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Polchinski J. — String theory (volume 2). Superstring theory and beyond |
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Current algebra and coset models 250—254
Current algebra and unification 337—338 351 353—354
Current algebra, bosonic representation 74—75
Current algebra, fermionic representation 68
Current algebra, gauging 94—95
Current algebra, KZ equation 244
Current algebra, level 67
Current algebra, modular invariants 245—246 249—250
Current algebra, primary fields 72—73
Current algebra, restriction on representations 72—73 289 337—338 349
Current algebra, Sugawara construction 69 82
Current algebra, superconformal 338—342
Current algebra, WZNW models 246—250
CYCLE 306 319—320
Cycle, collapsing 404 410—413 425 427
Cycle, D-brane wrapped on 404 411—413 425
Cycle, intersection number 317—318
Cycle, monodromy 410
Cycle, world-sheet wrapped on 322—324 406 408
Cylinder in type I theory 37—39 135
Cylinder, D-brane interactions from 146—147 155—160 176 196
D-branes 138—177 469—470 see
D-branes and black p-branes 219—223 227
D-branes and black p-branes, D1-D5 black p-brane 220—223
D-branes as BPS states 140—141 145 226
D-branes as R-R sources 141—142
D-branes in type I theory 190—197
D-branes on collapsing cycle 411—415 425
D-branes, action 149—150
D-branes, charge 146—147
D-branes, coincident, non-Abelian dynamics 149 166 211—223
D-branes, D0-brane quantum mechanics 161—162
D-branes, D0-brane quantum mechanics in matrix theory 211—214 217—218
D-branes, D0-branes as Kaluza — Klein states 198—199
D-branes, D1-branes and IIB duality 180—182
D-branes, D3-branes and Montonen — Olive duality 180—182
D-branes, Dp-Dp' system 152—158 162—164 175—176
D-branes, Dp-Dp' system, BPS bound 168
D-branes, effect of T-duality on 143—144 429
D-branes, gauge coupling 151
D-branes, interactions between 175—176
D-branes, interactions between, parallel 146—147
D-branes, interactions between, rotated 154—158
D-branes, interactions between, velocity-dependent 158—161
D-branes, p even, relation to M-theory 200—208
D-branes, substring length scale 160—162 412
D-branes, tension 146 150
D-instanton 142 145 334 372 469
D-instantons 142 145 334 372 469
D-terms, eight supersymmetries 462
D-terms, eight supersymmetries in Dp-Dp' system 163 172 221—222
D-terms, four supersymmetries 364—366 399 443—444 473
D-terms, four supersymmetries and orbifold blow-up modes 297
descendants 229 233—234 271
Diagonal modular invariant 36
Diagonal modular invariant, current algebra 246 249
Diagonal modular invariant, heterotic string 55
Diagonal modular invariant, type 0 superstring 35
Differential forms 305—306 450—452
Dilaton and string loop expansion 87—89 360—362 383—384
Dilaton in chiral multiplet 294 315
Dilaton in hypermultiplet 380 383—384 429
Dilaton in vector multiplet 428
Dilaton, coupling to R-R fields 87—89
Dilaton-mediated supersymmetry breaking 370
Dimensional reduction of action 84—86 292—295 374
Dimensional reduction of action of couplings 206 335
Dimensional reduction of action of d = 10 Yang — Mills 459—461
Dimensional reduction of action of spectrum 78—80 84—86 188 453—455
Dimensional reduction of action of supersymmetry 79—80 311 454 458 463—464
Dimensional reduction of action of supersymmetry, to d = 2 392 399 449 466
Dirac equation 1—2 22 88 179
Dirac matrices 1—2 8 430
Dirac quantization condition 147—149 183—185 196 247—248 355 366
Dirac spinor 8 430—432
Dirac — Born — Infeld action 149
Dirichlet boundary condition 139 142 143 152
Discrete light-cone quantization (DLCQ) 217
Discrete series see "Minimal models"
Discrete symmetry (spacetime) 328—335 472 see "T-duality" "U-duality"
Discrete symmetry (spacetime), example 397—398
Discrete torsion 58 468
Disk amplitudes 102 110—112 114—116 134 175
Disk amplitudes, tadpole 38—39 42 147
Divergences, cancellation 37—42 102-103 135 142—143 468
Doubling trick 7—8 153
Dual Coxeter number 63—64 71
Duality see "Montonen — Olive duality" "S-duality" "String-string "T-duality" "U-duality"
