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Trottenberg U., Schuller A., Oosterlee C. — Multigrid |
Предметный указатель |
Grid sizes 31 60 166 410
Grid sizes, fixed coarse 79
Grid-induced slow convergence 589
Grids 3—7 412 413
Grids and operators, sequences of 46
Grids with curvatures 189
Grids, adaptation 589
Grids, adaptively refined around an airfoil 6
Grids, anisotropic 409
Grids, arrangement of unknowns 7
Grids, block-structured 3 4 5 6 7 191 340—342 375 380 405 407 408
Grids, boundary-fitted 3 4 400—404
Grids, discretization and 3—7
Grids, expanding 589
Grids, general structures 190—192
Grids, generation 401—404 406
Grids, hierarchy of 360—361 363 417
Grids, infinite 8 10 120
Grids, locally refined 407
Grids, logically rectangular 6 10 405
Grids, nonstaggered 328 330
Grids, self-adaptive 5
Grids, semicoarsened 432
Grids, sequences of 19—20
Grids, square 8 11 304 396
Grids, staggered 7 318 330
Grids, standard coarsened 432
Grids, stretched 131 139 140 141
Grids, unstructured 5 6 191 192 288
GS line smoother, symmetric alternating 240
GS-LEX 33 34 36 69 94 103 104 106 117 132 133 134 167 173 213 237 260 265 266 267 284 301 361 406 535
GS-LEX (Gauss — Seidel lexicographic) method 15
GS-LEX point smoothers 189
GS-LEX relaxations 302
GS-LEX relaxations, collective 305 332
GS-LEX smoothers 73 119 203
GS-LEX smoothing 117 302—303
GS-LEX smoothing factors 128
GS-LEX smoothing operators 119
GS-LEX smoothing schemes 173
GS-LEX, parallel modification of 203
GS-LEX, parallel properties 195 202
GS-LEX, smoothing behavior of 102
GS-LEX, standard coarsening and 105
GS-RB 33 34 69 84 85 90 121 132 141 153 173 185 201 202 203 207 208 212 214 216 237 265 266 267 276 296 299 361 364 392 406 535
GS-RB operators 89
GS-RB parallel properties 195
GS-RB relaxation 52 61 113 212
GS-RB smoothers 73 83 94 115 119 189
GS-RB smoothing operators 86 92
GS-RB smoothing schemes 173
GS-RB smoothing steps 209
h-elliptic discretization 577
h-ellipticity 121—129 310 327 328 347 587
h-ellipticity measures 2 123 167 172 227 232 235 266 289 300 308 314 332
h-ellipticity, smoothing and 126—129 300—301
h-ellipticity, Stokes system 317
h-independent convergence 21 51 77—79 144
h-independent error reduction 197
h-independent realistic bounds 75
Hackbusch’s nonlinear multigrid method (NLMG) 158
Half weighting (HW) 63 68 72 83 84 85 88 94 158 208 209 210 558
Half weighting (HW), restriction operator 43
Harmonic averaging, weighted 271 275
Harmonics 109
Harmonics for standard coarsening 107
Harmonics, coefficients of 88
Harmonics, coupling of 119 265
Harmonics, four-dimensional space of 107
Harmonics, spaces of 86 121
Heart valves, design of artificial 411
Heat equations 2
Helmholtz constant 65 397
Helmholtz equation, efficient solution of 522
Helmholtz equations 62 66 94 397 400 520 534
Helmholtz operators 150 450
Hierarchial basis multigrid method (HBMG) 373
High-Reynolds incompressible Navier — Stokes 578
Hilbert spaces 535 536 539 540
Hyperbolic equations 1 2 228
Hyperbolic potential equation 161
Hyperbolic problems, time-dependent 66
Hyperbolic shells 307 309 310
Hyperbolic systems of pdes 346
Hyperbolic time-like problems 65
Icosahedral grids 394—395
ILU 191 239 264 284
ILU decompositions, parallelization of 263
ILU decompositions, seven-point 259 261
ILU iterations 259 260 261
ILU iterations, smoothing properties by LFA 259
ILU smoothers 256 263 415
ILU smoothers, alternating modified 267
ILU smoothers, robust 257
ILU smoothers, seven-point 267
ILU, alternating modified 262
ILU, decompositions 257 258 260 263
ILU, five-point decompositions 261
ILU, preconditioned conjugate gradients 485 498
ILU, smoothing 256—263 267—268
IMPES approach 509
Incompressible flow problems 333
Incompressible Navier — Stokes equations 292 299 312—316 325 326 328 331 346 347 348 382 385—388 405
Incompressible Navier — Stokes equations, 2D 321
Incompressible Navier — Stokes, discretization of 338
Incompressible Navier — Stokes, linearized 322
Incompressible Navier — Stokes, nonconservative form of 313
