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Siegman A.E. — Lasers
Siegman A.E. — Lasers

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Íàçâàíèå: Lasers

Àâòîð: Siegman A.E.


Íåêîððåêòíûé ISBN-10

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýëåêòðîìàãíåòèçì/Îïòèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1986

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1283

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 01.10.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Ducts stable      587—589
Ducts unstable      588—589
Ducts, beam scalloping in      654
Ducts, complex      790—794 801
Dyadic product      146 147
Dye lasers      477 482 532 538
Dye lasers cw mode-locking in      1117
Dye lasers oscillator strength      122 123
Dye lasers saturation intensity      295
Dye lasers transition cross section      290
Edge waves circular versus rectangular apertures      736—738
Edge waves in diffraction theory      716 723—725
Edge waves in unstable resonators      872—873 (see also “Tapered reflectivity mirrors”)
Edible laser      70—71
Efficiency of cw laser amplifiers      301—303
Efficiency of iodine laser      1226
Efficiency of laser oscillators      480—481
Efficiency of pulsed laser amplifiers      369—374
Efficiency of Q-switched laser      1010 1013—1015
Efficiency of typical lasers      68
Eigenrays      see “Periodic focusing systems”
Eigenvalues and eigensolutions for ABCD matrices      600—604 813
Eigenvalues and eigensolutions for actively mode-locked lasers      1069
Eigenvalues and eigensolutions for complex paraxial systems      815—819
Eigenvalues and eigensolutions for general optical resonators      562—569
Eigenvalues and eigensolutions for linear operators      848—850
Eigenvalues and eigensolutions for periodic focusing systems      600
Eigenvalues and eigensolutions for real geometrically stable resonators      820—822
Eigenvalues and eigensolutions for real geometrically unstable resonators      822—828
Eigenvalues and eigensolutions for stable two-mirror resonators      744—749
Eikonal function      778 781
Eikonal function for unstable resonators      874—884
Eikonal function for variable-reflectivity unstable resonator      916
Einstein A coefficient      121 186
Electric dipole matrix element      242 (see also “Transition matrix element”)
Electric polarization decay of      133—134
Electric polarization definition of      86—87
Electric polarization dephasing of      94—96
Electric polarization equation of motion for      90 96 112 221 229—230
Electric-dipole moment      85
Electric-dipole moment definition of      85
Electric-dipole moment equation of motion for      89—90 96
Electric-dipole moment quantum expression for      136—141 1215—1216
Electric-dipole transitions      81 118—175 1219
Electric-dipole transitions Rabi frequency for      221—242
Electric-dipole transitions stimulated transition probability of      181—182 185—186 213
Electron oscillator model      see “Classical electron-oscillator model”
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)      see “Magnetic resonance”
Electron spin resonance (ESR)      see “Magnetic resonance”
Electrooptic Q switch      see “Q switches”
Energy decay rates      13—18 118—126 “Radiative “Spontaneous
Energy extraction in cw amplifiers      301—303
Energy extraction in laser oscillators      480—481
Energy extraction in pulse amplifier      369—374
energy levels      8—12
Energy levels helium atom      9
Energy levels iodine laser      1223—1224
Energy levels Nd, YAG laser      124 244
Energy levels ruby laser      13 249 273
Energy levels terbium ion, $Tb^{3+}$      15
Energy transfer      176—181 182
Equivalent Fresnel number      872—873 (see also “Fresnel number” “Unstable
Equivalent noise input      72—73 265—266 492—494
Equivalent-circuit models for external cavity coupling      935—939
Equivalent-circuit models for injection-locked oscillator      1140—1141
Equivalent-circuit models for laser cavity      929—932
