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Volovik G.E. — The Universe in a Helium Droplet |
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Fermi surface, in mixed state of d—wave superconductor 128
Fermi surface, in non-Landau liquids 93 94
Fermi surface, in supercritical flow 128 322 323 454
Fermi surface, in vortex core 301 303 308 314
Fermi surface, inside horizon 65 86 446 454 456—460
Fermi surface, Luttinger theorem 92 93
Fermi surface, multi-dimensional 92 302
Fermi surface, protected by topology 61 86
Fermi surface, topological invariant 91 93 103
Fermi surface, topological stability 66 87—91 101
Fermi surface, universality class 5 61 65 91 276 460
Fermi surface, zero of co-dimension 1 103 135 238 276 285 290 308
Fermion zero modes 275
Fermion zero modes, anomalous 290 300
Fermion zero modes, as normal component 307 310
Fermion zero modes, co-dimension 103 108
Fermion zero modes, CPT-symmetry 297 298
Fermion zero modes, current carrying 282
Fermion zero modes, density of states 310 456—458 460
Fermion zero modes, effective Hamiltonian 297 298
Fermion zero modes, effective theory 4 89 90 295 297 307 312—315
Fermion zero modes, entropy 338 458 460
Fermion zero modes, in asymmetric vortex 298 299
Fermion zero modes, in black hole 454 456 458—460
Fermion zero modes, in domain wall 275—278 281—283
Fermion zero modes, in magnetic field 238 284 285
Fermion zero modes, in quantum Hall effect 277
Fermion zero modes, in smooth core 308 310
Fermion zero modes, in vortex core 187 275 281 283 288 290—292 294 296 297 300 307 308 312 314 315 338 467
Fermion zero modes, index theorem 276 277 280 281 286 289 298 315
Fermion zero modes, kinetic equation 315
Fermion zero modes, multi-dimensional 103
Fermion zero modes, of co-dimension 0 104 290 300
Fermion zero modes, of co-dimension 1 103 135 238 276 285 300 308 454 467
Fermion zero modes, of co-dimension 2 103
Fermion zero modes, of co-dimension 3 103 238 284 286 292 294 300 301 303 467
Fermion zero modes, of co-dimension 5 103 284
Fermion zero modes, of quantum vacuum 4 5 61 85 87 89 90 93 95 96 101 103 108 110 133
Fermion zero modes, on brane 275 283 286
Fermion zero modes, on half-quantum vortex 299
Fermion zero modes, on monopole 252
Fermion zero modes, on strings 180 188 290 313
Fermion zero modes, on surface 136
Fermion zero modes, on topological defects 4 6 90
Fermion zero modes, protected by symmetry 85 89
Fermion zero modes, protected by topology 61 85 87 89 103
Fermion zero modes, pseudo-zero mode 288 289 295 312
Fermion zero modes, spectral flow 238 285 312 313 315 316 338 467
Fermion zero modes, topological charge 89 276 277
Fermion zero modes, vortex mass 306—308 311
Flat brane 275
Flat directions 82 116
Flat membrane, chiral particle as 102
Flat spacetime 376 400 401 403 404 411 418 444
Flat Universe 386 387
Flatness of Universe 1 387 388
Fluid helicity 54
Flux, flux quantum 187 191—193 214 217
Flux, flux tube 214 406 408 412 414
Flux, fractional flux 191—194 211 217
Flux, gravimagnetic flux 408 412 466
Flux, magnetic flux 141 180 187 191 192 194 214 217 238 406 412 414
Force, Casimir 167 168 452 465
Force, Casimir, between hedgehogs 168
Force, Casimir, between spin and mass vortices 168 170 189
Force, Coriolis 406
Force, friction force on AB-interface 341 342 377 379 380 448 452
Force, friction force on vortex 245 248 249 316 317
Force, fundamental 15
Force, gravitational 52
Force, Iordanskii 243 248 249 317 318 411—415 466
Force, Kopnin 55 235 246—248 314 317
Force, Lorentz 414
Force, Magnus 168 171 243 247—249 317 334 347 412
Force, mutual friction 242
Force, nuclear 163
Force, on mirror moving in vacuum 375 379
Force, spectral-flow 55 235 245—249 313 314 316 317
Four-vector, cut-off momentum 57
Four-vector, group velocity of quasiparticles 43
Four-vector, quasiparticle momentum 43
Four-vector, temperature 47 48
Four-vector, velocity of quasiparticle matter 46
Fractional, charge 300
Fractional, charge, topological 140 142 189 191
Fractional, defect 94 185 189 194 217
Fractional, defect, in momentum space 94 104 189
Fractional, entropy 299
Fractional, fermion number 393
Fractional, flux 191 193 194
Fractional, quantum Hall effect 272
Fractional, spin 300
Fractional, statistics 300
Frame dragging 33 324 410 436 442 445 454 455
