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Trottenberg U., Schuller A., Oosterlee C. — Multigrid |
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Singular systems, boundary conditions and 177—187
Singularities, adaptive refinements for 357
Singularities, local effects of 356
Singularities, small-scale 588
Smith — Hutton problem 246—248 251 252
Smooth 156 225
Smoothed aggregation 453 526—528
Smoothers 29 69 94 119 144 152 191 250 265 295—296 347—348 406 409 415 417 504
Smoothers, multigrid 94
Smoothers, multistage 253—256 348 353 354 355
Smoothers, multistage in CFD applications 352—354
Smoothers, parallel features 33—34
Smoothers, parallel properties of 33—34
Smoothers, quality of 134
Smoothers, Runge — Kutta 254
Smoothers, smoothing property of 432
Smoothers, symmetric positive definite 561
Smoothers, x-line 138 144
Smoothers, y-line 138
Smoothing 34 67 101 293 415 432 461 468 486 526 528
Smoothing analysis 31 102—106 113—116 117 118 119 159—160 237 239 297—300 326 587
Smoothing factors 31 34 73 75 98 99 102 104 106 114 115 116 117 130 133 147 159 167 235 266 300 301 305 311
Smoothing factors of y-line relaxation 136
Smoothing half-step 210
Smoothing methods 29 194
Smoothing of errors 143
Smoothing operators 89—91 99 108 113 115 119 142 314 423 427 429 445 463
Smoothing principle 16
Smoothing procedures 21 28 40 106 114 115 138 178 195 211 239 298 364 373 392 402 415 416 423 427 428 526
Smoothing properties 31 77 96—97 102 145 158 160 235 237 259 263 267 309 353 390 434 439 461 463 468 521
Smoothing schemes 140 143 168 172 361
Smoothing steps 40 51 55 90 145 156 225 399 445 463
Smoothing, collective relaxation 289
Smoothing, F-relaxation for 450
Smoothing, transfer operators and 427
SMS (symmetric multiplicative subspace correction) methods 555 561
Sobolev spaces 537
software packages 5 21 198 215 418
Software packages, multigrid-based 192 404
Software packages, parallel multigrid 215
Solutions, table of difficulties and 574—589
Space method meshes, fictitious 542
Space splittings 76 533 536—551 554 566
Space splittings, condition of 569
Space splittings, design of 552
Space splittings, stable 546
Sparse grids, combination method 226
Spectral norm 9 84
Spectral radius 25 36 91
Sphere, multigrid components on surface of 391—393
SSOR-method 555
Stagnation points 573 589
Standard coarsening 17 42 71 94 129 143 144 146 195 239 242 254 256 264 266 285 374 376 392 409 410 473—476 478 480 489 493 500 517
Standard coarsening, different smoothing methods 147
Standard coarsening, failure of 131—133
Standard coarsening, frequencies and 102
Standard five-point stencil 149 191
Standard geometric multigrid 420
Standard interpolation 414 480—482 483 493 517
Standard multigrid coarsening 134
Steady-state computations 501
Steady-state flows 347 574
Steady-state problems 352 353
Steady-state solutions 345
Stencil notation 10
Stencil notation, finite element restriction operators 558
Stencils, 21-point 429
Stencils, 27-point coarse grid 278
Stencils, compact 216
Stencils, compact nine-point 10 172 203 561
Stencils, difference 7 249
Stencils, five point 172
Stencils, five-point 10 125 203 257 261 358 487 488 491 504 520 559
Stencils, nine-point 167 216 264 265 273 285 429 474
Stencils, nineteen-point 489
Stencils, seven-point 264 266 267 418 489
Stencils, seven-point left-oriented 514
Stokes equations 290 292 313 315—316 323 325 326 327 328 330 576
Stokes equations, checker-board instability 314
Stokes operator 327 329
Stream-function-vorticity formulation 333
Structural mechanics problems 414
Subgrids, logically rectangular 381
Subsonic flow 161 349 350
Subspace correction methods 76 534 535 537 551 554 555 557 561
| Successive overtaxation (SOR) 14 32 105 528 555
Supersonic flow 161 247
Supersonic full potential operator 580
Symmetric multiplicative subspace correction method (SMS) 555
Symmetric positive definite systems 535
Symmetric problems 97 414 518
Symmetric problems, two-level convergence for positive and 444
Taylor expansion 125 167 244 265
Thermodynamic equation of state for a perfect gas 346
Time discretizations 63
Time-dependent applications 373
Time-dependent problems 63—66
Toeplitz matrices 555
Top multigrid efficiency (TME) 573—574
Total variation diminishing (TVD) concepts 245
Transfer operators 21 42 43—45 60—62 70 72 87—88 120 144 145 146 162 172 173 241 265 266 268 274 318—319 392 413 424 428 429 444
Transfer operators, parallelism of 61
Transfer operators, seven-point 266 274
Transonic flow 161 247 349 353
Triangulation of the finite element space 561
Tridiagonal cyclic reduction 218
Tridiagonal solver 137 250
Two grids, multigrid and 19—20 363—364
Two-grid algorithm 361—363
Two-grid analysis 85 101 106—113 118 239 299 306 325
Two-grid convergence 76 77 82 117 133 138 147 175 242 265
Two-grid cycles 34—40 40 155 361
Two-grid iteration operator 424
Two-grid local Fourier analysis 98 120 252 253 299
Two-grid method 79 84 155 214
Two-grid operator 76 99 106 107 445
Two-grid operator, norms of 83—85
Two-grid operator, structure of 39—40
Two-grid reduction factor 79
Two-level convergence, postsmoothing and 444—460
Two-level convergence, presmoothing and 461—469
Two-level corrections 424 431
Two-level methods, slow convergence 452
U-variables 474 475
Unknowns, arrangement of 69 205
Unknowns, location of within grids 7
Unknowns, strong coupling in two directions 137—139
Upwind discretizations 230 244—248 333
Upwind discretizations, line smoothers for higher order 249—253
Using F-smoothing 461—467
V-cycles, 46 55 213 560 566
V-cycles, convergence 77 349 524 526 535
V-cycles, convergence histories for standard 498
V-cycles, convergence, boundary treatment and 305—306
V-cycles, efficiency of 432
V-cycles, error propagation matrix 560
V-cycles, h-dependent convergence behavior of 452
V-cycles, h-dependent for complete 453
V-cycles, multigrid convergence 77 190 191 305
V-cycles, multigrid method 556 557 558
V-cycles, parallel 196—197
V-cycles, simplified multigrid 559
V-cycles, theory 421 530
van Albada limiters 246 247 251
van Leer limiters 246 349 352 376
van Leer’s K-scheme 348 349 385
Variational Principle 424 475
Velocity-pressure dependence 508
Vertex-centered discretizations 406
Vertex-centered location of unknowns 270
Vieta, theorem of 255
Viscosity, artificial 122 233—234 239 241 243 314 330 354 582
Viscosity, coarse grid numerical 589
Viscosity, laminar 585
Viscosity, natural 582
W-cycles 46
W-cycles, algorithms 560
W-cycles, convergence factors 82 190 191 322
W-cycles, parallel 196
W-cycles, truncated 213
Wave equations 2 65
Weather forecast models 395
Wing structure and aerodynamics, dynamic interaction of 411
Zebra line Gauss — Seidel 136 137 241
Zebra line relaxations 162 216
Zebra line smoothers 94 137
Zebra line smoothing 216
Zebra plane smoothers 94
Zebra relaxations 261 392
Zebra smoothers 141 216
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