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Polchinski J. — String theory (volume 2). Superstring theory and beyond
Polchinski J. — String theory (volume 2). Superstring theory and beyond

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Íàçâàíèå: String theory (volume 2). Superstring theory and beyond

Àâòîð: Polchinski J.


Volume 2: Superstring Theory and Beyond, begins with an introduction to supersymmetric string theories and goes on to a broad presentation of the important advances of recent years. The book first introduces the type I, type II, and heterotic superstring theories and their interactions. It then goes on to present important recent discoveries about strongly coupled strings, beginning with a detailed treatment of D-branes and their dynamics, and covering string duality, M-theory, and black hole entropy, and discusses many classic results in conformal field theory. The final four chapters are concerned with four-dimensional string theories, and have two goals: to show how some of the simplest string models connect with previous ideas for unifying the Standard Model; and to collect many important and beautiful general results on world-sheet and spacetime symmetries.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Êâàíòîâàÿ òåîðèÿ ïîëÿ/Òåîðèÿ ñòðóí/

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 531

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 25.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
$A_{n-1}$      see SU(n)
$B_{k}$      see "SO(2k+1)"
$C_{k}$      see "Sp(k)"
$d_{k}$      see "SO(2k)"
$E_{6(6)}$      188—189
$E_{6}$      64—65 82 285ff 312 386—388 see
$E_{6}$, singlets      313 315 324—326 388
$E_{7}$      82
$E_{8}$      54 63—64 82—83 285 290
$E_{8}$ and anomalies      100 110 134
$E_{8}$, root lattice      74—75
$sin^{2}\theta_{w}$      290 346—354 472
$SL(2, \mathbb{R})$      91—92 182
$SL(2, \mathbb{Z})$      182 186—188 200 295—296 427—428 474
$SL(3, \mathbb{Z})$      200
$SL(n, \mathbb{R})$      61 187—188
$SO(4) = SU(2) \times SU(2)$      439
$[S]O(5, 5, \mathbb{Z})$      200
$[S]O(m, n, \mathbb{R})$      61 76 187—188 417 427—428
$[S]O(m, n, \mathbb{Z})$      76 187—188 428
$\beta_{\gamma}$ CFT      15—20
$\beta_{\gamma}$ CFT, bosonization      17—20 118—119
't Hooft — Polyakov monopole      82 187
(0, 2) compactification      324—326 376 472
(2, 0) (tensionless string) theory      204—205
(2, 2) compactification of heterotic strings      386—390
(2, 2) compactification of heterotic strings, constraints on spacetime action      388—390 473
(2, 2) compactification of type II strings      379—385
(2, 2) compactification, Calabi — Yau      311—312 318—319 323—325
(2, 2) compactification, Gepner models      394—402
(2, 2) compactification, orbifold      292 297
(p, q) string      167 176—177 182
(p, q)-form      307—309
A-D-E singularity      425
Action (D-brane)      149—150
Action (D-brane), D0-brane      161
Action (D-brane), Dp-Dp' system ($#_{ND} = 4$)      163—164 172
Action (general), Pontrjagin term      173 187 333
Action (spacetime) from (2, 2) compactification      473
Action (spacetime) from (2, 2) compactification, heterotic string      388—390
Action (spacetime) from (2, 2) compactification, type II string      381—384
Action (spacetime) from Calabi — Yau compactification      315—320 404—406 472
Action (spacetime) from Calabi — Yau compactification, higher corrections      321—324
Action (spacetime) from orbifold compactification      472
Action (spacetime) from orbifold compactification, threshold corrections      298—300
Action (spacetime) from orbifold compactification, twisted states      296—298
Action (spacetime) from orbifold compactification, untwisted states      292—296
Action (spacetime) in N = 1 heterotic string vacua      359—362 473
Action (spacetime), $F^{4}$ term      116 132
Action (spacetime), $F^{4}$ term and Born — Infeld action      152 469
Action (spacetime), $F^{4}$ term and duality      193—194
Action (spacetime), $R^{4}$ term      117
