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Tauxe L. — Paleomagnetic principles and practice |
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curve 53 70
Abramowitz, M. 140
Aharoni, A. 4 37 40
Ampere's law 4 5
Anisotropy, magnetic susceptibility 173
Anisotropy, magnetic susceptibility, applications 230
Anisotropy, magnetic susceptibility, bootstrap 188
Anisotropy, magnetic susceptibility, data display 242
Anisotropy, magnetic susceptibility, dikes 237
Anisotropy, magnetic susceptibility, discrimination of eigenvectors 191
Anisotropy, magnetic susceptibility, ellipsoid 176
Anisotropy, magnetic susceptibility, ellipsoid shape 193
Anisotropy, magnetic susceptibility, Hext 181—185
Anisotropy, magnetic susceptibility, Jelinek 185 186
Anisotropy, magnetic susceptibility, lava flows 239
Anisotropy, magnetic susceptibility, linear perturbation analysis 178
Anisotropy, magnetic susceptibility, measurement schemes 174
Anisotropy, magnetic susceptibility, metamorphic rocks 240
Anisotropy, magnetic susceptibility, paleocurrent directions 230
Anisotropy, magnetic susceptibility, tensor 173
Anson, G.L. 61
Antiferromagnetism 43 63 64
Apparent polar wander path 226
Arai diagram 106
Backus, G. 3 13
Bacterial magnetite 63
Baked contact test 93
Balsey, J. 198
Banerjee, S.K. 37 53 56 64 222
Bard, E. 219
Barton, C.E. 13 61
Behrensmeyer, A.K. 218
Bingham statistics 124
Bingham, C. 124
Biot — Savart law 5
Bioturbation 60 61
Blakely, R. 3
Blocking, temperature 57 58
Blocking, volume 59
Bohr magneton 37 40 63
Boltzmann's constant 39 40
Bootstrap 140
Bootstrap for virtual poles 145
Bootstrap, definition 140
Bootstrap, parametric 142
Bootstrap, parametric, tensors 190
Bootstrap, parametric, unit vectors 144
Bootstrap, simple 142
Bootstrap, simple, tensors 188
Bootstrap, simple, unit vectors 142
Bootstrap, test, common mean 146
Bootstrap, test, eigenvalues 196
Bootstrap, test, eigenvectors 191
Bootstrap, test, fold 147
Bootstrap, test, reversals 146
Borradaile, G. 193
Box, G. 178
Briden, J.D. 130
Brownian motion 60
Bullard fit 229
Bullard, T. 229
Butler, R.F. 3 37 85
Cande, S.C. 25—28 221 222
Canon-Tapia, E. 239
Centripetal force 38
Channell, J.E.T. 3 24 26 215
Chapman, S. 12
Charap, S. 39
Chikazumi, S. 39
Chrons 25
Clement, B.M. 23 24
Coe, R.S. 107 108
coercive field 45
Coercivity of remanence 51
Coercivity, bulk 51
Compaction 61
Component plot 100
Conglomerate test 93 128
Constable, C. 30 110 187 188 220 223 224
Continental drift 228 229
Coordinate systems 9
Coordinate systems, angular 10
Coordinate systems, Cartesian 9 10
Coordinate systems, dike 191
Coordinate systems, geographic 90 91
Coordinate systems, sample 90 91
Coordinate systems, tilt adjusted 91
Coordinate systems, transformation 10 90 91
Coulomb's law 38
Curie temperature 41 42 57 60
Curie temperature, estimation 65
Curie temperature, estimation, differential method 66
Curie temperature, estimation, extrapolation method 66
Curie temperature, estimation, intersecting tangents 66
Curie — Weiss law 42
Curie's law 40
Day, R. 54 55 69 70 99
Declination 10 11
Defect ferromagnetism 64
Dekkers, M. 74
Demagnetization 95
Demagnetization, alternating field 59 96
Demagnetization, data display 99
Demagnetization, progressive 99
Demagnetization, thermal 96
Demagnetizing factor 46
Design matrix 175
diamagnetic susceptibility 38
Diamagnetism 38 68
Dip, pole 15
Dip, structural 91
Dipole, equation 17
Dipole, formula 17 30
Dipole, model 9
Dipole, moment 7
Direction cosines 90
Distribution anisotropy 237
Distributions, Bingham 124
Distributions, Fisher 124 125
Distributions, Kent 143
Domain, magnetic 52
Domain, walls 53 54
Dunlop, D. 37 44 54 56 58 60 73 107
Efron, B. 139 217
Eigenvalues 102
Eigenvectors 102
Eigenvectors, display 186
Ellwood, B.B. 186
Elsasser, W.M. 219
Enkin, R. 148 150
Equal area projection 11
Equilibrium magnetization 57 58
Exchange, energy 41 43
Exchange, interactions 39 41
Ferrimagnetism 43
