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Tinkham M. — Introduction to superconductivity
Tinkham M. — Introduction to superconductivity

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Íàçâàíèå: Introduction to superconductivity

Àâòîð: Tinkham M.


Well known for its accessibility to graduate students and experimental physicists, this volume emphasizes physical arguments and minimizes theoretical formalism. This second edition features improvements by the author that enhance its user-friendliness and value as a reference. Starting with a historical overview, the text proceeds with an introduction to the electrodynamics of superconductors and presents expositions of the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer and Ginzburg-Landau theories. Additional subjects include magnetic properties of classic type II superconductors; the Josephson effect; fluctuation effects in classic superconductors; the high-temperature superconductors; and nonequilibrium superconductivity.

ßçûê: en

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 2nd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1996

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 454

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 07.10.2005

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$N$-particle BCS state      52 68 258
$Q*$ effects      see Charge-mode disequilibrium
$S - I - S$ tunnel junctions as microwave detectors and mixers      243—247
$T*$ effects      see Energy-mode disequilibrium
Abraham, D. W.      240n.
Abrikosov vortex state      143—147 155—162 348
Abrikosov, A. A.      11—12 122 131 143—147 390
Absorptivity      40—42
Accelerative supercurrent      18 99 289
Activation energy      290 294—295 332 353—356
Airy diffraction pattern      216—218
Alben, R.      114
Amar, A.      273
Ambegaokar — Baratoff formula for Josephson critical current      200—201 333
Ambegaokar — Halperin theory for overdamped junctions      210—211 253
Ambegaokar, V.      200 210 289—292 305 306
Anderson — Kim theory of flux creep      180—185 353—356
Anderson, P. W.      52 180 384—387
Andreev reflection      285 374 423—427
Andreev, A. F.      36
Anisotropic energy gap      85
Anlage, S. M.      108
Annett, J. F.      376 379
Anticommutation      49
Aponte, J. M.      430—431
Appel, J.      314
Arp, V.      162
Arrays of Josephson junctions      see Josephson junction arrays
Artemenko, S. N.      423
Aslamazov, L. G.      199 312—313 405 418 420
Attempt frequency      180 207 291 332
Attractive interaction, origin of      46—48
Autler, S. H.      146
Averin, D. V.      269 274 284
B$\ddot{u}$ttner, H.      157
Baird, D. C.      35
Baratoff, A.      200
Bardeen — Stephen model      167—170 175
Bardeen, J.      9 13 47 69 87 125 167 388n. 389 401
Barone, A.      218
BCS ground state      48—58
BCS ground state, variational calculation of      53—58
BCS ground state, with fixed particle number      52 68
BCS particle number eigenstates      258—259
BCS theory      8—9 43—109
Bean model      178—179
Beasley, M. R.      238 292 304—306 428—431
Beck, R. G.      338 341
Bednorz, J. G.      1 16 316
Ben — Jacob, E.      210
Benz, S. P.      242n. 243
Biondi, M.      8
Blamire, M. G.      411—412
Blatter, G.      321 355n.
Blonder, G. E.      424—426
Bogoliubons      61
Bogoliubov equations      384—389 424—426
Bogoliubov, N. N.      60
Bohr — Sommerfeld quantum condition      127—128
Boson glass model for superconductors with correlated disorder      361—363
boundary conditions      117—118 121 136
Branch imbalance      see Charge-mode disequilibrium
Brandt, E. H.      350n.
Brezin, E.      335
Brickman, N. F.      114
Briscoe, C. V.      315
BTK. model      424—426
Buhrman, R. A.      297
Bulaevskii, L. N.      330—331 369—370
Burroughs, C. J.      243
Callarotti, R.      304—306
Campbell, A. M.      183
Canonical transformation method      59—62
Carbotte, J. P.      48 79
Caroli, C.      167 389 401
Casimir, H. B. G.      20 107
Chaikin, P. M.      331
Chambers’ nonlocal response      6 96
Chang, J. J.      409
Charalambous, M.      339n.
Charge imbalance      see Charge-mode disequilibrium
Charge-mode disequilibrium      421 432
Charge-mode disequilibrium, BTK model      424
Charge-mode disequilibrium, by Andreev reflection      423—427
Charge-mode disequilibrium, by quasi-particle injection      421—422
Charge-mode disequilibrium, diffusion length      422
Charge-mode disequilibrium, electrochemical potential difference      421 432
Charge-mode disequilibrium, phase-slip centers      417 427—432
