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Mukamel S. — Principles of nonlinear spectroscopy
Mukamel S. — Principles of nonlinear spectroscopy

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Название: Principles of nonlinear spectroscopy

Автор: Mukamel S.


This textbook presents a systematic and unifying viewpoint for a wide class of nonlinear spectroscopic techniques in time domain and frequency domain. It is directed towards active researchers in physics, optics, chemistry, and materials science, as well as graduate students who enter this complex and rapidly developing field.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Электромагнетизм/Оптика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Год издания: 1995

Количество страниц: 543

Добавлена в каталог: 22.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Optical measurements, interpretation of      111
Optical measurements, polarization and      93—103
Optical polarization      3 111 129 151
Optical polarization in macroscopic system      128
Optical polarization, anharmonic oscillator picture      163—167
Optical polarization, calculation of      111 113
Optical polarization, dispersive in-phase contribution      see Birefringence
Optical processes, classification, by power-law dependence      3—5 4f
Optical processes, classification, by resonant mode      7 9—10 10f—12f 12—13
Optical processes, classification, by temporal profile      5f—7f 5—7
Optical processes, frequency-domain      127
Optical response functions of extended systems, nonlocal expressions for      123—124
Optical response functions of homogeneous medium of noninteracting particles      127—128
Optical response functions of multilevel system with relaxation      143—144 149—151 152f—158f 153—159
Optical response functions of multilevel system with relaxation, Kramers — Kronig relations and      144—146 147f
Optical response functions of multilevel system with relaxation, linear response in Liouville space and      147—149
Optical response functions, semiclassical simulation      187—188
Optical response functions, simulations, coherence Green function and      203 204—205
Optical response functions, simulations, equation derivation for      206—207
Optical response functions, simulations, moments of linear absorption and      193—196 195f
Optical response functions, simulations, phase averaging and      189f 189—192 199—201
Optical response functions, simulations, static limit of      201—203
Optical spectroscopy, vs. nuclear magnetic resonance      12
Optical Stark effect      446 514
Optical susceptibilities      124 127 150 171 244 245 445 466
Optical susceptibilities of multilevel system interacting with medium in arbitrary timescale      244—247
Optical susceptibilities of periodic structures in k space      496—498
Optical susceptibilities, linear      95 128 145
Optical susceptibilities, linear, real and imaginary parts      152f
Optical susceptibilities, local field expressions of homogeneous systems      475—477
Optical susceptibilities, nonlinear      12 151 157 462 479
Optical susceptibilities, nonlinear, enhanced, in molecular aggregates      498—504 503f—506f 506—507
Optical susceptibilities, nonlinear, exciton-population variables and      507—512 511f—512f
Optical susceptibilities, second-order      128
Optical susceptibilities, third-order      128 162
Ordinary rate equation      184
Orthogonality in Hilbert space vs. Liouville space      58f
Orthogonality, scalar product rule for      42
Orthonormality      50 56
Oscillator strength sum rule      165
Oscillators, continuous distribution of      221—226 225f 226f
Oscillators, harmonic      17 163 164 233
Out-of-phase polarization      446
Outer product of vectors in Hilbert space      41 56
Outer product of vectors in Liouville space      57
Overdamped motions, strongly      333
Pade approximant      225
Particle dynamics      386—387
Particle velocity      88
Path integral in Liouville space      349
Path integral, techniques      227
Pauli anticommutation rule      470
Pauli exclusion principle, Bloch equations and      491
Pauli exclusion principle, definition of      471
Pauli exclusion principle, enhanced nonlinear susceptibilities in molecular aggregates and      513—514
