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Mukamel S. — Principles of nonlinear spectroscopy |
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Green function, anharmonic oscillator picture and 513
Green function, one-exciton 487
Green function, one-sided Fourier transform 120
Green function, partitioning of 35—36
Green function, poles of 65
Green function, retarded 34 64
Green function, single particle 495 496
Green function, single-exciton 492
Green function, tetradic, in Liouville space 446
Green function, time domain, in Hilbert space vs. Liouville space 581
Green function, time evolution of Liouville space-generating function and 355
Green function, two-exciton 487 499
Green function, two-exciton, scattering matrix expression for 493 518—519
Green function, zero-order 65 518
Ground state 192 226—227 236 271
Ground state, density operator, classical 241
Ground state, electronic polarizability 384
Ground state, fluctuations 192
Ground state, global 483
Ground state, potential surface 199
Ground state, propagation 411
Ground state, vibronic manifold 245
Haken — Strobl model 509 510 517
Hamiltonian 12 56 218 245
Hamiltonian for dephasing 134 169
Hamiltonian for two electronic level system 189 210 448
Hamiltonian in interaction picture 26—30
Hamiltonian, adiabatic 189 349—350 394
Hamiltonian, bath 176
Hamiltonian, Brownian oscillator or Spin — Boson 226
Hamiltonian, canonical transformation 84
Hamiltonian, classical 69 257
Hamiltonian, effective 36 39 68 91 182 414
Hamiltonian, effective matrix 495
Hamiltonian, effective, for doorway state 441—443
Hamiltonian, effective, for Raman scattering 424—430
Hamiltonian, eigenfunctions, basis set for 51
Hamiltonian, eigenstates of 17 65 148
Hamiltonian, excited-state 169
Hamiltonian, expectation value of 100
Hamiltonian, free radiation-field 81
Hamiltonian, Frenkel exciton 471 483
Hamiltonian, ground-state 169 191—192 212 383
Hamiltonian, hermiticity of 25
Hamiltonian, material 29 85 114 471
Hamiltonian, minimal coupling 79—83 80—83 84
Hamiltonian, minimal coupling, partitioning of 84
Hamiltonian, molecular 85 394
Hamiltonian, multilevel 149
Hamiltonian, multimode Brownian oscillator 434
Hamiltonian, multipolar 84—88 87f 91
Hamiltonian, nuclear, operator form for 190
Hamiltonian, nuclear, vibrational 433
Hamiltonian, p.A 84
Hamiltonian, partitioning of 29 36 61 176
Hamiltonian, partitioning of, for Wigner — Weisskopf problem 36—37
Hamiltonian, periodic 31
Hamiltonian, radiation field 86 494
Hamiltonian, reference 192 200 211 350
Hamiltonian, reference, for coherence periods 206—207
Hamiltonian, reference, for semiclassical expansion of coherence, Green function 199—200 204—205
Hamiltonian, rotational part of 448
Hamiltonian, semiclassical 91 92 100 112 471
Hamiltonian, Spin — Boson see Brownian oscillator model stochastic
Hamiltonian, time-dependent 60—61
Hamiltonian, time-dependent, propagation with 23f 23—25 24f
Hamiltonian, time-independent 23 59
Hamiltonian, time-independent, retarded Green function for 64
Hamiltonian, time-independent, with time-evolution operator 15—22
Hamiltonian, total 49 113 483 493
Hamiltonian, vibronic part of 448
Hamiltonian, zero-order 62 139 177
Harmonic model for nuclear motions 226
Harmonic oscillators 17 163 164 233
Hartree — Fock approximation 514
Heavyside step function 32 114
Heisenberg equations 88 94 139 425 472
Heisenberg equations for material operator 90—92
Heisenberg equations for polarization 144
Heisenberg equations, general solution, Green function in 139
Heisenberg equations, nonlinear response and 481—482 484 485
Heisenberg equations, nonlinear response function calculations 160—162
Heisenberg equations, radiation-matter interactions and 80 81 82
Heisenberg operator 417
Heisenberg picture 30 63 117 139 140 411
Heisenberg picture, advantages of 470
Heisenberg picture, dipole coupling in 139
Heisenberg picture, expectation value of operator 469
Heisenberg picture, local-field approximation and 483
Heisenberg picture, nonlinear response function calculations 139—140
Heisenberg uncertainty 265 501
Heitler — London approximation 476 489 493—494
Heitler — London approximation, dipole-dipole interaction in 483
Helmholtz theorem 94 104—105
Hermite polynomials 73
Hermitian conjugates 21—22 45 48 59 75 360 374
Hermitian conjugates in Hilbert space vs. Liouville space 58f
Hermitian conjugates in response function calculation 140
Hermitian conjugates of arbitrary Liouville space operator 66
Hermitian conjugates of product of Liouville space operators 66
Hermitian conjugates, doorway state 442
Hermitian conjugates, impulsive photon echoes and 303
Hermitian conjugates, infinitesimal evolution operator and 25
Hermitian conjugates, interaction picture and 29 61 62