Charge-mode disequilibrium, subharmonic gap structure      425—427
Charging energy effects      see Double tunnel junction circuit
chemical potential      69 (see also Electrochemical potentials)
Chi, C.C.      410—411
Claiborne, L. T.      84
Clarke, J.      227—229 233 234 262 263 407—411 421-422
Clem, J. R.      169 365 369—373
Clogston — Chandrasekhar paramagnetic limit      394
Coffey — Clem model      370—373
Coherence factors      79—89
Coherence length, BCS      94
Coherence length, Ginzburg — Landau      11 118—120
Coherence length, Ginzburg-Landau, relation to critical pair-breaking strength      393
Coherence length, Pippard      7 11 118—119
Coherence length, uncertainty principle argument      7
Collective pinning      348—361
Collective pinning, activation energy      353—356
Collective pinning, correlation volume      349—351
Collective pinning, critical current density      350—352
Collective pinning, elasticity of flux line lattice      348—351
Collective pinning, explanation of peak effect      352
Collective pinning, in two dimensions      352—353
Collective pinning, theory of giant flux creep      353—356
Condensation energy      58
Conductivity, complex      37—40 97—100
Conductivity, perfect      2 18
Conversion table for electromagnetic formulas      434
Cooper pairs      9 44—46 197 256—257 286 374
Cooper, L. N.      9 44
Corak, W. S.      8
Correlation functions, current-current      310
Correlation functions, spatial      299—301
Cotunneling processes      284
Coulomb blockade      249 264—269 278—286
Coulomb blockade, conditions for      264—265
Coulomb staircase      264 265 278—283
Coupling losses between superconducting filaments      191—194
Craven, R. A.      314
Critical current, experimental      126
Critical current, in critical state      176—179
Critical current, in granular superconductors      364 369—370
Critical current, in Josephson junction      198—202
Critical current, in Josephson junction arrays      240—242
Critical current, of wire or film      21 123—126
Critical current, with collective pinning      350—352
Critical field, Clogston-Chandrasekhar paramagnetic limit      394
Critical field, of film: angular dependence      139—141
Critical field, of film: angular dependence, in parallel field      21 130—133
Critical field, of film: angular dependence, of atomic thickness      326
Critical field, of intermediate state      28—29
Critical field, of type II superconductor, lower ($H_{c1}$)      11—12 149 154
Critical field, of type II superconductor, surface ($H_{c2}$)      135
Critical field, of type II superconductor, upper ($H_{c3}$)      12 134—135
Critical field, pair-breaking strength, relation to      393—394
Critical field, thermodynamic      3 21 23 65—66 1 13 161
Critical region      296 341—342
Critical state      176—179
Critical temperature $T_{c}$, determination of      62—63
Critical velocity      124
Current bias      39
Cyrot, M.      399
Dahl, P. F.      195
Daunt, J. G.      8
dc transformer      174
De Gennes, P. G.      135 138 141—142 167 349 385 389—392 395
Deaver, B. S.      128n.
Dekker, C.      360—361
Deltour, R.      174
Demagnetizing factor      22 24—25
Density of states, BCS      70—71
Density of states, with magnetic perturbations      394—399
Depairing energy      391 393
Depairing velocity      125
Dephasing time      391—394
Devlin, G. E.      107
Devoret, M. H.      263 273n.
Diamagnetic current term      90
Differential conductance vs. voltage for different barriers      426
Dirty superconductors, Anderson theory of      386—387
Dolan, G. J.      430
Domain structure      27—32
Domain-wall energy      25—26 120—122
Doniach, S.      16 306 318—326 342
Double tunnel junction circuit      265—286
Double tunnel junction circuit, determination of I — V curve      278—283
Double tunnel junction circuit, Double tunnel junction circuit, with superconducting island      269—278
Double tunnel junction circuit, supercurrent in      274—278 (see also Small Josephson junctions)
Double tunnel junction circuit, with normal island      267—269
Drangeid, K. E.      157
Drew, H. D.      389
Drude model      18 37 115
Dunkleberger, L. N.      208
Eck, R. E.      223
Eckern, U.      410
Eddy-current losses      190 192—194
effective mass      114
Eilenberger, G.      157 162 201 305—306
Eiles, T. M.      277
Einspruch, N. G.      84
Ekin, J. W.      174
Elastic moduli of flux line lattice      348—351
Electrochemical potentials of pairs and quasiparticles      406—407 421 432
Electrodynamics of superconductors      17—42 89—100
Electrodynamics of superconductors, high frequency      37—42 86—89 370-373
