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Pedlosky J. — Waves in the ocean and atmosphere: introduction to wave dynamics |
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Group velocity as function of wave number 30
Group velocity, definition 13
Group velocity, direction 64 175
Group velocity, internal wave 65
Group velocity, maximum 158
Group velocity, minimum 158
Group velocity, orientation 66
Group velocity, Poincare' wave 134
Group velocity, ray 242
Group velocity, relation to wave vector 67
Group velocity, Rossby wave 157 158
Group velocity, three-dimensional 65
Group velocity, versus KD 47
Group velocity, vertical 67
Growth rate 215 217 219
Growth rate, maximum 219
Gulf Stream 180 231 247
Heat conduction 243
Heat nonreversible addition 19
Heat, specific 19
Hermite equation 199
Incompressibility 72
Initial value problem 41 53 100 103 242
Initial value problem, solution 49
Instability 225 228 229
Instability, baroclinic 213 216
Instability, barotropic 222
Instability, conditions 221 227
Instability, source 221
Interaction, wave-mean flow 231
Isopycnal 1 207 211
Isopycnal, sloping 212
Isopycnal, surface 221
Kelvin mode 142 148 195 202
Kelvin wave 133 136 142 144 148 152 154 191 195 203 245
Kelvin wave, dispersion relation 209
Kelvin wave, superposition 144—146
Lagrangian pathway 234
Lagrangian trajectory equations 39
Laplace equation 23 26 36 42 81
Laplace equation, two-dimensional 41
Laplace equation, vertical velocity 62
Laplace operator 26
Laplace tidal equations 144 183 191 208
Laplace transformation 103
Layer, geostrophic flow 181
Layer, stratified 213
Line of constant phase 63
Linearization 2 21 25 35 80
Linearization, restriction 231
Linearized momentum equation 186
Lord Rayleigh 227
Mass conservation 19 151
Maximum phase speed 27
Mean flow 209 221 231 235
Mean momentum 233
Mean state 231
Mean, definition 231
Mean, potential vorticity, rate of change 0
Medium, homogeneous 2 9 16
MODE 137 139—141 189 191
Mode, baroclinic 197 208
Mode, barotropic 190 197 208
Mode, channel 136
Mode, definition 80
Mode, external, dispersion relation 85
Mode, frequency 243
Mode, internal gravity 189
Mode, normal 79 117 227
Mode, phase speed 139
Mode, problem 243
Mode, vertical 183
Mode, wave 86
Model, homogeneous 183
Momentum equation 19 23 93 95
Momentum equation, horizontal 121 205
Momentum equation, vertical 96
Momentum, mean 233
Momentum, wave flux 237
Momentum, zonal 234 236
Motion equation 19 91 92
Motion equation, linearized 92
Motion equation, rotating stratidied fluid 19
Motion in ocean 119
Motion, adiabatic 20 184
Motion, adiabatic equation 60
Motion, cooperative 1
Motion, cyclonic geostrophic 181
Motion, geostrophic 131 183
Motion, hydrostatic 120 183
Motion, hydrostatic equations 183
Motion, hydrostatic large-scale 119
Motion, incompressible 22
Motion, inviscid 22 184 190
Motion, linear 22
Motion, linear equations 243
Motion, linearized 183
Motion, low frequency 154 160 168 205
Motion, oscillatory 23
Motion, quasi-geostrophic 167
Motion, stratified 205
Motion, vertical equation 61
Motion, vertical genesis 181
Motion, vertical scale 119
Nondispersive wave equation 133
Nonlinearity 20 231 241
Operator, Laplacian 26
Oscillation 38 61 117 215 245
Oscillation, dispersion relation 64
Oscillation, free 79
Oscillation, frequency 64 109
Oscillation, harmonic 109
Oscillation, modes 241 243
Period 246
Period, definition 4
Perturbation 34 72 92 94 108 109 120 183
Perturbation density 62 223 224
Perturbation energy 93 94
Perturbation energy equation 221
Perturbation initial spatial 56
Perturbation pressure 94 224
Perturbation pressure, initial 113
Perturbation, linear 221
Perturbation, steady 96
Perturbation, velocity 217 226
Perturbation, wave energy 93
Phase constant 5 6 67
Phase decrease 4 12
Phase increase 4 7 11
Phase orientation 103
Phase scalar, gradient 10
Phase speed 5 13 17 30 52 65 133 171
Phase speed, definition 5
Phase speed, direction 170
Phase speed, vertical 74
Phase stationary 46 47
Phase stationary, condition 49
Phase stationary, method of 45
Phase stationary, wave number 47 52
Phase variable 2
Plane wave 2 3 5 9
Plane wave, dispersion relation 17 77
Plane wave, field of motion 37
Plane wave, generalization 239
Plane wave, solution 26 33
Plane wave, tree-dimensional 62
Plane wave, two-dimensional 73
Plane wave, wavelength 4
Plane, equatorial 193 204
Poincare mode 195 202
| Poincare wave 115 133 139 141 144 148 152—154 159 194 201 204 245
