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Ottesen J.T. — Applied Mathematical Models in Human Physiology |
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142 149 173
function 38
function, approximation 43
2D model 35
Actin 17
Activation function 38 50—51
Active muscle tissue 38
Acute hemorrhage 175 190
Afferent part 160
Afferent part, model 189
Alveoli 8 28
Angiotensin II 27
Annulus fibrosus 11
Aorta 8
Aorta, flow, 124
Aorta, flow, q(x,t) 125
Aorta, pressure, 124
Aorta, pressure, p(x,t) 125
Aortic valve 10 13
Area ratio, structured tree 102
Arterial load 76 77
Arterial pulse, characteristics 93 123 133
Arterial pulse, diagnostic significance 95
Arterial pulse, pathological conditions 136
Arterial pulse, reflections 93 114 124 131
Arterial pulse, shape 93
Arterial tree 20 93 96 97
Arteries, bifurcation 19
Arteries, cross-sectional area 17 19
Arteries, elasticity 19
Arteries, muscles 19
Arteries, systemic 8 17
Arteries, wall properties 19
Arteries, wall thickness 23
Assumptions, large arteries 95 105
Assumptions, small arteries 117
Asymmetry ratio, structured tree 102
Atrioventricular, opening 13
Atrioventricular, valves 12
Atrium, left 10 35
Atrium, right 10
Automatism 14
Autoregulation 28 195
Baroreceptor 28
Baroreceptor mechanism 158 159
Baroreceptor mechanism, distributed time delay 167
Baroreceptor mechanism, model 168 171
Baroreceptor mechanism, open loop descriptions 166
Baroreceptor model 157
Baroreceptor model, parameter values 172
Baroreceptor, efferent part 165
Baroreceptor, firing rates 162
Baroreceptor, nonlinear phenomena 161
Baroreceptor, open loop response 166
Baroreceptor, unified model 162
Bessel equations, small arteries 117 266
Bicuspid valve see "Mitral valve"
Bifurcation condition, large arteries 113
Bifurcation condition, small arteries 120
Biochemical energy 17
Blood 25
Blood flow, heart 35
Blood flow, inertial effects 94
Blood flow, large arteries 105
Blood flow, small arteries 255
Blood flow, viscous effects 94
Blood gas transport 200
Blood transport 213 242
Blood, density 37 38
Blood, deoxygenated 8
Blood, regulation 19
Blood, reoxygenated 8
Blood, viscosity 37 38 45
Bode plot, brachiocephalic artery 131 133
Bohr effect 244
Brachialis, flow, 124
Brachialis, flow, q(x,t) 126
Brachialis, pressure, 124
Brachialis, pressure, p(x,t) 126
Brachiocephalic artery, Bode plot 131 133
Bundle, atrioventricular see "Bundle of His"
Bundle, of His 14
Carbon dioxide 28
Carbon dioxide, dissociation 227
Carbon dioxide, transport 223
Cardiac, contractility 173
Cardiac, cycle 35
Cardiac, output 11
Cardiovascular, model 138—140 147 170
Cardiovascular, regulation 27
Cardiovascular, system 7
Carotid sinus pressure, pulsatile 183
Central nervous system 28
Characteristic systemic resistance 141
Chemoreceptor 28
Chordae tendineae 13
Chronotropic effect 170
CNS 28 see
Compartment equations 211
Compartment model 197
Compliance 30 98 138
Compliance, venous 173
Conclusion 132
Conduction zone 30
Conservation form, Navier — Stokes equations 111
Continuity equation 38
Continuity equation, discretization 44
Continuity equation, large arteries 106
Continuity equation, small arteries 118
Contraction isovolumic 74
Control mechanisms 159
Control of respiration 230
Control, peripheral resistance 172
Control, unstressed volume 172
Control, venous compliance 172
Convolution theorem 116
Cross-sectional area 101
Crossbridge bonds 17
Cycling of bonds 17
Deactivation 79 80 82 88
Dead space 31
Diastole 10 37
Dicrotic wave 93 95 114 124
Diffusion 210
Dissociation curves 236
Distributed model 138
Distributed time delay, baroreceptor mechanism 167
Efferent part, baroreceptor 165
Efferent responses 190
Ejection effect 74 78
Ejection effect, model 81 88
Ejection fraction 10
Elastance 30
Elastance function 141 142 149
Elasticity, large arteries 111
Elasticity, small arteries 262
Erythrocytes 25
External forces, small arteries 257
External forces, small arteries, total 259
Fibril 15
Filling resistance 141
Firing rates, baroreceptors 162
Flow, aorta, 124
Flow, aorta, measured 128
Flow, aorta, q(x,t) 125
Flow, subclavia and brachialis, 124
Flow, subclavia and brachialis, q(x,t) 126
Fluid dynamic model, large arteries 105
Fluid dynamic model, small arteries 116
Force density 38
| Fourier expansion 116
Frank mechanism 74 77
Gas, dissociation 222 225
Gas, exchange 31
Gas, model 207 234
Geometry, large arteries 96
