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Smith I.M., Griffiths D.V. — Programming the finite element method |
Предметный указатель |
Ada 4
Advection (convection) 41
Ahmad, S. 47 49 96
ALGOL68 12
Array processors 3
Assembly of elements 52 73
Associated plastic flow 195
AX1KM 357 401 415
Axially loaded piles 351
Axisymmetric stress/strain 30 64 169
BACSUB 57 401 415
Banded storage of matrices 78
BANDRD 58 401
BANMUL 58 402 416
BANRED 57 402 416
BANTML 58 402 417
Barron, D.W. 4 14
Bathe, K.J. 35 45 54 96
BCMASS 303 402 417
Beam element 19
Beam element on elastic foundation 22
Beam element with an axial force 21
Beam element, inertia matrix 21
BEAMKM 102 402 418
BEAMKP 361 402 418
Beams 98
Bearing capacity 203
Berg, P.N. 42 45
Biot equation 42 286 294
BISECT 58 402
Bishop, A.W. 217 237
BMCOL2 113 403 418
BMCOL3 118 403 419
BNONAX 175 403 421
Body loads 199
boundary conditions 54
Brebbia, C.A. 15 45
building blocks 56
Carslaw, U.S. 255 256 276
Chang, C.Y. 194 238
CHECON 131 403 422
CHOBAC 57 403 422
CHOBK1 57 403
CHOBK2 57 403
CHOL1N 57 403 423
Chow, Y.K. 353 365 378 378
Clough, R.W. 89 96
COMBAC 57 404
Complex response 94 333
COMRED 57 404
Conduction equation 41 250
Connor, J.J. 15 45
Consistent mass 81 (see also “Distributed mass”)
Consistent nodal loads 379
Consolidation 258
Constant stiffness 193
Convection 41
Convergence 131 201
Cook, R.D. 15 45
Cormeau, I.C. 200 237 238
Coupled problems 85 86
Crandall, S.H. 16 45
Crank — Nicolson method 91
Damping 90
Davis, E.H. 157 191 368 372 378
Diffusion-convection 41 267 271
Dijkstra, E.W. 9 14
Direct integration 91
Distributed mass 81 (see also “Consistent mass”)
Dobbins, W.E. 271 276
Duncan, J.M. 194 238
Earth pressure 218
ECMAT 66 404 423
Eigenvalues and vectors, evaluation of 80
Element matrix calculation 59
Element-by-element (product) 84 262
Energy formulations 24 29 33
Equilibrium equations, solution of 179
Ergatoudis, J. 49 96
EVECTS 58 404
Explicit methods 93 259 337
Failure criteria 197
Faraday, R.V. 42 45 273 276
FDIAGV 349 404 423
Finlayson, B.A. 17 45
First order time dependent problems 83
Fix, G.J. 15 45
FKDIAG 73 404 424
Fluid flow with convection 41 267
Fluid flow, coupled 36 277
Fluid flow, steady state 40 239
Fluid flow, transient 41 250
FMB1GK 73 405 424
FMBEAM 111 404 424
FMBRAD 64 405 425
FMDEPS 62 405 425
FMDRAD 64 405 425
FMDS1G 63 405 426
FMKDKE 293 405 426
FMLAG9 69 405 427
FMLIN3 70 406 428
FMLUMP 307 406 429
FMOUAD 68 406 431
FMPLAT 140 406 429
FMQUA3 71 406 432
FMTET4 73 406 433
FMTR15 64 407 434
FMTRI3 149 407 434
FMTRI6 63 407 434
Forcing 91
Ford, B. 9 14
FORMB 62 407 436
FORMB3 71 407 436
FORMD3 71 407 436
FORMGP 140 387
FORMKB 73 407 437
FORMKC 73 407 437
FORMKU 73 408 437
FORMKV 73 408 438
FORMLN 61 408 438
FORMM 208 408 439
FORMM3 236 408 440
FORMTB 73 408 441
FORMXI 371 408 441
Foundations, elastic 23 365
Frames, 2D 112 300
Frames, 3D 117
Free surface flow 245
Free vibrations 17 89
Frequencies, natural 18 300
FRMUPV 86 408 441
FSPARV 73 409 442
Galerkin method 17
GAUSBA 57 409 442
Gauss 61 409 443
Gauss, elimination 57
Gauss, quadrature 50 51
GCOORD 221 409 444
GE04X1 242 393
GE083D 183 393
GE203D 188 398
GENA8X 176 387
GEOM 371 388
GEOM3X 145 388
GEOM4Y 159 391
GEOM6X 152 389
GEOM8X 162 389
| GEOM8Y 309 391
GEOM9X 168 390