Pauli exclusion principle, Frenkel exciton model and      499 502
Pauli exclusion principle, Green function expression and      487
Pauli exclusion principle, pure state factorization and      489
PE (two-pulse photon echo)      295
Pentacene, fluorescence excitation spectrum      291f
Pentacene, spectral diffusion      389f
Permutations over fields      124 125
Perturbation series, partial resummation of      30
Perturbation theory      27
Perturbative expansion      116
Perturber, effect on linear absorption      238
Phase conjugation      175
Phase matching condition      98 98f
Phase relaxation      see Dephasing
Phase shift, in binary collision      238
Phase space      69 71—72 75
Phase space, filling      491
Phase-averaging      349—351
Phase-averaging in Liouville space      199—201
Phase-locked pump-probe absorption, three-pulse      338—339
Phase-locked spontaneous light emission spectroscopy (PLSLE)      295 310—312 340 341
Phase-locked transient gratings      324 324f 325f 326
Phase-sensitive detection      99
Phonons      514
Photon echo spectroscopy      4 99 133 295 432 474
Photon echo spectroscopy, accumulated, unified theory for      295 314—315
Photon echo spectroscopy, accumulated, unified theory for, with incoherent light sources      316—317
Photon echo spectroscopy, impulsive      301—304 302f
Photon echo spectroscopy, impulsive, Brownian oscillator analysis of      304—306 307f—310f 308 310
Photon echo spectroscopy, term, use of      304
Photon echo spectroscopy, three-pulse      295
Photon echo spectroscopy, three-pulse, with homodyne or heterodyne detection      299—301 300f
Photon echo spectroscopy, two-pulse      301
Photon emission rate      265 266
Physical $\delta$ function      129
PIC (pseudoisocyanine bromide)      491 504f 505f
Picosecond pulse shaping techniques      423
Picosecond Raman spectroscopy      413 417—418 430—431
PIER 4 (pressure-induced extra resonance in four-wave mixing)      282
Planck’s constant      16
PLSLE (phase locked spontaneous light emission spectroscopy)      295 310—312 340 341
Poisson bracket      70 257
Poisson distribution      220
Polar medium, dielectric fluctuations, cumulant expansion and      234 236—237
Polariton      515f 515
Polarizability      122 124
Polarizability of molecular assemblies linear      495
Polarizability of molecular assemblies third-order      492 496
Polarizability operator      416
Polarizability, autocorrelation function      199
Polarization      79 83 92 113 164 445—446
Polarization, density      87 87f 93 112 127
Polarization, linear      3
Polarization, multipolar expansion of      83 106—107
Polarization, nonlinear response functions, rotational contribution to      447—450
Polarization, operator      82 84 123 160
Polarization, operator, microscopic definition of      82—83 111
Polarization, optical measurements and      93—103
Polarization, optical measurements and, absorption of weak probe      100—103
Polarization, optical measurements and, heterodyne detection of wave mixing      99—100
Polarization, optical measurements and, linear absorption      94—96
Polarization, optical measurements and, multiwave mixing      96—99 98f
Polarization, polarization-dependent grating signal      451—455 454f 455f
Polarization, scalar product      87
Polarization, second-order      159
Polarization, third-order      4 116 159 433 446 496
Polarization, third-order, nonlinear techniques      see Off-resonance spectroscopy
Polarization, time-dependent      115
Polarization, vector field      85
Polarization, vector, third-order      447—448
Polarization, vibrational contribution to heterodyne-detected transient grating      450—451
Polarization-sensitive techniques      445
Population relaxation      176 181
Population relaxation and pure dephasing      516—517
Population relaxation, matrix      144
Population relaxation, realistic, $x^{(3)}$ with      167—169 168f
Populations      47 134
Populations, damping of      134
Populations, time-dependent      52—53
Positive time ordered exponential      24
Power law, dependence, optical measurements and      3—5
Power — Zienau transformation      84—88 87f
Poynting vector      90
Pressure broadening (collisional broadening)      238
