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Polchinski J. — String theory (volume 2). Superstring theory and beyond
Polchinski J. — String theory (volume 2). Superstring theory and beyond

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Íàçâàíèå: String theory (volume 2). Superstring theory and beyond

Àâòîð: Polchinski J.


Volume 2: Superstring Theory and Beyond, begins with an introduction to supersymmetric string theories and goes on to a broad presentation of the important advances of recent years. The book first introduces the type I, type II, and heterotic superstring theories and their interactions. It then goes on to present important recent discoveries about strongly coupled strings, beginning with a detailed treatment of D-branes and their dynamics, and covering string duality, M-theory, and black hole entropy, and discusses many classic results in conformal field theory. The final four chapters are concerned with four-dimensional string theories, and have two goals: to show how some of the simplest string models connect with previous ideas for unifying the Standard Model; and to collect many important and beautiful general results on world-sheet and spacetime symmetries.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 531

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 25.09.2005

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Modular transformations      34 38 156
Modular weights      297
Moduli space      see also "Complex structure" "Kaehler
Moduli space as spacetime      404 417
Moduli space for toroidal compactification      76—78 81 91—92 427—428 455—458
Moduli space with 16 supersymmetries      159 460 475
Moduli space with 8 supersymmetries      462—465 475
Moduli space, (2, 2), product form      381 389—390
Moduli space, branches      172—174 373 412—415 419—421
Moduli space, D1-D5 system      221—222
Moduli space, dilaton-axion      296 428 457
Moduli space, IIB theory      91—92
Moduli space, K3      417—419 427—428 474
Moduli space, metric on      362 374
Moduli space, orbifold      296—297 472
Moduli, physical effects      291 324—326 331 370—373 445
Moduli, physical effects in threshold correction      298—300 349
Moebius invariance      233
Moebius strip      39 41—42 135
monodromy      240 252 410 471
Montonen — Olive duality      186—187 428 470
Multicritical behavior      268—270
Narain compactification      73—79 83 468
Naturalness problem      282 350 369
Neumann boundary condition      141 143 152
No-ghost theorem      25 50 232—233
No-scale models      371
Noncommutative geometry      149 161
Nonlinear sigma model      106—108 247 311 469 471
Nonperturbative definition (of string theory)      180—181 208—211
Nonperturbative effects      49 134 145 178 343 366—373 421—422 425 see "Strong
Nonrenormalization theorems      133—134 300
Nonrenormalization theorems, $\alpha^{'}$ corrections      111—117 185 321—325 382—383 472
Nonrenormalization theorems, perturbative, violation by instantons      323—325 367—368 372 472
Nonrenormalization theorems, string corrections      469 473
Nonrenormalization theorems, string corrections, 16 supersymmetries      133—134 159 194 460—461
Nonrenormalization theorems, string corrections, 32 supersymmetries      133—134 180
Nonrenormalization theorems, string corrections, 4 supersymmetries      361—362 364—365 444
Nonrenormalization theorems, string corrections, 8 supersymmetries      381 383—384 410—411 428—429
Normal ordering      2 7 43
NS algebra      7 43
NS boundary condition      5—8 15—16
NS boundary condition, vertex operators      10—13 16—18
NS-NS charge      81
NS-NS charge in supersymmetry algebra      81—82
NS-NS charge, magnetic      81—82 145 183—185 189
NS-NS fields      87
NS-NS fields, background      106
NS-NS fields, tadpole      37—42
NS5-brane      470
NS5-brane, heterotic      195
NS5-brane, IIA      202—204 426