Equivalent-circuit models for regenergative amplifier      441—443 940
Etalon mirrors      423—427 528—529
Etalons      419 524
Etalons as mirrors      423—427 528—529
Etalons for bandwidth widening      1072—1073 1117
Etalons in mode-locked lasers      1071—1073
Etalons intracavity      524
Etalons scanning      438—439 763—65(see
Excimer laser      519—521 522
External signal injection into laser cavity      932—940
External signal injection into laser oscillator      see “Injection locking”
f number      56—57 676—677
Fabry — Perot etalon      see “Etalons” Interferometers”
Fabry — Perot interferometer      see “Etalons Interferometers”
Far-field beam spread for gaussian beam      670—673
Far-field beam spread for multimode beam      695—697
Far-field beam spread for single-slit diffraction pattern      720—721
Far-field beam spread from arbitrary aperture      740—741 (see also “Rayleigh range”)
Far-infrared lasers      495—496
Faraday rotator      535—536
Fast Hankel transform      662
Feedback      see “Regeneration”
Fermat’s principle      779—782
Fermi Golden Rule      184
Fermi — Pasta — Ulam recurrence      395—397
Fiber optic gyroscope      1168—1169
Fiber optics      see “Optical fibers”
Filamentary effects      see “Ducts” “Small-scale
Finesse of interferometer      435—436
Finite difference methods      628 657 661
Fluorescence      7 10—12 22—23
Fluorescent lifetime      119
Fluorescent quantum efficiency      247
FM laser operation      1057 1095—1103
FM mode locking      see “Mode locking”
Focal phase shift      see “Guoy phase shift”
Four-level laser      36—38 243—248
Fourier transform methods      see “Numerical beam propagation methods”
Fox and Li mode calculations      44 569—575 577—578 770—773
Fox and Li mode calculations for unstable resonators      876—877
Fox — Smith interferometer      529—530 531
Fox-and-Li calculations of      569—578
Free spectral range      433—434 764
Free-induction decay      307—313 548 990—991 1258
Frequency beating      see “Beat frequencies”
Frequency chirp      see “Chirp”
Frequency locking effects in coupled oscillators      1169—1170
Frequency locking effects in injected-locked lasers      see “Injection locking”
Frequency locking effects in mode-locked lasers      1056—1057
Frequency locking effects in ring-laser gyroscopes      see “Ring-laser gyroscope”
Frequency modulation      see “Laser frequency modulation”
Frequency pulling effects due to atomic transition      466—472 1063—1064
Frequency pulling effects due to externally injected signal      1151—1153
Frequency pulling effects in coupled oscillators      1169—1170
Frequency pulling effects in inhomogeneous transitions      1194 1211
Frequency pushing effects      1194 1211
Frequency stability      49—51 66—67 72
Frequency switching      see “Laser frequency switching”
Frequency switching spectroscopy      988—981
Fresnel approximation      see “Huygens’ integral”
Fresnel diffraction      712—714 (see also “Aperture diffiraction” “Diffraction “Huygens’
Fresnel integral      717—719
Fresnel number for gaussian aperture      915
Fresnel number in Fresnel diffraction theory      713—714
Fresnel number of a lens      676—678
Fresnel number of a stable gaussian resonator      769—770
Fresnel number of circular versus other apertures      736—738
Fresnel number of collimated system      806—808
Fresnel number of unstable resonator      870 (see also “Collimated Fresnel number” “Equivalent
Fresnel ripples      721—723 730 732—734 771 882
Fresnel zones      713—714
Fusion      see “Laser fusion”
g parameters      see “Resonator g parameters”
g value      see “Magnetic dipole transitions”
GaAs lasers      see “Semiconductor laser”
Gain coefficient      272
Gain dispersion      358—361
Gain in dB      280
Gain narrowing      281—282 284—285
Gain saturation      see “Saturation”
Gain switching      966—968 (see also “Laser amplitude modulation”)
Gain-bandwidth product of regenerative amplifier      447 450—451
Gas lasers      62—66
Gas lenses      604
Gas transport laser      510
