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Zel'dovich Ya.B., Raizer Yu.P. — Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena (vol. 1)
Zel'dovich Ya.B., Raizer Yu.P. — Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena (vol. 1)

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Íàçâàíèå: Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena (vol. 1)

Àâòîðû: Zel'dovich Ya.B., Raizer Yu.P.


The physical and chemical processes occurring in gases at high temperatures are the focus of this outstanding text by two distinguished physicists. They discuss essential physical influences on the dynamics and thermodynamics of continuous media, combining material from such disciplines as gas dynamics, shock-wave theory, thermodynamics and statistical physics, molecular physics, spectroscopy, radiation theory, astrophysics, solid-state physics, and other fields. Originally published in two volumes

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1966

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 464

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 11.10.2005

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Radiation continuity equation      130 145
Radiation energy      168 197
Radiation energy losses      164—168
Radiation entropy      see “Entropy of radiation”
Radiation equilibrium      see “Equilibrium radiation”
Radiation from a plane layer      135—137
Radiation from accelerated electron      249
Radiation heat conduction approximation      151—156 163 164
Radiation intensity      see “Spectral radiation intensity”
Radiation mean free path, averaged for optically thick body      see “Rosseland mean free path”
Radiation mean free path, averaged for optically thin body      see “Planck mean free path”
Radiation momentum      see “Momentum density of radiation”
Radiation pressure      142 168 172 197
Radiation pressure, isotropic field      117
Radiation spectrum      108
Radiation spectrum, optically thick body      167
Radiation spectrum, optically thin body      167
Radiation thermal conductivity coefficient      153
Radiation wave      344 348
Radiative capture      see “Electron capture”
Radiative emission in spectral lines      300—303
Radiative equilibrium, in a star      157
Radiative transfer      107
Radiative transfer equation      128—130 132
Radiative transfer equation, quasi-steady      133
Raizer, Yu.P.      201[15] 206[15] 210[16] 257[61] 276[18] 280[18] 281[62] 337[39] 338[38] 338[71] 343[62] 343[71] 343[77] 344[71] 344[77] 347[71] 347[77] 348[77] 348[86] 379[41] 380[41] 413[90] 423 425(2) 429 431(2) 432 433(3) 434 436 439
Rakhmatullin, Kh.A. (ed.)      234[4] 238[4] 239[4] 243[4] 427
Ramsden, S.A.      338[69] 344[69] 344 347[69] 433 434
Ramstetter, Dr.-Ing.      379[44] 437
Rarefaction shock waves      59—62
Rarefaction shock waves, with anomalous thermodynamic properties      67—69
Rarefaction wave      33—37
Rarefaction wave, attainable states      62
Rarefaction wave, cylindrically symmetric      43
Rarefaction wave, spherically symmetric      43 (see also “Centered rarefaction wave”)
Rate of excitation or deexcitation      see “Relaxation”
Ratio of specific heats      4
Rayleigh, Lord      81
Rayleigh-Jeans law      116
Rayleigh-Jeans region of spectrum      122
Rb, photoionization      267 268
RbH, potential curves      319
Re-radiation      129
Reaction rate, by activated complex method      372 (see also “Chemical reactions” “Relaxation”)
Recombination      382 387
Recombination coefficient      387
Recombination rate      388 395
Recombination, by three-body collisions      406—413 (see also “Dissociation” “Ionization”)
Recombination, diffusion model for      408—412
Recombination, impact-radiative      413
Recombination, molecular      364—368 387
Red edge      311 312
Reeves, R.R.      364[22] 435
Reflectivity      118
Reif, T.      120 424
Relaxation layer      234
Relaxation processes      349 ff.
Relaxation processes, order of      351
Relaxation times      351
Relaxation times, for dissociation      363
Relaxation times, for equilibrium radiation      130
Relaxation times, for photoprocesses      403
Relaxation times, in $N0_2$ formation      379 380
Relaxation times, in a plasma      421
Relaxation times, in NO formation      378
Relaxation times, rotational      353
Relaxation times, vibrational      356 360—362
Relaxation, dissociation      362—368
Relaxation, in plasmas      416—421
Relaxation, rotational      352 353
Relaxation, translational      349
Remote ignition      92
Resler, E.L.      213 426
Resonant energy transfer      122
Resonant scattering      114
Resonant scattering cross section at line center      114
Rest mass energy of electron      442
Restricted equilibrium      120
Reversible reactions      189
Reynolds number      72
