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Truesdell C.A., Wang C.C. — Rational Thermodynamics |
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Kinetic theory of gases 407—476 see "Maxwell's "Statistical
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, assumptions, collision operators 410 411 413
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, assumptions, Maxwell — Boltzmann equation 410 411
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, basic concepts, boundary conditions 409 443—446
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, basic concepts, entropy, flux of entropy 417 443
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, basic concepts, gross quantities, relations 433
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, basic concepts, molecular density 407
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, basic concepts, moments 434 454—459
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, basic concepts, number density, mass density 407 408
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, basic concepts, pressure, temperature 409
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, basic concepts, pressure-tensor, energetic, heating flux 408
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, basic concepts, stream velocity 408
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, comparison with Navier — Stokes — Fourier theory 409 410 448 449 464
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, equilibrium, gross 452 456 461
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, equilibrium, local (kinetic) 415 452
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, general theorems, consistency with continuum mechanics 413—415
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, general theorems, equation of transfer 413
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, general theorems, H-theorem 23 415—419 446 473 475
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, general theorems, thermodynamic statements 442—449
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, Maxwellian molecules, comparison with iterative approximations 471—473
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, Maxwellian molecules, definition 452
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, Maxwellian molecules, diffusion matrix for mixtures 384—386
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, Maxwellian molecules, dissipation 473—475
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, Maxwellian molecules, dominant part 451 467
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, Maxwellian molecules, general pressures 465—467
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, Maxwellian molecules, Ikenberry's theorem 455 456
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, Maxwellian molecules, instability of energy flux 472
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, Maxwellian molecules, Maxwell's relaxation theorem 452 453 455
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, Maxwellian molecules, oscillatory part 467
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, Maxwellian molecules, proof of trend to equilibrium 456—457
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, Maxwellian molecules, rate of approach to equilibrium 456—459
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, Maxwellian molecules, relaxation theorems 465—467 474
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, Maxwellian molecules, solution for simple shearing 462—475
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, Maxwellian molecules, viscometric functions 468—470
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, nature and history 16—18 27 383 405 406 420—424
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, special classes of solutions, asymptotic 439 440
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, special classes of solutions, dominant 451
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, special classes of solutions, Enskog's 421 436 439 448 471
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, special classes of solutions, gas-dynamic 422 519
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, special classes of solutions, grossly determined 433—437 520
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, special classes of solutions, Hilbert's 421 448
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, special classes of solutions, Ikenberry Truesdell's 471 472
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, special classes of solutions, iterative approximations to the foregoing, Hilbert's 421 448
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, special classes of solutions, locally Maxwellian 414 415
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, special classes of solutions, Muncaster's 437—440 448 449
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, transport coefficients, higher coefficients 448 449
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, transport coefficients, Maxwell number 439
Kinetic theory of gases, general aspects, transport coefficients, viscosity 409 439
Kinetic theory of gases, role as example of coarse-fine theory pairs 517—521
Kinetic-Statistical line 16 18 19 28
Kinetics, chemical 363 364 see
Kipp, Marlin E. 302 320 325
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert 17 18 41 110 336
Kirkwood, John Gamble 387 403
Klute, Arnold 326 328—332 337 341
Korteweg, Diederick Johannes 216
Kosinski, W. 215 218
Krambeck, Frederick John 363
Kreuzer, H.J. 526 544
Krischer, Otto 337
Kubo, Ryogo 393
La Penha, Guilherme Mauricio Souza Marcos de 12 105 129 352 544 555
Lagrange multipliers, Liu's 264 269
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis 185
Lahey, Richard Thomas, Jr. 246 247 262 290 303 316 324
Lamb vector 333
Lambert, Johann Heinrich 3 4
Landau, Lev Davidovich 281—285 505 508
Lapidus, L. 364
Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de 3 4 6 7 39 104 157 185
Latent heat of fusion, evaporation 5
Latent heat of pressure 85 88
Latent heat of volume, expansion 3 5 85 88
Lavine, Richard Bergt xiii xv 43 123 126 127 158 524 526 543 547 555
Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent 3 4 6
Laws of thermodynamics 13 71 72 78 545 see "Second
Lax, Peter David 217 218
Leaf, Boris 55
Leal, Leslie Gray 311 323
Lehner, Florian Konrad 331
Leslie, Frank Matthew 294 322
Lessen, Martin J. 366
Leverett, Miles Corrington 332
Levy, T. 331
Li, Y. 208
Linear continuation 74 145 359
Linearized theories, various 245 246 248 249 252 253 256 257 279—284
Liu, I-Shih xiii xv 264 265 269 284 331 333 363 386 432
Locally Maxwellian solution 414 415
Lykov, Aleksei Vasilievich 337
MacCamy, Richard C. 212 218
Mach, Ernst 19 25 54 83 86 522 523 527 544
Machlup, Stefan 373
Magnetic fields 373 378 392
Malek-Madani, Reza xi 217 218
Man, Chi-Sing vii 43 48 526 544
Marie, C.M. 333
Martins, Luiz Carlos 509 516
Mason, Stanley George 303 310 323
Mass action 274
Mass density, peculiar, material 287 291
Mass density, peculiar, partial (bulk) 220 239 265 287 291 326 327
Mass density, single media 107 220
Mass density, true 239 240 326 327
Mass fraction 220 327
Mass, conservation 107 224 328 329 353
Mass, growth 222—227 230 265 266 328 353
Mass-point 63—65
material see "Constitutive axioms etc."
