds, possible 398
Wrappers for system functions 178
Wrappers, interface classes as 86 192 193
Wrappers, interface classes as, thread_object 193 201
XMM registers 33
Zero, multiplicity notation, 0 to 1 347
Zero, multiplicity notation, 0 to infinite number 347
Zombied state 111 112 113 114
[addOnly], association property 352
[addOnly], attribute property 340
[changeable], association property 352
[changeable], attribute property 340
[complete] 351
[disjoint] 351
[frozen], association property 352
[frozen], attribute property 340
[implicit] 352
[incomplete] 351
[ordered] 352
[overlapping] 351
«access» 350
«become» 350
«bind» 350
«call» 350
«copy» 350
«extend» 350
«friend» 350
«implementation» 351
«include» 350
«instanceof» 350
«instantiate» 350
«interface» 354
«refine» 350
«use» 350
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