Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Smith I.M., Griffiths D.V. — Programming the finite element method |
Предметный указатель |
Rayleigh damping 91
Rayleigh damping, Ritz method 24
READNF 73 413 458
Reduced integration 50
Reid, J.K. 82 96 318 319
Rod element 15
Rod element, eigenvalue equation 18
Rod element, inertia matrix 17
Sakurai, T. 202 238
Sayers, D.K. 9 14
Schiffman, R.L. 294 299
Schlichting, H. 36 45
Scott, F.C. 49 96
Second order time dependent problems 88
Seed. H.B. 94 96
Seepage 245
Seepage through porous media 241
Shape functions 16
SLOGEO 215 399
Slope stability 211
Smith, E.A.L. 374 378
Smith, I.M. 40 42 45 56 94 96 273 274 276 294 299 311 318 5/9 348 J50 353 362 378 578
Software 4
SOLVBA 57 413 459
SPABAC 57 413 459
SPARIN 57 413 460
Sparse (skyline) storage of matrices 78
Special purpose routines 59
STAB2D 136 414 460
Stability of frames 134
Steering vector 76
Stiffness matrix 17
Storage of global arrays 76
Strang, G. 15 45
Stress invariants 195
Structural analysis 97
Structure charts 9
Structured programming 9
Szabo, B.A. 28 45
Taig, I.C. 28 45 47 96
Taylor, C. 38 46
Taylor, R.L. 50 96
Teng, C.K. 192 238
Theta method 82 325
Three-dimensional analysis 178 182 186 232
| Three-dimensional elements 69 72
Time-dependent problems, first-order 82 250
Time-dependent problems, second-order 88 320
Timoshenko, S.P. 25 29 30 31 33 46 90 94 96 140 142
Too, J. 50 96
Transformation of coordinates 48 51
Transient problems 82 88 250 320
TREEX3 57 414 462
Tresca criterion 198
TRIDIA 58 414
Tridiagonalization 58
Trusses, 2D 121
Trusses, 3D 124
TWOBY2 57 414 462
Udaka, T. 94 96
Undrained analysis 224
Valliapan, S. 201 238
Variable stiffness 193
Variational methods 24 268
VECADD 57 414 462
VECCOP 57 414 462
Vector processors 3
Vibration, forced 320
Vibration, free 300
Viscoplasticity 200
VMPL 344 414 463
VOL2D 87 414 463
Von Mises failure criterion 197
VVMULT 57 414 463
Wave equation 372
Weaver, W. 90 94 96
Weighted residuals 17
WELGEO 246 400
Willson, S.M. 202 239
Wilson theta method 92 330
Wilson, E.L. 35 45 54 96 174 191
Winget, J. 84 96
Woinowsky-Krieger, S. 33 46 140 142
Wong, S.W. 85 94 96
Yamada, Y. 202 238
Yield surfaces, Mohr — Coulomb (Tresca) 198
Yield surfaces, Von Mises 197
Yoshimura, N. 202 238
Young, D.H. 90 94 96
Zienkiewicz, O.C. 15 46 49 50 96 174 191 200 201 203 224 238
Реклама |