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Ottesen J.T. — Applied Mathematical Models in Human Physiology |
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Pressure, veins 19
Pressure, versus flow 129
Pulmonary, capillary compartment 218
Pulmonary, circulation 8
Pulmonary, valve 10 13
Pulsatile carotid sinus pressure 183
Pulsatile models 139
Pure resistance condition 94 114 127
Purkinje fiber 14
Radius power law, structured tree 102
Radius, structured tree, minimum 121
Radius, structured tree, root 121
Reflected waves 80
Resistance 138
Respiration 197
Respiratory system 28
Respiratory zone 30
Results 123
Reynolds number 19 45
Sarcomere 15
Sarcoplasmic reticulum 15 17
Scaling parameters 101 104 113 121
Semilunar valves 12
Septum 11
Septum, interatrial 11
Septum, interventricular 11
Shear stress 107
Sliding filament theory 17
Small arteries, assumptions 117
Small arteries, Bessel equations 117 266
Small arteries, bifurcation condition 120
Small arteries, blood flow 255
Small arteries, continuity equation 118
Small arteries, cross-sectional area 101
Small arteries, elasticity 262
Small arteries, external forces 257
Small arteries, external forces, total 259
Small arteries, fluid dynamic model 116
Small arteries, geometry 100
Small arteries, harmonic waves 266
Small arteries, inertial force 258
Small arteries, internal and external forces 260
Small arteries, internal and external forces, normal part 261
Small arteries, internal and external forces, tangential part 260
Small arteries, internal forces 256
Small arteries, linearized equations, definitions 263
Small arteries, linearized equations, first order 264
Small arteries, linearized equations, solution 266
Small arteries, linearized equations, zeroth order 264
Small arteries, longitudinal velocity 117 273
Small arteries, momentum equation 117
Small arteries, motion, fluid 255
Small arteries, motion, fluid and vessel wall 263
Small arteries, motion, vessel wall 256
Small arteries, Navier — Stokes equations 256
Small arteries, state equation 118
Small arteries, surface force 258
Small arteries, tethering force 258
Small arteries, vessel length 104
Starling’s law 77
State equation 135
State equation, large arteries 111
State equation, small arteries 118
Stokes boundary layer 271
Stressed volume 145
Structured tree 101 115 135
Structured tree, area ratio 102
Structured tree, asymmetry ratio 102
Structured tree, impedance 120 121
Structured tree, impedance, terminal 123
| Structured tree, minimum radius 121
Structured tree, order 104 135
Structured tree, radius power law 102
Structured tree, root radius 121
Structured tree, scaling parameters 101 104 113 121
Structured tree, terminal resistance 121
Subclavian, flow, 124
Subclavian, flow, q(x,t) 126
Subclavian, pressure 124
Subclavian, pressure p(x,t) 126
Surface force, small arteries 258
Sympathetic activity 166 189
Systemic circulation 8
Systole 10 37
T-tubules 15
Tapering factor 96 119
Tension 213
Terminal cisternae 15
Terminal resistance, structured tree 121
Tethering force, small arteries 258
Thrombocytes 25
Tidal volume 31
Time-varying elastance function 142 149
Trachea 30
Tricuspid valve 10 13
Tropomyosin 17
Troponin 17
Tunica, adventitia 23
Tunica, intima 20
Tunica, media 23
Unified baroreceptor model 162 189 195
Unstressed volume 145
Unstressed volume, control 172
Unstressed volume, venous 173
Vasa vasorum 23
Vascular model 143
Veins 8
Veins, muscles 19
Veins, pressure 19
Veins, wall properties 19
Velocity, longitudinal, small arteries 117 273
Velocity, profile across vessel 109
Vena cava 8
Venous compliance 173
Venous compliance, control 172
Venous inflow 35 37
Venous, unstressed volume 173
Ventilation 29
Ventilation disorder(s), obstructive 31
Ventilation disorder(s), restrictive 31
Ventricle, left 10 35
Ventricle, right 10
Venules 8
Vessel length, small arteries 104
viscosity 134
Viscosity of blood see "Blood"
Viscosity of plasma see "Plasma"
Volume, pulmonary circulation 8
Volume, systemic circulation 8
Wall thickness 98 104
Wave equation 119
Wave propagation 119 134
Wave propagation, complex 118
Windkessel arterial load 76 77
Windkessel condition 94 115 127 134
Windkessel model 41—42
Windkessel model, discretization 45
Windkessel model, evaluation 53—56
Womersley number 117 266 271
Young’s modulus 20 98 104 135 138
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