Electromagnetic absorption      86—89
Electron creation operators      69
Electron turnstile or pump      282
Electron-phonon coupling strength      78—79
Electron-phonon relaxation      401—402 407—408
Electronic specific heat      64—66
Eliashberg, G. M.      78 399—400 409
Energy gap      8—9 61—64
Energy gap, anisotropy in      375—379
Energy gap, complex      78
Energy gap, current dependence      387—388
Energy gap, field dependence      131—132 394—399
Energy gap, temperature dependence      62—64
Energy-mode disequilibrium      408—421
Energy-mode disequilibrium, dynamic effects      412—421
Energy-mode disequilibrium, dynamic enhancement in metallic bridges      417—421
Energy-mode disequilibrium, enhancement by quasi-particle extraction      410—412
Energy-mode disequilibrium, microwave enhancement of superconductivity      409—410
Energy-mode disequilibrium, transient superconductivity above$I_{c}$      414 417
Enhancement of superconductivity      see Energy-mode disequilibrium
Ergodic motion of electrons      390—391
Essmann, U.      30
Esteve, D.      273n.
Even-odd number parity effect in super-conducting island      269—274
Excess current      424 429
Excitation energies      61
Excitation representation      73
Excited states      67—71 268—273
Extreme anomalous limit      98 102—103 440
Faber, T. E.      30
Fairbank, W. M.      128n.
Far-infrared absorption edge at energy gap      8—9 86—87
Farrell, D. E.      328—329 340—341
Feder, J.      135 138
Feinberg, D.      330
Ferrell, R. A.      88
Fibich, M.      86
Fisher, D. S.      342n.
Fisher, M. P. A.      357 361
Fiske, M. D.      223
Fluctuation effects      15
Fluctuation effects, in classic superconductors      287—315
Fluctuation effects, in flux creep      179—185
Fluctuation effects, in high-temperature superconductors      331—344 353—363
Fluctuation effects, resistance in film      294—295
Fluctuation effects, resistance in wire      288—293
Fluctuation effects, superconductivity above $T$      296—315
Fluctuation effects, superconductivity above $T$, diamagnetism      302—308
Fluctuation effects, superconductivity above $T$, enhanced conductivity      309—315
Fluctuation effects, superconductivity above $T$, Maki — Thompson term      313—315
Fluctuation effects, superconductivity above $T$, spatial variation of      298—302
Fluctuation effects, superconductivity above $T$, time dependence      308—309
Fluctuation effects, superconductivity above $T$, zero dimensional      296—298
Flux bundles      174 180—181 355
Flux creep      166 179—187 353—356
Flux creep, logarithmic time dependence of      183—185 353—356
Flux flow      166—176 221 400—401
Flux flow, experimental verification of      173—174
Flux flow, noise in      174
Flux jumps      188—190
Flux motion      162—176
Flux quantum      12
Fluxoid quantization      119 127—128 165
Fluxoid, definition of      14 127
Fossheim, K.      84
Fr$\ddot{o}$hlich, H.      47
Frank, D. J.      414—417
Fraunhofer diffraction pattern      216—218
Fulton, T. A.      208 264n.
Galaiko, V. P.      432n.
Gammel, P. L.      338—339 358—360
Gap anisotropy      375—379
Gap anisotropy, charge relaxation by      408
Gapless superconductivity      131 388—399
Garland, J. C.      239n.
Gauge choice in vortex      150
Gauge-invariant phase difference      202 234
Gavaler, J. R.      316
Geshkenbein, V. B.      321 377
Giaever      1 71 78 174
Gibbs free energy      23 121—122 124 130 149 156 159 160
Ginzburg — Landau coherence length      11
Ginzburg — Landau equation      117—118
Ginzburg — Landau equation, boundary condition      118 136
Ginzburg — Landau equation, linearized      132—143 393
Ginzburg — Landau equation, time-dependent      399—401
Ginzburg — Landau equation, with time-dependent energy gap      412—421
Ginzburg — Landau free energy      111—117
Ginzburg — Landau free energy, of layered superconductors      318
Ginzburg — Landau parameter values      11 116 119—120
Ginzburg — Landau relaxation time      308 314 401
Ginzburg — Landau theory      9—11 110—146
Ginzburg, V. L.      9 122
Gittleman, J.      1 176 372
Glazman, L.      1 330 343 369
Glover, R. E.      8—9 15 87 100 312—314
Gollub, J. P.      303—307
Golub, A. A.      420
Gordon, J. P.      213
Gorter — Casimir two-fluid model      38
Gorter, C. J.      20 35
Gor’kov, L. P.      10 111 131 390 399—400 413
Grabert, H.      262
Gray, K. E.      404
Ground-state energy      57—58
Haddon, R. C.      331
Hagen, S. J.      175
Hall effect      175—176
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