Riemann invariants      19—21 26
Rink, J.P.      367 438
Romanov, V.E.      283[17] 429
Rosen, P.      400[54] 437
Roskos, R.R.      124[12] 424
Rosseland mean free path      152 153
Rosseland mean free path, air      280
Rosseland mean free path, bremsstrahlung      260
Rosseland mean free path, effect of spectral lines on      297 298
Rosseland mean free path, multiply ionized gas      278—281
Rosseland mean free path, singly ionized gas      274 275
Rosseland weighting factor      153
Rostagni, A.      400[51] 400[52] 437(2)
Rotating mirror camera      243
Rotational energies      181 304
Rotational energies, $0_2$      178 352
Rotational energies, $H_2$      178 352
Rotational energies, $N_2$      178 352
Rotational energies, NO      178
Rotational partition function      181
Rotational quantum number      304
Rotational relaxation      352 353
Rotational relaxation times      353
Rotational structure of band spectra      308—312
Roth, W.      362[60] 438
Roze, A.V.      86 422
Rozhdestvenskii, I.B.      188[5] 191[5] 213 425 426
Ryabinin, Yu.N.      234 428
Rydberg      293 442
Ryutov, D.D.      343[76] 433
Sabol, A.P.      213 426
Sachs, R.G.      213 426
Sadovnikov, P.Ya.      374 375[39] 377[39] 378[39] 436
Sadovskii, M.A.      101 423
Saha equation      194 195 444
Salpeter, E.E.      266[5] 289 296[5] 299[5] 428
Samuilov, E.V.      188[5] 191[5] 425
Savic, P.      344 434
Savin, F.A.      353 362[4] 367[4] 434
Sawtooth absorption curve      273 274
Scattering      110 114 115 286
Scattering coefficient      110
Scattering coefficient, mass      111
Scattering cross section      113 115
Schirmer, H.      200[10] 276[12] 429
Schlieren photography      244
Schott, G.      365[25] 368[25] 436
Schumann — Runge band system      305 323 330 333 334
Schwartz, R.N.      356[13] 360 435(2)
Schwarzschild approximation      see “Forward-reverse approximation”
Screening effect      251
Screening radius, in a plasma      418
Seaton, M.J.      200[10] 276 389[47] 425 429 437
Second law of thermodynamics      4
Second positive band system of $N_2$      305 307—310 312 330 334
Second viscosity coefficient      73 74 76
Second viscosity coefficient, and internal degrees of freedom      74
Sedov, L.I.      93 95 99 104 422(2)
Selection rules, diatomic molecules      308
Selective absorption      114
Self-absorption      136
Self-consistent electric field      223 224
Self-similar compression wave, impossibility of continuous solution for      43 44
Self-similar motion      39
Self-similar motion, centered rarefaction wave      38—41
Self-similar motion, centered simple wave      see “Centered rarefaction wave”
Self-similar motion, plane arbitrary discontinuities      86 87 “Sudden
Selivanov, V.V.      187[4] 196 197[4] 206 212 424
Semenov, N.N.      375
Semenov, S.S. (ed.)      234[4] 238[4] 239[4] 243[4] 427
Senatskii, Yu.V.      338[72] 433
Shadow photography      244
Shlyapintokh, I.Ya.      187[4] 196 197[4] 206 212 424
Shock adiabatics      see “Hugoniot curves”
Shock front      75
Shock front thickness      73
Shock front thickness, measurement of      244
Shock front, structure      54 69 75—77
Shock tubes      88 89 233—245
Shock tubes, conditions behind reflected wave      238 239
Shock tubes, driver gas      234 235
Shock tubes, methods of measurement      243—245
Shock tubes, principle of operation      234—236
Shock tubes, test gas      234 235
Shock tubes, with combustion      238
Shock wave reflection from end of shock tube      89 238 239
Shock wave relations      45—49
Shock waves, formation of      23 44
Shock waves, limiting density ratio      see “Limiting density ratio across a shock”
Shock waves, mechanical stability condition for      61 62 68 69
Shock waves, with anomalous thermodynamic properties      67—69
Simple waves      27—30 32
Slawsky, Z.I.      356[13] 435
Slightly compressed atom, electron density distribution      228
Smith, P.T.      389[49] 437
Smith, S.J.      269[9] 429
Sobel'man, I.N.      287[54] 292[54] 432
Sobolev, N.N.      276 332[48] 431 432
Solodchenkova, S.A.      268[85] 434
Soshnikov, V.N.      323[27] 323 430(2)
Sound absorption      74 75
Sound absorption, coefficient of      74 75
Sound dispersion      75
Sound intensity      9 (see also “Decibels”)
Sound wave propagation with viscosity and heat conduction      74 75
Sound waves, energy of      12
Sound waves, monochromatic      10
Sound waves, plane      7 8 10
Sound waves, propagation velocity of      8
Sound waves, spherical      13—15 (see also “Finite amplitude waves”)
Specific heat      177 179
Specific heat ratio, diatomic gas, vibrations excited      179
Specific heat ratio, diatomic gas, vibrations frozen      179
Specific heat ratio, equilibrium radiation      117
Specific heat ratio, monatomic gas      179
Specific heat, diatomic molecules      183
