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Hughes C., Hughes T. — Professional Multicore Programming: Design and Implementation for C++ Developers |
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Class(es), instantiation of a 345
Class(es), logic_error 394 395
Class(es), modeling 334—336
Class(es), modeling, concepts 334
Class(es), modeling, real-world physical entities 334
Class(es), modeling, software constructs 334
Class(es), multiplicity of 347
Class(es), name of 336
Class(es), nice 343 344
Class(es), node 335
Class(es), objects and relationship between 349—353
Class(es), parent 349
Class(es), pure abstract 347
Class(es), realization and 354
Class(es), responsibilities of 336
Class(es), responsibilities of, visualizing 336—339
Class(es), root 349
Class(es), runtime_error 394
Class(es), services of see "Services"
Class(es), simple name of 336
Class(es), singleton 347
Class(es), subclass 349
Class(es), superclass 349
Class(es), support/ utility 335
Class(es), template 335 348
Class(es), template, visualizing 348—349
Class(es), types 335
Class(es), visualizing 336
Cleanup stack 178 179
close() 177 229 see
close(), definition for 229
cmd 116
CMPs (chip multiprocessors) 2 17
CMPs (chip multiprocessors) as multicore 2 96
CMPs (chip multiprocessors), chip manufacturers and 2
CMPs (chip multiprocessors), cost 4 16 96
CMPs (chip multiprocessors), gatekeeper of, operating system as 69—71 93 312
CMPs (chip multiprocessors), heterogeneous designs 28 29 30 33
CMPs (chip multiprocessors), homogeneous designs 29 33
CMPs (chip multiprocessors), massively parallel 86 94 282 284—287 290 300 304 326 328 398
CMPs (chip multiprocessors), octa-core 2 17 283
CMPs (chip multiprocessors), parallel programming and 4
CMPs (chip multiprocessors), quad core 2 3 31 73 283
CMPs (chip multiprocessors), trend in 3 14 36 45 65 86 283
CMT (chip-level multithreading) 25 29 149 see
Code generation (compiler option) 7 33
code listings see "Listings"
Code, reentrant 130 190
Collaborating objects 357—359
Collaboration 356
collaboration diagrams 62 357—358 405—406
Collaboration, parts of 356
Collaboration, parts of, behavioral 356
Collaboration, parts of, structural 356
collection classes 335
Command 116
command-line arguments 48
Command-line arguments, environment variables and 212—213
Command-line arguments, exec family of functions and 238
Communication see also "IPC" "ITC"
Communication between processes 47—51 150—151
Communication between threads 51 150—151
Communication, dependencies 205—207
Communication, flows of, multiple 360—361
Communication, painters and 51 204
Communication, task-to-task 47—51
Comparing, multicore architectures 21
Comparing, multicore architectures, CBE 21
Comparing, multicore architectures, Core 2 Duo 21
Comparing, multicore architectures, Opteron 21
Comparing, thread ids 166—167
Compilers 7—8 17
Compilers, compilation process 7—8
Compilers, GNU C++ 8 28 29 64
Compilers, instruction set and 7—9
Compilers, Intel C/C++ 64
Compilers, options 6—7 8 9 17 33
Compilers, options, cache 8—9 13
Compilers, role of 7—8
Compilers, SIMD and 6 7 9
Compilers, Sun C/C++ 28 64
Compiling threaded programs 162
component diagrams 61
Composite state 369
Computing Classification System (CCS) 284 285 286 290
Conceptual design layers (layers 4, 5) 289 300 303
concrete classes 335
Concurrency see also "Multicore programming" "Parallel
Concurrency in C++ program 141
Concurrency models 411—425
Concurrency models in PADL (layer 4) 288 300—303
Concurrency models, Blackboard approach with threads 420—421
Concurrency models, CRCW 242—243 423 424
Concurrency models, CREW 242—243 282 425
Concurrency models, ERCW 242—243 424 425
Concurrency models, EREW 54 242—243 282 424 425
Concurrency models, IPC see "IPC"
Concurrency models, ITC see "ITC"