Poincare wave, dispersion relation 193
Poincare wave, minimum frequency 203
Point, amphidromic 145
Point, stationary 48
poisson 41
Position, fixed 52
Potential vorticity 107 110—113 122—124 127 129 133 166 210 229 245
Potential vorticity, adjustment problem 123
Potential vorticity, ambient 169 173
Potential vorticity, conservation 112 113 122
Potential vorticity, equation 169 181 208 212 231 246
Potential vorticity, flux 233 236
Potential vorticity, gradient 210 221 222 228 229
Potential vorticity, layer model 120
Potential vorticity, meridional gradient 210
Potential vorticity, rate of change 151
Potential vorticity, Rossbywave 156 166 168 169 173
Pressure 2 21 112
Pressure field 34 37 113 143
Pressure field, atmospheric 121
Pressure field, basic state 92
Pressure field, horizontal structure 186
Pressure field, initial 113
Pressure field, scale 184
Pressure gradient, horizontal 159 185
Pressure gradient, vertical 119 120 159
Pressure, distribution 103
Pressure, disturbance 21
Pressure, equation 112
Pressure, fluctuation 21
Pressure, geostrophic 113
Quantum mechanical, oscillator 199
Quantum mechanical, uncertainly principle 56
Quasi — Biennial Oscillation 193
Quasi-geostrophic approximation 183
Quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity equation 206 209—211 221 246
Quasi-geostrophy 159
Radiation, condition 91 100 102 103 106
Radiation, incoming 102
Radiation, outgoing 101 102
Radiation, outward 102
Ray equation 78 79 240
Ray path 79
Reflection 67 69 72 179 243 247
Reflection at a steep slope 71
Reflection at solid boundary 68
Reflection in a open wedge 72
Reflection in a shallow wedge 71
Reflection of internal gravity wave 68
Reflection of Rossby wave 117 247 248
Reflection, kinematics 72
Relation, dispersion 83
Relation, eigenvalue 83
Relation, Lagrangian, linearized 93
Relation, thermal wind 217
Resonance 242
Reynolds stress 93—96 99 222 233 234
Rossby 149
Rossby adjustment problem 123
Rossby deformation radius 125
Rossby equatorial 201
Rossby mode 195
Rossby number 160 161 163 166 168 171 205 234
Rossby number velocity 175
Rossby wave 18 149 152 153 156 159 171 174 177 191 194 204 208 222 229 246 247
Rossby wave, baroclinic 207
Rossby wave, barotropic 239
Rossby wave, dispersion relation 155 156
Rossby wave, energy 173
Rossby wave, equation 16
Rossby wave, frequency 154
Rossby wave, group velocity 157
Rossby wave, maximum frequency 156 203
Rossby wave, minimum period 156
Rossby wave, phase speed 155
Rossby wave, quasi-geostrophic 169 221
Rossby wave, reflection 117 247 248
Rossby wave, speed 201
Rossby wave, spin-down 180
Rossby wave, total energy 174
Rossby-gravity wave, mixed 202
Rotation 1 20 91 107 108 110 119 131 137 152 153
Rotation mode 140
Rotation, large 140
Rotation, planetary 241
Scalar phase, gradient 10
Schroedinger equation 199
Shallow water wave 133
Shear 94
Shear, horizontal 221 222
Shear, mean 222
Shear, vertical 221 225 226
Signal speed 2
simplification 119
Singularity, stationary phase 54
Sound, speed 21 241
Sound, speed, water 28
Specific entropy 240
Sphericity factor 163
Spin-down time 182
State, basic 221
State, geostrophic 123 130
State, geostrophically balanced 129
State, mean 231
State, of rest 59
Steady circulation theory 180
Steady density perturbation 113
Steady flow 91
Steady perturbation 96
Steady problem 100 103
Steady solution 244 245
Steady state 100 126
Stokes theorem 11
Strain tensor 19
Stratification 1 79
Stratification, vertical 60
Stream function 69 97 173 178 218 235 246
Stream function, geostrophic 174 206 207 222 223
streamline 99
Stress tensor 19
Structure, vertical 183 190 191
Sturm — Liouville eigenvalue problem 208
Surface elevation, free 33
Surface gravity wave 20 60
Surface gravity wave, frequency 28
Surface gravity wave, group velocity 28
Surface gravity wave, phase speed 28
Surface gravity wave, variables 24
Surface gravity wave, vertical scale 60
Surface height field as function of time 51
Surface pressure 241
Surface sloping 212
Surface wave, frequency 81
Surface wave, phase speed 81
Surface, isopycnal 73
Sverdrup dynamics 180
Sverdrup flow, eastward 180
Synoptic scale eddy 217
Temperature, potential 19
Thermocline 2 119
Thickness, gradient 221
Tide 20
Time scale 107
Time scale, advective 160
Topography 99
Topography, force on 102
Topography, potential vorticity 162 169
Trajectory 39 40 119 225 240
Trajectory, Lagrangian equation 39
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