Hermitian conjugates, Liouville space-generating function and 346
Hermitian conjugates, tetradic notation and 55
Hermitian conjugates, third-order response function and 198
Hermitian conjugates, time evolution of density operator and 51
Hermiticity in Liouville space 66—67
Hermiticity of density operator 40t 47
Heterodyne detection 99 127 321 413
Heterodyne detection and Raman spectroscopy see Pump-probe spectroscopy
Heterodyne detection of optical Kerr 445
Heterodyne detection of transient grating, vibrational contribution to 450—451
Heterodyne detection of wave mixing, polarization and 99—100
Heterodyne detection, advantages of 445
Heterodyne detection, intrinsic 100
Heterodyne Raman measurements 446
Heterodyne-detected stimulated photon echo (HSPE) 299—301 300f 312
Heterodyne-detected stimulated photon echo in-phase and in-quadrature signals 341
Hilbert space 76 116 117 147
Hilbert space, basis set of functions 54
Hilbert space, coherence vs. population dynamics in 199
Hilbert space, completeness condition for 16 56
Hilbert space, definition of 15 41
Hilbert space, density operator in 76
Hilbert space, Green functions and causality in 31—34
Hilbert space, interaction picture 26—30 63
Hilbert space, Magnus expansion and 30—31
Hilbert space, multitime correlation functions 143
Hilbert space, nonlinear response in 136—138
Hilbert space, notation 347
Hilbert space, operator 265
Hilbert space, operator, Liouville space vector for 55
Hilbert space, orthonormal basis set for 16
Hilbert space, outer products of vectors 56
Hilbert space, projection operators, reduced equations of motion and effective Hamiltonians 34—39 37f
Hilbert space, second-order response form 119
Hilbert space, third-order response function representation, vs. Liouville space representation 196—199 197f
Hilbert space, time evolution operator and 25—26
Hilbert space, time ordering and 23f 23—25 24f
Hilbert space, time-evolution operator with time-independent Hamiltonians and 15—22
Hilbert space, unit operator in, Wigner representation and 72
Hilbert space, vs. Liouville space 58f
Hilbert space, wavefunction, nonlinear response function calculations 159—160
Hilbert space, wavefunction, time evolution of 55
Hole-burning spectroscopy 4 133 321—322 336—338 372f 388
Hole-burning spectroscopy of protoporphyrin-IX substituted myoglobulin 371f
Hole-burning spectroscopy, Fourier transform relationship with pump-probe spectroscopy 340—343 342f
Hole-burning spectroscopy, inhomogeneous broadening and 294
| Hole-burning spectroscopy, lineshapes 338
Hole-burning spectroscopy, persistent 388
Hole-burning spectroscopy, phase locking in pump probe spectroscopy and 312
Hole-burning spectroscopy, spectral diffusion and 385—389 387f 389f
Hole-burning spectroscopy, time-dependent Stokes shift 372
Hole-burning spectroscopy, time-resolved 369 371
Homodyne detection 413
Homodyne detection for coherent Raman scattering 415
Homodyne detection with off-resonant picosecond Raman measurements 445
Homodyne detection, echo techniques 303
Homogeneous broadening 169—173 188 293
Homogeneous broadening in frequency domain 343
Homogeneous broadening, cumulant expansion and 223
Homogeneous broadening, impulsive pump-probe spectroscopy 335
Homogeneous broadening, Lorentzian 338
Homogeneous broadening, microscopic definition of 144 172
Homogeneous broadening, overdamped Brownian oscillator model and 389—391 391f—393f
Homogeneous broadening, photon echo spectroscopy and 304
Homogeneous broadening, pure dephasing rate and 187
Homogeneous broadening, selective elimination 133
Homogeneous dephasing 290
Homogeneous medium, of noninteracting particles 127—128
HSPE (heterodyne-detected stimulated photon echo) 299—301 300f
HSPE in-phase and in-quadrature signals 341
Huang — Rhys factor 218 221 333
Hydrogen atom 17
Hyperpolarizability 122 462 479
ICN photodissociation 397—398 398f 399f 405
Idempotent projection operators 35
Impulsive (femtosecond) coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy 420 421f
Impulsive limit 301
Impulsive photon echoes 301—304 302f
Impulsive Raman spectroscopy 412 412f 414 431
In-phase component 453
In-quadrature component 453
Incoherent accumulated photon echo 317
Incoherent driving limit 183 184
Incoherent measurements 111n
Incoherent photon echo 295
Incoherent scattering 4f
Incoming field 261 265
Incoming photon flux 269
Index of refraction 95
Infinitesimal evolution operator 25—26
Inhomogeneous broadening 187 223 293 503
Inhomogeneous broadening elimination 295
Inhomogeneous broadening elimination in homodyne echo techniques 303 321 503
Inhomogeneous broadening elimination, selective 289—290 291f—293 292—295
Inhomogeneous broadening in frequency domain 343