GEOV4Y 171 392
GEOV8Y 207 392
GEV15Y 155 396
GEV4X3 293 397
GEVUPV 283 394
GEVUVP 299 395
Goodier, J.N. 25 29 30 32 46
Griffiths, D.V. 174 191 201 202 203 227 229 230 232 238 244 249
GSTRNG 100 399
Hardware 1
Hetenyi, M. 112 142
Higher order elements 67
Hill, R. 194 238
HING2 132 409 444
Hobbs, R. 42 45 294 299
Home, M.R. 22 45 134 136 142
Hughes, T.G. 38 46
Hughes, T.J.R. 84 96
Hwang, R. 94 96
Idriss, I.M. 94 96
Implicit methods 83 250 372
Incremental methods for nonlinear equations 192 200 201
Initial stress 201
Instability (structural frames) 21 134
Instability of recurrence relations 266
Integration, numerical (quadrature) 50 51
Invar 207 409 445
INVAR3 236 410 445
Invariants of stress 195
Irons, B.M. 47 49 50 96
Isoparametric mapping 49
Jacobian matrix 61
Jacobi’s method 58 305
Jaeger, J.C. 255 256 276
Jennings, A. 35 45
Key, S.W. 347 350
King, I.P. 201 238
Kopal, A. 50 96
Kroll, W.D. 22 45
KVDET 138 410
Lagrangian element 68
Laminar fluid flow 65
LANCZ1 58 410
LANCZ2 58 410
Lanczos algorithm 81
Laplace equation 40 239
Laterally loaded piles 359
LBBT 58 410
LBKBAN 58 410
Leckie, F.A. 21 45
Lee, G.C. 28 45
Levit, I. 84 96
Libraries 9 57
Lindberg, G.M. 21 45
Lindsey, C.H. 9 14
Line structures 97
Linear algebraic equations 79
LINMLS 58 410 446
LINMUL 58 411 446
Livesley, R.K. 22 45
LOC2F 114 411 447
LOC2T 123 411 448
LOC3F 118 411 447
LOC3T 125 411 448
Local coordinates 47 50
Lode angle 196
Lumped mass 80
Lundquist, E.E. 22 45
Lysmer, J. 94 96
Mainframe-computers 2
Mass matrix 66
matadd 57 411 449
MATCOP 57 411 449
MATINV 265 411 449
MATMUL 57 411 449
MATRAN 57 411 450
Matrix, banded 78
Matrix, sparse 78
Merchant, W. 22 45 136 142
Mesh generation 74
Micro-computers 2
Mindlin equation 365
Mini-computers 2
Mixed explicit/implicit method 345
MOCOPL 221 412 450
MOCOUF 215 412 451
MOCOUO 215 412 451
Modal superposition 89 320
Mohr — Coulomb failure criterion 198
Morgenstern, N. 217 237
MSMULT 57 412 452
Muskat, W. 40 45
MVMULT 57 412 452
NAG Library 9 57
Navier — Stokes equations 36 85 278
Nayak, G.C. 224 228 238
Naylor, D.J. 228 238
Newmark method 91
Newton — Raphson method 193
Nodal, forces 379
Nodal, freedom array 75
Non-associated plastic flow 195
Non-axisymmetric strain 172
Nonlinear material 192
Normal modes 89 322
NULL 57 412 452
NULL3 57 412 452
NULVEC 57 412 453
Numerical integration 50 51
NUMIN3 73 412 453
NUMINT 64 412 454
Offshore structures 351
Orthogonality 89
O’Connor, B.A. 42 45 273 276
Parlett, B.N. 82 96 318 319
Pascal 4 11
Passive earth pressure 218
Penzien, J. 89 96
Piles, axially loaded 351
Piles, groups 365
Piles, laterally loaded 359
PINJ2 123 413 456
PINJ3 125 413 457
Plane strain 25 63 154 157 161 165 304 308 315
Plane stress 25 63 144 150 312
Plastic analysis of frames 127
Plasticity, associated 195
Plasticity, isotropic 194
Plasticity, kinematic 194
Plasticity, Mohr — Coulomb 198
Plasticity, non-associated 195
Plasticity, Von Mises 197
Plate bending 33 138
Porepressures 227
Porous media 241
Portability 6
Poulos, H.G. 157 191 368 372 378
Prandtl load 211
Prevost, J.H. 194 238
PRINTA 58 413
PRINTV 58 413
PRNCPL 413 458
Propagation problems 320
Przemieniecki, J.S. 103 142
Quadratic elements 67
Quadrature 50 51
Rao, S.S. 15 45
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