Incompressible Navier — Stokes, nonstaggered discretizations 326—343
Incompressible Navier — Stokes, staggered discretizations 316—326
Indefinite problems 520—522
Industrial aerodynamic flow problems 405
Industrial test cases 497—501
Inflow-outflow problems 243
Injection operators 38 43 163
Injection operators, transfer 173
Inner products 9 426 433
Interpolation 293 364 370 374 420 421 423 425 428 432 438 445 453 454 455 456 457 459 464 466 468 473 478 479—483 489 490 503 505 531
Interpolation operators, coarse-to-fine 40
Interpolation operators, finite element 548
Interpolation, accuracy of 451
Interpolation, algebraically defined 451
Interpolation, along negative couplings 459
Interpolation, direct 447—459 479—480 481 482 491
Interpolation, effect of relaxation on 469
Interpolation, error 421 449 456 464
Interpolation, extended 481
Interpolation, formulas 69 211 319 371 448 450 451 459 482 483 505
Interpolation, full 431 458
Interpolation, full multigrid (FMG) 295
Interpolation, indirect 447 459—460
Interpolation, negative coefficients and 454
Interpolation, operator-dependent 272—273 274 277 447
Interpolation, operators 43 45 112 276 431 461 464 484
Interpolation, orders of restriciton and 295
Interpolation, piecewise constant 470 471 480 526
Interpolation, positive 454
Interpolation, second-order 451 471
Interpolation, smoothing and 453 461
Interpolation, transfer operators 43—45
Interpolation, transpose of 429 472
Interpolation, trilinear 72 94 144 145 146
Interpolation, truncation of 483—484 486
Interpolation, type of 485 486
Isotropic model problems, discrete 138
Isotropic problems 134 415 482 507 517
Iteration operators 35 38 555
Iteration steps 46 99 147 429
Iterative multigrid (MGI), efficiency of 56
Iterative solvers 24—27 223 225 226
Iterative sub structuring methods 224
| Iterative subspace correction methods 533
JAC-RB 173 195
Jacobi F-relaxations 489 493 526
Jacobi interpolations 464 468 476 477 479 483
Jacobi interpolations, F-smoothing and 493—494
Jacobi iterations, nonlinear 151
Jacobi preconditioning and semicoarsening 355
Jacobi relaxations 31 461 462 463 464 468 483 490 505 526
Jacobi relaxations, smoothing properties of 436
Jacobi steps 448 483 493
Jacobi — Newton -relaxations 159 160
Jacobi — Newton relaxations 152
Jacobi — Picard relaxations 152 159 160
Jacobi, three-stage 255 256
Jacobian 149 150 158
Jacobian matrices 347 348
James — Schmidt — Turkel scheme 354
Kacmarz line relaxation method 277
Kaczmarz relaxations 128 296 397 399
KAPPA smoothers 251 252 253 256 279 338 339 340 342 349 350 388
KAPPA smoothers, alternating symmetric line 350
Krylov acceleration methods 285
Krylov method, preconditioned 144
Krylov space iterations 561
Krylov space methods 555
Krylov subspace acceleration 97 243 253 278 287 589
Krylov subspace iterations 282 283 285
L-shaped domains 359 542
Laminar flow, over a backward-facing step 342
Laplace equation 160 541
Laplace operator 64 101 153 162 228 274 434
Laplace operator, discrete 102 264 450 520
Laplace operator, discretization of 180
Laplace operator, five-point 274
Laplacian 183 191 299 334
Laplacian on the sphere, discretization of the 389
Level-dependent smoothing 311—312
Lexicographic collective Gauss — Seidel smoothers 348
Lexicographic Gauss — Seidel method (GS-LEX) 15
Lexicographic Gauss — Seidel relaxations 134
Lexicographic line Gauss — Seidel smoothers 136 137
Lexicographic ordering 12 13
Lexicographic relaxations 94 250
Lexicographic relaxations, point Gauss — Seidel 146
Lexicographic relaxations, y-line Gauss — Seidel 308
LFA see “Local Fourier analysis”
Line -Jacobi smoothers 136
Line Gauss — Seidel relaxations 236
Line Jacobi relaxations 137
Line relaxation 129 134 137 144 145 147 162 228 251 296 354 390 393 395 402 505 514 515
Line relaxation for anisotropic problems 191
Line relaxation, tridiagonal solver 216
Line smoothers 134—137 144 194 227 361
Line smoothing 137 541
Line-Jacobi iteration, collective 355
Linear elasticity problems 530
Linear interpolation 43 45 113 133 158 172 185 363 368 471 480 483 488 527 538
Linear multigrid 148 153 396
