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Roberts F. S. — Graph theory and its applications to problems of society |
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Indifference graph 27—31 52
Indifference graph, definition 28
Indifference graph, homogeneous family of indifference graphs 33
Indifference, transitivity of 27
Inductive change 86
Inhibiting effect 91
Inland waterways 90
Integer-weighted digraph 98—99
International relations 64 80—81
Intersection graph 15—26
Intersection graph and committee schedules 50
Intersection graph definition 16
Intersection graph of arbitrary family of sets 16—17
Intersection graph of arcs on a circle see "Circular arc graph"
Intersection graph of boxes see "Boxicity"
Intersection graph of intervals see "Interval graph"
Intersection graph of unions of intervals 26
Intersection graph of unit length intervals 29
Interval assignment 17
Interval assignment, uniqueness of 36—37
Interval graph 17—26 29 52 53 61
Interval graph, characterization of 18—22
Interval graph, definition 17
Interval graph, niche overlap number of 45
Isolated vertex 43
Isomorphism 17
Jamison, R.E. 53 56 110
Jeffries, C. 101 103 104 111
Johnsen, E.C. 86 87 111
Johnson, D.S. 50 53 110
Johnson, G.P. 90 109 110
Johnson, J.M. 110
joining 4—5
Justice 84 85
k-cover 63
Kane, J. 89 90 111
Karp, R.M. 12 111
Kendall, D.G. 18 32 34 111
Kernel 63
Klee, V. 42 104 112
Koch, J. 50 109
Koenig, D. 51 80 112
Koenigsberg bridge problem 65
Kruzic, P.G. 89 90 112
Lancaster, K.J. 101 112
Landau, H.G. 63 112
LeBrasseur, R.J. 43 113
Lekkerkerker, C.B. 20 112
Lendaris, G.G. 89 112
Levine, J.H. 16 112
Levins, R. 90 101 112
Lexicographic product 54 57 62
Libraries, computerized 64
Lieberman, G.J. 68 111
Liebling, T.M. 67 112
Line index for balance 83
Linear differential equations 103
Linear noise 61
Literature, analysis of 81
Liu, C.L. 63 64 75 112
Loop 3
Lovasz, L. 52 60 61 112
Luce, R.D. 27 112
Lynn, W.R. 113
MacReynolds, W.K. 113
Malaysian Rain Forest, food web 44
Map coloring 50
Marcus, M. 86 87 111
Marczewski, E. 17 112
Matching 104
Matching, S-complete 104
May, R.M. 101 112
Maybee, J. 101 102 104—106 109 112
McLean, M. 90 112
Measurement 18 27
Menger, K. 27 113
Merril, C.R. 113
Metzler, L. 105 113
Metzlerian matrix 105
Metzlerian matrix, generalized 106
Miller, R.S. 41 113
Mixed graph 8
Mixed graph, connected 8
Mixed graph, orientations of 8—9
Mixed graph, strongly connected 8
Mobile radio frequency assignment problem 25—26 54
Moore, J. 114
Morgenstern, O. 63 64 114
Morishima matrix 105 106
Morishima, M. 106 113
Mosimann, J. 71 73 113
Multichromatic number 56
Multicoloring 53—56
Multidigraph 65
Multigraph 65
National Park Service 13
Naval manpower 89
Neighborhood, open 45
New York City 67
New York City, Department of Sanitation of 2 49
Niche overlap 3 41—47
Niche overlap graph 41—47 58
Niche overlap number 44
Nievergelt, J. 11 12 50 113
Noisy channel 57—62
Normal product 57
Norman, R.Z. 61 62 82—84 109 111 113
NP 12 50
NP-complete problem 12 50
NP-hard problem 12 51
Nuclear power plant 3 63
Odd hole 51
Oka, I.N. 113
One-way street problem 7—13
One-way street problem, algorithms for solving 9—11
One-way street problem, efficient solutions 11—12
One-way street problem, inefficient solutions 13
One-way street problem, some streets two-way 8—9
Open neighborhood 45
Operations research 34
Orientation 7
Orientation, strongly connected 7—13
Orientation, transitive 15—16 20 36—37 52
Orientation, transitive, uniqueness of 37
Outdegree 65
Over-reward 84 85
P 12
Parsons, T.R. 43 113
Partitive set 37
Path 4
Path, closed 4
Path, length of 4
Path, simple 4
Perfect graph conjecture, strong 52
Perfect graph conjecture, weak 52
Perfect graph, -perfect 60
Perfect graph, -perfect, classes of 52—53
Perfect graph, -perfect, definition 52
Perfect graph, -perfect, relation to -perfect 60—61
Perfect graph, weakly -perfect 60
Perfect graph, weakly -perfect 51 52 55 56 61
