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Tinkham M. — Introduction to superconductivity
Tinkham M. — Introduction to superconductivity

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Íàçâàíèå: Introduction to superconductivity

Àâòîð: Tinkham M.


Well known for its accessibility to graduate students and experimental physicists, this volume emphasizes physical arguments and minimizes theoretical formalism. This second edition features improvements by the author that enhance its user-friendliness and value as a reference. Starting with a historical overview, the text proceeds with an introduction to the electrodynamics of superconductors and presents expositions of the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer and Ginzburg-Landau theories. Additional subjects include magnetic properties of classic type II superconductors; the Josephson effect; fluctuation effects in classic superconductors; the high-temperature superconductors; and nonequilibrium superconductivity.

ßçûê: en

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 2nd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1996

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 454

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 07.10.2005

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Penetration depth, with diffuse scattering      102 105 441
Penetration depth, with specular scattering      102 105 440—441
Perfect conductivity      2 18
Perfect diamagnetism      2
Persistent current      2 128 180 185 403
Phase of wavefunction      13—14 113 149
Phase slip      206 288—295 299 428—431
Phase-number uncertainty relation      52 68 256—259 274—275
Phase-slip centers      417 427—432
Phase-slip centers, difference in electrochemical potentials in      428—430
Phillips, J. R.      236
Phillips, W. A.      84
Phonon structure in tunneling      78—79
Phonon-mediated attraction      47—48
Photon-assisted tunneling      211—214
Pines, D.      47
Pinning effects      166 176 345—363
Pinning force      166
Pinning frequency      176
Pinning mechanisms      181 345—348
Pippard coherence length      7 11 118—119
Pippard nonlocal electrodynamics      6—8
Pippard, A. B.      6—8 95 107 422
Prange, R. E.      304—307
Prober, D. E.      308n.
proximity effect      197
Quality factor      41—42
Quasi-particle disequilibrium      404—432
Quasi-particle disequilibrium, energy-mode vs. charge-mode      405—407 (see also Charge-mode disequilibrium; Energy-mode disequilibrium)
Quasi-particle energies      61—71
Quasi-particle energies, in vortex core      388—389
Quasi-particle energies, shifted by current      387—388
Quasi-particle excitations      61—62 67—71 386-399
RCSJ model, definition of      202—205 (see also Josephson junctions)
Reif, F.      397
Relaxation time, electron-phonon      401—402 407—408
Relaxation time, for energy and charge      407—408 431
Relaxation time, Ginzburg — Landau      308 314 401
Resistance of wire, above $T_{c}$      312
Resistance of wire, above type $I_{c}$, type I      32—37
Resistance of wire, above type $I_{c}$, type II      171—173
Resistance of wire, below $T_{c}$      288—293
Resistive voltage from flux motion      163 166—170
Resistively shunted junction model      see RCSJ model
Resnick, D. J.      239
Rice, T. M.      376—378
Richards, P. L.      247n.
Rinderer, L.      36
Rosenblum, B.      176 372
Rotation-induced flux      114
Roth, L. M.      146
Rowell, J. M.      79
Ruggiero, S. T.      323—324
Russer, P.      212
Rzchowski, M. S.      240 241 243n.
Safar, H.      339—341
Saint — James, D.      135 138 140—142
SBT model of phase-slip center      428—431
Scalapino, D. J.      78 409
Sch$\ddot{o}$n, G.      15 405 420
Schawlow, A. L.      107
Schmid — Sch$\ddot{o}$n formalism      405—408 416 431
Schmid, A.      15 167 302—304 399 401 405 410 412 420
Schmidt, H.      304
Schrieffer, J. R.      9 78
Schubnikov phase      12
Screened Coulomb repulsion      48
Second-order phase transition      19 112 132
Semiconductor model      73—78 423—421
Shapiro steps      211—212 214 242—243 431
Shapiro steps, giant      242—243
Sharvin, Yu. V.      36
Shepherd, J. G.      422
Shoenberg, D.      107
Sigrist, M.      376—378
Silsbee’s rule      21 33
Sine — Gordon equation      221—224
Single-electron tunneling      264—286
Singlet state      44 374—375
Skalski, S.      395—398
Skocpol, W. J.      428—431
Slichter, C. P.      84 381—382
Small Josephson junctions      248—286
Small Josephson junctions, Coulomb charging energy in      249 264—267
Small Josephson junctions, damping by lead impedance      249—256
Small Josephson junctions, phase diffusion branch of $I - V$ curve      252—256 263—264
Small Josephson junctions, quantum effects of small capacitance      256—264
Small Josephson junctions, retrapping current, effect of lead impedance on      250—252 (see also Double tunnel junction circuit)
Smith, P. F.      187 191 194
Soliton      218—224
Solomon, P. R.      30 176
Sommerhalder, R.      157
Sonier, J. E.      381
Specific heat      64—66
Spectroscopic energy gap      68 99
Spectroscopic energy gap, vs. gap parameter      396
Spurway, A. H.      194
SQUID devices      224—234
SQUID devices, choice of parameters for      227
SQUID devices, dc      224—229
SQUID devices, flux-locked loop      229
SQUID devices, limits on sensitivity      228
