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Zel'dovich Ya.B., Raizer Yu.P. — Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena (vol. 1)
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Íàçâàíèå: Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena (vol. 1)
Àâòîðû: Zel'dovich Ya.B., Raizer Yu.P.
Àííîòàöèÿ: The physical and chemical processes occurring in gases at high temperatures are the focus of this outstanding text by two distinguished physicists. They discuss essential physical influences on the dynamics and thermodynamics of continuous media, combining material from such disciplines as gas dynamics, shock-wave theory, thermodynamics and statistical physics, molecular physics, spectroscopy, radiation theory, astrophysics, solid-state physics, and other fields. Originally published in two volumes
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1966
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 464
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 11.10.2005
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Delta band system of NO 324
Dense gases 217—232
Dense gases, cold 223—229
Dense gases, hot 229—232
Density ratio across a strong shock 51 52
Detailed balancing principle 120
Detonation mechanism 92
Diatomic gas 184
diatomic molecules 178
Diatomic molecules, dissociation 183—188
Diatomic molecules, energy levels 303 ff.
Diatomic molecules, notation for electronic state 306—308
Diatomic molecules, symmetry properties 308
Dibeler, V.H. 364[21] 435
Diffraction scattering 125
Diffusion approximation for radiation 151 152 154—156 163 164
Diffusion approximation for radiation, boundary conditions 148 149
Diffusion approximation for radiation, effect of optical thickness 147
Diffusion coefficient 90
Diffusion coefficient, for photons 146 151
Diffusion coefficient, in recombination model 410—412
Diffusion equation for photons 146 147
Diffusion model for recombination 408—412
Dilatational viscosity coefficient 73 (see also “Second viscosity coefficient”)
Dirac, P.A.M. 124 424
Discontinuities, formation of 32
Discontinuities, propagation velocity of 46 (see also “Arbitrary discontinuities” “Weak
Discontinuity relations see “Shock wave relations”
Dissipative processes see “Viscosity and Heat conduction”
Dissociation 183 184
Dissociation energy 186
Dissociation rates 365—368
Dissociation relaxation 362—368
Dissociation relaxation time 363
Dissociation spectrum 310
Dissociation, nonequilibrium 184
Dissociation, role of vibrational energy in 366
Dissociative equilibrium constant 186
Dissociative recombination 385 386 414—416
Ditchburn, R.W. 323[26] 430
Dixon, J.K. 337[35] 431
Doring, W. 346
Doublet splitting, NO 182
Dronov, A.P. 276 431
Duff, R.E. 367[68] 438
Ecker, G. 200[10] 425
Effective absorption coefficient 129
Effective adiabatic exponent 188 207—210
Effective front thickness 28
Effective radiation 250
Effective ratio of specific heats see “Effective adiabatic exponent”
Effective temperature see “Brightness temperature”
Ehler, A.W. 200[10] 425
Einstein coefficient, for absorption 290—292
Einstein coefficient, for emission 288—292
Einstein coefficients, relation between 120 290
El'yashevich, M.A. 304[41] 431
Electrical conductivity measurement 245
Electrical contact probes 245
Electromagnetic frequency scale see “Radiation spectrum”
Electromagnetic shock tubes 239—243
Electron attachment 386 416
Electron avalanche 340—343 387 401
Electron beam scattering 244
Electron capture 261—264 394 395
Electron capture, cross section for 263 (see also “Recombination”)
Electron charge 441
Electron concentration from gas luminosity 245
Electron density distribution, compressed atom 226
Electron density distribution, free neutral atom 225
Electron density distribution, slightly compressed atom 226
Electron mass 441
Electron orbits 261
Electron radius 442
Electron scattering from a standing light wave 124
Electron spin 306
Electron temperature 386 417 420
Electronic deexcitation 382 (see also “Electronic excitation”)
