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Truesdell C.A., Wang C.C. — Rational Thermodynamics |
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"Curie's principle" 379 387—391 See
"Forces and fluxes" 276 277 377—382 385 402 403
"Gas laws" 3 408 409
"Gibbs equation" 274
"Gibbs — Duhem equation" 274
"Hamilton's extended principle" 318—320
"Irreversible thermodynamics", linear ("TIP") 41 225 229 234 265 276—279 337—339 373—383 386—395 402—404 526
"Operational" definitions 78 548
"Proper choice" of variables 382 402 403
"Quasi-static" see "Process quasi-static"
Acceleration See also "Acceleration waves" "Acoustics" "Singular
Acceleration waves in mixtures 246 253 257
Acceleration waves in viscous fluids 175 176
Acceleration waves, elastic type 176—180 183—190
Acceleration waves, general 171—174 208—210
Acceleration waves, homocaloric 184—186
Acceleration waves, homothermal 177 178 184—186 188
Acceleration waves, propagation conditions 184 185
Acceleration waves, quasi-elastic 182 183
Acceleration, general 108
Acceleration, peculiar 219 220
Accessibility 51 52 91 480
Accumulation function 15 486 487
Acoustic axes, numbers, tensors 184—186
Acoustics See also "Acceleration waves" "Acoustic "Linearized
Acoustics in mixtures 279—284
Acoustics of materials with memory 176—190
Acoustics, classical 157 171 186
Acoustics, equivalence theorem 185
Additivity 5 88 510
Adiabatic expansion in kinetic theory 414 415
Adiabatic process See "Process adiabatic" "Process isocaloric"
Adiabats 6
Adkins, John E. 247 263 303 322
Admissibility criteria, entropy 214
Admissibility criteria, entropy rate 216 217
Admissibility criteria, shock 216 217
Admissibility criteria, viscosity 215—217
Affinity, chemical 198 360 361
Allen, S.W. 505 508
Amontons, Guillaume 99
Amplitude, critical 188—190 195 208
Amplitude, definition 174
Amplitude, growth and decay of 188—190 195 199
Amplitude, shock 195 196 199 203
Amundson, Neil Russell 364
Anderson, T.B. 246 262 302 322
Anholonomic 164
Anisotropic fluids 369 379
Approximate cycles 547
Archimedes 62
Area-bounded 510
Aris, Rutherford Anthony 41 354 364
Arkeryd, Leif 459
Armstrong, R.C. 288
Astarita, Giovanni viii
Atkin, Raymond J. 236
Atomic substances, permanence of 353—356
atoms 353 354
Axioms See also "Constitutive axioms" "Thermometric "Union
Axioms in general 63 78
Axioms of fading memory 145 146 150 151 153 176—179
Axioms of mechanics, mixtures 221—224 230
Axioms of mechanics, single media 64 65 107—109
Axioms of thermodynamics, homogeneous processes of Appendix 1A 86 88 92 96 100 103
Axioms of thermodynamics, homogeneous processes of Caratheodory 25 26 49—56
Axioms of thermodynamics, homogeneous processes of Lecture 1 64 65 67 68
Axioms of thermodynamics, mixtures 226 227
Axioms of thermodynamics, single deformable media 120 145 146 482—490 503—516 550—553
Baer, Melvin R. 302 320 325
Bagnold, Ralph Alger 310 321
Bailey, Paul Bernard 209 288 302 310 324 325
Balance, principles of general 292
Balance, principles of mixtures 223 238 264—266 287 292—295 331 344 386
Balance, principles of single media 108—110 191 192 213
Balanced 511
Ballistic energy 39 40 507
Band, W. 191
Barends, F.B.J. 343
Batchelor, George Keith 311 323
Bdzil, J. 202
Bear, Jacob 323
Becker, Ernst 189
Bedford, Anthony 246 263 290 293 297 313 317—321
Benthien, George W. 318 323
Bergmann, Peter Gabriel 27
Bernoulli equation 208 209
Bernoulli, Daniel 16 18
Bernstein, Barry 50 51
Bethe, Hans Albrecht 191 193
Bharatha, Subramanyam 50 51 53 85 91 93 98 99 101 105 106 522 523 525 544 547 555
Bi-additive See "Additivity"
Biot, Jean-Baptiste 3 4
Biot, Maurice Anthony 246 249 262
Bird, Robert Byron 379 384 388 392 402
Birkhoff, George David 62
Black, Joseph 3 4 85
Bland, D.R. 191
body 63—65 68 78 107 286 345 509 526 547
Body force 72 108 435
