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Polchinski J. — String theory (volume 1). An introduction to the bosonic string
Polchinski J. — String theory (volume 1). An introduction to the bosonic string

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Íàçâàíèå: String theory (volume 1). An introduction to the bosonic string

Àâòîð: Polchinski J.


The two volumes that comprise String Theory provide an up-to-date, comprehensive account of string theory. Volume 1 provides a thorough introduction to the bosonic string, based on the Polyakov path integral and conformal field theory. The first four chapters introduce the central ideas of string theory, the tools of conformal field theory, the Polyakov path integral, and the covariant quantization of the string. The book then treats string interactions: the general formalism, and detailed treatments of the tree level and one loop amplitudes. Toroidal compactification and many important aspects of string physics, such as T-duality and D-branes are also covered, as are higher-order amplitudes, including an analysis of their finiteness and unitarity, and various nonperturbative ideas. The volume closes with an appendix giving a short course on path integral methods, followed by annotated references, and a detailed glossary.

ßçûê: en

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Dilaton, coupling to open strings      196—198
Dilaton, coupling to orientifold plane      280
Dilaton, dimensional reduction      233—234 241
Dilaton, effect of T-duality on      248
Dilaton, field equation      111—112 246
Dilaton, linear      see "Linear dilaton CFT"
Dilaton, moduli space      254
Dilaton, propagator (field theory)      276
Dilaton, spacetime action      114—115 196—198 225 275—276
Dilaton, vertex operator      104—107
Dimensional reduction      235 249
Dirichlet boundary condition      31 266—270 281
Dirichlet boundary condition, T-dual to Neumann      266—270
Discrete gauge symmetry      260—261 277—278
Disk, conformal to semi-infinite cylinder      63—68
Disk, expectation values      174—175 178
Disk, Riemann surface      168
Disk, string amplitudes      178—189 196—198 204—205
Disk, string amplitudes with D-branes      270 274 281—282
Disk, tadpole      197—198 223—226
Disk, tadpole, cancellation with projective plane      229
Divergences from boundary of moduli space      196 296 305—306
Divergences, analytic continuation past      181 287
Divergences, cancellation for SO(8192)      228—229
Divergences, IR      181 223—225 306—310
Divergences, UV      2—7 218—220
Divergences, UV, absence in string theory      4—5 79 219 223—225 309—310
Divergences, zero mode      173
Doubling trick      57 63 66 178
Dual resonance model      348
Duality      see "T-duality" "World-sheet
Effective field theory      110 114 117 188—189 196—197 270—273 309
Einstein metric      115 194 275
Einstein's equation      112—113 222
Electroweak scale      222
Energy-momentum tensor      13 91
Energy-momentum tensor and derivative with respect to moduli      161 210—211
Energy-momentum tensor as constraint      121
Energy-momentum tensor, boundary condition      56—57
Energy-momentum tensor, choice of      49 95 303
Energy-momentum tensor, conformal transformation      47—49
Energy-momentum tensor, trace anomaly      92—97
Energy-momentum tensor, traceless and holomorphic      43—44
Energy-momentum tensor, vanishes for Chan — Paton states      185
Enhanced gauge symmetry      242—244 248 254
Epsilon prescription      182 287—288 305—306
Equivalence classes, BRST      128
Equivalence classes, gauge      84 87
Equivalence classes, OCQ      123
Equivalence principle      115
Euclidean adjoint      202—203 336
Euclidean continuation      82—83 170 210 335
Euler number      96 101 118 152
Euler number, in string action      83—84 112 179 203
Exact state (BRST)      128
Exceptional Lie algebras      192
expectation values      34 36
Expectation values, calculations      169—178 201—202 208—213
Exponential operator      40 46
Exterior derivative      128
Faddeev — Popov determinant      86—90 154—158
Faddeev — Popov determinant on disk      176
Faddeev — Popov determinant on sphere      176
Faddeev — Popov determinant on torus      212—213 216—217
Faddeev — Popov determinant shortcuts      179 218
Faddeev — Popov determinant sign      156 177 345
Faddeev — Popov ghosts      51—52 88—90 126
Faddeev — Popov ghosts, boundary condition      90
Faddeev — Popov ghosts, central charge      94
Faddeev — Popov ghosts, vacuum      61 141
Faddeev — Popov procedure, general      126
Feynman diagrams vs string graphs      3—5 101
Feynman diagrams, calculation of D-brane interaction      275—276
Feynman diagrams, calculation of Weyl anomaly      119
Feynman diagrams, decomposition of string amplitudes      297—306
Fiducial metric      85
Field strength, three-index      109 112 234—235
First-quantization      310
Fischler — Susskind mechanism      308—309
Fixed point, orbifold      256—258
