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Siegman A.E. — Lasers
Siegman A.E. — Lasers

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Íàçâàíèå: Lasers

Àâòîð: Siegman A.E.


Íåêîððåêòíûé ISBN-10

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýëåêòðîìàãíåòèçì/Îïòèêà/

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1986

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1283

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 01.10.2005

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Optical fibers solitons in      392—397
Optical frequency approximation      203 218—219
Optical harmonic generation      see “Harmonic generation”
Optical Kerr effect      376—386 388
Optical nutation      1263 (see also “Coherent transients”)
Optical pumping      13 16
Optical resonator frequencies      41—42 574—575 761—767
Optical resonator modes      43—49
Optical resonator modes eigenequation for      566—567
Optical resonator modes Fox and Li calculations of      44 569—578 770—773 876—877
Optical resonator modes large-scale computer simulations of      883—884 (see also “Axial modes” “Transverse
Optical resonators degenerate      845’
Optical resonators development of      410
Optical resonators employing prisms      533 905 911
Optical resonators excitation of      855
Optical resonators gaussian modes of      769—776
Optical resonators general properties of      558—580
Optical resonators hole-coupled      774—775
Optical resonators introduction to      558—580
Optical resonators loaded resonator calculations      883—884
Optical resonators modes in      see “Optical resonator modes”
Optical resonators multielement      841—846
Optical resonators multiple-mirror      524—531
Optical resonators nonplanar      537
Optical resonators orthogonality properties of      see “Orthogonality”
Optical resonators resonant frequencies of      see “Axial modes” “Optical
Optical resonators ring-type      411—412 532—538
Optical resonators stable      563—564 744—774
Optical resonators stable two-mirror      see “Stable two-mirror resonators”
Optical resonators stable-unstable      903—904
Optical resonators standing-wave type      411—412
Optical resonators telescopic      845
Optical resonators thermal focusing in      842—845
Optical resonators unstable      see “Unstable optical resonators”
Optical resonators variable-reflectivity      see “Variable-reflectivity unstable resonators”
Optical resonators with intracavity telescopes      842—845
Optimum output coupling      see “Output coupling”
Orbital angular momentum      1217 1228
Orthogonality of eigensolutions of linear operators      848—849
Orthogonality of Hermite-gaussian modes      646 650
Orthogonality of resonator modes      568—569 847—857 “Transverse
Oscillation      see “Laser oscillation”
Oscillation build-up      see “Laser oscillation”
Oscillation frequency      41—42 462—473 “Axial
Oscillation threshold behavior      see “Threshold region”
Oscillation threshold conditions      457—461
Oscillation-frequency pulling      see “Frequency pulling effects”
Oscillator injection locking      see “Injection locking”
Oscillator strength      121—126 291
Oscillator strength definition of      121 123
Oscillator strength for dye lasers      122 123
Oscillator strength for Nd, YAG laser      123—126
Oscillator strength typical values of      122—123
Output coupling      475—481 (see also “Laser output power”)
Overlap integral      765 1092—1094
P      see “Cavity mode number”
Parabolic equation      339—343 (see also “Nonlinear Schrodinger equation”)
Parasitic oscillation      555—556
Paraxial wave equation      276—279 626—630 632
Paraxial wave equation validity of      278—279 628—630 635
Paraxial wave optics      777—814 (see also “Complex paraxial wave optics”)
Paraxial-spherical wave      631—632 637—638
Paraxial-spherical wave from complex source point      638—641
Passive mode locking      1057—1058 1104—1128
Passive mode locking analysis of (cw)      1120—1122
Passive mode locking anti-etalon effects in      1117
Passive mode locking colliding-pulse      1125—1127
Passive mode locking computer simulations of      1111 1114—1115
Passive mode locking description of (pulsed)      1110—1111
Passive mode locking double pulsing in      1114 1115
Passive mode locking in cw lasers      1117—1128
Passive mode locking in pulsed lasers      1109—1117
Passive mode locking nonlinear effects in      1115—1116
Passive mode locking second threshold in      1110
Passive mode locking statistical theories of      1111—1115 (see also “Mode locking” “Saturable
Passive Q switching      see “Q switching”
Pentaphosphate laser      1100
Period doubling      544
Periodic focusing systems      599—607
Periodic focusing systems eigenrays and eigenvalues      600
Periodic focusing systems stability diagram      748—749
Periodic focusing systems stablesystems      601—604
Periodic focusing systems unstable systems      604
Periodic focusing systems with misaligned elements      611—613
Periodic lensguide      see “Lensguides” “Periodic
Perturbation stability      817—819 829—831
Perturbation-insensitive optical resonators      842—845
Phase perturbations of optical beams      698—706
Phase shift in laser amplifier      282—283 303