Material point see "Mass point" "Particle"
Material symmetry see "Crystalline symmetries" "Isotropy" "Symmetries"
Material-specific variables 301
Materials, classification 211—218
Mathematics in kinetic theory 424 425
Mathematics, nature of 2
Mathematics, role in physical theory 59 60 63 64 78 79
Matsumura, A. 212 218
Maximum entropy 21 443
Maxwell number 439
Maxwell — Boltzmann equation 410 411 413 416 427—431 442
Maxwell's relaxation theorem 452 453 455 474
Maxwell's second kinetic theory 16 17 405 406 442 See
Maxwell's theorem on singular surfaces 173 334
Maxwell, James Clerk xvii 5 16—18 23 27 44 173 174 226 228 231 360 370 371 376 382 384 405—407 410 411 413—415 419 422 424 425 430 433 434 437 442 443 445 446 452—455 457 458 464 467 470 473 474
Maxwellian iteration 471 472
Maxwellian kinetic theory see "Kinetic theory"
Maxwellian molecules 452
Mayer Julius Robert 2 100
Mazur, Peter 158 276 277 285 375 378 379 384 387 388 392 393
McCarthy, Mathew F. 203
McKean, Henry Pratt, Jr. 459
McTigue, David Francis 302 316 320 325
Mechanical equivalent of a unit of heat in cyclic processes 8 102 546
Mechanical equivalent of a unit of heat in isothermal processes 8 100
Mechanics, classical 63—65 see
Medeiros, Luis Adauto da Justa 12 105 129 544 555
Meixner's theorem 339 381 382
Meixner, Josef 54 276 285 338 339 381 382 394 403
Messiah, A. 541 544
Metaphysical principles see "Mixtures metaphysical
Meyer, Richard Ernst 325
Microscopic reversibility 373 375 376
Microstructure 159 168 287 292—294 313
Mikhailov, Yuriy Anan'yevich 337
Miller, Donald Gabriel 371 375 378 380 403
Mindlin, Raymond David 294 322
Minimum free energy 143 see
Mixtures 197—202 205—208 219—364 370—372 385 386
Mixtures, chemical see "Chemical reactions"
Mixtures, constrained 239 296—298
| Mixtures, dilute 228 229 385 386
Mixtures, immiscible 254—262
Mixtures, kinetic theory 289 290 294 384—386 391
Mixtures, miscible 251—254
Mixtures, multiphase 247 260 286—325
Mizel, Victor Julius 122 156 359 509 516
Modal logic 527
Molar concentration 355
Molar growth 355
Molecular density, general 407
Molecular density, Maxwellian 414
Molecular density, moments of 434
Molecules see also "Statistical mechanics"
Molecules, chemical 353 354
Molecules, kinetic theory 383—386 407 410 411 413 431 433
Molecules, phoney 83
Moment of momentum see "Momentum"
Moments see "Molecular density moments
Momentum, balance of 108 174 177 178 223—225 265 266 386
Momentum, growth of 222—224 265 266 292 293 295 298
Morgenstern, Dietrich 459
Moses 448
Motion, general 107
Motion, peculiar 219 220 290
Mueller's theories of mixtures 231—235 264—285
Mueller, Ingo ix xiii xv 157 228 231—235 264 265 270 279 281 284 285 297 322 333 363 379 386 420 429—432 439
Multiphase mixtures, density rate theories 317—321
Multiphase mixtures, momentum diffusion theories 316 317
Multiphase mixtures, thermodynamic theory 247 260 286—313 321—325
Multiphase mixtures, traditional theories 313—316
Muncaster, Robert Gary xiv xvi 16 386 405 431 432 436 437 440 441 448 449 451 459 476 519 520
Murray, J.D. 302 309 322
Muskat, Morris 332
Naghdi, Paul Mansour 165 170 228 231
Nariboli, Gundo A. 189
Navier — Stokes — Fourier theory of fluids 72 113 114 143 175 176 188 369 370 383 387 409 410 421 426—428 430—432 448 449 464 465
Navier, Claude-Louis-Marie-Henri 188 387 407 424
Neumann, Carl Gottfried 110
Newton's Third Law 370
Newton, Isaac 1 2 43 53 59 79 157 185 374 427
Nishida, T. 212 218
Nohel, John Adolf 212 218
Noll, Walter vii viii 7 29 44 72 81 82 122 129 144 155 156 188 221 230 232 235 296 298 304 316 319 322 363 367 369 397—399 468 469 473 509 545 554
Non-conductor of heat 187 195 212