SQUID devices, magnetometers, gradiometers, and susceptometers      213 232—233
SQUID devices, quantum limits      228 234
SQUID devices, rf      229—231
SQUID devices, screening in      225—227
SQUID devices, voltmeters and amplifiers      233—234
Stability criterion      189
Steglich, F.      383
Stephen, M. J.      13 167 401
Stewart, W. C.      204
Str$\ddot{a}$ssler, S.      398—399
Strnad, A. R.      185
Subharmonic energy gap structure      425—427
Sum rule, oscillator strength      38 88 99 115
Superconducting electrons, density of      4 9 37 113—116
Superconducting layered compounds      see Layered superconductors
Superconducting quantum interference device      see SQUID devices
Superconducting slab      20 25 178—179
Supercooling transition      134—135 138 303
Supercurrent velocity      113
Surface energy      25—26 121—122
Surface resistance      40
Surface sheath superconductivity      136—138
Takayama, H.      306
Tate, J.      114
Tewordt, L.      389
Thermal stability of magnet      186—187
Thermodynamic critical field      3 21 23 65—66 113 161
Thermodynamic quantities      64—66
Thomas, G. A.      314
Thompson, R. S.      167 400
Thouless, D. J.      238
Thuneberg, E. V.      346
Tien — Gordon formula      213 245
Tilted-washboard potential      see RCSJ model
Time-dependent Ginzburg — Landau theory      308— 309 399—401 412-421
Time-dependent Ginzburg — Landau theory, application to time-varying field      400—401
Time-dependent Ginzburg — Landau theory, phonon-limited      412—421
Time-reversed pairs      384—387 390
Tindall, D. A.      422
Tinkham, M.      8—9 87—88 100 21n. 139 169 174 270 272 283 286n. 292 304—306 333 364n. 397—399 408 415 417 420 421n. 428—431
Tomasch effect      74
Tonomura, A.      174
Tra$\ddot{u}$ble, H.      30
Transition probabilities      79—89
Transmissivity of thin films      99
Tsuei, C. C.      369 378
Tucker quantum theory of mixers and detectors      245—247
Tunneling of electrons      71—79
Tunneling of electrons, differential conductance      76 426
Tunneling of electrons, matrix element      72
Tunneling of electrons, negative resistance in      77
Tunneling of electrons, normal-normal      75
Tunneling of electrons, normal-superconductor      75—76
Tunneling of electrons, phonon structure in      78—79
Tunneling of electrons, single-electron      264—286
Tunneling of electrons, superconductor-superconductor      77—78 (see also Josephson effect)
Tunneling transistor, superconducting      277
Tuominen, M. T.      269 271 273 327
Twist pitch, critical value of      193—194
Twisted composite conductors      190—195
Two-fluid model      37—40 83—86
Two-fluid model, temperature dependence      20 101 103 108 381 392
Type I superconductors      18—43 136 161
Type II superconductors      11—13 122 148—195
Type II superconductors, Campbell penetration depth in      373
Type II superconductors, Coffey — Clem model of high-frequency losses in      370—373
Type II superconductors, complex penetration depth in      371—373
Type II superconductors, critical state in      176—179
Type II superconductors, diffusion — London equation for      371
Type II superconductors, flux creep in      179—187
Type II superconductors, flux flow in      166—176
Type II superconductors, in time-varying magnetic fields      187—195
Type II superconductors, magnetization curves of      155—162
Type II superconductors, thermally activated flux flow in      180—182 332—334
Type II superconductors, vortices in      149—155 (see also High-temperature superconductors)
Ultrasonic attenuation      82—84
Uncertainty relations, phase-number      52 68 256—259 274—275
Unconventional pairing      375—376
Usadel, K. D.      201
Valatin, J. G.      60
van der Zant, H. S.      240
van Gurp, G. J.      174 177
van Ooijen, D. J.      174 177
van Son, P. C.      410
Vidal, F.      176
Villard, C.      330
Vinokur, V. M.      347 361
Viscous drag coefficient      166—169
Volkov, A. F.      423 1
voltage bias      39
Vortex bundles      174 180—181 355
Vortex lines, interaction between      154—155
Vortex, core      149 152
Vortex, core, normal      167—168
Vortex, core, quasi-particle states in      388—389
Vortex, energy of      153—154
Vortex, entropy transport by      176
Vortex, high-$\kappa$ approximation      151—155
Vortex, in film in parallel field      142—143
Vortex, isolated      149—154
Vortex, London approximation      152—155
Vortex, magnetic field in      152
Vortex, moving, electric field in      168—169
Vortex, pinning of      see Pinning effects
Vortex, quasi-normal core of      167—168 389
Vortex-glass model      356—360
Vortex-glass model, empirical scaling functions in      358—360
Vortex-glass model, in two dimensions      360—361
Waldram, J. R.      107
Walters, C. R.      187
Warburton, R. J.      292
Weak link      see Josephson junction
Weak-coupling approximation      45 57
Webb, W. W.      292
Wells, B. O.      379
Wellstood, F. C.      228
White, W. R.      324
Wilkins, J. W.      78 305
Wilson, M. N.      187
Wollman, D. A.      378
Wolter, J.      414
Woolf, M. A.      397
Worthington, T. K.      363
Wyatt — Dayem effect      409
Wyder, P.      398—399
Yamafuji, K.      140
Yanson, J. K.      218 370
Yeshurun, Y.      333
Yu, M. L.      422
Zaitsev, A. V.      423
Zeldov, E.      335n.
Zorin, A. B.      276
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