Action (spacetime), anomaly-cancelling terms      99—100 130
Action (spacetime), d = 10, N = 1 Yang — Mills theory      443
Action (spacetime), d = 4, N = 1 supergravity      446 474
Action (spacetime), d = 4, N = 1 supersymmetry      443 474
Action (spacetime), d = 4, N = 4 Yang — Mills theory      443
Action (spacetime), eleven-dimensional supergravity      85 453 468 474
Action (spacetime), p-form gauge field      451—452
Action (spacetime), R-R tadpole term      39
Action (spacetime), singularities in      411
Action (spacetime), type I supergravity      92—94
Action (spacetime), type I supergravity, type I-heterotic relation      93 192
Action (spacetime), type IIA supergravity      87—88
Action (spacetime), type IIA supergravity, massive      89—90
Action (spacetime), type IIB supergravity      90—92
Action (spacetime), type IIB supergravity, SL(2, $\mathbf{R}$) symmetry      91 181—182
Action (world-sheet), BC SCFT      4 106
Action (world-sheet), heterotic string      49
Action (world-sheet), Landau — Ginzburg      270 392
Action (world-sheet), linear dilation      5
Action (world-sheet), linear sigma model      398—399
Action (world-sheet), N = 2 free SCFT      48
Action (world-sheet), nonlinear sigma model      106—107
Action (world-sheet), superfield form      105—107
Action (world-sheet), superstring      2
Action (world-sheet), WZNW      247—250
Affine Lie algebra      66
Annulus      see "Cylinder"
anomalies      94—103 468 see
Anomalies in six dimensions      417 420
Anomalies in two dimensions      94—96 107
Anomalies, anomaly polynomial      97—101 374
Anomalies, cancellation for SO(32) and $E_{8}\times E_{8}$      99—101
Anomalies, gauge      95ff
Anomalies, global gravitational      34
Anomalies, gravitational      95ff
Anomalies, mixed      95ff
Anti-de-Sitter space      223
Antisymmetric tensor gauge field      see "p-form gauge field"
Atiyah — Drinfeld — Hitchin — Manin (ADHM) construction      174
Auxiliary field      442—444
Axion      79 286 315 373—374
Axion and strong-CP problem      333—335
Axion, field (a)      293—294
bc CFT, bosonization      15
BC SCFT      4—5
Beta function and scale transformation      261 264—266
Beta function for gauge coupling      298 346 367
Beta function for gauge coupling, vanishes for d = 4, N = 4      460
Beta function, nonlinear sigma model      247 321
Betti numbers      305 308
Bianchi identity for R-R vertex operators      88
Bianchi identity in Calabi — Yau compactification      304 324 418
Bianchi identity, Chern — Simons term in      86 88 91
Bianchi identity, related to field equation by Poincare duality      141 451—452
Black hole, entropy      219—225 227 470
Black hole, information paradox      225—226
Black hole, produced in graviton-graviton scattering      209
Black p-brane      183—185 201 219—220 227 470
Blow up (a fixed point)      297 309—311 388 471
Bosonization      11—15 279—280 467
Bosonization and refermionization      131—132
Bosonization of U(1) current      68
Bosonization, $\beta_{\gamma}$ CFT      17—20 118—119
Bosonization, bc CFT      15
Bosonization, current algebra fermions      54—55 74—75
Bosonization, higher genus      13
Bosonization, kink operator      12
Bosonization, Ramond states      13 15
Bosonization, twisted fermions      13—14
Bound states, D0-D0      168—169 469
Bound states, D0-D0 and M-theory      198
Bound states, D0-D0 and matrix theory      212—214
Bound states, D0-D2      169—170
Bound states, D0-D2, U-dual to FD-string      189
Bound states, D0-D4      170—175 176 469—470
Bound states, D0-D4 and instantons      172—175
Bound states, D0-D4, U-dual to winding string      189
Bound states, D0-D6      175
Bound states, D1-D5 black hole      220—223
Bound states, F-string-D-string      164—167 176 469
Bound states, F-string-D-string, SL(2, $\mathbb{Z}$) duality      182
Bound states, F-string-D-string, U-dual to D0-D2 state      189
BPS bound      449
BPS bound, D0-Dp system      168
BPS bound, F-string-D-string system      164 176 182
BPS states      449 474
BPS states, behavior at strong coupling      180—181
