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Roberts F. S. — Graph theory and its applications to problems of society |
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44 53
-perfect graph see "Perfect graph"
-perfect graph see "Perfect graph"
1-Factor 96
1-factor, use in computation of characteristic polynomial 96—98
1-factor, weight of 96
Acyclic digraph 43 64
adjacency 20
Adjacency matrix 33
Adjacency matrix, weighted 94
Advanced rosette 99
Air pollution 3 7 89
Algorithm see also "NP" "Depth
Algorithm, deterministic 12
Algorithm, good 12
Algorithm, greedy 35
Algorithm, nondeterministic 12
Anderson, B. 83 109
Antle, L.G. 90 109
Appel, K. 50 109
Archaeology 2 18 31
Arithmetic models 89
Armstrong, W.E. 27 109
Articulation set 52
Asteroidal triple 20
Augmenting effect 91
Axelrod, R.M. 90 109
Balance of signed digraph 81—83 87 106
Balance of signed graph 80
Balance, definition 80
Balance, degree of 82—83
Balance, measure of 82—83
Balance, theory of 79—88
Bargaining 64
Bassett, L. 102 106 109
Bellotti, A.C. 113
Beltrami, E. 49 109
Benzer's Problem 17—18
Benzer, S. 17 109
Berge Conjecture, strong 52
Berge Conjecture, weak 52
Berge, C. 52 53 57 61 63 64 109
Berger, J. 83 86 109 115
Bipartite graph 50 52 53 80
Bodin, L. 49 67—69 109 114
Boesch, F. 8 10 109
Boland, J.Ch. 20 112
box 39
Box (G) 39
Boxicity 39—41
Boxicity of ecological phase space 41—44
Boxicity of niche overlap graph 42
Boxicity, definition 39
Bradley, D.F. 113
Bridge 8
Bridge in mixed graph 8
British Columbia 89
Brown, T.A. 89 94 99 114
Canada 89 90
Capacity of graph 57—62
Capacity of graph, definition 59
Capacity of noisy channel 57—62
Capacity, computation of 60
Capacity, zero-error 59
Cartwright, D. 63 64 80 109 111
Cearlock, D.B. 89 109
Cesari, L. 103 109
Chain 5
Chain, closed 5
Chain, length of 5
Chain, simple 5
Characteristic 83
Characteristic polynomial of weighted digraph 95—96
Chemistry 101
Chen, W.K. 96 110
Chord 19
Chromatic number, computation of 12 50—51
Chromatic number, definition 49
Chromatic number, n-chromatic number 53
Chronological order 18
Chvatal, V. 12 53 110
Circuit 5
Circular arc graph 22 23
Circular l's property 22
Clarke, B.L. 101 110
Clarke, F.H. 53 56 110
Clique number 51—52
Clique, consecutive ordering of dominant cliques 21 24
Clique, definition 20
Clique, dominant 20 21 24
Clique, finding largest 12 25 51
Coady, S.K. 89 110
Coal 90
Coalition formation 84 85
Coastal resources 89
Code alphabet, unambiguous 58
codes 73—75 see
Codeword 4
Coding see "Codes"
Cohen, B.P. 83 109 115
Cohen, J.E. 42—44 46 47 110
Colorability 2 49—56
Colorable, 2-colorable 50—51 see
Colorable, k-colorable 49
Coloring, -coloring 104
Coloring, applications of 49—50
Coloring, n-tuple 53
Coloring, n-tuple, efficient 56
Committee schedules 50
communication links 63 see "Noisy "Telecommunications"
Communication system 4 see "Noisy "Telecommunications"
Comparative change 86—87
Compatibility graph 3 22
Compatible ordering 33
Compatible ordering, uniqueness of 36
Competition graph 3 42 see
Competition number 44
Complement 20
Complete graph 20
Complete p-partite graph 39
Component 5
Component, connected 5
Component, strong 5 95
Conflict graph 26 54
Confusion graph 4 58
Connected component 5
Connected graph 5
Connectedness 5
Consecutive l's property 21—22 33—34
Consecutive ordering of dominant cliques 21 24
Cook, S.A. 12 110
| Coombs, C.H. 18 110
Corporate interlocks 16—17
Cover see "k-cover"
Cross-referencing system 64
Curb multidigraph 67