Normal solution see "Kinetic theory special
Norrie, Douglas H. 325
Nowacki, Witold 246 262
Number density 407
Nunziato, Jace William xiii xvi 193 197 200 286 288—291 295 297 298 301—303 306 311 317 320 324 325
Oden, John Tinsley 325
Ogg, Alexander 23
Oilfields 337
Oleinik, Olga 217 218
Oliver, Marion C. 346 352
Onat, Emin Turan 157
Onsager relations, alleged 276 277 373—396 402—404
Onsager relations, inconsistency for fields 380 381
Onsager relations, kinetic theory 383—386
Onsager relations, statistical basis 373—376 391
Onsager, Lars 158 373—376 378 390 403
Onsagerism see also "Irreversible thermodynamics"
Onsagerism, practice 379—381 402—404
Onsagerism, summary 391 392
Onsagerists 374 527
Orwell, George 9
Oscillatory part 467
Owen, David Ross xiv xvi 43 127 155 547 554 555
Painleve, Paul 527 544
Paolucci, Dominic 191
Particle, Material point 107 220
Partington, James Riddick 47 111 314 321
passive 506
Passman, Stephen Lee xiii xvi 105 286 288 289 298 302 310 320 324 325
Path 87 see
Peano, Giuseppe 89
Peculiar 220 344 see peculiar" "Motion peculiar" "Stress peculiar" "Temperature peculiar" "Velocity peculiar"
Perfect deformations 114 115
Perpetual motion 155
Perroux, Keith M. 329 343
Phase separation 300 301
Phases 326—330
Phenomenological coefficients 377 see
Philip, John Robert 337 338
Physical laws 64 72
Physics 59
Pippard, A.B. 531 544
Pitteri, Mario Giulio xiv xvi 50 53 85 86 91 523 526—528 530 535 536 540 544
Planck inequality 112 114—117 148 152 156 360 see "Clausius
Planck, Max xvi 19 23—25 31 37 38 43 69 71 104 112 113 115 117
Podio-Guidugli, Paolo xii xv 159—161 169 170 287 289 296 323 324
Podstrigac, J.C. 246 262
Poincare, Jules Henri 375 452
Poisson's condition 174
Poisson, Simeon Denis 7 44 174 373 387 407
Pore pressures 260
Porous media 254—262 286 302 332—334 see
Possibility 527 542
Potentials see "Chemical potentials" "Thermodynamic "Upper
Powders 286
Power 109 see balance "Stress "Thermodynamics First "Working"
Power, Henry 3 99
Pre-thermometer 531
Preparation of a system 541 542
Pressure, configuration 304
Pressure, interface 297
Pressure, scalar 3 73—77 83 88 304
Pressure, tensor 408 see
Prigogine, Ilya 387 439
Primitive quantities 63—65
Problems of thermodynamics 61 72 80 121
Process class 162 165 166
Process, actual 529
Process, adiabatic 6 70 73 77 89 139 415 see isocaloric"
Process, basic 131
Process, calorodynamic in mixtures 222 358
Process, calorodynamic in single media 68 120 160
Process, constant 149 150
Process, cyclic 4 8—11 116 131 485 545—555
Process, discontinuous 212—214
Process, equilibrium 305
Process, general 5 20 32 127 129
Process, homogeneous 4 6 25 62—78 82—104 150
Process, irreversible 36 37 45 67 70 76 77 80 157 see
Process, isocaloric 70 73 77 114 see adiabatic"
Process, isothermal 5 70 89 115
Process, natural 24
Process, possible 529
Process, quasi-static 22 32 36 37 51 79 80 see
Process, reversible 5 21 22 69 70 73 77 88 106 124 133 135 140 415
Process, thermodynamic in mixtures 268
Process, thermodynamic in single media 68 80 87
Process, thermokinetic in mixtures 229 300 358
Process, thermokinetic in single media 66 68 120 142 160 211
Process-reaction pair 163
Production see "Growths"
Propagation conditions 184 185
Propagation, speed of 193
Propellants 286
Quadratic continuation 359
Quasi-elastic response 149 181—183
Raats, Pieter A.C. xiii xvi 326—343
Radiation of heat 3 43 see
Ralston, Terrance D. 318 323
Rankin, Robert L. 209 254 263
Rankine, William John Macquorn 8—10 82 84 104
Rarity, B.H.S. 189
Rate type, theories of 432
Rate-independence 5 88
Rational theories 30
Ray, Willis Harmon 364
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