Phase shift in mirrors and beam splitters      398—407
Phase shift through focus      see “Guoy phase shift”
Phase transition analogy      522
phase velocity      337—338
Phase velocity in resonant atomic medium      351—355
Phase-amplitude equations      947—949 1138—1140
Phasors and phasor analysis      102—103 1047—1049
Phonon broadening      99 130—131 171
Phonon interactions      198
Photolysis      1223
Photon echoes      1263
photons      33—35 498 502
Photons and spontaneous emission      502—505
Photons “extra photon”      503 509
Pi pulse      238 (see also “Coherent transients”)
Planar resonators      45—46
Planck’s constant      8
Planck’s law      8—10
Plane wave approximation      268
Plane wave expansion      658—662
Pockels cell light modulator      379 976—977 980—981
Poisson spot      see “Spot of Arago”
Polarization properties      114 135—143
Polarization, circular      see “Circular polarization electric-dipole” “Electric “Laser “Active “Magnetic
Population difference      110—111
Population difference equation      204—205 223 231
Population inversion      27 32 35—38
Population inversion clamping of      516—520
Population inversion on four-level system      247—248 (see also “Laser pumping”)
Population recovery time $T_1$      see “Longitudinal relaxation time”
Positive-branch unstable resonator      822—824 867 874
Power broadening      294—295
Power output      see “Laser output power”
Power transfer      176—181 182
Poynting theorem      178—180
Poynting vector      179
Pre-lasing, in actively mode-locked lasers      1082—1083
Precession of magnetic top      1231—1232
Precession of magnetic-dipole atoms      1217—1218 1234—1235
Pressure broadening      127—130 1225
Principal planes (for thick lenses)      595—596
Prisms, in optical resonators      533 905 911
Propagation constant      270—272
Propagation constant in duct      653
Propagation constant in free space      268—269
Propagation constant in lossy medium      270
Pulling effects      see “Frequency pulling”
Pulse amplification      359—361 362—375
Pulse amplification and pulseshape distortion      368—369
Pulse amplification energy extraction      369—372
Pulse amplification slab model for      366
Pulse breakup      384—386 (see also “Pulseshape distortion”)
Pulse broadening and gain dispersion      358—359
Pulse broadening by laser gain medium      359—361 1064
Pulse broadening by self-phase-modulation      390—392
Pulse broadening dispersive      356—358
Pulse broadening in optical fibers      356—358 390—392
Pulse compression      338 342 344—351 391—393
Pulse compression due to self-phase-modulation      384—385
Pulse compression with grating pair      39—393 349
Pulse propagation      331—361
Pulse propagation and pulse compression      338 342 344—351
Pulse propagation dispersive effects on      343—351
Pulse propagation in linear systems      331—361
Pulse propagation in resonant atomic media      351—355
Pulse propagation of gaussian pulses      331—335
Pulse shortening in regenerative system      1108—1109
Pulse shortening in saturable absorbers      1104—1109 (see also “Mode locking”)
Pulse synthesis with multiple laser frequencies      1050—1053
Pulsed injection locking      see “Injection locking” “Injection
Pulsed mode locking      see “Mode locking”
Pulseshape distortion due to self-phase modulation      384—386
Pulseshape distortion in pulse amplifiers      368—369 374—375
Pulseshape distortion in pulse compression      347—348
Pumping      see “Laser pumping”
Pumping rate      252—253
Q switches acoustooptic      1007 1028
Q switches electrooptic      1006—1007
Q switches rotating mirror      1006 1028
Q switches saturable absorber      1007 1024—1028
Q switches slowly opening      1020—1021 1023—1024
Q switches thin film      1007—1008 (see also “Q switching and Q-switched lasers”)
Q switching and Q-switched lasers      1004—1040
Q switching and Q-switched lasers applications of      1039—1040
Q switching and Q-switched lasers axial mode beating in      1034—1036
Q switching and Q-switched lasers energy efficiency of      1010 1013—1015
Q switching and Q-switched lasers exact solution for      1018—1019
Q switching and Q-switched lasers experimental results for      1019—1020 1032
Q switching and Q-switched lasers general description of      1004—1008
Q switching and Q-switched lasers mode locking of      see “Mode locking”
Q switching and Q-switched lasers mode selection in      1034—1039
Q switching and Q-switched lasers multiple pulses from      1020—1021
Q switching and Q-switched lasers passive (saturable absorber)      1007 1024—1028
Q switching and Q-switched lasers practical methods for      1006—1008
Q switching and Q-switched lasers pulse output interval of      1012—1017
Q switching and Q-switched lasers pulsewidth of      1017—1018
Q switching and Q-switched lasers pumping interval in      1009—1012
Q switching and Q-switched lasers rate equation analysis of      1008—1023
Q switching and Q-switched lasers repetitive      1028—1034
Q switching and Q-switched lasers second threshold in      1026—1028
Q switching and Q-switched lasers transverse modes in      1036—1039 (see also “Q switches”)
Q, definition of      180
Quality factor      see “Q definition
Quantum beats      1263