Eguchi — Hanson space 309—310
Electroweak scale 343 369
Energy-momentum tensor 1—5 50
Energy-momentum tensor in bosonization 12 15 18
Energy-momentum tensor in type I theory 37—39 135
Energy-momentum tensor, topological 385
Enhanced gauge symmetries at Gepner point 398
Enhanced gauge symmetries at orbifold points 309—310 312—313
Enhanced gauge symmetries on coincident branes 149 185—186
Enhanced gauge symmetries on singular manifolds 425 427
Enhanced gauge symmetries on small SO(32) instantons 195—196
Enhanced gauge symmetries, winding state 66 76—77
Euler number (Calabi — Yau) 305 309 414—415
Extended chiral algebra 253—254 256
Extended supersymmetry 359 440 447—449 473—474
Exterior derivative 305 307 450
f-terms 399 443—445
F-theory 200—201 474
Faddeev — Popov ghosts 15—20 46—47
Fayet — Iliopoulos term 364—365 399 443 446
Feigin — Fuchs representation 241—242 272
Fermion number, spacetime 32
Fermion number, world-sheet 8—9 19 22ff 32—33
Feynman diagrams 102 176 316
Fibrations 404 428
Fixed point, field theory 266
Fixed point, field theory, nontrivial 260—261 415 421 460—461
Fixed point, orbifold 275 284 286
Fixed point, orbifold, blowing up 297 309—310 388 471
Flipped SU(5) 348
FLOP 406—409 474
Fractional charge 352—355
Fractional string theory 46 468
Free fermion models 279—280 471—472
Free parameters, absence of 369 373
Fundamental (F-) string 145 150
Fundamental region 31 40 284
Fusion rule 238—240 244—245 256—258 270—271
Gauge coupling see "Coupling constants" "Gauge"
Gauge-fixing 20
Gauginos 30 315
Gauginos, condensation 367—369
General relativity 183 408 429
Generation (quark and lepton) 64—65 288—292 313—315 324—326 387—388 471—472
Generation (quark and lepton), gen-changing transition 414—415 474
Gepner models 394—405 473
Gepner models, relation to Calabi — Yau 397—402
Gliozzi — Scherk — Olive (GSO) projection 27 30 33
Gliozzi — Scherk — Olive (GSO) projection and spin-statistics 29
Gliozzi — Scherk — Olive (GSO) projection and supersymmetry 50—51 359
Gliozzi — Scherk — Olive (GSO) projection, current algebra fermions 51—55 82 193 386
Gliozzi — Scherk — Olive (GSO) projection, diagonal 28 35—37 268
Global symmetry 45 94 327—328 334—335
Goldstino 140
Goldstone boson 140
Grand unification 63—65 81 281 288—290 351—356
Grand unification, partial 348
Grand unification, scale 298—299 345—350
Grand unification, symmetry breaking 289 325—326 337—338 349
Gravitational scale 180 344
Gravitational scale, eleven-dimensional 199 212
Gravitino 28—31 79 286 315 441
| Gravitino, world-sheet 126
Green — Schwarz mechanism 99—101 365 462
Green — Schwarz superstring 29 49 133
H-monopole 82
Hagedorn temperature 83
Hamiltonian, D0-brane 161—162 212
Heterotic 5-brane 195
Heterotic string 45—83 468
Heterotic string, 53—55
Heterotic string, at strong coupling 205—208
Heterotic string, 57—59
Heterotic string, (0, 2) and (1, 2) 48
Heterotic string, amplitudes 112—113 126—133 134 373—374
Heterotic string, bosonic form 73—75
Heterotic string, fermionic form 49—50
Heterotic string, nonsupersymmetric 55—59
Heterotic string, SO(32) 51—53
Heterotic string, SO(32) at strong coupling 190—194
Heterotic string, T-duality between SO(32) and 78
Heterotic string, toroidal compactification 76—82 422—429
Hidden sector 289 367—371
Hierarchy (Higgs naturalness) problem 281—282 350 369
Highest weight (primary) state 229ff
Highest weight (primary) state, current algebra 72—73 243
Highest weight (primary) state, N = 2 chiral 378—379 384—385
Highest weight (primary) state, superconformal 105
Hodge numbers 309—310 315 402—403 414 416
Holomorphic fields 45—46 255
Holonomy 304ff 415—417 463—464
Homology 306 317
Hyper-Kaehler manifold 417 463—464
Hypermultiplet 380—384ff 447 461—464
Hypermultiplet from p-p' strings 163 172—173 196
Index theorem 330
Inheritance principle 290 293 314 351
Instanton (Pontrjagin) number 187 333
instantons 334—335
Instantons, world-sheet 323—325 383 406 408 472
Instantons, Yang — Mills 172—175 194—196 418—420 470
