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Tauxe L. — Paleomagnetic principles and practice |
Предметный указатель |
Orthogonal projection 100
Owens, W. 193 198
Paleocurrent directions 230
Paleointensity 105
Paleointensity, absolute 105
Paleointensity, absolute, reliability criteria 220 221
Paleointensity, relative 109
Paleointensity, relative, reliability criteria 220
Paleomagnetic poles 16 225
Paleomagnetic poles, discordant 228
Paleomagnetic poles, reliability criteria 226
Paleosol development 233
Paramagnetism 39 65 68
Permeability of free space 6
Pick, T. 106 107 221
Polarity reversals 23
Poles, dip 15
Poles, geographic 15
Poles, geomagnetic 15
Poles, magnetic 15
Poles, virtual geomagnetic 18
Press, W.H. 102 141
Prevot, M. 29 107
Principal component analysis 101—103 129
Pseudo-single domain 53 67
Pseudo-Thellier normalization 109
pTRM check 107
Pyrite 65
Pyrrhotite 62 65
Quantile-quantile plots 133—136 187
Ramsay, J. 193
Red beds 233
Rees, A. 230
Reid, A. 130
Relaxation time 56 57 59
Remanent magnetization, anhysteretic 59
Remanent magnetization, characteristic 99
Remanent magnetization, chemical 59
Remanent magnetization, depositional 60
Remanent magnetization, detrital 60
Remanent magnetization, isothermal 51
Remanent magnetization, isothermal, Lowrie 3-D test 104
Remanent magnetization, natural 61
Remanent magnetization, partial thermal 58
Remanent magnetization, partial thermal, law of additivity 107
Remanent magnetization, partial-anhysteretic 59
Remanent magnetization, post-depositional 60
Remanent magnetization, saturation 48
Remanent magnetization, thermal 57 58
Remanent magnetization, viscous 57
Reversals test 146
Right-hand rule 4
Roberts, A. 69 73
Rotatable designs 178
Sample, coordinate system 90 91
Sample, hand 86
Sample, orientation 86
Sample, paleomagnetic 85
Sampling techniques 85
Saturating field 49
Saturation, magnetization 51
Saturation, remanence 49
Scheidegger, A.E. 101
Schmidt coefficients 12
Schneider, D 30
Secular variation 22 85
Shackleton, N.J. 25
| Shimizu, Y. 57
Single domain 53 67
Site, paleomagnetic 85
Snowball, I. 73
Specimen, paleomagnetic 90
Specularite 64
Spender, M. 73
Spherical harmonics 12 15
Spherical trigonometry 19—20 87 89 91
Spin-canting 43 64
Squid 94
Stacey, F.D. 37 53 56 198
Staudigel, H. 237
Stegun, I. 140
Stokking, L. 59 236
Stoner, E. 45
Strike 91
Sun compass 87—88
Superparamagnetism 56—58 67—69
susceptibility see "Magnetic susceptibility"
Switching field 45 47
Tanaka, H. 27 28
Tarling, D. 177 178 193 230 241
Tauxe, L. 28 29 47 52 57 59—61 68—70 106 107 109 110 125 139 143 144 150 151 153—155 186—188 190 193 198 217 218 221 236
Ternary diagram 62 193 194
Tests, paleomagnetic, 3-D IRM test 104
Tests, paleomagnetic, baked contact 93
Tests, paleomagnetic, common mean 146
Tests, paleomagnetic, conglomerate 93 128
Tests, paleomagnetic, fold test 92 147
Tests, paleomagnetic, for Fisher distribution 132
Tests, paleomagnetic, randomness 127
Tests, paleomagnetic, reversals 146
Thellier — Thellier technique 107
Thellier, E.O. 27 107
Thermal energy 39 56-59
Thermomagnetic curves 65
Thompson, R. 74
Titanium substitution 63
Titanomaghemite 64
Titanomagnetite 63
Titanomagnetite, oxidation of 64
Torsvik, T. 236
Total anisotropy 193
Ulvoespinel 62 63
universal time 89
Valet, J.-P. 110 225 226
Van der Voo, R. 3 226—230
Vector difference sum 101
Vector-end point diagram 100
Verwey transition 64
Virtual axial dipole moment 21
Virtual dipole moment 21
Virtual geomagnetic pole 18 21
Walker, G. 237
Ward, M.A. 130
Wasilewski, P.J. 69
Watson, G.S. 127 128 146 148 150 151 153—155
Wegener, A. 228
Weiss theory 42
Wohlfarth, W.P. 45
Woodall, W.A. 230
Woodcock, N. 193 198
Worm, H.-U. 74
Xu, S. 58 107
Zijderveld diagram 100
Zijderveld, J. 99 100
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