Cutset 52
d(G) 8
Deadheading time 67
Degree 65
Delivery schedules 49
Deo, N. 11 12 50 113
Depth first search 9—11 34 50
Deterrence 64
Developmental psychology 18
Diameter of connected graph 12
Diameter of strongly connected digraph 12
digest see "Enzyme"
Digest, ambiguous 73
Digraph 3
Digraph underlying a graph 8
Dirac, G.A. 45 110
Directed graph see "Digraph"
Disarmament 64
Distance in digraph 11
Distance in graph 11
Distributive justice 83—86
DNA 70
DNA as a word 73
DNA, recombinant 73
Dominant clique 20 21 24
Dominant clique-vertex incidence matrix 21 34
Dominating set 62—63
Dominating set, k-dominating set 63
Domination 62—63
Domination number 62
Ecological niche 41
Ecological phase space 41—44
Ecological phase space, definition 41
Ecology 3 41 101
Economics 64 101 103 105 107
ecosystem 3 90
Ecosystem, perturbation of 41 42
Edmonds, J. 12 110
Effective preference 64
Eigenvalues of a weighted digraph, computation of 95—96
emergency services 63
Energy and food production 89 90—93 95 97
Energy, demand for 4
Energy, policy 90
Energy, use 89
Energy, waste 7
Environmental policy 90
Enzyme, digest by 4 71—73
Enzyme, digest by, ambiguous 73
Enzyme, G 71
Enzyme, U, C 71
Equilibrium, stable 103
Euler, L. 65
Eulerian chain 65—77
Eulerian chain, definition 65
Eulerian chain, existence of 65
Eulerian chain, existence of closed 65
Eulerian path 65—67
Eulerian path, definition 65
Eulerian path, existence of 66
Eulerian path, existence of closed 65
Evaluation 83
Examination schedules 50
Expectation 83 86
Extended base 4 72
Extended base, interior 72
Extreme vertex 30
Feedback 91
Filippov, N.D. 37 114
Fire stations, location of 63
Fisek, M.H. 109
Food production 89 90—93 95 97
Food web 3 42—47
Food web for Malaysian Rain Forest 44
Food web for Strait of Georgia, British Columbia 43
Food web, community 46—47
Food web, sink 46—47
Food web, source 46—47
Forbidden subgraph characterization 30
forecasts 93 94
Forster, M.J. 113
Four color problem 50
Fragment 71
Fragment, abnormal 72
Fulkerson, D.R. 22 110
Gabai, H. 40 110
Game theory 63—64
Garbage trucks, routing 49 50 see
Garey, M.R. 50 53 110
Generalized Metzlerian matrix 106
Genetics 4 17 18 65 see "RNA" "Benzer's
Geometric models 89
Ghouila-Houri, A. 16 110
Gilbert, E.N. 26 110
Gilmore, P.C. 16 20 110
GM digraph 106
GM matrix 105—107
GM matrix, definition 106
Goal object 83
Golumbic, M.C. 37 110
Good, I.J. 65 66 110
Gorman, T. 101 110
Graph 3
Greedy algorithm 35
Green light assignment, feasible 23
Green light assignment, optimal 23—25
Griggs, J. 26 110
Gross, O.A. 22 110
Guilt 84
G[H] 54
H-stable matrix 105
Hahn, W. 103 110
Hajnal, A. 53 110
Hajos, G. 17 110
Haken, W. 50 109
Harary, F. 26 54 63—65 80 82 83 95 96 106 109—111 114
Harrison, J.L. 44 111
Health care delivery 89
Heider, F. 79 111
Hewes, M.T. 113
Hicks stable matrix 105
Hicks stable matrix, relation to stable 105—107
Hicks, J. 105 111
Hillier, F.S. 67 111
Hilton, A.J.W. 56 111
Historical personages 90
Hoffman, A.J. 16 20 110
Hubbell, C.H. 86 87 111
Hubert, L. 32 33 36 111
Hurd, L.E. 113
Hutchinson, G. 71 111
Hutchinson, G.E. 41 111
Hutchinson, J.P. 73 111
Indecomposable matrix 105
Indegree 65
Independence 57—64
Independence number 55 57 see
Independent set of edges 40
Independent set of vertices 57—64
Independent set of vertices in digraph 63
Independent set of vertices in graph 37 55
Independent set of vertices, largest 55
Indifference 4 18
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