Electronic energy 304
Electronic excitation 192—197 382—386
Electronic excitation energy 193
Electronic partition functions 181 182 195 198—201
Electronic partition functions, cutoff of 195 196 198—201
Electronic partition functions, transformed 194 195
Electronic transitions 111 246
emission 110 113 114 119
Emission coefficient 110 119 120
Emission cross section 252
Emittance 134
Endothermic reactions 190 368
Ener, C. 353[11] 435
Energy distribution in radiation see “Spectral radiant energy density”
Energy level diagram, nitrogen 307
Energy level diagram, proton—electron system 111
Energy levels, hydrogen—like atom 262
Energy of radiation see “Radiation energy”
Engineering equation of state 176
Entropy change, shock 53 60—62
Entropy change, weak compression shock 64—67
Entropy change, weak rarefaction shock 64
Entropy change, with anomalous thermodynamic properties 67—69
Entropy change, with viscosity and heat conduction 72
Entropy equation, with radiant heat transfer 143
Entropy of radiation 117 197
Entropy, approximate relation for, with multiple ionization 205
Equation of state 3 176
Equation of state, perfect gas 3 177
Equations for shock front structure 76 77
Equations of gasdynamics, in Eulerian coordinates 1—4
Equations of gasdynamics, in Lagrangian coordinates 4—7
Equations of gasdynamics, one—dimensional with viscosity and heat conduction 69—72
Equations of gasdynamics, with radiant heat transfer 143
Equations of gasdynamics, with radiation energy and pressure 168—172
Equilibrium radiation 115—118
Erkovich, S.P. 323[27] 430
Eschenroeder, A.Q. 416[92] 440
Excitation energies 196 198—201
Excitation energies, ionic levels 195
Excitation energies, N, , NO, O, 182
Excitation, by electron impact 390—392 396—398
Excitation, by heavy particles 398—401
Excitation, of excited atoms 396—398
Exothermic reactions 189 368
Eyring, H. 370[38] 379[38] 436
F, cross section for photoprocesses 404
F, photoionization 267 268
Faizullov, F.S. 332[48] 432
Fedorenko, N.V. 400[75] 439
Fermi limiting energy 220 221
Fermi — Dirac statistics for an electron gas 218—222
Fermi, E. 200[9] 425
Ferri, A. (ed.) 234[18] 243[18] 428
Feynman, R.P. 231[33] 426
Filippenko, L.G. 400[75] 439
Fine structure constant 443
Finite amplitude waves 29 44
Finite amplitude waves, "overshooting" of 31 32
Finite amplitude waves, steepening of 31 32
First law of thermodynamics 3
First negative band system of 305 330 334
First positive band system of 305 307 330 334
Fite, W.L. 389[48] 437
Flaks, I.P. 400[75] 439
Fortrat diagrams 310
Forward—reverse approximation 149—151
Fowler T—tube 239 240
Fowler, R.G. 239[6] 427
Fowler, R.H. 366[27] 370[27] 436
Frank-Condon factor 319—321
Frank-Condon principle 313—321
Frank-Kamenetskii, D.A. 374 375[39] 377[39] 378[39] 436
Franklin, J.L. 364[21] 455
Fraser, P.A. 321[22] 430
Free electron states 111
Free energy 176 180 182
Free energy, dissociated diatomic gas 185
Free energy, from Coulomb interactions 216
Free energy, ionized gas 194
Free neutral atom, electron density distribution 225
Free piston, compression by 234
Free-free transitions 112—114 248
Free-free transitions, in a high—temperature gas 258—261
Freezing, of NO 378
Friedrichs, K.O. 20[14] 423
Fyfe, W.I. 415[72] 438
Gabrysh, A.F. 353[11] 435
Gamma band system of NO 305 323 324 328—330 334
Gas constant 3 177
Gas constant, universal 3 177 441
Gaunt factor 254 260
Gaydon, A.G. 304[20] 313[20] 319[20b] 362[63] 429 438
Gehman, W. 365[25] 368[25] 436
Geltman, S. 269[9] 429
Generalov, N.A. 332[33] 362[58] 367 431 436 438
Gerrard, J.H. 362[62] 438
Gibbs free energy see “Gibbs potential”
Gibbs potential 176
Gilvarry, J.J. 231[33] 427
Ginzburg, V.L. 282[63] 283[63] 433
Glasstone, S. 370[38] 379[38] 436
Glick, H.S. 368 375[40] 378 436(2)
Godnev, I.N. 183[2] 424
Goldstine, H.H. 99[8] 423
Golian, T.C. 416[92] 440
Gombas, P. 223 426
Gorban', N.F. 213 426
Granovskii, V.L. 389[46] 391[46] 401[46] 437
Gray body 141 144
Greene, E.F. 353 353[2 3] 434(2)
Griem, H.R. 241[8] 427
Griffith, W.C. 362[64] 438
