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Polchinski J. — String theory (volume 1). An introduction to the bosonic string
Polchinski J. — String theory (volume 1). An introduction to the bosonic string

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Íàçâàíèå: String theory (volume 1). An introduction to the bosonic string

Àâòîð: Polchinski J.


The two volumes that comprise String Theory provide an up-to-date, comprehensive account of string theory. Volume 1 provides a thorough introduction to the bosonic string, based on the Polyakov path integral and conformal field theory. The first four chapters introduce the central ideas of string theory, the tools of conformal field theory, the Polyakov path integral, and the covariant quantization of the string. The book then treats string interactions: the general formalism, and detailed treatments of the tree level and one loop amplitudes. Toroidal compactification and many important aspects of string physics, such as T-duality and D-branes are also covered, as are higher-order amplitudes, including an analysis of their finiteness and unitarity, and various nonperturbative ideas. The volume closes with an appendix giving a short course on path integral methods, followed by annotated references, and a detailed glossary.

ßçûê: en

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Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 402

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 25.09.2005

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Normal ordering, constants, mnemonics      73 125
Normal ordering, creation-annihilation      60
Normal ordering, diff-invariant      102—103
Normal ordering, relation between different forms      59—60 76
Null state, BRST      128 136 311
Null state, decoupling      119 161 196 220 285—295
Null state, OCQ      122—125 143
Off-shell amplitudes      97 103—104
Old covariant quantization (OCQ)      121—125
Old covariant quantization (OCQ), equivalence to BRST and light-cone      141—143
Old covariant quantization (OCQ), vertex operators      125 143 160—161 164 165
One-loop amplitudes      150 206—230
One-loop amplitudes vs field theory      218—220
One-loop amplitudes, finiteness      220
Open string theory      14
Open string theory, BRST quantization      131—136
Open string theory, Dirichlet      266—270
Open string theory, light-cone quantization      17—25
Open string theory, must include closed strings      81—82 225
Open string theory, OCQ      122—125
Open string theory, one-loop amplitudes      222—226 228—229
Open string theory, tree-level amplitudes      178—192
Open string theory, tree-level amplitudes, relation to closed      195
Open string theory, vertex operators      66 107
Operator calculations      201—202
Operator equation      35—36 333—334
Operator product expansion (OPE)      36—41 74—76
Operator product expansion (OPE), and conformal invariance      45—49
Operator product expansion (OPE), and Ward identity      42—43
Operator product expansion (OPE), associativity      70 201 304
Operator product expansion (OPE), convergence      37—38
Operator product expansion (OPE), derivation, CFT      68—70
Operator product expansion (OPE), derivation, free field theory      37—38
Operator product expansion (OPE), generalized      302—303
Operator product expansion (OPE), interchange symmetry      40—41
Operator product expansion (OPE), Laurent expansion      70—71
Operator product expansion (OPE), nonzero separation      48
Operator product expansion (OPE), relation to commutator      54—57
Operator product expansion (OPE), z-, $\overline{z}$-dependence      47
Operator product expansions (specific), $:e^{ik\cdot X}::e^{ik^{'}\cdot X}:$      40 251
Operator product expansions (specific), $:\mathscr{F}::\mathscr{G}:$      39
Operator product expansions (specific), $j^{i}j^{j}$      243
Operator product expansions (specific), $j^{\mu}:e^{ik\cdot X}:$      43
Operator product expansions (specific), $j_{B}b$, $j_{B}c$      132