Inhomogeneous broadening in simulation of optical response functions 289
Inhomogeneous broadening of absorption and fluorescence lineshapes 386
Inhomogeneous broadening, definition of 294
Inhomogeneous broadening, Gaussian profile of 292
Inhomogeneous broadening, heterodyne detection and 321
Inhomogeneous broadening, hole-burning spectroscopy and 337
Inhomogeneous broadening, impulsive pump-probe spectroscopy 333 335
Inhomogeneous broadening, limits of 188 311
Inhomogeneous broadening, multimode Brownian oscillator model and 209—210 243
Inhomogeneous broadening, spectral diffusion and 201—203
Inhomogeneous distribution function, of electronic transition frequency 290
Inner product of two vectors 41—42
Integral, principal part of 38
Intensity-dependent index of refraction 174
Interaction picture 115
Interaction picture in Liouville space 61—63
Interaction picture, Heisenberg picture and 30
Interaction picture, operators 200
Interaction picture, quantum dynamics in Hilbert space and 26—30
Interaction picture, Schroedinger picture and 27 29—30
Intermediate dephasing 169—173
Intermediate dephasing, microscopic definition 144
Intermediate size systems 188
Intermolecular potential 85 86
Intramolecular vibrational redistribution (IVR) 329f
Intramolecular vibrations 217
Invariance, of trace 46
Iodine, phase-locked spontaneous emission 313f
Iodobenzene, Raman transient, nuclear part of optical heterodyne for 412—413 413f
Isolated particle, linear response, in Hilbert space 143
Isolated particle, linear response, Liouville space Green functions for 143
Isomerization 369
Isotropic medium 269
IVR (intramolecular vibrational redistribution) 329f
J aggregates 481 503 504f 505f
Jahn Teller systems 210
k space see Momentum space (k space)
Ket 46 134 136
Ket in Hilbert space 21 22
Ket in Hilbert space vs. Liouville space 58t
Ket in phase space 71—72
Ket, Liouville space pathways and 148 149
Ket, time derivative of density operator and 50
Kramers — Heisenberg formula 420
Kramers — Kronig relation 143 322
Kramers — Kronig relation, linear response and 144—146 147f
Kramers — Kronig relation, response functions and 322
Kroenecker delta 228 470
Lamb shift 495
Landau — Ginzburg equation of second-order phase transitions 473
Langevin equations 233
Langevin equations for Liouville wavepackets 357 358 359
Langevin equations, classical 242
Langevin equations, generalized 228
Langevin equations, rotational 458
Langevin random force and friction 358
Legendre polynomial, second-order 453
Levy walks 224
Light propagation, linear polarization and 3
Line broadening mechanisms see also Homogeneous broadening Inhomogeneous
Line broadening mechanisms, homogeneous vs. inhomogeneous 133
Line narrowing techniques see Fluorescence line
Linear absorption 111 233f
Linear absorption, lineshape for 262—263
Linear absorption, moments of 193—196 195f
Linear absorption, polarization and 94—96
Linear equations, in Hilbert space vs. Liouville space 58t
Linear optical measurements, linear response function 118
Linear optical spectroscopy, density operator and 76
Linear optics 116
linear polarization 3 116 122
Linear polarization in frequency domain 495
Linear response functions 94 150
Linear response in Liouville space 147—149
Linear response of two electronic level system 189f 189—192
Linear response, Kramers — Kronig relations and 144—146 147f
Linear response, Liouville space-generating function for 346
Linear spectroscopy, semiclassical approximations 192
Linear spectroscopy, vs. nonlinear spectroscopy 3—5
Linear vector spaces, and operators 40—42
Linearly independent vectors 41
Liouville equation for density operator 143—144 441
Liouville equation with pure dephasing rate 187
Liouville equation, classical 70—75
Liouville equation, coupled with Maxwell equation 92—93
Liouville equation, matrix elements 53—54
Liouville equation, optical Bloch equations and 181
Liouville equation, quantum 51 59
Liouville equation, Schroedinger equation and 57
Liouville equation, semiclassical 94
Liouville equation, time-ordered expansion of 62
Liouville equation, total Hamiltonian and 113
Liouville equation, Wigner transform and 75
Liouville space 13 42 117
Liouville space and tetradic notation 53—58 58t
Liouville space pathways 112 211 223 282 323 340 501
Liouville space pathways for nonlinear response functions 149 394f 394—395
Liouville space pathways for nonlinear response functions, generation of 347—349
Liouville space pathways for nonlinear response functions, rotational contribution to 446 448
Liouville space pathways for spontaneous light emission processes 267 268f
Liouville space pathways for three-pulse time-domain four-wave mixing 296 296f
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