Ground state, proton-electron system 111
Ground triplet state, O 182
Gryzinski, M. 396[84] 439
Guggenheim, E.A. 366[27] 370[27] 436
Gulyaev, R.A. 392[79] 396[79] 439
Gurevich, A.V. 397[85] 407 411[88] 411[85] 412[88] 439(2)
H 199
H, cross section for photoprocesses 404
H, degree of ionization 195
H, dissociation energy 212
H, electron energy levels 112
H, excitation of 391
H, excited states 198
H, ionization of 199 200 212
H, ionization potential 111 442
H, photoionization 267 268
Hammerling, P. 332[32] 332[43] 335[32] 368[53] 431(2) 437
Harmonic oscillator, emission from 126 127
Harris, L. 337[36] 431
Harshbarger, F. 234[1] 243[1] 427
Harteck, P. 364[22] 435
Haught, A.F. 338[65] 338[68] 339[65] 343[65] 433(2)
He, as shock tube driver gas 237
He, excitation of 391
He, ionization by He 400
He, ionization of 389
Heat conduction 69—73
Heat of reaction 190
Heddle, D.W.O. 323[26] 430
Heitler, W. 254[3] 428
Helmholtz free energy see “Free energy”
Herron, J.T. 364[21] 435
Hertzberg band system 323
Hertzberg, A. 416[92] 440
Herzberg, G. 304[20] 310[20a] 312[20a] 313[20] 429
Herzfeld, K.F. 356[13] 360 360[18] 360[18a] 435(3)
Hg, excitation of 391
Hg,ionization of 389
Hg,photoionization 276
High-speed photography 243
Hinnov, E. 392[80] 394[80] 407 408[80] 439
Hirschberg, J.G. 392[80] 394[80] 407 408[80] 439
Hornig, D.F. 244 353 353[1] 353[2 3] 368[35] 434(3) 436
Hubbard, J.C. 353[11] 435
Huber, A.W. 361 435
Huebner, W.F., et al. (eds.) 332[64] 433
Hugoniot curves 49—52 55—59
Hugoniot curves, for absorption wave 345—347
Hugoniot curves, physically unattainable states 51
Hugoniot relations 50
Hugoniot relations, with dissociation and ionization 209—213
Hugoniot relations, with equilibrium radiation 213—215
Hurle, I.R. 362[63] 438
Hydrogen-like atom 198
Hydrogen-like atom, binding energy 199
Hydrogen-like atom, energy levels 198
Hydrogen-like atom, recombination 405
Hydrogen-like atom, transformed electronic partition function 199
Hydrogenic see “Hydrogen-like”
Hydrogen—like systems 248
Impact parameter 250
Impact-radiative recombination 413
Imshennik, V.S. 106 172[8] 423 424
Induced Compton effect 124 125
Induced emission 118—128
Integrated brightness temperature 138—140 165
Integrated brightness temperature, plane photosphere 162
Integrated emission coefficient, bremsstrahlung emission 258
Integrated radiant energy density 110 169—172
Integrated radiant energy density, equilibrium radiation 117 443
Integrated radiant energy flux 110
Integrated radiant energy flux, perfect black body 118 443
Integrated radiation intensity 110
Interferometry 244
Intermediate complex method see “Activated complex method”
Internal energy, air, comparison of exact and approximate calculations 206
Internal energy, approximate relation with multiple ionization 205
Internal energy, dissociated diatomic gas 184
Internal energy, from Coulomb interactions 216
Internal energy, ionized gas 193
Internal energy, perfect gas 183
Internal energy, power—law relation 208
Internal energy, rotational 178
Internal energy, translational 177 178
Internal energy, vibrational 178 183
Ionization 192—197 382
Ionization potential, average 203
Ionization potential, effective decrease in 217 218
Ionization potential, first 195
Ionization potential, H 111 442
Ionization potential, lowering due to cutoff 200 201
Ionization potential, m—ion 194 203 204
Ionization potential, N, ,NO, O, 192
Ionization potential, second 195
Ionization probes 245
Ionization rate 388 393—396 405
Ionization, by electron impact 386—390 392—396
Ionization, by heavy particles 398—401
Ionization, degree of for air 206
Ionization, in air 413—416
Ionization, internal energy of air with 206
Ionization, multiple 201—207
Ionization, of excited atoms 392—396
Ionized gases, with Coulomb interactions 215—218
Ionosphere, processes in 416
Ionova, V.P. (ed.) 243[14] 428
Isentropes 50 55—61 65—67
Isentropes, approximate relation for with multiple ionization 205
Isentropes, with anomalous thermodynamic properties 67—69