Perfectly stable matrix 105
Phase 24
Phasing traffic lights 3 22—26
Pianka, E.R. 41 113
Pimentel, D. 80 92 113
Planar graph 50
Poincare, H. 27
Police stations, location of 63
Policy problems 2 88
| political science 18 31 81 see
Population control 90 97
preference 4 18 27
Preference, effective 64
Psychology 2 18 31
Psychology, developmental 18
Public policy 2 88
PuLSE 93
Pulse process 89—99
Pulse process, autonomous 93
Pulse process, definition 93
Pulse stability of vertex 94
Pulse stability of weighted digraph 94 101
Pulse stability, criterion for 94 98
Qualitative matrix 101—107 see
Quirk, J. 101—106 109 112 113
Radar stations 63
Rado, R. 56 111
Reaching 4—5
Receivable as digraph 58
Receiving alphabet 57
Reduced graph 30
Reingold, E.M. 11 12 50 113
Relevance 83
Reward 83
Richardson, M. 64 113
Rigid circuit graph 19 29 45 52 53 61
RNA chain 4 70—73
RNA chain as a word 73
Robbins' theorem 7—8
Robbins, H.E. 7 8 113
Roberts, F.S. 1 3 10 13 18 21 26 29—31 33 36 39 40 44—46 54 64 81—84 89 94 95 99 113 114
Robinson form 32—36
Robinson form, definition 32
Robinson form, strong 32
Robinson form, weak 32
Robinson, W.S. 32 114
Rosenfeld, M. 60—62 114
Rotating drum problem 75—77
Ruppert, R. 101 103 104 113
Rush, S. 113
Samuelson, P. 101 105 114
Scott, S.H. 53 56 111 114
Self-complemented graph 61
Semicycle 81
Semipath 81
Semipath, length of 81
Sequence dating 18
Seriation 18 31—34 36—37
Shannon, C.E. 59 60 114
Shapiro, M.B. 113
Shepherd, P. 90 112
Shevrin, L.N. 37 114
Sholes, O.D. 113
Sign of chain 79
Sign of path 79
Sign of semipath 81
Sign pattern 87—88 99 101 103
Sign solvability 101—103
Sign solvable system 101
Sign stability 103—105
Sign stable matrix 103
Signed digraph 79
Signed graph 79
Similarity 32
Simplicial vertex 45
Small groups see "Balance"
Smith, J.E.K. 18 110
Snow removal 65 67
Social inequalities 79 86
Sociogram 51 79
Sociology 51 79 80 83 86 see "Distributive
Stability and signs 99
Stability and structure 95—98 see "Value "Stable "Stable "Stable
Stable equilibrium 103
Stable matrix 103
Stable matrix, H-stable 105
Stable matrix, Hicks stable 105
Stable matrix, perfectly stable 105
Stable matrix, relation between stable and H-stable 105—107
Stable set 63—64
Stable set, definition 63
Stahl, S. 53 54 56 114
Status organizing processes 86
Stockmeyer, L. 50 110 114
Stoffers, K.E. 23 24 114
Straffin, P. 99
Strait of Georgia, food web 43
Street cleaning and sweeping 3 49 65 67—70
Strengths of effects 91
Strengths of likes and dislikes 86—88
Strict following 36
Strong component 5 95
Strong product 57
Strongly connected digraph 5 64 see "Strongly
Structural model 89
structural modeling 89—90
Subgraph 19
Subgraph, forbidden 30
Subgraph, generated 19
Subgraph, spanning 23
Sumner, D.P. 114
Suranyi, J. 53 110
Sweep subgraph 67
Symmetric digraph 3
Taylor, H.F. 80 81 83 114
Telecommunications 65 75—77
Tension 79—81 86
Thomassen, C. 12 110
Thompson, W. 89 90 111
Time lag 91
Tindell, R. 8 10 109
Tour see "Tour graph"
Tour graph 49 51 52
Tournament 63
Traffic stream 3 22
Traffic, flow of 3 see "Phasing
Transitive digraph 15
Transitively orientable graph 15—16 20 36—37 52
Transmission alphabet 57
Transmitting stations 63
Transportation problem, the 66 68 70
Transportation problems 90
Transportation systems 89
Tree, maximal spanning 34—36
Tree, minimal spanning 34
Tree, spanning 34
Triangulated graph 19
Trophic dimension 42
Trotter, W.T. 26 37 114
Tucker, A.C. 22 49 51 52 67—69 114
Tyson, J. 101 114
Under-reward 84 85
Unit interval graph 29
Value 93
Value stability of vertex 94
Value stability of weighted digraph 94 101
Value stability, criterion for 94 98
Van den Driessche, P. 104 111 112
Vandermeer, J.H. 41 114
Vertex 3
Vertinsky, I. 89 90 111
Vinton, J.E. 113
von Neumann, J. 61 62 114
voting 63 64
Wagner, H.M. 66 115
Wakeland, W.W. 89 112
Water policy 90
Water-light-gas graph 39
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