Friction, quantum 429 430
Fundamental constants,for inner observer 40
Fundamental constants,hierarchy of 20
Fundamental constants,in BCS model 73 75 119 129 130
Fundamental constants,in Bose gas 25
Fundamental constants,in effective theory 6 11 19 20 23 37 75 91 334 370 371
Fundamental constants,in Theory of Everything 20 73
Fundamental constants,of nature 40 132 133
fundamental frequency 410 411
Gauge field, from discrete symmetry 116
Gershtein — Zel'dovich mechanism 326 327
Grand unification 1 3 111 115 145 147 148 184 212 214 228 241
Gravimagnetic field 226 261 406 408 412 416 466
Gravineutrality 387
Gravitational bag 459
Gravitational red shift 438 439
Hamiltonian, Bogoliubov — Nambu 77 78 82 84 94 136—138 143 144 153 154 283 291 295 298 398
Hamiltonian, Dirac 79 137 143 151
Hamiltonian, effective, for fermion zero modes 297 298
Hamiltonian, Weyl 94 108 141
Harmonic oscillators 22
Hawking radiation 441
Hawking radiation, as quantum friction 398 430
Hawking radiation, as quantum tunneling 440 441
Hedgehog 3 165 168 172—176 184 185 189 205 213—218 220 222 229
Hedgehog, hard core 174
Hedgehog, in momentum space 95 97 137 140 142 292 293
Hedgehog, soft core 174 176
Hierarchy of Planck scales 7 25 73 129 134 287 442 463 464
Homotopy group 89
Homotopy group, fundamental 89
Homotopy group, fundamental, in momentum space 65 89
Homotopy group, fundamental, in real space 89 159 185 186 198 224
Homotopy group, linear defects 165
Homotopy group, relative 90 135 160 170 195—198 200 211 214 218—220 223
Homotopy group, second 90
Homotopy group, second, in momentum space 137
Homotopy group, second, in real space 135 160 173 174 176 184 185 213 214
Homotopy group, third 90
Homotopy group, third, in combined space 301
Homotopy group, third, in momentum space 65 98
Homotopy group, third, in real space 135 160
Homotopy group, zeroth 197
Horizon 16 47 65 87 197 213 324 355 375 401 423 424 426—428 431 434—437 440—446 450 453 454 456 459 460 465
Horizon, acoustic 432
Horizon, as interface 466
Horizon, at brane 447 450—453 465
Horizon, black-hole 1 6 324 340 378 403 424 427 428 430 431 433 436—438 440 446 450 460
Horizon, coordinate singularity at 401 426 435 450
Horizon, cosmological 384 385
Horizon, dumb-hole 431
Horizon, entropy of 434 458 459
Horizon, for quasiparticles 5 47 49 50 324 325 424 427—432 434 439 441
Horizon, inner 433
Horizon, outer 433
Horizon, vacuum beyond horizon 454 458 460 466
| Horizon, white-hole 427 431 433 436 446
Hydrodynamics, quantum 56 370 395
Hydrodynamics, two-fluid 17 32 42 59 61
Impact parameter 292 295
Index theorem 276 277 279—282 289 313 315
Index theorem, Atiyah — Singer 277
Inflation 30
Inflaton 30
Instanton 160
Instanton, collective coordinates description 333 336
Instanton, in RQFT 333
Instanton, in superfluids 333 335
Instanton, quantum field description 333
Interface, AB-interface 220—224 226 228 229 347 372 375—377 379 447—449 452 454 465 466
Interface, between sliding liquids 339
Interface, between sliding superfluids 340 342 345—347 446 464 465
Interface, between two vacua 221 223 224 231 275—277 280—283 286 339 341 372—374 376 397 447 460 466
Interface, solid-liquid 349
Interface, superfluid-normal 349 358 359 362
Interface, superfluid-superfluid 362 447
Interface, symmetry classification 222
Interface, topological defects at 221—224 228 229
Interface, vacuum manifold of 222—224
Invariance, Galilean, broken 35 161
Invariance, Galilean, modified 33 34
Invariance, gauge 2 3 5 8
Invariance, gauge, violated 2
Invariance, Lorentz 2 5 11 39 67 80 99 106 109 116 130 144 156
Invariance, Lorentz, violation 2 6 117 153 154 156 261 287 391 449 450 452 453 455 461 463 466
Invariance, translational 35
Invariance, translational, for particles 35
Invariance, translational, for quasiparticles 35
Killing vector, definition 48
Killing vector, time-like 48
Landau criterion 60 62 128 322—326 328 329 331 344 350 351 364 417 418 420 421 440 450 454 460
Landau criterion, for single superfluid 321 344
Landau criterion, general 321 345
Laval nozzle 431 444
Law, conservation law 32
Law, conservation law, covariant 12 15 41 42 45 51
Law, conservation law, energy 51 52
Law, conservation law, mass 230 231
Law, conservation law, momentum 51 52
Law, conservation law, particle number 18 21 37 44 390
Law, conservation law, quasiparticle number 23 123