Quantum charge density      135—138 1214—1215
Quantum current density      1215
Quantum efficiency      247
Quantum electronics      1
Quantum energy levels      see “Energy levels”
Quantum noise fluctuations      51 (see also “Schawlow — Townes formula”)
Quantum properties of electric-dipole transitions      1215 1216
Quantum properties of magnetic-dipole transitions      1214—1217
quantum states      137—142
Rabi flopping behavior for electric-dipole transitions      113 231—242 376
Rabi flopping behavior for magnetic-dipole transitions      1259—1263 1265—1266
Rabi frequency      221—242 1259—1260
Rabi frequency relation to stimulated transition probability      234 1262—1263
Radiation damping of atomic radiation      952—953 (see also “Radiative decay rate”)
Radiative decay rate for Nd, YAG      123—126
Radiative decay rate of atomic transitions      84—85 109—110 120—121
Radiative decay rate of classical electron oscillator      84
Radiative decay rate of classical magnetic dipole      1248
Radiative decay rate of degenerate transition      155—156
Radiative decay rate of magnetic dipole transition      1255 (see also “Radiation damping”)
Radiative surroundings      187—193
Rare-earth ions      12 14 15 17 21
Rate equation approximation      225—227 (see also “Rate equations”)
Rate equations      see “Atomic rate equations” “Cavity Coupled
Ray equation      587
Ray inversion      591
Ray matrices      581—625 777—792 811—814
Ray matrices and gaussian beam propagation      782—786
Ray matrices and Huygens’ integral      777—782
Ray matrices and imaging properties      596—597
Ray matrices and spherical waves      593—595
Ray matrices and thick lenses      595—599
Ray matrices canonical form      813
Ray matrices complex      see “Complex ray matrices”
Ray matrices definition of      583
Ray matrices determinant of      584
Ray matrices eigenvalues of      600—604 813
Ray matrices factorization of      814
Ray matrices for astigmatic systems      597 616—617
Ray matrices for cascaded systems      593—599
Ray matrices for curved ducts      614—616
Ray matrices for gaussian aperture      786—788
Ray matrices for misaligned systems      609 613
Ray matrices for nonorthogonal systems      616—625
Ray matrices for thick lenses      595—599
Ray matrices reduced slope in      583
Ray matrices symmetric form      813
Ray matrices synthesis of      814
Ray matrices table of      585—586
Ray matrices telescopic form      814
Ray matrices transformation of      811—814
Ray optics      581—625
Ray optics and geometrical optics      593
Ray optics and spherical waves      593—595
Ray propagation in astigmatic systems      597 616—617
Ray propagation in cascaded systems      593—599
Ray propagation in curved ducts      614—616
Ray propagation in misaligned systems      607—614
Ray propagation in nonorthogonal systems      616—625
Ray propagation in periodic systems      599—607
Rayleigh range      667—669 674 725 726
Rayleigh range for circular aperture      729
Rayleigh range for single slit      720—721
Rayleigh range for square aperture      725
Rayleigh range general definition of      714
Recirculating pulse approach      560—565
Reduced radius of curvature      594—595 784
Reduced slope      583
Reflection coefficient      see “Laser mirrors”
Refractive index      see “Index of refraction’’
Regenerative amplification      440—447 447—456 1141—1142
Regenerative amplification feedback model for      441—443
Regenerative amplification from equivalent circuit model      940
Regenerative amplification gain-bandwidth product      447 450—451
Regenerative amplification near threshold      448—454
Regenerative amplification of injected signal in free-running oscillator      1131—1133
Regenerative amplification vector model for      444—445
Relaxation longitudinal      1242
Relaxation nonradiative      15—18 120 195—204
Relaxation oscillation frequency      963—964 (see also “Relaxation oscillations” “Spiking”)
Relaxation oscillations, in lasers      954—971
Relaxation oscillations, in lasers linearized analysis of      962—964 (see also “Spiking”)
Relaxation oscillations, in lasers versus spiking      957
Relaxation radiative      15 120—121
Relay imaging      739—740 742 845
Repetitive Q switching      see “Q switching”
Resonant dipole equation      96 112 221
Resonant dipole equation transient response of      222—223
Resonator g parameters      746—747 (see also “Stable two-mirror resonators”)
Resonator modes      see “Optical resonator modes”
Resonators      see “Optical resonators”
Retroreflected unstable resonators      see “Unstable optical resonators”
Rigrod analysis      485—490
Ring lasers      40 250 411—412 532—538
Ring lasers nonplanar      622—623
Ring lasers unstable      899—900 910
Ring-laser gyroscope      1163—1170
Ring-laser gyroscope locking effects in      1165—1166 1167—1168
Rotating mirror Q switch      see “Q switches”
Rotating-wave approximation      1247—1248
Round-trip gain      414—415 429 457
Ruby      10—11 18
Ruby energy levels of      249 273
Ruby laser      60—61 122 131 258—262 263
Ruby laser cross section of      290
Ruby laser spiking in      955—956 971 974—975
Ruby pumping of      248—250
1 2 3 4 5 6
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