Fixed point, orbifold, UV      4
Flat direction      246 262—263 272—273
Free energy      321—322 328
Free parameters, absence of      6 83—84 112—113
Free scalar CFT      32—41
Free scalar CFT, expectation values      169—76 208—211 229
Free scalar CFT, left-, right-moving      238
Free scalar CFT, mode expansion      58—61
Free scalar CFT, state-operator mapping      63—65
Fuchsian group      292—293
Functional integral      see "Path integral"
Fundamental region      148—150
Fundamental region in torus amplitude      216 219—220
Gauge boson      1 4
Gauge boson, closed string      241—243
Gauge boson, closed string, amplitudes      242
Gauge boson, open string      28 123—124 135—136
Gauge boson, open string in BRST quantization      135—136
Gauge boson, open string in light-cone quantization      23
Gauge boson, open string in OCQ      123—124
Gauge boson, open string, amplitudes      187—189 205
Gauge boson, open string, vertex operator      107
Gauge coupling      115 234 242—245 276
Gauge interaction      2 28 78 184—192
Gauge transformation      107
Gauge-fixing      see also "Specific gauges"
Gauge-fixing dependence on gauge choice      90—91 121—122 126—128
Gauge-fixing, $diff\times Weyl$      17—18 25 84—86 131 154—155
Gauge-fixing, general      126—128
Gaussian-averaged gauges      127
General relativity      1—2 5 28 108
General relativity, off-shell amplitudes      104
Genus      100—101 150
Genus, large      315—317
Geodesic curvature      30 82 96
Geodesic distance      102
Geodesic equation      108
Ghost number      51 62 127
Ghost number, anomaly      119 158—159 177
Ghost number, of string field      313—314
Ghost number, states vs operators      65—66
Ghosts      see "Faddeev — Popov ghosts"
Global symmetry      189
Goldstone boson      233
Graded Lie algebra      143
Grand unification      2 5
Grassmann variables      35 88 156—158 341—345
Gravitational coupling,      114
Gravitational coupling, relation to gauge coupling      234 244—245
Gravitational coupling, relation to string coupling      194 205
Graviton in BRST quantization      137
Graviton in light-cone quantization      27 29—30
Graviton in OCQ      125
Graviton, coupling to D-brane      270—277
Graviton, coupling to open strings      196—198
Graviton, coupling to orientifold plane      280
Graviton, propagator (field theory)      276
Graviton, vertex operator      104—107
Gravity      1—7 78
Green's function      169—171 174—176 208 229—230 275
Hagedorn temperature      321—322 352
Hamiltonian and path integral      329—332 335—336 343
Hamiltonian, effect of backgrounds      250 264
Hamiltonian, in partition function      209 212—213
Hamiltonian, point particle      17 130 218
Hamiltonian, string      19—21 25—26
Hamiltonian, string, relation to $L_{0}$      54 73 125
Handle      83 100—101 290—292
Handle, degenerating      97—98 101 224—226 229 295—296 305—309
Hard scattering      183—184 194 281—282 317—319 352
Heterotic string      348
Hidden sector      6
Higgs field      1 222 245—246
high temperature      320—322
High-energy scattering      see "Hard scattering" "Regge
Highest weight state      70—72 122 125 143
Highest weight state, and tensor (primary) operators      71
Holomorphic current      42
Holomorphic field      34 56 72
Holomorphic quadratic differential      152
Holomorphic transition functions      153—154
Holomorphic vector field      152
Hyperelliptic surface      294
Infrared (IR) divergences      181 223—225 306—310
Inheritance principle      258 261
Inner product, bilinear (Zamolodchikov)      199—204
Inner product, bilinear (Zamolodchikov), in sewing      301—302
Inner product, bilinear (Zamolodchikov), relation to Hermitean      202—204
Inner product, Fermi oscillator      343
Inner product, Hermitean      134—135
Inner product, positive      71—72 116—117 138
Inner product, traceless symmetric tensor      118
instantons      316
Interaction, irrelevant      3
Interaction, string      77—82 104 178ff
Jacobi identity      128 133 143
Jacobi's abstruse identity      215
Jacobian, Berezin integral      345
Kac — Moody algebra      243
Kaluza — Klein gauge field      2 232—234 241—243 249 257 351
Kaluza — Klein states      232 245
Klein bottle, Riemann surface      207
Klein bottle, string amplitude      226—229 230 278 280
Large order behavior      315—317
Lattice, even self-dual      252—253 281
Lattice, momentum      251—253 281
Laurent expansion      see "Mode expansion"
Length, minimum      248 318
Level, current algebra      243—244
Level, oscillator      23 26—27
Level-matching      27 258
Light-cone coordinates      16
Light-cone gauge      17
Light-cone gauge, off-shell      104
Light-cone quantization, point particle      17
Light-cone quantization, string      17—30 349
Light-cone quantization, string, equivalence to BRST and OCQ      137—143
Linear dilaton theory      49—50 61 75 204 213 349
Linear dilaton theory, as background      113 120 323—324 328
Liouville field theory      325