Concurrency models, MIMD 294 301 303 324 421 422
Concurrency models, monitor approach 420
Concurrency models, peer-to peer, processes 415—416
Concurrency models, peer-to peer, thread strategies 271—272 289 415—416
Concurrency models, pipeline model 233 269 273—274 277 418
Concurrency models, PRAM model 423 424
Concurrency models, producer-consumer thread strategies 272—273 289 418—419
Concurrency models, SIMD 6 7 9 29 30 32—33 84 421 422
Concurrency models, workpile approaches 417
Concurrency, challenges see "Challenges"
Concurrency, defined 37
Concurrency, designs 61—62 401—409
Concurrency, synchronizing 238—268
Concurrent (service property) 340 342
Concurrent access to data/ resources by multiple tasks/ agents 51—56
Concurrent Read and Concurrent Write see "CRCW"
Concurrent Read and Exclusive Write see "CREW"
Concurrent state diagrams 62 64 408
Concurrent systems, model checking and 326 398
concurrent_hash_map 317
concurrent_queue 317
concurrent_vector 317
concurrent_vector in listing 8—3 318—321
condition variables 263—268
Condition variables, attribute object 264—265
Condition variables, multiple, testing and 378
Condition variables, mutex semaphores and 264
Condition variables, mutex semaphores and, SF synchronization relationship (listing 7-13) 266—267
Condition variables, operations 263 264
Condition variables, testing and 378
Constraints for associations 352
Constraints for generalization relationships 351
Constraints, declarative models and 46
Constraints, [complete] 351
Constraints, [disjoint] 351
Constraints, [implicit] 352
Constraints, [incomplete] 351
Constraints, [ordered] 352
Constraints, [overlapping] 351
Constructor, copy 343 344
Constructor, default 343 344
Consumer-producer model see "Producer-consumer model"
Container adaptors 353
container classes 335
Containers, deque 353 354
Containers, list 353 354
Containers, vector 353 354
Contention scopes 147 154 157—159
Contention scopes, process 154 157 158
Contention scopes, pthread attr set functions 168
Contention scopes, setting 187—188
Contention scopes, system 157 158
| Context failure resilience 381
Context of process 147
Context of thread 147—149
context switching 37 60 121 147 150
control flow errors 390
Control strategies (layer 3, PADL) 323—326
Cooperation dependencies 207
copy constructor 343 344
Core 2 Duo (Intel) 31—33
Core 2 Duo (Intel), comparison 21
Core 2 Duo (Intel), instruction set 32—33
Core 2 Duo (Intel), motherboard 31—32
Core 2 Duo (Intel), motherboard, block diagram 31
Core 2 Duo (Intel), motherboard, chipset 32
Core 2 Duo (Intel), Northbridge 31 32
Core 2 Duo (Intel), PCI-E 32
Core 2 Duo (Intel), Southbridge 31 32
Cores 2 see
Cores, logical 149
Cores, octa 2 17 283
Cores, quad 2 3 31 73 283
Cores, SMT 149
Cores, V9 27
Cost, CMPs 4 16 96
Cost, parallel programming 16 35
Cost, Raystation 3 29
Cost, single processor computers 35
Counting semaphore 248
Counting task dependencies 208—210
cp 116
CPU-intensive processes 114
CRCW (Concurrent Read and Concurrent Write) 242—243 423 424
Create action 357
Creation functions (pthread_mutex_t attribute object) 254
CREW (Concurrent Read and Exclusive Write) 242—243 282 425
critical sections 241 340
Critical sections, Blackboard as 317—318
Critical sections, managing, with mutex semaphores 257
Crossbar, Opteron 23
Crossbar, UltraSparc T1 27
CTEST Laboratories 287 328
Data level parallelism, MIMD approach 421 422
Data level parallelism, SIMD approach 421 422
Data races (race conditions) 52—54 151 190 191 192 204 390
Data resources 130
Data rollback 392
Data segment 109
Data structures, ITC and 231—233
Data structures, thread-safe 268
Data synchronization 239 240
Datatypes classes 335
DCA see "Direct Connect Architecture"
deadlocks 54—55 64 174 21 239 241 246 255 282 387 395
Debugging 60—61 376 377 399 see
decision symbol 364
