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Siegman A.E. — Lasers
Siegman A.E. — Lasers

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Íàçâàíèå: Lasers

Àâòîð: Siegman A.E.


Íåêîððåêòíûé ISBN-10

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýëåêòðîìàãíåòèçì/Îïòèêà/

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1986

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1283

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 01.10.2005

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Injection locking outside locking range of      1148—1154
Injection locking phase shift properties of      1144
Injection locking phasor description of      1158—1162
Injection locking pulsed      1159—1162
Injection locking regenerative description of      1131—1133
Injection locking transient behavior of      1146—1148 1158—1162
Injection seeding      1154 1160—1162
Instantaneous frequency      332—333
Interferometers      408—413 414—427
Interferometers antiresonant-ring      1126—1127
Interferometers basic equation for      413—414
Interferometers circulating intensity in      415—418 430—431
Interferometers confocal      438—439
Interferometers Fabry — Perot      409
Interferometers finesse of      435—436
Interferometers Fox-Smith      529—530
Interferometers free spectral range of      433—434
Interferometers Michelson      529 530
Interferometers multiple-mirror      524—531
Interferometers nonlinear      540—544
Interferometers reflected fields from      420—427 431—432 455
Interferometers resonance properties of      415—427
Interferometers rotating vector interpretation      415—417
Interferometers scanning      438—439 763—765
Interferometers transmitted intensity      418—419 431 “Optical “Multiple-mirror “Regenerative
Interstellar masers      73
Intracavity etalons      524 (see also “Etalons” ‘Interferometers”)
inversion      see “Laser Inversion”
Inversion ratio r      493 512
Iodine laser      489 1223—1228
Keller edge waves      see “Edge waves”
Kerr cell      378 981
Kerr effect      376—378 (see also “Optical Kerr Effect”)
Laguerre-gaussian modes      647—648
Lamb coupled-mode equations      947—949 (see also “Laser cavity equations” “Phase-amplitude
Lamb dip      1199—1212
Lamb dip approximate analysis of      1202—1204
Lamb dip description of      1199—1202
Lamb dip dispersive effects of      1209—1210 1211
Lamb dip exact analysis of      1204—1207
Lamb dip frequency stabilization using      1202 1208—1209
Lamb dip inverse Lamb dip      1207—1209 1212
Laser action in nature      73
Laser amplification      3—4 26—27 30—35 264—306
Laser amplification bandwidth narrowing due to      281—282 284—285
Laser amplification delta notation for      428
Laser amplification gain formula for      280
Laser amplification in dB      280
Laser amplification regenerative      see “Regenerative amplification”
Laser amplification saturation behavior      see “Saturation”
Laser amplifiers      264—306
Laser amplifiers as power amplifiers      264—265
Laser amplifiers as preamplifiers      265—266
Laser amplifiers available power from      299—302
Laser amplifiers double-pass      490
Laser amplifiers for fusion applications      78 264—265
Laser amplifiers inhomogeneously saturating      325
Laser amplifiers input-output relation      298
Laser amplifiers phase shift in      282—283
Laser amplifiers power extraction efficiency of      301—303
Laser amplifiers pulse amplification in      362—375
Laser amplifiers pulse broadening in      359—361
Laser amplifiers saturation of      see “Saturation”
Laser amplifiers single-pass amplifier      279—285
Laser amplifiers transient response of      307—316
Laser amplifiers transverse variation in      325—328
Laser amplifiers with saturable gain plus loss      323—325
Laser amplitude modulation      971—979
Laser amplitude modulation in actively mode-locked lasers      1064—1065 1089—1090 “Gain “Q “Laser “Relaxation “Spiking”
Laser applications      79
Laser beam focusing      56—57 675—680
Laser beams      49—60
Laser cavities      see “Interferometers” “Optical
Laser cavity equations      923—953
Laser cavity equations derivation of      923—929
Laser cavity equations equivalent circuit for      929—932 935—939
Laser cavity equations external driving terms for      932—940 (see also “Cavity rate equations” “Coupled
Laser frequency modulation      980—991
Laser frequency modulation in actively mode-locked lasers      1065—1066 1090—1091 “Laser “Mode
Laser frequency stability      49—51 66—67 72
Laser frequency switching      984—991 (see also “Laser frequency modulation”)
Laser fusion      77—78 264—265
Laser injection locking      see “Injection locking”
Laser light      49—60 66—74
Laser mirrors      2 39—40 398—408
Laser mirrors multilayer dielectric      402—403 407
Laser mirrors reference planes in      403—404
Laser mirrors reflection and transmission properties of      398—408 428
Laser mode competition      see “Mode competition effects”
Laser mode locking      see “Mode locking”
Laser oscillation      4—5 39—49 457—490 491—557
Laser oscillation buildup of      39 260—262 491—497 575—577 897—898
Laser oscillation buildup time for      493—494
Laser oscillation coherence properties of      28 33—35 54—57 66—67 521