Gaussian $\tilde v$ parameter      see “Hermite-gaussian $\tilde v$ parameter”
Gaussian apertures      786—788
Gaussian apertures in unstable resonators      914—922 (see also “Complex paraxial wave optics” “Complex
Gaussian beam chart      680—681
Gaussian beam focusing      675—680
Gaussian beam parameter $\tilde q$      640 642—643 664
Gaussian beam parameter $\tilde q$ eigensolution for      815—819
Gaussian beam parameter $\tilde q$ reduced value of      784
Gaussian beam parameter $\tilde q$ transformation through paraxial systems      783—784
Gaussian beam profile in saturable amplifiers      326—328
Gaussian beam propagation and ABCD matrices      782—786
Gaussian beam propagation collimated propagation of      669—670
Gaussian beam propagation Collins chart for      680—681
Gaussian beam propagation deviations from      679
Gaussian beam propagation in ducts      652—656
Gaussian beam propagation Rayleigh range for      667—669 674
Gaussian beams      637—662 663—697
Gaussian beams analytical expressions for      663—665
Gaussian beams beam waist of      663 669 675 679 683
Gaussian beams confocal parameter of      669 674
Gaussian beams depth of focus of      677
Gaussian beams far-field beam angle of      670—673
Gaussian beams focal spot deviation of      677—678
Gaussian beams focusing of      675—680
Gaussian beams mode matching of      412 680—682
Gaussian beams multimode      695—697
Gaussian beams phase shift along      682—685 686
Gaussian beams radius of curvature of      673—674
Gaussian beams top hat criterion for      665 667 670
Gaussian beams transmission through aperture      665—667 731—734
Gaussian beams truncated      731—734 (see also “Gaussian resonator modes” “Gaussian-spherical
Gaussian lineshape      160—161 163—165 168—170 “Inhomogeneous
Gaussian mole run      53—54
Gaussian molehill      53
Gaussian pulseshape      see “Complex gaussian pulseshape”
Gaussian resonator modes      637 652
Gaussian resonator modes derivation of      637—652
Gaussian resonator modes higher-order      642—652 685—695
Gaussian resonator modes in stable two-mirror resonators      744—774 (see also “Modes” “Transverse
Gaussian-hermite modes      see “Hermite-gaussian modes”
Gaussian-laguerre modes      see “Laguerre-gaussian modes”
Gaussian-spherical waves      637—642
Gaussian-spherical waves complex radius of curvature      640
Gaussian-spherical waves from complex source point      638—641
Geometrical eigenwaves      see «”Unstable optical resonators”
Gires — Tournofe interferometer      348—349
Glass laser      171—172 266 556
Gobau lensguide analysis      748—749
Gratings      318 320 322 349 698—706 905 920
GRIN elements      589—590 655
Group velocity      337—338 341 363
Group velocity and energy propagation      363
Group velocity dispersion      341 346—347 349—350 383—385 389
Group velocity dispersion of      346—350 383—385 389
Group velocity faster than light      352—354
Group velocity in resonant atomic medium      351—355
Group velocity negative values for      373
Group velocity strongly slowed      354
Guoy phase shift      636 645—646 654 682—686 761 766 785 836
Gyrotropic response      144—145 149
h and $\hbar$ (Planck’s constant)      8
Hankel transform      662 728
Hard-edged unstable resonators      826—827 874—884
Harmonic generation      224—225 240—242 377 484—485
Harmonic generation in Bloch equations      1249 1263—1265
Harmonic mode locking      1060 1073—1074
Helium spectrum      6—9
Helium-neon (He-Ne) laser      62—65 129 170—171 465 477 495—496 519—520
Helium-neon (He-Ne) laser injection locking of      1134—1137
Hemispherical resonator      756—758
Hermite polynomials      643 687 799 803
Hermite polynomials generating function for      799
Hermite polynomials orthogonality relation for      803 (see also “Hermite-gaussian modes”)
Hermite-gaussian $\tilde v$ parameter      798—802 836—837
Hermite-gaussian mode expansions      646—647 691—694 696 802—803
Hermite-gaussian modes      643—647 685—695 798—804 821—822
