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Volovik G.E. — The Universe in a Helium Droplet |
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Action, absence of action in hydrodynamic systems 52—54
Action, area law for strings 334
Action, effective 26 36
Action, effective, for superfluid vacuum 36 37
Action, Einstein — Hilbert 8 11 12 15 42 442
Action, multi-valued action 55 335
Action, non-local 54
Action, Novikov — Wess — Zumino 55
Action, Novikov — Wess — Zumino, for Fermi points 246
Action, Novikov — Wess — Zumino, for ferromagnets 55
Action, Pauli term 270
Action, topological term 6
Action, topological term, vortex dynamics 246 334 336 337
Action, volume law,for Fermi points 246
Action, volume law,for vortices 246 334 336 337
Adiabatic invariant 337
Adiabatic invariant, Bohr — Sommerfeld quantization 297 298
Andreev reflection 293 342 375 377 378 452
Anti-grand-unification 3—7 184 462
asymptotic freedom 115
Axiplanar phase 78 82 86 99 114 116 117 303
Baked Alaska mechanism, in B-phase 357
Baked Alaska mechanism, in high-energy physics 357
Baryogenesis 1 6 212 241 263 312 467
Berry phase 138 140 141 297
Bianchi identities 12 387
Black hole, candidates 424
Black hole, entropy 434 458 459
Black hole, entropy, dependence on number of fields 459
Black hole, extremal 401 431 433 434
Black hole, extremal, entropy of 434
Black hole, Painleve — Gullstrand 434 436 437 442—444 446 453—455 460
Black hole, Reissner — Nordstrom 433
Black hole, Schwarzschild 385 426 434
Black hole, sphaleron 458
Black hole, supermassive 424
Bloch line 194 207
Bloch wall 207
Boojum 218 220 222 224 226
Boojum, at interface 219 222 225 226 228 229
Boojum, classification 160 219—221 225
Boojum, in liquid crystal 219
Boojum, in rotating container 221 228
Boojum, linear boojum 220
Bose — Einstein condensate 3 21 59 349 376 431 461 464 465
Bose — Einstein condensate,2-component 183 201
Bose — Einstein condensate,of Cooper pairs 102
Bose — Einstein condensate,spinor 201
Bose — Einstein condensate,with F=l 194 204
Brane 6 139 275 282 286 339 447—454 465—467
Bridge 433 434
Charge, baryonic 122 124 125 164 191 240 252
Charge, baryonic, non-conservation 52 124 148 191 239—241 250 252 312
Charge, chiral 165
Charge, electric 20 111 114 146—149 152 177 180 187 188 237—239 251 285 326 433
Charge, electric, analog of 69 105 106 281 283 412
Charge, electric, fractional 300
Charge, electric, of skyrmion 271
Charge, electric, of string 374
Charge, electric, of vortex 374
Charge, electric, running 111
Charge, fermionic 122 124 136 253 264 270 281
Charge, fermionic, fractional 90
Charge, fermionic, in A-phase 124—127 241 244 254 259
Charge, fermionic, instability of 257
Charge, fermionic, non-conservation 124 235 236 238 239 250 252 255 259 285 312 313 466 467
Charge, fermionic, of texture 6 242 244 248 252—254 259 266 271 276 307 338 375
Chemical potential, effective 123—125
Chemical potential, of particles 18 123 125
Chemical potential, of quasiparticles 123 124
Chern — Simons term 122 252 254 255 257 265—267 269—272
Chern — Simons term, axial-gravitational 260 261 263 264 467
Cheshire charge 191
Chiral anomaly 6 52 123
Chirality 124
Chirality, emergence of 5 106 109
Chirality, generalization of 106
Chirality, protected by symmetry 106
Clebsch variables 54
Clocks and rods, of external observer 40
Clocks and rods, of inner observer 40
Collapse, gravitational 424 460
Collapse, vacuum 438
Collective mode, capillary-gravity wave 339 341 344 447
Collective mode, electromagnetic waves 113
Collective mode, of vacuum 5
Collective mode, orbital waves 112 113
Collective mode, spin wave 57 162 164 202 204 210 370 395 401
Composite, defect 94 167 168 170 189 212 215 217 218 226
Composite, fermion 94 149 150
Condensate, Bose 21
Condensate, fermionic 104 180
Confinement, color 204
Confinement, of half-quantum vortices 180 189
Confinement, of half-quantum vortices, in momentum space 104 180
Confinement, of monopole and nexus 217
Confinement, of monopoles in superconductor 217
Confinement, topological 170 189 217
Conical space 404
Cooper pair 67 102
Core, of hedgehog 174
Core, of hedgehog, formation of Dirac mass in core 175
Core, of hedgehog, hard core 175
Core, of hedgehog, instability 173