Laser oscillation frequency of      462—473
Laser oscillation in ring cavities      250 532—538
Laser oscillation initial noise level for      492—494
Laser oscillation mode competition effects in      992—1003
Laser oscillation output power of      see “Laser output power”
Laser oscillation parasitic      555—556
Laser oscillation steady-state condition for      475
Laser oscillation threshold conditions for      457—461
Laser oscillation threshold inversion for      458
Laser oscillation threshold pump power for      459—461
Laser oscillation threshold region for      447—454 510—524
Laser output power      473—485 485—490
Laser output power and homogeneous saturation      474—475
Laser output power Rigrod analysis of      485—490
Laser output power versus coupling      477
Laser output power versus pumping      481—483
Laser output power versus tuning      484
Laser output power with large output coupling      485—490
Laser output power with optimum coupling      479—481
Laser output power with small output coupling      475—481
Laser phase modulation      see “Laser frequency modulation”
Laser pumping      2—3 35—38 70—71 243—263
Laser pumping for four-level system      36 243—248
Laser pumping for three-level system      248—250
Laser pumping of ruby laser      258—262
Laser pumping of upper energy levels      252—257
Laser pumping threshold value of      459—461
Laser pumping transient build up      257—263
Laser Q switching      see “Q switching”
Laser radar      see “Lidar”
Laser refrigeration      251
Laser spiking      see “Spiking”
Laser threshold region      see “Threshold region”
Laser wavelengths      5—6 68—70 73
Lasers in nature      73
Lasers introduction to      1—79
Lasers modes in      41—49
Lasers oscillation conditions in      39—42
Lasers output beam properties of      49—60
Lasers performance records for      71
Lasers population inversion in      35—38
Lasers pumping methods for      35—38 70—71
Lasers special properties of      66—74
Lasers, basic principles of      1—5 30—49
Lasers, commercial availability of      69—70
Lasers, examples of      60—66 68
Lasers, history of      74—76
Lens Fresnel number      676—678
Lens waveguides      see “Lensguides”
Lensguides      45 562 604 616 748—749 “Periodic
Lidar      1039—1040
Lifetime broadening      127
Lifetime nonradiative      see “Nonradiative decay rates”
Lifetime radiative      see “Radiative decay rate”
Line-broadening effects collision      90—97 127—130 134
Line-broadening effects dipolar      93 131—132
Line-broadening effects doppler      157—161 1184—1186
Line-broadening effects homogeneous      126—135
Line-broadening effects inhomogeneous      115 157—175
Line-broadening effects lifetime      127
Linear operators, properties of      848—849
Linewidth modulation spectroscopy      285
Linewidths FWHM definition of      107
Linewidths of atomic transition      107 108 114
Loaded resonator calculations      883—884 887—890
Locking effects      see “Frequency locking effects”
Locking range      1134 1143—1144
Lommel functions      728
Longitudinal relaxation time $T_1$      205 210 1242
Lorentzian lineshape      30—31 106—107 109
Lumped circuit analogs      see “Circuit analogs”
Luneberg apodization      578—580 711
Macroscopic polarization electric-dipole      86—87
Macroscopic polarization magnetic-dipole      1233 (see also “Electric polarization” “Magnetic
Magnetic polarization definition of      1233
Magnetic polarization dephasing of      1237—1240 (see also “Magnetic-dipole transitions”)
Magnetic resonance electron spin      1220—1222
Magnetic resonance electronic paramagnetic      1220—1222
Magnetic resonance nuclear      1220—1222 (see also “Magnetic-dipole transitions”)
Magnetic-dipole moment equation of motion for      1218
Magnetic-dipole moment quantum formula for      1216 (see also “Magnetic-dipole transitions”)
Magnetic-dipole transitions      1213—1266
Magnetic-dipole transitions ac susceptibility for      1243—1249
Magnetic-dipole transitions at infrared and optical frequencies      1219—1220
Magnetic-dipole transitions at radio and microwave frequencies      1220
Magnetic-dipole transitions basic properties of      1213—1223
Magnetic-dipole transitions Bloch equations for      1236—1243
Magnetic-dipole transitions classical magnetic top model for      1228—1236
Magnetic-dipole transitions coherent transients in      1256—1266
Magnetic-dipole transitions g value for      1230
Magnetic-dipole transitions harmonic effects in      1263—1264
Magnetic-dipole transitions iodine laser as example of      1223—1228
Magnetic-dipole transitions large-signal effects in      1257—1263
Magnetic-dipole transitions longitudinal (rate) equation for      1249—1256
Magnetic-dipole transitions oscillation energy in      1234—1236
Magnetic-dipole transitions quantum properties of      1214—1217
Magnetic-dipole transitions Rabi solutions for      1259—1263 1265—1266
Magnetic-dipole transitions rate equation for      1249 (see also “Bloch equations” “Magnetic
Magnification in Huygens’ integral      805—811
Magnification in image relaying      739—742
Magnification in unstable resonators      860—862 867
Masers basic principle      1
Masers history of      74—76
Masers in interstellar space      73