BPS states, black p-branes      183 220
BPS states, bound states      164—175
BPS states, D-branes      140—145
BPS states, Kaluza — Klein states      456
BPS states, macroscopic strings      81 226 468
BPS states, stretched strings      186—187 226
BPS states, winding states      79—80
BPS states, wrapped branes      404 411—412
BPS states, zero-force property      146
BRST charge      15—16 24 43 50
BRST charge and picture changing      118—121 125
BRST charge in topological string theory      385
BRST quantization      24—25 43 45 50
C invariance      330—331
C-map      382
c-theorem      262—263
c-theorem and supersymmetry multiplets      441—442 447
Calabi — Yau compactification      302—324 472—474
Calabi — Yau compactification and Gepner models      397—402
Calabi — Yau compactification as special case of (2, 2) compactification      311—312 386—390
Calabi — Yau compactification of type II string      379—386
Calabi — Yau compactification, field theory approximation      315
Calabi — Yau compactification, low energy field theory      315—320
Calabi — Yau compactification, massless spectrum      312—315
Calabi — Yau manifold      309—312
Casimir energy      145
Casimir invariant      60
Central charge (conformal)      3—5 15 43
Central charge (conformal) and BRST nilpotence      24
Central charge (conformal) and density of states      222 236
Central charge (conformal) and rank of gauge group      421
Central charge (conformal) and renormalization group      262—266 271
Central charge (conformal) in heterotic string      49—50
Central charge (conformal) in rational CFT      258—259
Central charge (conformal) in topological string theory      385
Central charge (conformal) in unitary CFT      228—233
Central charge (conformal) of ghosts      46—48
Central charge (conformal), specific, coset models      250—254
Central charge (conformal), specific, current algebra      70—72
Central charge (conformal), specific, N = 0 minimal models      231
Central charge (conformal), specific, N = 1 minimal models      254—255
Central charge (conformal), specific, N = 2 minimal models      391
Central charge (conformal), specific, superconformal current algebra      340—342
Central charge (conformal), specific, WZNW      247—248
Central charge (supersymmetry) and BPS states      449 456
Central charge (supersymmetry) from dimensional reduction      454 456—457 466
Central charge (supersymmetry) in extended supersymmetry      448—449
Central charge (supersymmetry) in heterotic string      79—82
Central charge (supersymmetry) in type I/II string      144—145 475
Central extension      67
Chan — Paton degrees of freedom      30
Chan — Paton degrees of freedom for type I D5-brane      195—197
Chan — Paton degrees of freedom, reinterpreted as D-brane label      141—142
Chan — Paton factor      73 109 468
CHARACTER      235—236 245—246
Charge conjugation matrix CFH      434
Chern class (first)      309 366 402
Chern — Simons 3-form      92 100
Chern — Simons 3-form and modified gauge transformation      92 107 469
Chern — Simons terms      86 453
Chern — Simons terms and anomaly cancellation      99—100
Chern — Simons terms from string perturbation theory      113—114 127—130
Chern — Simons terms in D-brane action      150
Chern — Simons terms in D-brane action and induced R-R charge      170 173 203
Chiral gauge couplings      282 325 330
Chiral gauge couplings in (2, 2) models      386—388
Chiral gauge couplings in Calabi — Yau models      313
Chiral gauge couplings in orbifold models      288—289 291
Chiral gauge couplings, constraints from      337 340—342 351—352 447—448
Chiral multiplet      315 441—442
Chiral primary fields      378—379 384—385
Chiral primary fields in Landau — Ginzburg models      394—395 397
Chiral ring      384—395 473
Chiral superfields      442—447
Chirality and anomalies      96—98 101
Chirality of NS5-branes      204
Chirality, effect of T-duality on      137—138
Chirality, IIA vs IIB      27—29 415—416 453—454
Chirality, matrix ($\Gamma$)      10 432