Operator product expansions (specific), $j_{B}j_{B}$      132
Operator product expansions (specific), $j_{B}\mathcal{O}^{m}$      132
Operator product expansions (specific), $j_{B}\mathscr{V}$      165
Operator product expansions (specific), $X^{\mu}X^{\nu}$      38
Operator product expansions (specific), $X_{L}X_{L}$, $X_{L}X_{R}$, $X_{R}X_{R}$      238
Operator product expansions (specific), $\beta\beta$, $\beta\gamma$, $\gamma\gamma$      52
Operator product expansions (specific), $\mathcal{O}_{i}\mathcal{O}_{j}$      200
Operator product expansions (specific), $\mathscr{A}_{i}\mathscr{A}_{j}$      47
Operator product expansions (specific), $\mathscr{V}$ $\mathscr{V}^{'}$      284 289 327
Operator product expansions (specific), $\partial X^{\mu}$ $\partial X_{\mu}$      211
Operator product expansions (specific), bb, bc, cc      50
Operator product expansions (specific), DDF operators      240
Operator product expansions (specific), T $e^{ik\cdot X}$      46
Operator product expansions (specific), T $j_{B}$      133
Operator product expansions (specific), T $\mathcal{O}$      46
Operator product expansions (specific), T $\mathscr{A}$      45—46
Operator product expansions (specific), T $\widetilde{T}$      47—48
Operator product expansions (specific), T j      51
Operator product expansions (specific), T T      47—48
Orbifold      256—263 351
Orbifold, fixed points      256—258
Orbifold, inheritance principle      258 261
Orbifold, modular invariance      259—260
Orbifold, twisted states      31 256—261
Orbifold, twisted states, vertex operators      258 351
Orbifold, twisting construction      259—263
Oriented string theory      29 see
Orientifold      277—280
Orientifold, fixed planes      278—280
Orientifold, local physics oriented      278
Outline of both volumes      8—9
Parity, spacetime      6 255 277
Parity, world-sheet      29 200 255 345
Parity, world-sheet in one-loop amplitudes      207—208 226—228
Parity, world-sheet, action on Chan — Paton factors      189—192
Parity, world-sheet, gauging      277
Partition function      209
Partition function, bc      212
Partition function, general CFT      213
Partition function, orbifold      258—261
Partition function, scalar CFT      209—211
Partition function, thermal      320—322 328
Partition function, toroidal compactification      237 250—252 281
Path (functional) integrals      32—36
Path (functional) integrals and expectation values      34
Path (functional) integrals for traces      335—336 344
Path (functional) integrals of total derivative      34 333 341
Path (functional) integrals, canonical commutators from      54—55 58—61
Path (functional) integrals, Euclidean rotation      82—83 170 210 335
Path (functional) integrals, evaluation by integrating Weyl anomaly      93—94
Path (functional) integrals, evaluation by operator methods      201—202 209—210 212
Path (functional) integrals, evaluation, direct      157—159 169—172 176—177 337—341 344—345
Path (functional) integrals, evaluation, using holomorphicity      172—174 177 210—211
Path (functional) integrals, existence      332
Path (functional) integrals, fermionic      341—345
Path (functional) integrals, Hamiltonian      331
Path (functional) integrals, introduction      329—346
Path (functional) integrals, Lagrangian      331
Path (functional) integrals, operator equations in      35 333
Path (functional) integrals, Polyakov      82—84
Path (functional) integrals, Polyakov in curved spacetime      108—112
Path (functional) integrals, Polyakov, gauge-fixing      84—90 154—159
Path (functional) integrals, Polyakov, Weyl anomaly in      90—97
Path (functional) integrals, relation to operator expressions via cutting      55 199—201 300—305 332—334
Path (functional) integrals, representation of string amplitudes      77—82 97—101
Path (functional) integrals, twisted      260 336
Path (functional) integrals, used to derive state-operator mapping      66—68
Pauli — Villars regulator      91 340
Period matrix      293
Periodic boundary condition      14 31 52