Maxwellian velocity distribution      1185—1186
Maxwell’s equations      86 266
Metal vapors      274
Metastable energy levels      17 38 64
Michelson interferometer      see «Interferometers”
Mirrorless lasers      547—557 (see also “Amplified spontaneous emission”)
Mirrors      see “Laser mirrors”
Misaligned systems      see “Ray matrices Ray
Modal dispersion      389 (see also “Dispersion”)
Mode beats      575 765—766 767
Mode competition effects and coupling factor C      995
Mode competition effects in two-mode laser oscillators      992—1003 (see also “Saturation”)
Mode control      see “Mode discrimination”
Mode coupling versus mode locking      1053 (see also “Mode locking”)
Mode crossing behavior      876—878 895—897 913—914
Mode degeneracy      767
Mode density $dp(\omega)/d\omega$      499—500
Mode discrimination in laser oscillator      462—463 516—522 688—689 691
Mode locking active      1041—1103
Mode locking autocorrelation measurements of      1081—1082 1122—1123
Mode locking coupled-mode equations for      1087—1092
Mode locking FM laser operation      1057 1095—1103
Mode locking FM mode locking      1069—1071 1083—1084 1095 1100
Mode locking frequency-domain analysis of      1087—1103
Mode locking frequency-domain description of      1045—1055
Mode locking general description of      1056—1061
Mode locking harmonic      1060 1073—1074
Mode locking homogeneous versus inhomogeneous      1059 1068
Mode locking passive (saturable-absorber)      1057—1058 1104—1128
Mode locking synchronously pumped      1058—1059 1123—1125
Mode locking time-domain analysis of      1041—1045 1061—1086
Mode locking transient build-up of      1075—1086
Mode locking transient versus cw      1060 (see also “Active mode locking” “FM “Passive
Mode matching      412 680—682
Mode number for optical cavity      499—501 502—505
Mode selection      57—58
Mode selection in Q-switched lasers      1034—1039
Mode separation behavior      see “Mode crossing behavior”
Mode spot size in real stable resonators      841—842
Mode spot size separation behavior      see “Mode crossing behavior”
Mode spot size stability of      842—845
Mode spot size with intracavity telescope      842
Modes      see “Optical resonator modes”
MOPA (master-oscillator-power-amplifier)      264—265 302 1163 1226—1227
Multilayer dielectric mirrors      402—403 407
Multilevel atomic system large-signal effects in      227—228
Multilevel atomic system rate-equations for      211—220
Multilevel rate equations      211—220 (see also “Atomic rate equations”)
Multimode optical beams      57—58 695—697
Multiple-mirror cavities      524—531
Natural lasers      73
Nd, YAG laser      171 292 359—360 482—483
Nd, YAG laser energy levels      124 244
Nd, YAG laser oscillator strength      123—126
Nd, YAG laser pulse broadening in      359—360
Nd, YAG laser pumping of      243—245
Nd, YAG laser Saturation fluence      367
Nd, YAG laser saturation intensity      295
Nd, YAG laser transition cross section      290
Near-field diffraction patterns      see “Aperture diffraction” “Diffraction “Unstable
Negative group delay      373
Negative-branch unstable resonator      822 825—826 867 874
Nodal planes (for thick lenses)      596
Noise and oscillation buildup      492—494
Noise in laser amplifiers      72—73 265—266
Nonlinear dispersion      375—386
Nonlinear Schrodinger equation      387—388 (see also “Parabolic equation”)
Nonorthogonal optical systems      616—625
Nonorthogonal resonator modes      see “Orthogonality”
Nonorthogonal resonator modes and collimated Fresnel number      807
Nonorthogonal resonator modes in unstable resonators      887—890
Nonplanar resonators      537 622—623
Nonradiative damping      see “Nonradiative relaxation”
Nonradiative decay rates      120
Nonradiative relaxation      15—18 195—204
Nonradiative surroundings      196—197
Nonreciprocal devices      535—536
Normal mode expansions      925—929 931
Nuclear angular momentum      1230
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)      see “Magnetic resonance”
Nuclear magnetization      1218—1221
Nuclear magneton      1218 1230
Numerical beam propagation methods      626 656—662
Numerical beam propagation methods finite-difference method      628 657 661
Numerical beam propagation methods Fourier-transform methods      657—662
Numerical beam propagation methods guard bands      724
Numerical beam propagation methods Hermite-gaussian mode expansions      691—694
Numerical beam propagation methods number of sample points      723—724 807
Numerical beam propagation methods plane-wave expansion      658—662
Off-axis unstable resonators      901—904 910—911
Off-diagonal relaxation time      1240 (see also “Dephasing” “Transverse
Ohmic conductivity      267
Ohmic loss      267 272
Omega-beta curve      335—336
On-diagonal relaxation time      see “Longitudinal relaxation time”
Optical axes of misaligned systems      607 610—611 613
Optical bistability      538—546
Optical cavities      see “Interferometers” “Laser “Optical
Optical delay line      604
Optical diode      535—536
Optical fibers dispersive pulse broadening in      357—358
Optical fibers nonlinear pulse broadening in      388—392
1 2 3 4 5 6
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