Geometry, small arteries 100
Harmonic waves, small arteries 266
Heart model 142
Heart model, factor 45
Heart model, activation function 50 51 54
Heart model, active muscle tissue 48
Heart model, cross links 52
Heart model, initial geometry 51 54
Heart model, link formalism 47
Heart model, papillary muscle 52
Heart model, passive tissue 48
Heart model, pressure 54
Heart model, sink 37 39
Heart model, source 37 39
Heart model, tethering 53
Heart model, velocity field 58
Heart model, velocity profiles 64
Heart model, vortex data 67
Heart pacing 179
Heart, active muscle 35
Heart, apex of 11 35
Heart, base of 11
Heart, blood flow 35
Heart, blood flow, velocity field 37
Heart, mitral valve 35
Heart, passive tissue 35
Hematocrit 25
Hemoglobin 33
Hill’s force-velocity relation 79
Hill’s three-element model 49
Human circulation model 140
Hyperactivation 79 80 82 88
Immersed boundary method 36
Immersed boundary method, stability analysis 36
Impedance 116
Impedance, structured tree 120 121
Impedance, structured tree, algorithm 122
Impedance, structured tree, terminal 123
Inductance 138
Inertial effects of blood 80
Inertial force, small arteries 258
Inflow condition 113
Inotropic effect 170
Inspiration 28
Internal and external forces, small arteries, normal part 261
Internal and external forces, small arteries, tangential part 260
Internal and external forces, small arteries, total 260
Internal forces, small arteries 256
Interpleural fluid 30
Interstitial space 30
Isovolumic contraction 74
Isovolumic pressure model 76
Laminar flow 208
Large arteries, arterial tree 97
Large arteries, assumptions 95 105
Large arteries, blood flow 105
Large arteries, continuity equation 106
Large arteries, fluid dynamic model 105
Large arteries, geometry 96
Large arteries, momentum equation 107
Large arteries, Navier — Stokes equations 105
Large arteries, state equation 111
Large arteries, tapering factor 96
Large arteries, vessel 106
Leucocytes 25
Linear resistance model 40
Linearized equations, small arteries, definitions 263
Linearized equations, small arteries, first order 264
Linearized equations, small arteries, solution 266
Linearized equations, small arteries, zeroth order 264
Long axis plane 35 57
Lumped model 138
Lung model 198 201 232
Lung simulation 232
Mass balance 216
Mechanoreceptor 28 195
Metabolism 29 221
Mitral valve 10 13
Model, afferent part 189
Model, baroreceptor mechanism 168 171
Model, ejection effect 81 88
Model, firing rates 162
Model, isovolumic 76
Model, isovolumic pressure 76
Modified Windkessel model 138
Moens — Korteweg wave propagation 118 267 272
Momentum equation, large arteries 107
Momentum equation, small arteries 117
Motion, small arteries, fluid 255
Motion, small arteries, fluid and vessel wall 263
Motion, small arteries, vessel wall 256
MR data 52 56—58
MR data, modulus image 58
MR data, velocity profile 58
Muscle fiber 15
Myocardium 12
Myocytes 15
myosin 17
Navier — Stokes equation 38 94
Navier — Stokes equation, conservation form 111
Navier — Stokes equation, discretization 44
Navier — Stokes equation, large arteries 105
Navier — Stokes equation, small arteries 256
Negative effects of ejection 88
Newton’s Second Law 37
Nodes, atrioventricular 14
Nodes, sinoatrial 14
Nonlinear phenomena, baroreceptor 161
Nonpulsatile models 139
Numerical scheme 36
One-dimensional model 93 105
Open loop descriptions, baroreceptor mechanism 166
Open loop response, baroreceptor 166
Order, structured tree 135
Organ compartments 216
Outflow condition 93 114 120
Outflow condition, pure resistance condition 94 114 127 134
Outflow condition, Windkessel condition 94 115 127
Oxygen carriage 225
Oxygen dissociation 228
Papillary muscle 13
Papillary muscle, heart model 52
Parameter values 144
Parameter values, baroreceptor model 172
Parasympathetic activity 166 189
Passive tissue 38
Peripheral resistance 19 134
Peripheral resistance, control 172
PH model 225
pH value 28 33 222 225
Phase lag, flow and pressure 133
plasma 25
Plasma, viscosity 27
Poiseuille flow 271
Positive effects of ejection 88
Pressure model 202 232
Pressure, aorta 124
Pressure, aorta , measured 128
Pressure, aorta p(x,t) 125
Pressure, pulmonary circulation 8
Pressure, subclavia and brachialis, 124
Pressure, subclavia and brachialis, p(x,t) 126
Pressure, systemic circulation 8
Pressure, three boundary conditions 130 131
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