Hermite-gaussian modes complex form      798 803
Hermite-gaussian modes complex scale factor $\tilde v$      798 800—801
Hermite-gaussian modes in complex ducts      801 804
Hermite-gaussian modes in purely real systems      801—802 821—822
Hermite-gaussian modes transformation through complex paraxial system      798—804
Hermite-gaussian modes widths of      690—691 (see also “Complex paraxial wave optics” “Gaussian
Hermite-gaussian modes “elegant” (complex-argument) form      649—652 803
Hermite-gaussian modes “standard form”      644—647
Hermitian adjoint      see “Hermitian conjugate”
Hermitian boundary conditions      854
Hermitian conjugate      145—146 404 848—849 “Orthogonality”)
Hermitian matrix      404—406
Hermitian susceptibility      181
Higher-order modes      46 642—652 685—695 821—822
History of the laser      74—76
Hole linewidth      1180
Hole susceptibility      1178—1181
Hole-burning effects      1171—1184
Hole-burning effects and cross-relaxation      1195—1199
Hole-burning effects and inhomogeneous saturation      1172—1173
Hole-burning effects and Lamb dip      1199—1212
Hole-burning effects and saturation spectroscopy      1184—1194
Hole-burning effects change in susceptibility due to      1178—1181
Hole-burning effects elementary analysis of      1177—1184
Hole-burning effects in laser mode locking      1059
Hole-burning effects photochemical      1174—1177
Hole-burning effects strongly homogeneous limit of      1179—1183 (see also “Inhomogeneous saturation” “Lamb “Spatial
Hole-coupled resonators      774—775
Homogeneous broadening      126—135 158 162—163 172
Homogeneous broadening and laser mode locking      1059 1068
Homogeneous broadening and single-frequency oscillation      462—463 (see also “Dephasing” “Line
Homogeneous saturation      see “Saturation”
HSURIA      see “Unstable optical resonators”
Huygen’s integral      630—637 715—717 1129 1137
Huygen’s integral and ABCD matrices      618 777—782
Huygen’s integral cascade properties of      795—797
Huygen’s integral for complex paraxial system      792—797
Huygen’s integral for unstable resonator      867—874
Huygen’s integral Fourier transform interpretation      657—658
Huygen’s integral Fresnel approximation to      633—635
Huygen’s integral Guoy phase shift in      685
Huygen’s integral in cylindrical coordinates      727 728
Huygen’s integral in nonorthogonal systems      618
Huygen’s integral in one dimension      636
Huygen’s integral nonhermitian character of      854—855
Huygen’s integral through general paraxial system      778—782
Huygen’s integral with coordinate scaling      805—811
Huygen’s principle      632
Image relaying      739—742 845
Image rotation      619—622
Incoherent light sources      52—54 78—79
Index of refraction in gases      115—116
Index of refraction in solids      116—117
Index of refraction Sellmeier equation for      357
Inhomogeneous broadening      15 157—175 186
Inhomogeneous broadening and laser mode locking      1059 1068
Inhomogeneous broadening causes of      159
Inhomogeneous broadening effects on laser operation      464—465 (see also “Hole-burning effects”)
Inhomogeneous saturation      1182—1183 (see also “Hole-burning effects” “Saturation”)
Inhomogeneous velocity distribution      1185—1186
Initial noise level in laser oscillators      492—494 509—510
Injection lasers      see “Semiconductor lasers”
Injection locking      1129—1170
Injection locking Adler equation for      1143 1147—1149
Injection locking analysis of      1138—1142
Injection locking applications of      1162—1170
Injection locking basic principles of      1129—1138
Injection locking equivalent circuit analog for      1140—1141
Injection locking experimental results for      1134—1137
Injection locking frequency pulling due to      1151—1153
Injection locking in laser mode locking      1056—1057
Injection locking locked-oscillator regime of      1142—1148
Injection locking locking range for      1134 1143—1144
1 2 3 4 5 6
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