Specific heat, rotational      178
Specific heat, translational      177 178
Specific heat, vibrational      178 183
Specific heat, with dissociation      184 186 187
Spectra in nebulae      201
Spectral emission coefficient, bremsstrahlung emission      258
Spectral energy flux, one-sided      see “Onesided spectral radiant energy flux”
Spectral line shape      127
Spectral line width      126 127
Spectral lines      283—292
Spectral measurement of light intensity      244
Spectral radiant energy density      109
Spectral radiant energy density, equilibrium radiation      116 444
Spectral radiant energy flux      109
Spectral radiant energy flux vector      109
Spectral radiation intensity      109 128—130
Spectral radiation intensity, equilibrium radiation      116 444
Spectral radiation intensity, integral expressions for      131 132
Spectroscopic notation      306—308
speed of light      441
Spitzer, L., Jr.      260 405 418[56] 421[56] 434 437
Spontaneous emission      119 121 127 129
Spontaneous emission, probability of      121
Squire, W.      375[40] 378[40] 436
Stakhanov, I.P.      188[5] 191[5] 425
Stanyukovich, K.P.      93 102[15] 104 104[15] 423
Stark effect      200
Stars      see “Stellar photospheres”
Statistical weight, free electron state      192 194
Statistical weight, ground state, N, $N_2$, NO, O, $0_2$      182
Statistical weight, hydrogen—like atom      265
Stefan — Boltzmann constant      117 443
Stellar photospheres      154
Stellar photospheres, radiative equilibrium in      157—164
Steric factor      370
Stimulated emission      see “Induced emission”
Stirling's formula      180
Stoilov, Yu.Yu.      338[72] 433
Strehlow, R.A.      239[5] 427
Strong explosion      93—99
Strong explosion, approximate treatment      97—99
Strong explosion, similarity law      95
Strong explosion, with counterpressure      94
Strong shock relations      51 52 94
Strong shock relations, with equilibrium radiation      213—215
Stupochenko, E.V.      188[5] 191[5] 234[19] 239[19] 243[19] 353 358 359[77] 362[77] 366 367[76] 367[77] 368[77] 425 428 436 439(2)
Sudden expansion of a gas cloud into vacuum      101—106
Sudden expansion of a gas cloud into vacuum, conditions for self—similarity      104—106
Sudden expansion of a gas cloud into vacuum, isothermal      106
Sudden expansion of a gas cloud into vacuum, plane layer      104
Sudden expansion of a gas cloud into vacuum, with energy release      106
Sukhodrev, N.K.      338[70] 338[71] 343[71] 344[71] 347[71] 433(2)
Sullivan, J.O.      364[23] 435
Sum rule, for oscillator strengths      299
Sum rule, molecular      318 319
Surface brightness, black body      137
Surface brightness, integrated      see “Integrated brightness temperature”
Surface brightness, spectral      136 137
Sviridov, A.G.      276 431
Symmetry factor      181
Symmetry properties, diatomic molecules      308
Taper tube      242 243
Tate, J.T.      389[49] 437
Taylor, G.I.      93 422
Taylor, H.S. (ed.)      234[3] 243[3] 427
Teare, J.D.      332[43] 368[53] 386[73] 415 416 431 437 438
Teller, E.      231[33] 357 426 435
Temperature, effect on dissociation      186 187
Temperature, translational      350
Temperature, vibrational      356
Terebenina, L.B.      332[33] 431
Textoris, A.      335[57] 432
Thermal conductivity coefficient      71
Thermal conductivity coefficient, of radiation      see “Radiation thermal conductivity coefficient”
Thermal diffusivity      72 75
Thermal expansion coefficient      56 65
Thermal radiation      107
Thermodynamic equilibrium      349
Thermodynamic functions, monatomic gas      182 183
Thermodynamic functions, rotational contribution to      183
Thermodynamic functions, vibrational contribution to      183
Thermodynamic functions, with Coulomb corrections      216—218
Thermonuclear reactions, rate of      359
Thomas — Fermi method      220—229
Thomas — Fermi method, generalized for nonzero temperature      229—232
Thomas, M.      281[50] 432
Thompson, H.B.      124[12] 424
Thomson cross section      115 443
Thomson theory for recombination      406
Thomson, J.J.      392
Threshold for breakdown      342
Timan, B.L.      200[11] 216 425
Tomlinson, R.G.      338[66] 433
Toropkin, Yu.N.      392[81] 393[81] 439
Total absorption coefficient      see “Attenuation coefficient”
Total emission coefficient      120
Transition probabilities, atomic      288—292
Transition probabilities, hydrogen atom      300—302
Transition probabilities, molecular      316—321
Transition probabilities, vibrational      see “Vibrational excitation” “probability
Transitions, between excited states      396—398
Transitions, bound—bound      112 114 283
Transitions, bound—free      112 261
Transitions, electronic      111 246
1 2 3 4 5
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