NS5-brane, IIB      182—186 202—204
NS5-brane, IIB, multiple      186
Null state      231—233 236—239 243—245 252—253
Null state, decoupling of      98 101—102 119 121
Old covariant quantization (OCQ)      3 20—23 25
One-loop string amplitudes      31—42 126—134 135 146—147 155—160 298—300 374 468—469 472
Operator product expansion (OPE)      43 82—83 95—96
Operator product expansion (OPE) and bosonization      11—12 17—19
Operator product expansion (OPE) in Sugawara construction      69—71
Operator product expansion (OPE), $j^{a}j^{b}$      66 68
Operator product expansion (OPE), $j_{B}b$      24
Operator product expansion (OPE), $j_{B}\beta$      24
Operator product expansion (OPE), $T_{B}T_{B}$      3—4
Operator product expansion (OPE), $T_{B}T_{F}$      3—4
Operator product expansion (OPE), $T_{B}\mathscr{O}$      233
Operator product expansion (OPE), $T_{F}T_{F}$      3—4 280
Operator product expansion (OPE), $T_{F}\mathscr{A}$      10
Operator product expansion (OPE), $X^{\mu}X^{\nu}$      2 49 106 134
Operator product expansion (OPE), $\beta_{\gamma}$ CFT      17—19
Operator product expansion (OPE), $\lambda^{A}\lambda^{B}$      49
Operator product expansion (OPE), $\mathscr{J}_{\alpha}\mathscr{J}_{\beta}$      357
Operator product expansion (OPE), $\mathscr{O}_{m}\mathscr{O}_{n}$      234
Operator product expansion (OPE), $\mathscr{V}_{\alpha}\mathscr{V}_{\beta}$      114
Operator product expansion (OPE), $\psi\mathscr{A}_{\nu}$      14
Operator product expansion (OPE), $\psi^{\mu}\psi^{\nu}$      2 49
Operator product expansion (OPE), $\psi^{\mu}\Theta_{\alpha}$      112
Operator product expansion (OPE), $\psi_{l}\psi_{l^{'}}$      252
Operator product expansion (OPE), B C      106 134
Operator product expansion (OPE), closure and locality      26 52—55 74
Operator product expansion (OPE), H H      11
Operator product expansion (OPE), N = 2 superconformal      37 47 375
Operator product expansion (OPE), superconformal current algebra      339
Operator product expansion (OPE), W W      253
Orbifolds      274—301 331ff 471—472
Orbifolds, $\mathbb{Z}_{3}$      283—291 300 309—310
Orbifolds, $\mathbb{Z}_{4}$      291—292 300
Orbifolds, asymmetric      279
Orbifolds, fixed points      311
Orbifolds, fixed points, blowing up      296—297 309—310 312—313
Orbifolds, K3      300—301 417 425 427
Orbifolds, modular invariance      276—279
Orbifolds, non-Abelian      275
Orbifolds, nonsingularity of CFT      275 410 425
Orbifolds, T-duality      295—296
Orbifolds, twisted sector      286—288 296—298
Orbifolds, twisting construction      55—59
Orientifold      196 422
Orientifold plane      138 142—144 147 151 175 206—208
P invariance      see "Parity"
p-brane      see "Black p-brane" "D-brane" "M2-brane" "M5-brane" "NS5-brane"
p-form      see "Differential forms"
p-form gauge field      85 451—452 see "R-R
p-form gauge field, field strength      86
p-form gauge field, self-dual      91 452
p-p' string      153—155 162—164
P-p' string, $#_{ND} = 4$      162—164 197
P-p' string, $#_{ND} = 8$      191
Parafermion CFT      251—252 269 391—392 471
Parallel transport      304 463
Parity and anomalies      95—98 285 304 329—330
Parity and T-duality      137
Parity, spacetime      27—28 127
Parity, world-sheet      27—31 41
Partition functions      235—236 266 272 471
Partition functions and bosonization      13
Partition functions with twists      33—34 156
Partition functions, BPS states      171 190
Partition functions, GSO projected      32—37 51—53 55—58
Pati — Salam unification      348
Pauli — Villars regulator      95 285
Peccei — Quinn (PQ) symmetry      333—335 360—362 365—366 371—372 382—383 473
Physical states      1 3 20—23 28 45
Picture changing operator (PCO)      118—121 126 469
pictures      108—110 118—121 147
Planck scale, eleven-dimensional      199 212
Poincare duality      86 450—452
Point group      275
Primary field      see "Highest weight state" "Tensor