Core, of hedgehog, soft core 176
Core, of monopole, instability 174
Core, of monopole, symmetry 172
Core, of string, instability 180
Core, of string, superconductivity 180
Core, of vortex, antiferromagnetism 179
Core, of vortex, broken parity 179
Core, of vortex, broken rotational symmetry 179
Core, of vortex, ferromagnetism 179
Core, of vortex, Goldstone boson 180
Core, of vortex, gyromagnetism 179
Core, of vortex, hard core 165 186 201 216
Core, of vortex, soft core 165 186 199—202 205 213 245 250 303
Core, of vortex, twisted 180
Coset space 160
Cosmological constant 13 31
Cosmological constant, before and after phase transition 30
Cosmological constant, estimate using RQFT 8 13 14 56
Cosmological constant, experiment 14
Cosmological constant, from microphysics 8
Cosmological constant, in quantum liquids 15 26 37
Cosmological constant, nullification 29—31 37
Cosmological constant, problem 1 5 14 16 30
Cosmological constant, second problem 49
Counterflow, energy 126
Counterflow, normal-superfluid 59
Counterflow, velocity,as effective chemical potential 123 125 263
Counterflow, velocity,definition 45
Counterflow, velocity,double role 123 125
Creation and annihilation operators 18
Critical velocity for vortex nucleation, A-phase 332
Critical velocity for vortex nucleation, B-phase 332
Critical velocity for vortex nucleation, by propagating front 359 362
Critical velocity for vortex nucleation, by surface instability 339 347
Critical velocity for vortex nucleation, helium-4 332
Critical velocity for vortex nucleation, under radiation 351 362
Cut-off, GUT 111
Cut-off, infrared 57 111 112 167 306 329 462
Cut-off, Planck 13 15 19 25 73 74 110 111 114 133 256 257 370 381 394 395 440 442 456 458 459 463
Cut-off, super symmetry 14
Cut-off, ultraviolet 13 15 56 57 72 111 130 134 168 287 462 463
Dark matter 14 382
Degenerate, Fermi point 106 108 114 115 142 144 145 153 156 183
Degenerate, fermion zero modes 300
Degenerate, metric 70 397 398 404 408 410 426 444
Degenerate, order parameter 69
| Degenerate, states of hedgehog 173
Degenerate, states of vortex core 179
Degenerate, vacuum 21 78
Dimensional reduction 135 136 238 266 271 276 283—286 294
Disclination 172 173 185—187 189 194 225 397 404 405 464
Doppler shift 33 39 43 106 307 315 321 326—328 378 379 409 418 425 427 439
Double counting of degrees of freedom 31 71 77 111 313
Dumb hole 424 431 434
Dumbbell 217
Edge states 90 136 276 277
Effect, Aharonov — Bohm 190 412 413 466
Effect, Aharonov — Bohm, gravitational 243 248 318 406 411 413 416 466
Effect, Callan — Harvey 312 314 317
Effect, Casimir 12 57 369 372 391 393 395
Effect, Casimir, dynamic 375
Effect, Casimir, for vortices 168
Effect, Casimir, mesoscopic 18 371 390 393 394 396
Effect, Corley — Jacobson 431
Effect, fountain 59
Effect, Hall 269
Effect, Hall, anomalous 269 286
Effect, Hall, fractional quantum 272
Effect, Hall, quantum 53 135 204 286
Effect, Josephson 407
Effect, Joyce — Shaposhnikov 255
Effect, Lense — Thirring 410
Effect, Meissner 217
Effect, Sagnac 406—408
Effect, Unruh 379 422
Effect, Zel'dovich — Starobinsky 343 416 421 423
Effect, zero-charge 58 111 115
Electromagnetic field, emergence of 69
Energy-momentum tensor, gas of relativistic quasiparticles 44
Energy-momentum tensor, ill defined 55
Energy-momentum tensor, in ferromagnets 55
Energy-momentum tensor, in local equilibrium 46
Energy-momentum tensor, of gravity field 52
Energy-momentum tensor, of matter fields 12 13
Energy-momentum tensor, of matter fields, in quantum liquids 41
Energy-momentum tensor, of vacuum 13
Energy-momentum tensor, of vacuum field 52
Energy-momentum tensor, pseudotensor 52
Equal spin pairing (ESP) 67 76 82
Equation, Adler — Bell — Jackiw 124 238 239 244 248 250 253 312 314 315 317 467
Equation, Adler — Bell — Jackiw, for higher-dimensional anomaly 285
Equation, Boltzmann 315 316
Equation, Caroli — de Gennes — Matricon 288 290 294 296
Equation, continuity 37 44 53 54 310 347
Equation, Dirac 151 454
Equation, Einstein 4 5 12 16 41 42 44 45 50 75 109 286 382 383 386 387 397 404 442 454—456 463 465
Equation, Euler 37 53 54
Equation, Euler — Lagrange 173 330
Equation, force balance 249 306 317
Equation, Ginzburg — Landau 178 330