Loop expansion      115
Lorentz invariance      12 106—107 116—117 290
Lorentz invariance in light-cone gauge      20—24 90 94 349
Mandelstam variables      180
Manifold, complex      153
Manifold, differentiable      153
Manifold, Riemannian      153
Mass-shell condition from vertex operators      101 106
Mass-shell condition in BRST      131 134 137—138
Mass-shell condition in light-cone quantization      17 22 26
Matrix elements, relation to path integral      199—201 332—334
Matrix models      326—327 352
Measure on moduli space      154—165 see
Measure on moduli space, BRST invariance      160—161
Measure on moduli space, derivation      154—157
Measure on moduli space, gauge invariance      159—160
Measure on moduli space, gauge invariance in terms of determinants      157—158
Measure on moduli space, gauge invariance in terms of transition functions      161—164
Metric (spacetime)      9 108—118
Metric (spacetime), dimensional reduction      231—233
Metric (spacetime), Einstein      115 194 275
Metric (spacetime), internal      249ff
Metric (spacetime), light-cone coordinates      16
Metric (spacetime), sigma model      115
Metric (spacetime), string      115
Metric (world-line)      10
Metric (world-line), gauge-fixing      129 145—146
Metric (world-sheet), constant curvature      292
Metric (world-sheet), flat      32—33
Metric (world-sheet), gauge-fixing      17 84—86 146—152
Metric (world-sheet), induced      11 15
Metric (world-sheet), minimal area      300 351
Metric (world-sheet), noncritical string      94—95 325—326
Metric (world-sheet), Polyakov      12—13ff
Mnemonics, zero-point      73—74 125
Mode (or Laurent) expansion, $T_{ab}$      53 70
Mode (or Laurent) expansion, bc CFT      61
Mode (or Laurent) expansion, free scalar $(X^{\mu})$      26 58
Mode (or Laurent) expansion, free scalar $(X^{\mu})$, periodic      235—238
Mode (or Laurent) expansion, free scalar $(X^{\mu})$, twisted      257
Mode (or Laurent) expansion, holomorphic operator      56
Mode (or Laurent) expansion, open strings      20 57 62—63
Mode (or Laurent) expansion, open strings, Dirichlet      267
Model, solvable      323—327
Modular group      148—149 151
Modular group and theta functions      214—216
Modular group, spacetime      253—255
Modular group, surfaces without      207—208 223 278
Modular group, used to analyze asymptotics      213 224 227—228
Modular invariance      210 217—218 229—230
Modular invariance in orbifold compactification      257 259
Modular invariance in toroidal compactification      237 251—253
Modular invariance in twisting construction      260
Modular invariance, constraints from      213 304 350
Modular invariance, needed for consistency      220
Modular invariance, one-point function      304
Moduli (spacetime)      233—234 249 265
Moduli (spacetime), moduli space      253—255
Moduli (spacetime), moduli space, branches      262
Moduli (spacetime), moduli space, c=1      261—263 351
Moduli (spacetime), moduli space, metric on      254
Moduli (world-sheet), boundary of      161 295—296 300
Moduli (world-sheet), boundary of, asymptotics      302—303
Moduli (world-sheet), boundary of, divergences from      196 224—226 300 305—309
Moduli (world-sheet), encoded in transition functions      152—154 161—164
Moduli (world-sheet), for metric      147—152
Moduli (world-sheet), graphical decomposition      297—300 351
Moduli (world-sheet), in open string field theory      313—314 316—317
Moduli (world-sheet), measure on      154—165 350
Moduli (world-sheet), moduli space      148—152 290—294
Moduli (world-sheet), total derivative on      161 196 220 288
Moduli (world-sheet), vertex operator positions      150—151 163—164
Moebius group      56 167
Moebius strip, Riemann surface      208
Moebius strip, string amplitude      228—229 280
Moebius transformation      178—180 192 198—199
Nambu — Goto action      10—13 15 28 30
Narain compactification      251—255 351
Naturalness problem      2
Neumann boundary condition      14 31 62 174
Neumann boundary condition, T-dual to Dirichlet      265—270
Nilpotence      see "BRST"
No-ghost theorem      137—143 350
Noether's theorem      41—43 74—75
Noether's theorem, anomalous      159
Noether's theorem, as local property      86
Non-Abelian gauge theory      188—192 243
Non-Abelian gauge theory from string field theory      313
Non-Abelian gauge theory on D-brane      272—273
Noncommutative geometry      272
Noncritical string theory      325—327
Nonlinear sigma model      108—110 120 349
Nonperturbative effects      234 248 269 310 315—317
Nonperturbative effects, $exp(-1/g_{c})$      317 327
Normal ordering, boundary      75 175
Normal ordering, conformal      36—40 50 60
Normal ordering, constants      22—23 27 76
Normal ordering, constants from state-operator mapping      72
Normal ordering, constants from Virasoro algebra      59 61
Normal ordering, constants, direct calculation      60
1 2 3 4
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