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Pedicchio M. C., Tholen W. — Categorical Foundations: Special Topics in Order, Topology, Algebra, and Sheaf Theory |
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Reflexive relation I.14 IV.167
Regular category IV.177 VI.279 VII.336
Regular element VII.334
Regular epimorphism IV.171 VIII.360
Regular epimorphism, stably VIII.361
Regular generator VI.271 278
Regular ideal II.92
Regular locale II.78
Regular open set II.66
Regular projective cover VII.336
Regular projective object VI.282 VII.336
Regular pullback square VIII.367
Relation I.11 IV.166 VI.279
Relation, antisymmetric I.16
Relation, Chasles IV.191 194
Relation, coarse IV.168
Relation, composite I.11
Relation, difunctional VI.291
Relation, discrete IV.168
Relation, equivalence IV.167 VI.280
Relation, equivalence, effective IV.169 VI.281 VIII.367
Relation, equivalence, stably effective VIII.369
Relation, interpolative II.78
Relation, kernel IV.169
Relation, meet-stable II.67
Relation, reflexive I.14 IV.167
Relation, symmetric IV.167
Relation, transitive I.14 IV.167
Relation, way-below II.94
Replete full suborder I.32
Restriction (of a morphism) III.110
Rewriting terms V.247
Richter — Tholen Theorem III.147
Right adjoint I.12 15
Ring of sets, complete I.46
S-sorted algebraic category VI.277
Saturated element II.66
Schreier theorem V.248
Scott open II.96
Scott topology II.96
Section, continuous VII.315
Section, local VII.315
Semilattice homomorphism II.70
Semilattice, join- I.20
Semilattice, meet- I.20 II.70
Separable algebra VIII.399
Separable, finite, extension VIII.398
Sequence, exact IV.198
Sheaf VII.316
Sheaf for a Grothendieck topology VII.329
Sheaf for a Lawvere — Tierney topology VII.331
Short Five Lemma IV.196
Sieve VII.328
Simplicial kernel IV.189
Skeletal category I.10
Small generator VII.345
Space, - II.66
Space, base VIII.401
Space, covering VIII.402
Space, extension VIII.401
Space, H-closed III.131
Space, path-connected VIII.402
Space, sober II.54
Space, total VII.319
span I.11
Spatial locale II.58
Spatial topos VII.334
Spectrum of a locale II.56
Split epimorphism IV.171 VIII.360
Split fork V.223
Split Short Five Lemma IV.186
Stable under intersection III.109
Stable under multiple pullback III.109
Stable under pullback III.108
Stable under restriction III.119
Stably effective equivalence relation VIII.369
Stalk VII.319
Stone — Cech compactification II.93 III.134 159
Strict 2-monad V.258
| Strict initial object VI.285
Strict monoidal category V.258
Strong Embedding Principle V.241
Strong epimorphism IV.170 VIII.361
Strong epimorphism, stably VIII.361
Strong generator VI.271 278
Subcategory, -cowellpowered III.159
Subcategory, reduced V.240
Subfit locale II.77
Sublocale II.60
Sublocale closure II.64
Sublocale image II.69
Sublocale preimage II.74
Sublocale set II.68
Sublocale, closed II.62
Sublocale, dense II.64
Sublocale, open II.62
Sublocales, equivalent II.61
Subobject III.109
Subobject classifier VII.330
Subobject, -open III.137
Subobject, dense VII.324
Subobject, Zariski closed III.116
Subset I.11
Sum, direct IV.201
Supremum I.21
Surjection of locales II.59
Symmetric relation IV.167
Theorem, Barr — Kock IV.176
Theorem, Birkhoff — Witt V.247
Theorem, Clementino — Tholen III.141
Theorem, Day — Kelly III.152
Theorem, Factorization II.68
Theorem, Frolik III.159
Theorem, Isbell Density II.65
Theorem, Johnstone III.139
Theorem, Joyal — Tierney V.235
Theorem, Kuratowski — Mrowka II.91 III.120
Theorem, Lawvere Characterization VI.283
Theorem, Maltsev VI.292
Theorem, Richter — Tholen III.147
Theorem, Schreier V.248
Theorem, Tychonoff III.158
Theorem, Vermeulen III.122
Theorem, Whitehead III.148
Theory, algebraic VI.270
Theory, algebraic, essentially VI.299
Theory, Lawvere VI.270
Topology, Alexandroff I.35
Topology, Grothendieck VII.328
Topology, Lawvere — Tiemey VII.330
Topology, Scott II.96
Topos I.8 III.114 VI.282
Topos, Boolean I.7
Topos, elementary I.5 VII.330
Topos, Grothendieck VII.333
Topos, localic VII.334
Topos, spatial VII.334
Torsion-free Abelian group IV.180
Total space VII.319
Transitive relation I.14 IV.167
Triple, Kleisli V.249
Truncated nerve functor VIII.393
Tychonoff theorem III.158
Unique path lifting property VIII.404
Universal closure operator III.114 VII.323
Universal quotient map III.150
Upper bound I.21
Upper bound, least I.21
UpSet I.37
Variety of general algebras V.229
Variety, algebraic IV.179
Vermeulen Theorem III.122
Way-below relation II.94
Weak colimit VI.292
Weak limit VI.292 VII.337
Whitehead theorem III.148
Yoneda embedding, 2-dimensional VIII.390
Zariski closed subobject III.116
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