Equation, Ginzburg — Landau, time-dependent 358—360 364
Equation, Gor'kov 314
Equation, Hamilton 54 414 429
Equation, hydrodynamic 53 244 306 340 432
Equation, kinetic, for fermion zero modes 315
Equation, Landau — Khalatnikov 5
Equation, Landau — Lifshitz 55
Equation, Landau — Lifshitz, for vortex sheet 210
Equation, London 37 118
Equation, Maxwell 214
Equation, of state, for cold matter 387
Equation, of state, for network of domain walls 384
Equation, of state, for radiation 383 387
Equation, of state, for space curvature 386 387
Equation, of state, for stiff matter 385
Equation, of state, for surface tension 384
Equation, of state, for texture 385
Equation, of state, for thermal fermions 459
Equation, of state, for vacuum 27 385 387 391
Equation, of state, sine-Gordon 385
Equation, Sagnac 408
Equation, Schroedinger 298
Equation, wave 412
Equation, Weyl 107 109
Equation, Yang — Mills — Higgs 186
Ergoregion 16 49 264 340 341 343 375 420 423 427—429 431 433 442 445 456
Ergoregion, definition 343 427 450
Ergoregion, ergoregion and Landau criterion 324 325 344 345 454
Ergoregion, ergoregion instability 49 343—348 423 431 451—453 465
Ergoregion, in relativistic theory 49
Ergoregion, in rotating frame 419 420 423
Ergoregion, tunneling to ergoregion 422
Ergosurface, non-relativistic 324 325 418 419 422 427 450 451
Ergosurface, relativistic 49 324 325 418 427 445 450
Expansion of the Universe, radiation-dominated 133
Experiment, AB-brane 221 226 228 229 340 347—349 372 376 448
Experiment, AB-interface 446
Experiment, Callan — Harvey effect 317
Experiment, chiral anomaly 202 249
Experiment, composite defect 170
Experiment, ergoregion instability 347
Experiment, gravitational A-B effect 318
Experiment, helical instability 202 259
Experiment, interface instability 221 340 345 347 349 446 448 451
Experiment, Iordanskii force 318
Experiment, Kamiokande 146
Experiment, Kapitza 59 61
Experiment, Kibble mechanism 80 351 356 357 362
Experiment, Michelson — Morley 40 327
Experiment, vortex, asymmetric core 171 179 180 298
Experiment, vortex, core transition 171 213
Experiment, vortex, double-skyrmion vortex 206
Experiment, vortex, ferromagnetic core 179
Experiment, vortex, sheet 194 207—210
Experiment, vortex, spin-mass 80 170 226 357
Experiment, vortex, topological transition 206
Experiment, vortex-skyrmion 201—203 206 213 228 245 248 249 259 332
Experiment, “cosmological” 202 250 259
Fermi liquid, Landau theory 17 19 61 92 315
Fermi liquid, with Fermi surface 19 61 92
Fermi point 5 72
Fermi point, as a generic degeneracy point 101
Fermi point, as hedgehog in momentum space 95
Fermi point, collective modes 3—5 19 100 101 109 110 113 116 117 131
Fermi point, degenerate 106 108 114 115 142 144 145 153 156 183
Fermi point, discrete symmetry 5 115
Fermi point, effective theory 5
Fermi point, elementary 99 109 114
Fermi point, emergence of chirality 106
Fermi point, emergence of effective metric 70
Fermi point, emergence of electromagnetic field 69
Fermi point, emergence of Yang — Mills field 115 116 183
Fermi point, emergent RQFT 99—101 109
Fermi point, fermion doubling 102
Fermi point, in A-phase 5 82 94 99 105 111 123 124
Fermi point, in A1-phase 81 83
Fermi point, in axiplanar phase 5 83 99
Fermi point, in combined space 292 293 301 303
Fermi point, in model BCS system 69 102
Fermi point, in planar phase 5 84 99 175
Fermi point, in semiconductors 101 113
Fermi point, in Standard Model 5 85 94 116
Fermi point, isospin 108
Fermi point, marginal 84 85 99 149 175
Fermi point, protected by symmetry 85
Fermi point, protected by topology 86
Fermi point, spin-statistics connection 108
Fermi point, topological charge 97 99 109 114
Fermi point, topological invariant 96 97 103 106
Fermi point, topological stability 70 97 98 100 101
Fermi point, universality class 3 5 8 19 62 70 99 101 111 130 145 286 459 462 467
Fermi point, zero of co-dimension 3 103 238 247 284 286 293 301
Fermi surface 5 66 67 69 83 86 90 91 93—95 127 128 135 197 235 236 238 276 279 285 294 303 391 455
Fermi surface, collective modes 91
Fermi surface, density of states 128 307 322 324 456 457
Fermi surface, in angular momentum space 288 314
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