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Pedlosky J. — Waves in the ocean and atmosphere: introduction to wave dynamics |
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Transformation, adiabatic 241
Transport variables 152
Trapping, vertical scale 209
Trapping, zone 194
Turning point 79
Variable, dimensional 163
Variable, dynamical 34
Variable, non-dimensional 161
Velocity, advective 212
Velocity, field 23 39 112 125 173
Velocity, fluid element 68
Velocity, geostrophic 164 170 206 232
Velocity, geostrophic, zonal 126
Velocity, horizontal 34 119 120 184 205
Velocity, horizontal, divergence 134
Velocity, horizontal, geostrophic 113
Velocity, horizontal, vector 34
Velocity, initial 124
Velocity, meridional residual 235
Velocity, perturbation 217
Velocity, potential 23 33 36 39
Velocity, potential equation 41
Velocity, potential solution 43
Velocity, profile 127
Velocity, residual 234—236
Velocity, residual mean meridional 234
Velocity, residual mean vertical 234
Velocity, vector 135
Velocity, vertical 35 73 120 129 184 206
Velocity, vertical, component 34
Velocity, vertical, Laplace equation 62
Velocity, vertical, residual 234
Velocity, vertical, scale 61
Velocity, zonal 126
viscosity 19 20 182
Viscosity, second 19
Vortex line 109
Vorticity 23 96 108 109 122 243
Vorticity potential 107 110—113 122 124 127 129 133 166 210 229 245
Vorticity potential, ambient 169 173
Vorticity potential, conservation 112 113 122
Vorticity potential, equation 169 181 208 212 231 246
Vorticity potential, flux 233 236
Vorticity potential, gradient 210 221 222 228 229
Vorticity potential, layer model 120
Vorticity potential, meridional gradient 210
Vorticity potential, rate of change 151
Vorticity, budget 205
Vorticity, components 243
Vorticity, cyclonic 180
Vorticity, equation 62 122 151 205
Vorticity, gradient 169 210
Vorticity, planetary 163 205
Vorticity, relative 109 111 163 165 167 205 245
Vorticity, relative, gradient 169 221
Wave equation, disturbance 122
wave number 33 47 50 52 133 240
Wave number, constant 50
Wave number, generalized definition 50
Wave number, incident 178
Wave number, non-dimensional 82
Wave number, propagation 50
Wave number, refelcted 178
Wave number, spectrum 53
Wave number, vector 247
Wave on a string 28
Wave packet 16 17 56 68
Wave packet, energy, averaged 39
Wave packet, Fourier amplitude 57
Wave packet, one-dimensional 17
Wave theory 1
Wave theory, basic 1
Wave vector 2 3 4 66 67 105 170 171 176
Wave vector, conservation 69
Wave vector, direction 4 175
Wave vector, frequency 7
Wave vector, incident 71
Wave vector, magnitude 3
Wave vector, orientation 63 65
Wave vector, rate of change 14
Wave vector, reflection 69 71
Wave vector, relation to frequency 7
Wave, acoustic 9 240
Wave, amplitude 2 92
Wave, concept 1
Wave, crest 3
Wave, crest, conservation 13
Wave, crest, force diagram 63
Wave, crest, number 6 13
Wave, crest, tilt 101
Wave, cyclone 1
Wave, deepwater 27
Wave, definition 1
Wave, depth of influence 35
| Wave, dispersive 52
Wave, effect on mean field 231
Wave, energy 178 222
Wave, energy, change 37
Wave, energy, downward 102
Wave, energy, flux 37 95
Wave, energy, propagation equation 36
Wave, energy, source 218
Wave, equatorial 193 204
Wave, equatorial, dispersion diagram 202
Wave, equatorial, eigenfunctions 200
Wave, field 33
Wave, field, energy equation 72
Wave, field, first order description 2
Wave, field, incident 68
Wave, field, oscillating 112
Wave, field, pressure 99
Wave, free 26 33
Wave, frequency 2
Wave, function, equation 16
Wave, generation, theory 20
Wave, gravity 1 9
Wave, guide 194
Wave, in ocean 20
Wave, incident 68 69 179
Wave, incident, energy flux 179
Wave, interaction 1
Wave, internal 59 79
Wave, internal, , structure 59
Wave, internal, normal mode problem 243
Wave, Kelvin 133 136 142 144 148 152 154 191 195 203 245
Wave, Kelvin, equatorial 195—197
Wave, kinematics 2
Wave, light, equation 28
Wave, linear theory 91
Wave, local energy 174
Wave, low frequency 180
Wave, mean flow 209 232
Wave, mode 195
Wave, motion 159
Wave, nature of 133
Wave, nondispersive 27 133
Wave, nondispersive equation 133
Wave, nondispersive solution 29
Wave, pattern 6
Wave, period 4 9
Wave, plane 2 3 5 9
Wave, plane, three-dimensional 26
Wave, plane, wavelength 4
Wave, Poincare 115 133 139 141 144 148 152—154 159 194 201 204 245
Wave, Poincare, equatorial 192—195
Wave, potential vorticity flux 232
Wave, pressure 113
Wave, pressure field 34
Wave, propagation, vertical 91
Wave, properties, radiative 91
Wave, radiation 96 99 103
Wave, refelcted, energy flux 179
Wave, reflected 179
Wave, reflection 69
Wave, Rossby 16 18
Wave, Rossby, equatorial 194—196 201
Wave, self-excited 218 227
Wave, shallow water 27 133
Wave, signal propagation 41
Wave, signal speed 2
Wave, slowly varying 9
Wave, small amplitude 2
Wave, solution 148
Wave, sound, equation 28
Wave, spectrum, initial 53
Wave, stable 218 219
Wave, standard equation 28
Wave, surface gravity 20 26 79
Wave, surface gravity, frequency 28
Wave, surface gravity, group velocity 28
Wave, surface gravity, phase speed 28
Wave, surface gravity, variables 24
Wave, synoptic scale 216
Wave, topographic 208
Wave, topographic, bottom trapped 212
Wave, train 50 54
Wave, unstable 218 219
Wave, variable phase, definition 2
Wave, velocity of element 2
Wave, wavelength 3 9
Wavelength 4 34 52 60
Wavelength, definition 4
Wedge of instability 225
Western boundary current 180
Wind, stress 195
Wind, thermal, equation 210
Wind, thermal, relation 217 235
WKB theory 75
Yanaiwave 202—204
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