Pressure-induced extra resonance in four-wave mixing (PIER 4)      282
Principal part of integral      38
Probability, conservation of      178 182
Probe absorption for snapshot spectrum      377—382
Probe absorption, field and matter perspective      101—102
Probe difference absorption      327
Probe field amplitude      103
Product of operators, normally ordered      485
Product of operators, trace of      46
Projection operators      177
Projection operators in Liouville space      67—68
Projection operators, definition of      34—35
Projection operators, idempotent      35
Propagation      144
Pseudoisocyanine bromide (PIC)      491 504f 505f
PTCDA (3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride)      480f
Pulse shaping      414
Pump-probe spectroscopy      360 369 376 445
Pump-probe spectroscopy in three-electronic-level system      393—394 394f
Pump-probe spectroscopy in three-electronic-level system, coherent vs. sequential components of      395—396
Pump-probe spectroscopy in three-electronic-level system, interplay of field and matter coherence      399—403
Pump-probe spectroscopy in three-electronic-level system, snapshot limit for      396—399 398f—401f
Pump-probe spectroscopy of GaAs quantum well      370f
Pump-probe spectroscopy, absorption      7 8f
Pump-probe spectroscopy, classical limit      385
Pump-probe spectroscopy, detuning      9f
Pump-probe spectroscopy, doorway-window picture      133
Pump-probe spectroscopy, doorway-window picture, time variables for      375f
Pump-probe spectroscopy, formal expression      373
Pump-probe spectroscopy, Fourier transform relationship with hole-burning      340—343 342f
Pump-probe spectroscopy, impulsive      414
Pump-probe spectroscopy, impulsive, homogeneous broadening limit      335
Pump-probe spectroscopy, impulsive, inhomogeneous broadening and      294 333 335
Pump-probe spectroscopy, impulsive, quantum beats and      328—333 329f—331f 334f 335 335f
Pump-probe spectroscopy, long pulses, vs. electronic dephasing      382—383
Pump-probe spectroscopy, off-resonance      384—385
Pump-probe spectroscopy, phase locking in      312
Pump-probe spectroscopy, phase-locked transient grating and      324
Pump-probe spectroscopy, quantum beats      294—295 305
Pump-probe spectroscopy, resonant impulsive pump      383—384
Pump-probe spectroscopy, sequential      322 326—328 327f 336
Pump-probe spectroscopy, short pulses, vs. nuclear dynamics      382
Pump-probe spectroscopy, short pulses, vs. nuclear dynamics and long vs. electronic dephasing      377—382
Pump-probe spectroscopy, signal generation      4—5
Pump-probe spectroscopy, snapshot spectrum      377—382
Pump-probe spectroscopy, third-order polarization and      116
Pump-probe spectroscopy, time-domain      380
Pump-probe spectroscopy, two-photon absorption      173
Pump-probe spectroscopy, with frequency dispersed detection, wavepacket representation of      407
Pure dephasing      516—517
Pure dephasing and population relaxation      516—517
Pure dephasing, Green function for      519
Pure dephasing, processes      161 179—180
Pure dephasing, rate      149 169 179 187 310 310f
Pure dephasing, relaxation times      181
Pure state      47 49t 52 136 159
Quadratic detection      see Homodyne detection
Quantized transverse electromagnetic field      81
Quantum beats      5 305 333 369 420
Quantum beats, impulsive pump limit and      369
Quantum beats, impulsive pump-probe spectroscopy and      328—333 329f—331f 334f 335 335f
Quantum dynamics in Hilbert space      see Hilbert space
Quantum dynamics in Liouville space      see Liouville space
Quantum electrodynamics, coupled Maxwell — Liouville equations      92—93
Quantum electrodynamics, electrostatic intermolecular interaction and      86—88 87f
Quantum electrodynamics, equations of motion for field      89—90
Quantum electrodynamics, minimal (p.A.) coupling Hamiltonian and      79—84
Quantum electrodynamics, multipolar Hamiltonian and      85—86
Quantum electrodynamics, power-Zienau transformation and      84—85
Quantum electrodynamics, radiation-matter interaction and      79—83
Quantum electrodynamics, semiclassical material equations      90—92
Quantum field, absorption of      262—264 263f