Law, conservation law, spin 230 231
Law, Newton 236 238 275 435
Law, physical laws 1 2 389 462
Law, physical laws, emergence of 5
Law, physical laws, symmetry of 160 198
Law, Tolman 48 49 433
Leggett angle 169
Length, coherence length (definition) 119
Length, dipole 145 169 176 195 202 214 385
Length, London penetration length 187
Length, Planck 7 370 381 431 440 456
Length, screening length, of hypermagnetic field 187
Length, screening length, of magnetic field 187
Lense — Thirring angular velocity 410 418
Line of infinite redshift 410
Lorentz — FitzGerald contraction 40
Marginal vacuum, Dirac vacuum in 2+1 142
Marginal vacuum, planar state 84 85 99 149 175
Marginal vacuum, polar state 85
Marginal vacuum, Standard Model 85 149
Maslov index 298
Mass, associated 309—311
Mass, bare mass 17 33 36 129—131 261 305 310 370 410
Mass, black hole 433 435 453 454 458
Mass, Dirac mass 84 111 143—146 149 175 258
Mass, effective 91 119 129 142 306
Mass, formation of 85 116 117 149 152 169
Mass, hydrodynamic 306 309
Mass, inertial 305 310 311
Mass, Kopnin mass 307—311
Mass, mass density 53 247 334 387 404 413
Mass, mass protection 85 149 151 152
Mass, mass tensor 305
Mass, mass-energy relation 305 306 311
Mass, of gauge boson 116 187
Mass, of hyperphoton 145 256 258 259 463
Mass, quark mass 163 164
Mass, roton mass 418
Mass, vortex mass 306 307 309—311
Mass, vortex mass, relativistic 306 307
Mermin — Ho relation 107 121 185 199 200 205 216 217 254 304
Mermin — Ho relation, generalized 304
Meron 204 207 211
Metric singularity, coordinate singularity 400 401 426 435 450 456
Metric singularity, physical singularity 426 429 432 435 447 450 452 456 460
Metric, acoustic 4 15 19 38 39 42 305 306 381 418
Metric, determinant 25 73 112 381 397 450 452
Metric, effective 5 12 15 16 19 32 33 36 38 39 42 46 73 75 106 107 112 124 159 261 305 381 389 397 404 409 410 412 418 424 427 428 430 434 436 441 447 466
Metric, for ripplons 447 449 450 453 464
Metric, Painleve — Gullstrand 434 436 437 442—444 446 453—455 460
Metric, Reissner — Nordstrom 433
Metric, Robertson — Walker 385 386 388
Metric, Schwarzschild 426 428 434—436 442 443 446
Minigap 288 295 296 299 300 315 317
Mixed state 128
Monopole't Hooft — Polyakov 172 173 184 214
Monopole, Dirac monopole 187 214 215 217 226
Monopole, electroweak 186 217
Monopole, gravimagnetic 226
Monopole, hypermagnetic 217
Monopole, in momentum space 140 141
Monopole, in superconductor 217 218
Monopole, magnetic 109 141 173 174 205 214 215 217 228 328
Monopole, monopole erasure 228 229
Monopole, monopole terminating string 185 186 212 215 217
Monopole, monopoles in GUT 214 217 218 228
Monopole, overabundance of monopoles 212 228
Newton constant 11—13 404 411 433 453 458
Newton constant, in Dirac cosmology 133
Newton constant, in induced gravity 15 110 133 459
Newton constant, in induced gravity, dependence on number of fermion zero modes 15 111 133 458 459
Newton constant, in induced gravity, in A-phase 111 132 133 459
Newton constant, in induced gravity, temperature dependence 133
Newton constant, in induced gravity, time dependence 133
Newton constant, in units of energy 12 110
Nexus 215 217 218 226
Nodal line, in polar phase 85
Nodal line, instability 70 85 86 103
Nodal line, protected by symmetry 85
Nodal line, zero of co-dimension 2 103 138
Normal component 42
Normal component, at T=0 126
Normal component, density (definition) 45
Normal component, tensor 45
Obsever, external 429 430 446
Obsever, external, definition 39 428
Obsever, freely falling 429 436 455
Obsever, inner 325 424 428 436 446 464 466
Obsever, inner, definition 39
Order parameter, 2-component Bose condensate 201 202
Order parameter, A-phase vacuum 68
Order parameter, Alice string 189 299
Order parameter, B-phase vacuum 78 162
Order parameter, chiral quark condensate 163
Order parameter, d-wave superconductor 193
Order parameter, p-wave spinless superfluid 67
Order parameter, p-wave superconductor 191
Order parameter, p-wave superfluid 161
Order parameter, planar phase 68
Order parameter, polar phase 68
Order parameter, scalar 21 67 177
Order parameter, spinor 183 201 202
Order parameter, Standard Model 183 201 202
Order parameter, vector 67 202
Pair breaking 326
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