Projective plane      39 42
Projective space      310—311 320 398 404 465
Proton decay      355—356 472
Pseudospin      67 244
quantum mechanics      210 225—226 429
Quatemionic manifold      464
R symmetry      393 444
R-R charge in supersymmetry algebra      144—145
R-R charge of black p-brane      219
R-R charge of D-brane      141—152 425
R-R charge of D-brane, value      147
R-R charge of orientifold plane      142—143
R-R charge, vanishes for strings      88—89 92 381
R-R fields      9—10 27 87 334
R-R fields, background      106
R-R fields, coupling of dilaton      87—89
R-R fields, effect of T-duality      137—138
R-R fields, tadpole      37—42
Ramond (R) boundary condition      5—9 15—16
Ramond (R) boundary condition, vertex operators      13—15 19
Ramond algebra      7 43
Ramond — Neveu — Schwarz (RNS) superstring      29
Rank (algebra)      61 77 326 421 457—458
Rank (form)      10 85 450
Rational CFT      255—259 272—273
Refermionization      131—133 156—157
Relevant interaction      166 264—266 268-271
Renormalization      393 445
Renormalization group      259—266 346 350 369
Ricci flatness      308—309
Ricci form      308—309
Riemann surfaces      13 122—124
Riemann tensor      96 113
Riemann — Roch theorem      121—123
Roots      61—63 67—68 425
Roots, lattice      74—75
S-duality (weak-strong)      179—182 186—187 190—192 198—199 205—207 422—429
S-matrix      124
Scale transformation      259—263
Scherk — Schwarz mechanism      363—364
Short multiplet      170 449
Simple current      240—241 272 354
SO(10)      64—65 82 289 338 346
SO(8) spin      22—23
SO(N)      60 62
SO(n), traces      99
Soliton      173 182 203—205 426
Sp(k)      60 62
Space group      275
Special Kaehler geometry      319—320 381—383 390 405 464—465
Spectral flow      14 379 387
Sphere amplitudes      112—118 134
Sphere amplitudes, relation to disk      116
Spin      22—23
Spin connection      203 303
Spin connection and (2, 2) supersymmetry      311—312 376
Spin connection, embedded in gauge connection      284 291 304 324 418—419
Spin field      15 19 131—132
Spin field, current algebra      54 66
Spin field, four-dimensional      341 356
Spin structure      122—124 127 130—132
Spin-statistics relation      19 29 33 35 49 52 55 82 332
Spinor representations      430—439
Spinor representations, products      435—437
Spinor representations, SO(N)      437—438
Spinor representations, under subgroups      438—439
Standard model      178 274 326 370—373 421—422
Standard Model, anomalies      94 98
Standard Model, chirality      98 282 288—289 329—331
Standard Model, CP symmetry      331—335
Standard Model, gauge couplings      298 314 343—352
Standard Model, gauge group      64—65 81 289—290
Standard Model, gauge quantum numbers      337—338 340—343 352—355
Standard Model, generations      64—65 288—292 313—315 324—326 387—388 471—472
Standard Model, hierarchy problem      281—282 350 369
Standard Model, proton stability      355—356
Standard model, supersymmetric      346—348
Standard Model, Yukawa couplings      314 318
State-operator isomorphism      see "Vertex operators"
Statistical mechanics      219 224—225 260 266—271
Stokes's theorem      450
String coupling      see "Coupling constants"
String field theory      210 259
String metric      205
String scale      343—350
String tension      150 164—167 180
String-string duality      425 429
Strong coupling limit, heterotic string      190—194 205—208 421—429
Strong coupling limit, type I superstring      190—194
Strong coupling limit, type IIA superstring      198—199
Strong coupling limit, type IIB superstring      179—181
Strong CP problem      333—335 472
Structure constants      59
SU(1, 1)      296 428
SU(5)      64—65 82 289 338 345—348 352—356
SU(N)      60 63
Sugawara construction      69—72 82 243 247 250 339 468
Super-Riemann surface      121—124
Superconformal algebra      3—4 7 272