ferromagnetism 41—43 65
Ferromagnetism, defect 64
Fisher, circle of 95% confidence 125
Fisher, circular standard deviation 125
Fisher, combining lines and planes 129
Fisher, confidence ellipse for VGP 126
Fisher, distribution 124 125
Fisher, distribution, examples 126
Fisher, distribution, test for 132
Fisher, N. 133—135 141 143 148
Fisher, precision parameter 125
Fisher, R.A. 124 125 136 149 154
Fisher, statistics 124
Fisher, statistics, mean 125
| Fisher, statistics, resultant vector 125
Fisher, test for randomness 127
Flinn, D. 193
Fold test 92 147
Frank, M. 110
Frequency factor 56
Fuller, M. 37
Gallet, Y. 217
Gauss coefficients 12 13
Gee, J. 49
Geocentric axial dipole 9 13
Geocentric axial dipole, hypothesis 30
Geographic pole 15
Geomagnetic excursion 23
Geomagnetic field 8 12
Geomagnetic field, time averaged 30 85
Geomagnetic polarity time scale 25 215
Geomagnetic pole 15
Geomagnetic potential 12
Gilder, S. 152 154
Glen, W. 25
Goethite 65
Graham, J. 148 149
Granar, L. 230
Greenwich Hour Angle 89
greigite 65
Gromme, S. 66
Guyodo, Y. 110 225 226
Haigh, G. 59
Hall, P. 148
Hargraves, R. 237
Harland, W. 25—27
Hartl, P. 28 29 109 221 222
Hematite 43 62 64
Henry, K. 61
Heuberger, R. 50
Hext, G. 175 178 181 184 185
Hilgen, F. 26
Hoffman — Day analysis 99
Hoffman, K. 99
Host rock 93
Housen, B. 240
Hrouda, F. 177 178 193 230 242
Hunter, J. 178
Hysteresis loop 47
Hysteresis loop, fourier analysis 70
Hysteresis loop, interpretation 67
Ilmenite 43 62
Inclination 10 13
Inclination, error 60
Intensity decay curve 101
Inverse spinel 63
Iron 43
Iron-nickels 62
Iron-oxides 62
Iron-oxyhydroxides 65
Iron-sulfides 62 65
Ising, G. 230
Jackknife 217
Jackknife, magnetostratigraphic 217
Jackson, M. 70 71 173
Jelinek, V. 178 179 181 184 185 193 198
Jiles, D. 3
Joffe, I. 50
Johnson, C. 30
Jones, D.L. 148
Juarez, T. 27—29 150
Kamerling, M.J. 229
Kent distribution 143
Kent, D.V. 23 25—28 30 49 61 109 221 222
Kent, J.T. 143 144
King, J.W. 110 220
King, R.F. 61
Kirschvink, J. 101—103
Knight, M. 237
Kodama, K.P. 61
Kok, Y. 57 110
Kono, M. 130
Lambert projection 11
Langevin, function 40 68
Langevin, theory 40
Larmor frequency 38
Legendre polynomials 12
Lock-in depth 61
Lovlie, R. 236
Lowes, F.J. 129
Lowrie 3-D IRM test 104
Lowrie, W. 104 217 218
Lu, R. 109 173
Lund, S. 23
Luyendyk, B.R. 230
Maghemite 62 64
Magnetic activity 109
Magnetic anisotropy, constant 46 56
Magnetic anisotropy, energy 44 46 56 58 59
Magnetic anisotropy, energy, magnetocrystalline 45 46 63
Magnetic anisotropy, energy, magnetostatic 45 46
Magnetic anisotropy, energy, magnetostriction 45 46
Magnetic anisotropy, energy, shape 45 46
Magnetic anomalies 25
Magnetic co-latitude 19
Magnetic dipole 6
Magnetic domains 52
Magnetic energy 39
Magnetic fabric 230
Magnetic field 4
Magnetic Hysteresis 47
Magnetic mineralogy 61
magnetic moment 5 39 58
Magnetic poles see "Poles"
Magnetic potential 7
Magnetic remanence acquisition 54
magnetic susceptibility 37 173
Magnetic susceptibility, bulk 37
Magnetic units, conversion 8
Magnetic viscosity 56
Magnetism, physics of 3
Magnetism, rock 37
magnetite 62 63
Magnetization, induced 37
Magnetization, remanent 37 41
Magnetization, spontaneous 41
Magnetometer 93
Magnetometer, cryogenic 93
Magnetometer, fluxgate 5
Magnetometer, spinner 93
Magnetostratigraphy 215
Magnetostratigraphy, reliability criteria 215 216
Magnitude ellipsoid 176
Maximum angular deviation 102
Maximum angular deviation, plane 103
Maxwell's equations 5 6
McCabe, C. 150 152 173
McElhinny, M.W. 3 61 62 126 129 131 149 151 226
McFadden, P.L. 129—132 148 149
Menill, R.T. 3 25 26
Mesozoic Dipole Low 29
Microplate 230
Morin transition 64
Moskowitz, B.M. 66
Multi-domain 53 67
Nagata, T. 107 198
Neel temperature 44
Neel, L. 56 57
Nye, J. 176 177
O'Reilly, W. 37 44 73
Oezdemir, O. 37 44 54 56 58 60 63 64 73
Opdyke, N.D. 3 24 26 61 215
Orientation tensor 101
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