Intersection number 317—318
Irrelevant interaction 192 264
Ising model 266—270
Ising model, tricritical 269
Jacobi's abstruse identity 35
K3 manifold 301 415—418
K3 manifold and heterotic string 418—421
K3 manifold and type II string 415—418 425—428
Kac determinant 230—233 242 254 271 471
Kac — Moody algebra 66
Kaehler class 308
Kaehler form 307—308
Kaehler manifold 307—308 446 see "Special
Kaehler manifold and supersymmetry 311 446
Kaehler manifold, Ricci-flat 308—311
Kaehler moduli 291 315 381
Kaehler moduli, effective action 316—319 323 381—384 472
Kaehler moduli, K3 416
Kaehler moduli, moduli space 296 381—383 402—409
Kaehler moduli, moduli space, Kaehler cone 406—408
Kaehler potential 294—298 308 359—362 390 446—447
Kaehler transformation 296 308 446—447
Kaluza — Klein gauge symmetry 76 79 86 188—189
Kaluza — Klein gauge symmetry and supersymmetry algebra 454—456
Kaluza — Klein gauge symmetry, vertex operators 66
Kaluza — Klein monopole 81 205
Kaluza — Klein states 198
Klein bottle 39—41
Klein — Gordon equation 1
Knizhnik — Zamolodchikov (KZ) equation 244 272
Landau — Ginzburg model 270—271 392—394 400 471 473
Large order behavior 145
Large-N limit 223
Lattice (momentum) 19 74—78 83
Laurent expansion see "Mode expansion"
Length, minimum 160—162 412
Level (current algebra) 67
Level-matching 25 57 276—279 284—285ff 395 468
Lie algebra 59—65 468
Lie algebra and grand unification 63—65
Lie algebra, normalization of generators 67—68 93 112 151 336
Lie algebra, roots and weights 61—63 74—76
Lie algebra, simply-laced 63
Light-cone quantization 212 216
Light-cone quantization, calculations 117—118 131—133
Light-cone quantization, discrete (DLCQ) 217—218
Lightlike limit 217—218
Linear dilaton CFT 5 15 43 230
Linear dilaton CFT, applications 89 185 241—242 272
Linear multiplet 294
Linear sigma model 398—402 408
Lorentz generators 8—9 431
Lorentz invariance 9 331
Lorentz invariance, eleven-dimensional 212
Lorentz invariance, local 96
M-theory 198—205 208—211 426—427 470
M-theory on 207—208 350 419—420
M2-brane 201—202 470
M2-brane in matrix theory 214—216
M2-brane, stretched 204—205 421
M2-brane, wrapped 427
M5-brane 201—205 419—421 470
Macroscopic string 81
Magnetic monopoles 81—82 187 205 353 468 470
Magnetic monopoles, Dirac quantization condition 147—148 355
Majorana spinor 433—434 437
Majorana — Weyl spinor 433
Manifold, Calabi — Yau 309—311
Manifold, complex 306—307
Manifold, group 246—250
Manifold, hyper-Kaehler 463
Manifold, Kaehler 307—308
Manifold, quaternionic 464
Manifold, real 305—306
Manifold, special Kaehler 464—465
Manifold, SU(3) holonomy 308—309
Marginal interaction 264—265
Mass-shell condition 1 20 23
Matrix theory 211—218 226 470
Maurer — Cartan 1-form 248
Measure, supermoduli 124—126
Membrane see "M2-brane"
Mermin — Wagner — Coleman theorem 140
Minimal models 236—242
Minimal models, coset construction 250—251
Minimal models, Feigin — Fuchs representation 241—242
Minimal models, fusion rule 238
Minimal models, Ising model 267—269
Minimal models, Landau — Ginzburg models 270—271
Mirror Symmetry 402—404 473—474
Mirror symmetry and conifold transition 401 414
Mirror symmetry and flop transition 406—409
Mirror symmetry and Kaehler moduli space 404—409 428—429
Mode (Laurent) expansion, 66
Mode (Laurent) expansion, , 7
Mode (Laurent) expansion, 6—8 14
Mode (Laurent) expansion, b, c, , 16
Mode (Laurent) expansion, free scalar 6
Mode (Laurent) expansion, N = 2 superconformal 376
Mode (Laurent) expansion, p-p' strings 153—155
Model-independent axion 333
Modular invariance 33—37 235—236 471
Modular invariance and anomalies 103
Modular invariance, A-D-E invariants 246 250—251
Modular invariance, current algebra 245—246 249—250
Modular invariance, Gepner models 395
Modular invariance, heterotic string 52—53 55—58 82 388—389
Modular invariance, minimal model 251
Modular invariance, orbifold 276—279
Modular invariance, rational CFT 268
Modular invariance, superstring 26—27 33—35
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