Christoffel connection      106
Clifford (Dirac matrix) algebra      2 193 430
Cocycle      19—20 83
Cohomology and homology      306 317
Cohomology, BRST      25 385—386
Cohomology, de Rham      305
Cohomology, Dolbeault      307
Cohomology, Dolbeault of K3      416—417
Cohomology, ring      385
Coleman — Weinberg formula      31 156
Collective coordinate      139—140 149
Collective coordinate for eleventh dimension      202 204
Commutators and anticommutators      see also "Supersymmetry algebras"
Commutators and anticommutators, $[E_{\alpha}, E_{\beta}]$      61
Commutators and anticommutators, $[H^{i}, E_{\alpha}]$      61
Commutators and anticommutators, $[j^{a}_{m}, j^{b}_{n}]$      66
Commutators and anticommutators, $[L_{m}, G_{r}]$      7
Commutators and anticommutators, $[L_{m}, j^{a}_{m}]$      66
Commutators and anticommutators, $[L_{m}, L_{n}]$      7
Commutators and anticommutators, $[Q_{B}, \beta_{r}]$      24
Commutators and anticommutators, $[T^{a}, T^{b}]$      59
Commutators and anticommutators, $[\alpha^{\mu}_{m}, \alpha^{\nu}_{n}]$      6
Commutators and anticommutators, $\{b_{m}, c_{n}\}$      16
Commutators and anticommutators, $\{G_{r}, G_{s}\}$      7
Commutators and anticommutators, $\{Q_{B}, b_{n}\}$      24
Commutators and anticommutators, $\{\beta_{r}, \gamma_{s}\}$      16
Commutators and anticommutators, $\{\psi^{\mu}_{r}, \psi^{\nu}_{s}\}$      6
Commutators and anticommutators, $\{\psi_{r}, \bar{\psi}_{s}\}$      14
Commutators and anticommutators, N = 2 superconformal      376
Compactification      274 see 2) "(2 2) "Calabi "Gepner "Orbifold "Toroidal
Compactification, scale      344 350
Complex manifold      306—307
Complex structure      306—307
Complex structure moduli      291 314—315 381
Complex structure moduli, conifold singularity      409—415
Complex structure moduli, effective action      319—320 472
Complex structure moduli, K3      416
Complex structure moduli, moduli space      296 383—384 402—409
Complex structure moduli, orbifold      291 296 299
Complex structure moduli, quintic      310
Complex structure, hyper-Kaehler manifold      463
Complex structure, large      403 405
Conformal block      235 272
Conformal block in rational CFT      255—257
Conformal block, differential equation      237—238
Conformal bootstrap      233—236
Conformal family      229
Conformal family, degenerate      232 239
Conformal field theory (CFT)      see also "bc CFT" " " "Coset "Landau "Parafermion "Current "Minimal "Superconformal
Conformal field theory (CFT), c = 1      35—37
Conformal field theory (CFT), c<1      236—242
Conformal field theory (CFT), density of states      222 236
Conformal field theory (CFT), irrational      258—259 471
Conformal field theory (CFT), nonunitary      232
Conformal field theory (CFT), rational      255—258 471
Conformal field theory (CFT), unitary      45 228—232
Conformal gauge      20
Conformal invariance vs scale invariance      260 262—263
Conformal invariance, constraints on correlators      233—235
Conformal perturbation theory      263—266
Conifold      405 409—410 474
Conifold, massless 3-brane      411—412
Conifold, singularity in CFT      410—411
Conifold, transition      412—415
Constraint algebra      3 20 24 45—49
Coset CFT      250—254 272 471
Coset CFT from gauged world-sheet symmetry      251
Coset CFT, minimal models      250—251
Coset CFT, N = 1 minimal models      255
Coset CFT, parafermion CFTs      251—252
Coset CFT, W algebras      253—254
Cosmological constant      226 372—373 473
Coupling constants, gauge      298 361
Coupling constants, gauge, unification      314 345—352
Coupling constants, relations among      107—110 150—152 335—336 472
Coupling constants, string vs M-theory      199
Coupling constants, Yukawa      317 331
CP invariance      331 333—335 472
CPT invariance      331—332
Critical dimension      4 47—48 198
Critical phenomena      266—271 393 400
Current algebra      66—73 243—250 272 468 471
1 2 3 4
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