Linear multigrid, global linearization of 153—155
Linear operators 9 47 84 156 163 546
Linear problems 148 153 168 246 542
Linear shell problem 290 307—312
Liss (generic multigrid software package) 389 404—407
load balancing 379 380 381
Load imbalance 199 200 201 380
Local discretization error 22 163
Local Fourier analysis 23 61 75 76 77 93 94—95 98—129 130 135 144 235 242 243 250 254 262 263 295 306 321 322 328 338 392 393 394
Local Fourier analysis for GS-RB 115—116
Local Fourier analysis for systems of pdes 297—301
Local Fourier analysis, nature of 99
Local Fourier analysis, objective of 40
Local Fourier analysis, results 267
Local Fourier analysis, smoothing 261 305
Local Fourier analysis, smoothing analysis 251 297—300 306 325 353
Local Fourier analysis, smoothing factors 777 256 299
Local Fourier analysis, two-grid analysis 117 240 305
Local Fourier analysis, two-grid factors 252 267
Local linearization 151—153
Local refinement 359 375 379 388
Locally refined grids 361 364 380 381—382
Locally refined grids, Dirichlet boundary points 370
Locally refined grids, hierarchy of 366
Locally refined grids, setting up of 373—379
Low frequency error components 19 242 267 298 397
Low frequency errors 241 264
Low-accuracy approximations 498 501—503
Low-Reynolds incompressible Navier — Stokes 578
Mach numbers 160 161 162 166 346 382
Mass conservation 292 312 508
Matrices 7 116 185 257 422 446 469 562
Matrices, block 13 89 541
Matrices, coarse-level 469 470
Matrices, complexity of 429
Matrices, essentially positive 454—455
Matrices, M-matrices 125 231 421 426 438—139 440 448—153 457 469 481 515
Matrices, notation 7 534
Matrices, off-diagonally nonpositive 454
Matrices, positive type 440 441 469
Matrices, sparse 288 422
Matrices, symmetric 428 431 439 448 449 450
Matrices, symmetric and positive definite 27 530
Matrices, terminology 12—14
Matrices, tridiagonal 23 143
Matrices, weakly diagonally dominant 452 453 458 459 470
Maxwell’s equation (Ampere’s Law) 511
Mehrstellen discretizations 94 166 172 174
Mesh refinement techniques 163
Mesh sizes 17 19 23 31 37 41 47 50 59 79 82 132 134 166 229 294 309 332 360 450 589
Mesh-Peclet number 243
Message-passing interface (MPI) 406
MGNET web page 277
Mixed derivatives 227 417
MLAT (multilevel adaptive technique) 23 357 363 364 366 373
Model Problem 1 3 17 28 29 32 34 39 41 62 84 91 94 117 130 134 137 194 195 196 208 212 213 214 254 255 260 541
Model Problem 1, convergence of different multigrid cycles 53 54 55
Model Problem 1, discretization accuracy 79
Model Problem 1, full multigrid (FMG) estimates for 85
Model Problem 1, GS-RB 82
Model Problem 1, Poisson’s equation and 10—15
Model Problem 1, relaxation schemes 33
Model Problem 1, smoothing factor 30
Model Problem 1, two-grid convergence factors 83
Model Problem 2 71 73 226
Model Problem 3 131 132 136 138 263
Model Problem 4 142 145
Model Problem 4, two-grid factors 146
Model Problem 5 148 150 151 152
Model Problem 6 228 235 239 251
Model, simple communication 206—207
Momentum equations 292 312 313 314 318 320 323 328 331 496
Motor, synchronous line-start excited with permanent magnets 511
Mpcci coupling interface 411
MS iterations 553 559
MS methods 554 555 557 558
MS methods, defect iteration 560
MS methods, error iteration matrix for 535
Multigrid algorithms 14 28 34 52 197 208 211 266 277 280 344 371 556
Multigrid algorithms, designing ideal parallel 198
Multigrid algorithms, local Fourier analysis and design of 76
Multigrid and 263
Multigrid components 41—45 71—74 197 293—297
Multigrid components, parallelism of 194—197
Multigrid convergence 63 96 138 251 253 285 299 304—306 338 340 342 349 393
Multigrid convergence factors 75 133 162 177 224 240 241
Multigrid convergence factors with local Fourier analysis 311
Multigrid convergence problems 272 397
Multigrid correction schemes 178 362
Multigrid cycles 45—52 58 153 197 339 410 420 484 560 575
Multigrid cycles, coarse levels in 57
Multigrid cycles, error reduction factor 240
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