Perturbation theory, string      5 101 283—310
Physical state, BRST      127—129
Physical state, BRST, $b_{0}$ condition      131 134 136 289—290
Physical state, BRST, vertex operators      164
Physical state, OCQ      121—123
Physical state, OCQ, $L_{0}$ condition      125
Physical state, OCQ, vertex operators      125 143 160—161 164
Planck length      3 116
Planck mass      3 245
Plumbing fixture      294—305
Poincare Invariance      10 12—16 91 185
Poincare invariance and tadpoles      225
Poincare invariance of boundary conditions      14—15
Poincare invariance, four-dimensional      16
Point particle and Wilson line      264
Point particle in curved spacetime      108
Point particle, action      9—11
Point particle, BRST quantization      129—131
Point particle, light-cone quantization      17
Point particle, path integral      77 82—83 164—165
Point particle, vacuum loop      145—146 164 218 220—222
Poisson resummation formula      237 250 252
Potential energy c=1 moduli      246
Potential energy from dilaton tadpoles      197—198 225 309
Potential energy from quartic Yang — Mills interaction      265 272
Primary field      see "Tensor operator"
Projective plane, expectation values      176 178
Projective plane, Riemann surface      168—169
Projective plane, string amplitudes      196—198
Projective plane, tadpole      197—198 227—228
Projective plane, tadpole, cancellation with disk      229
Propagator, dilaton      275—276
Propagator, graviton      275—276
Propagator, photon      290
Propagator, point particle      115 164—165
Propagator, pole      225—226 307—308
Propagator, string      297 305—306 313—314
Proton decay      1
PSL(2,$\mathbf{R}$)      168 178 199 205 255 292—293
PSL(2,$\mathbf{Z}$)      148 255
PSL(2,C)      168 192 197—199 205
Puncture      296—300
QCD string      25
Quantization, canonical      17 19—20 26 130 249—250 164
Quantization, path integral      32—36 77—82 329—346 see "Light-cone" "OCQ" "Path
Quantum field theory      1—7 104 113 310 331—332
Quantum field theory, UV divergence      218—220
Quantum field theory, world-sheet      13—15 32ff 108—110 118
Quantum gravity      2—7 25
quantum mechanics      1 116 329—346
Regge behavior      183—184 193 320 352
Regge slope      11 24 112
Renormalization      38 102—103 189 332 340
Renormalization group equation      4 91 111
Ricci curvature, spacetime      111—112 114
Ricci curvature, spacetime, dimensional reduction      232—233
Ricci curvature, world-sheet      15 85 92—93
Riemann surface      100—101 152—154 161—164 351
Riemann surface sewing      294—300 351
Riemann surface specific      166—169 206—208 290—294
Riemann tensor      85
Riemann — Roch theorem      152 158—159 293
s, t, u (Mandelstam variables)      180
S-matrix      97—101 103—104
S-matrix vs Green's function      104
S-matrix, calculations      178—205
S-matrix, expression for      99 155—157 164
S-matrix, unitarity      181—182 186—187 193—194 196 285—290 306
Saturating geodesic      300
Scale transformation      44—48 90—91
Schottky group      290—291 351
Schwarzian      48
Schwinger — Dyson equation      334
Self-contraction      103 171 338
Self-contractions      103 171 338
Self-dual radius      242—248 261—263
Sewing      332 351
Sewing circles      298—299
Sewing construction of general surface from three-punctured spheres      296—297
Sewing of CFTs      300—305
Sewing of CFTs and conformal bootstrap      303—305
Sewing of Riemann surfaces      294—300
Sewing parameter      294—295
Sewing, used to analyze string amplitudes      305—307
Siegel gauge      313
Sigma model metric      115
SL(2,$\mathbf{C}$) (algebra)      71
SL(2,$\mathbf{C}$) (algebra), invariant state      71 203
SL(2,$\mathbf{R}$) (algebra)      56 71
SO(8192)      228—229 280
SO(D — 1)      23—24 27 30—31
SO(D — 2)      23—24 27 30
SO(N)      30 191—192 228
SO(n) on D-brane      279—280
Soliton      104 235
Sp(k)      30 191—192 228 279
Sphere, expectation values      174—178 198—204
Sphere, Riemann surface      166—168