Quantum harmonic oscillator, Hamiltonian for, in Wigner representation      73 74f
Quantum Liouville equation      51
Quantum mechanical average      494
Quantum theory of relaxation      53
Quantum wells      479—480
Quantum wires      479—480
Rabi formula      20
Rabi frequency      20
Rabi oscillations      20—21 183
Radiation fields      114
Radiation fields, degrees of freedom      23
Radiation fields, perturbative expansion      112
Radiation fields, retardation effects      112
Radiation fields, vacuum fluctuations of      261
Radiation fields, weak field approach      112
Radiation-matter interaction      264
Radiation-matter interaction, minimal coupling Hamiltonian and      79—83
Radiation-matter interaction, quantum description of      112 155—156
Radiation-matter interaction, time-dependent      29
Radiative decay      513
Raman excitation, filtering effect using pulse shaping      428
Raman polarization      413
Raman resonance      411
Raman spectroscopy      170 261—262 262f 263f 361
Raman spectroscopy, femtosecond      294 417—418 428
Raman spectroscopy, fluorescence and      271—279 272f 274f—279f
Raman spectroscopy, inhomogeneous broadening and      294
Raman spectroscopy, off-resonant conditions      10
Raman spectroscopy, picosecond      413 417—418 430—431
Raman spectroscopy, probe field in      453
Raman spectroscopy, stationary      294
Raman spectroscopy, timescales for      412
Raman spectroscopy, two-dimensional      435—436
Reduced density operator      134 356
Reduced description      132
Reduced doorway wavepacket      429
Reduced equations of motion, for Liouville space wavepackets      357—359
Reference frequency for spectral moments      193 194
Reference nuclear configuration      210
Reflection      3 144
Refraction      3 144
Relaxation      12 131
Relaxation of population      177—178
Relaxation, homogeneous broadening      169
Relaxation, inhomogeneous broadening      169
Relaxation, matrix, conservation of probability and      178
Relaxation, matrix, criteria for      178
Relaxation, model      168
Relaxation, rates      38 143 230
Relaxation, superoperator      68 163 179
Relaxation, superoperator, calculation      144 176—180
Relaxed fluorescence      250
Relaxed fluorescence, lineshapes      233f
Relaxed fluorescence, spectrum      220 220f
Relevant polarization      130
Renormalized perturbation theory      162
Resonance frequency      151
Resonant coherent Raman spectroscopy      279—285 280f 284f see
Resonant fluorescence anisotropy      446
Resonant gratings      321—322
Resonant impulsive pump      383—384
Resonant techniques      see also Specific resonant techniques
Resonant techniques vs. off-resonant techniques      7 9—10 10f—12f 12—13
Resorufin, absorption and emission spectra      308 308f
Resorufin, photon echo signal      308 309f
Response functions      112
Response functions of multilevel manifold with relaxation      149—151 152f—158f 153—159
Response functions of two-level model      209
Response functions, calculation methods      209
Response functions, classical correlation functions and      242 257—258
Response functions, linear      94 150
Response functions, nth-order      445
Response functions, second-order      150 170—171
Response functions, second-order, cumulant expansion      213
Response functions, second-order, Liouville space coupling for      156f
Response functions, semiclassical expansion      211
Response functions, single-particle, macroscopic susceptibilities and      127
Response functions, small particle, correlation function expressions for      111—118 115f
Response functions, third-order      150 203 210
Response functions, third-order, cumulant expansion      213
Response functions, third-order, Hilbert vs. Liouville space representation of      196—199 197f
Response functions, wavevector dependence of      112
Rhodamine, fluorescence excitation spectrum      194 195f
Rhodopsin, isomerization dynamics      370f
Rigid rotor      17
Rontgen current      90
Rotating wave approximation (RWA)      296 366 375 411 418 446 495
Rotating wave approximation for coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy      281 285
Rotating wave approximation, Bloch equations and      169 181 183
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