Superconformal algebra as constraint      20 45
Superconformal algebra, general N      45—49
Superconformal algebra, N = 2      37 47—48 82 375—376
Superconformal algebra, primary field      105
Superconformal current algebra (SCCA)      338—342
Superconformal field theory (SCFT)      467—468
Superconformal field theory (SCFT), (1, 1)      2—5 254—255
Superconformal field theory (SCFT), (2, 2)      292 311—312 380—415 473
Superconformal field theory (SCFT), (2, 2), Landau — Ginzburg models      392—394
Superconformal field theory (SCFT), (2, 2), minimal models      390—392
Superconformal field theory (SCFT), (4, 4)      417—418
Superconformal Killing vector      123
Superconformal transformation      2 10 43 103—104
Supercurrent      2—5 50
Superderivative      103—104
Superfield      104
Supergravity      468
Supergravity, d = 4, N = 1      293—295 315 359—362
Supergravity, eleven-dimensional      84—87 198—199 201 453
Supergravity, long-distance      160 176 213—214
Supergravity, toroidally compactified      187—189 454—457
Supergravity, type I      52—53 92—93 98—101
Supergravity, type I, same as heterotic      93 192
Supergravity, type IIA      28—29 87—90 96
Supergravity, type IIB      28—29 90—92 98
Supermanifold      see "Superspace"
Supermembrane      see "M2-brane"
Supermoduli space      121—126
Supermoduli space, boundary of      102—103
Superpartner scale      343 350 369
Superpotential      443—447
Superpotential, Calabi — Yau      315—320 325 390
Superpotential, constraints from holomorphicity      322—323 359—362 367—368
Superpotential, Landau — Ginzburg/linear sigma model      392 398 400
Superpotential, nonperturbative contributions      323—324 371—372
Superpotential, orbifold      294—296
Superspace      103—108 134
Superspace, actions      105—108 469
Superstring      see "Type 0" "Type "Type "Type
Supersymmetry (spacetime)      471 see "BPS "Nonrenormalization"
Supersymmetry (spacetime) and $sin^{2}\theta_{w}$      346—348 473
Supersymmetry (spacetime) and GSO projection      29—30 50—51 359
Supersymmetry (spacetime) and hierarchy problem      281—282
Supersymmetry (spacetime) and vanishing of vacuum amplitude      35 38 146
Supersymmetry (spacetime) as means of studying strong coupling      178—227
Supersymmetry (spacetime) in specific systems, D0-Dp system      168
Supersymmetry (spacetime) in specific systems, F-string-D-string system      164
Supersymmetry (spacetime) in specific systems, heterotic string      79—82
Supersymmetry (spacetime) in specific systems, type I/II superstring      144
Supersymmetry (spacetime) in statistical mechanics      269
Supersymmetry (spacetime) vs world-sheet      29
Supersymmetry (spacetime), 16 supersymmetries      457—461
Supersymmetry (spacetime), 32 supersymmetries      452—457
Supersymmetry (spacetime), 4 supersymmetries      440—447
Supersymmetry (spacetime), 8 supersymmetries      461—465
Supersymmetry (spacetime), conditions for unbroken, D-brane systems      152—155 175—177
Supersymmetry (spacetime), conditions for unbroken, general CFT      356—359 374 473
Supersymmetry (spacetime), conditions for unbroken, orbifolds      282—283 300
Supersymmetry (spacetime), conditions for unbroken, smooth manifolds      302—305
Supersymmetry (spacetime), d = 2      449
Supersymmetry (spacetime), d = 4, N = 1      440—447
Supersymmetry (spacetime), d = 4, N>1      448—449
Supersymmetry (spacetime), transformations      173 203 302 443
Supersymmetry breaking      473
Supersymmetry breaking at tree level      362—364
Supersymmetry breaking by D-branes      139—140 152—155 168 175—177
Supersymmetry breaking in loop expansion      364—366
Supersymmetry breaking, dilaton-mediated      370
Supersymmetry breaking, nonperturbative      366—373
Supersymmetry breaking, scale      369
Symmetries, continuous      327—328
1 2 3 4
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