Sphere, string amplitudes      192—196 204—205 283—290
Sphere, thrice-punctured      296—297 303
Sphere, thrice-punctured, cancellation with projective plane      229
Spin      23—24 184 204
Spin in CFT      46 213
Spin in Coleman — Weinberg formula      221
Spurious state      122
Standard model      1—7 25 112 310 348—349
State-operator isomorphism      63—73 101—102
State-operator isomorphism, explicit form      65
State-operator isomorphism, path integral derivation      66—68
State-operator isomorphism, vertex operators      101—102 164 199—201
Stirling's approximation      184 315
String coupling      83—84
String coupling and dilaton      112—113
String coupling in vertex operators      101—102 107 179
String coupling, as overall factor in action      115
String coupling, position-dependent      323—324
String coupling, relation between open and closed      83—84 276
String coupling, relation to gauge coupling      187 234
String coupling, relation to gravitational coupling      194 205
String field theory      310—317 352
String length scale      25 110 244 248
String metric      115
String tension      11 30
SU(N)      189
Subtraction      39 47 60
Supersymmetry      2 6—7 222 283 315 348
Supersymmetry breaking      222 233—234
T-duality      247—248 280—287
T-duality and D-branes      268—273
T-duality as gauge symmetry      248
T-duality, O(k,k,$\mathbf{Z}$)      253—235
T-duality, open string theory      265—268
T-duality, reverses winding and momentum      247 268
T-duality, unoriented string theory      277—280
Tachyon in BRST quantization      135
Tachyon in fight-cone quantization      23 27 29—30
Tachyon in linear dilaton background      323—324 328
Tachyon in OCQ      123
Tachyon, amplitudes      178—184 187 192—195 204—205 217 229—230
Tachyon, artifact of bosonic string theory      23 219 223—224 246 275 306
Tachyon, present in all bosonic string theories      117
Tachyon, vertex operator      101 107
Tadpole      197 309
Tadpole, cancellation for SO(8192)      229
Tadpole, disk      197 223—226 228—229
Tadpole, projective plane      197 227—229
Tadpole, torus      307
Target space      109
Teichmueller parameters      148
Temperature      320—322 328
Tensor operator (primary field)      46—47 76
Tensor operator (primary field), expectation values      199
Tensor operator (primary field), maps to highest weight state      71
Tensor operator (primary field), OPEs      47 200 303
Tetrad, spacetime      250—251
Tetrad, world-line      10 129 145—146
Tetrad, world-sheet      83
Theta functions      214—216 229 350
Theta functions in expectation values      208—209 211 228 259
Toroidal compactification      231—255 236—281 351
Toroidal compactification in CFT      235—240
Toroidal compactification in field theory      231—235
Toroidal compactification in string theory      241—248
Toroidal compactification of several dimensions      249—255
Toroidal compactification of two dimensions      255
Toroidal compactification, abstract (Narain) description      251—254
Toroidal compactification, open string      263—268
Torus and partition function      209
Torus in twisted CFT      260
Torus, expectation values      208—213
Torus, expectation values, one-point function      304
Torus, Riemann surface      146—150 154 206—207
Torus, string amplitude      216—222 229—230 237 250
Torus, string amplitude, finiteness      218—220
Trace of energy-momentum tensor      13 43 92—97 111
Trace, partition function      209 335—336 344 345—346
Transition functions      153—154 161—164
Transition functions, unoriented      277
Transverse, Hilbert space      138
Transverse, oscillators      20—21 26 125 217—218
Tree-level amplitudes      178—198 283—290 350—351
Tree-level amplitudes, inheritance principle      258 261
Tree-level amplitudes, open-closed relation      195 350
Tree-level amplitudes, poles      181—182 193—194 196 287—288
Twisted Fields      31 257 259 336 345—346
Twisted state      31 257—261
1 2 3 4
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