Declarative models 45—46 64 329
Declarative models, AAs and 45
Declarative models, concurrent constraint 46
Declarative models, constraint 46
Declarative models, functional 46
Declarative models, languages in 46
Declarative models, object-oriented 38 39 40 46 141
Declarative models, procedural models v. 45 64
Decomposition 41—47 83 291
Decomposition and operating system's role 83—85
Decomposition in text files filtering project see "Text files filtering project"
Decomposition, AAs 41 44 45
Decomposition, challenges 43
Decomposition, defined 41 43
Decomposition, four-task application 73—75
Decomposition, guess_it program 83—85
Decomposition, models and 44—46
Decomposition, multicore programming and 83
Decomposition, painters and 42—44 46—47
Decomposition, WBS 41 45 268
Default constructor 343 344
Defect removal during testing stages 380
Defect removal, approach for 381—386
Defect removal, defect survival v. 380—381
Defect survival during exception handling 380
Defect survival, defect removal v. 380—381
defects, defined 378
Deferred cancellation 173
Deferred events 367 368
Delegation (boss/ worker) model with processes 412—413
Delegation (boss/ worker) model, thread strategy approaches 269—271 289 412—414
dependency relationships 205—210 282 333 349
Dependency relationships, communication 205—207
Dependency relationships, cooperation 207
Dependency relationships, stereotypes for 349—351
Dependency relationships, task 208—210
Dependency stereotypes 349—351
Dependency stereotypes, «access» 350
Dependency stereotypes, «become» 350
Dependency stereotypes, «bind» 350
Dependency stereotypes, «call» 350
Dependency stereotypes, «copy» 350
Dependency stereotypes, «extend» 350
Dependency stereotypes, «friend» 350
Dependency stereotypes, «include» 350
Dependency stereotypes, «instanceof» 350
Dependency stereotypes, «instantiate» 350
Dependency stereotypes, «refine» 350
Dependency stereotypes, «use» 350
Deployment diagrams 61 62 85
Deployment view 371
Deque container 353 354
Descendant class 91
Design layers (layers 4, 5) 289 300 303
Design view 371
Designing Concurrent, Distributed, and Real-Time Applications with UML (Gomaa) 373
designs see also "Application design" "Multicore
Designs for multicore architectures 19—34
Designs, concurrency 61—62 401—409
Designs, SDLC activity 38 85
Destroy action 357
Destruction functions (pthread_mutex_t attribute object) 254
Destruction operation, condition variables 264
Destruction operation, mutex semaphores 253
Destruction operation, POSIX semaphores 249
Destruction operation, read-write locks 258
destructor 343 344
Detached state 154
Detached threads 155 169—171
Development tool, operating system as see "Operating system"
Diagrams (UML language primitive) 333 see
DictionaryLexicon 336 337 338 353 356 372
DictionaryLexicon, attributes, categorization of 344—345
DictionaryLexicon, multiplicity between associated classes 347
DictionaryLexicon, multiplicity of classes 347
Die 2 21
Direct Connect Architecture (DCA) 22
Disabled cancellation 173
Distributed programming 63 64
Distributed shared memory (DSM) architecture 25
Documentation techniques, concurrency design see "Concurrency"
Documentation techniques, dependency graph 209
Documentation techniques, errors 391
Documentation techniques, modeling see "Modeling"
Documentation techniques, Specifications (SDLC activity) 38
Documentation techniques, UML see "UML"
Domain classes 335
do_something() 89 91 92 194 197 200
DSM see "Distributed shared memory architecture"
Dual core Opteron see "Opteron"
Dynamic priority 114
EIB (interconnect bus) 28 30 31
Encapsulation in text files filtering project see "Text files filtering project"
Encapsulation of message queue functions 226—230
Encapsulation of operating system's role 30 33 34 68 86—93
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