Body heating 110 117 221 227 228 513
Boltzmann's irreversibility lemma 415 416
Boltzmann's theory of visco-elasticity 188
Boltzmann, Ludwig 18 19 23 27 31 188 376 411 413 415—419 422 424 437 439 442 446 448 452 473
Bopp, Friedrich Arnold 54
Born, Max 33 34 36 49 55 56
Bound for heating 67—69 77
Bound for work done 102 103
Bowen's theory of chemical reactions 358—363
Bowen, Ray M. ix xiii xv 81 147 149 181 185 197 201—203 205 207 209 225 226 231 236—238 241 242 246 248 250 251 253—255 257 258 260—263 289 290 297 298 303 305 313 323 329 354 358—360 362
Boyle, Robert 3 99
Boyling, J.B. 12 50 525 543
Bressan, Aldo 527—529 543
Breuer, Shlomo 157
Bridgman, Percy Williams 30 35—38
Brownian motion 311
Bryan, George Hartley 30 31 34 35 41 52 102
Bubble equation, Rayleigh's 312 313
bubbles See "Suspensions dilute"
Buckingham, Edgar 332
Buckley 332
Buerger, Wolfgang 189
Bunge, Mario Augusto 27
Buoyancy 331
Burnett, David 437 439
Cahn, John Werner 505 508
Caloric See also "Entropy" "Equation
Caloric in kinetic theory 415 416 473—475
Caloric theory of heat 6 7 111
Caloric, definition 111
Caloric, flux 232
Caloric, growth 226 372 379
Caloric, supply 232
Calorimetry 3 5 13 88
Calory 68 69 111 225 376 377 417 See
Capillary pressures 260
Capriz, Gianfranco xii xiv 159 160 169 170 287 324
Caratheodory's failure 49—57
Caratheodory, Constantin 1 25 26 28 31 33—36 49—56 91 104 523—525 528 543
Carleman, Tage Gillis Torsten 416 459
Carleson, Lennart Axel Edward 416
Carlson, Donald Earle 494 501
Carnot cycle, process 4 7 14 15 89—93 133 137 138 551
Carnot line 4 10 17
Carnot web 89 90 93
Carnot — Clapeyron Theorem 7 94
Carnot's function 4 7 94
Carnot's General Axiom ("theorem") 92 547
Carnot's program 6 48
Carnot, Nicolas Leonard Sadi 4 6—10 12 14 15 33 47 48 50 53 55 82 83 86 91—95 97 99 104 506 523 543 552
| Cary, John W. 337
Casimir, Hendrik, Brugt Gerhard 373—376 378 392
Cauchy's laws of motion 108 177 178
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis 16 108 110 319 321 373 379 386 390 407
Causes and effects See "Determinism"
Cercignani, Carlo 446
Cesari, Lamberto 213
Chain rules 146 147 156 179 180
Chapman see "Enskog"
Chapman — Jouguet model 202
Chapman, Sydney 202 384 433 437 439
Chavez, Florence 321
Chavez, P.F. 302 320 325
Chemical affinity 198 360 361
Chemical kinetics 363 364
Chemical potentials 228 229 234 239 272
Chemical reactions 197—205 237 238 274 302 353—364
Chen, Peter James xiii xv 190 191 193 195 197 200 201—203 205 207—209 254 256 263 298 322 323 363
Cheng, L.Y. 246 247 263 303 324
Choquet, Gustave 133
Christoffel, Elwin Bruno 185
Circulation 333
Clapeyron, Benoit-Pierre-Emile 4 7 82 94 97 99 104
Clausius property 481
Clausius — Duhem inequality See also "Clausius — Planck inequality" "Dissipation" "Second
Clausius — Duhem inequality, Bowen and Truesdell's "axiom of dissipation" for mixtures 227 235 289 299 300 304 352
Clausius — Duhem inequality, Capriz Podio-Guidugli's "dissipation axiom" for constrained media 165
Clausius — Duhem inequality, Duhem's 28 38 372 419 420 423 447 449 473 475
Clausius — Duhem inequality, Truesdell Toupin's "postulate of irreversibility" for shocks 192 214
Clausius — Duhem inequality, Truesdell Toupin's "postulate of irreversibility" for smooth circumstances 21 28 42 43 117—119 122 123 125 132 134 135 138—140 148 157—159 175 177 211 546
Clausius — Duhem temperature see "Temperature Feinberg
Clausius — Planck Inequality 19 22 25 69 105 110 506 See
Clausius — Serrin Second Law 15
Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emmanuel vii 1 2 7—11 13 14 16 18 20 21 29 32 33 35—38 42—45 47 51—53 55 62 69 71 82—84 93 99 104 106 111—113 117 264 284 418 419 448 504 546 552 553
Coarse-Fine theory pair 517—521
Cohen, Robert Sonne 543
Coldness 111 119 226 See
Coleman's theorem 141—157
Coleman, Bernard David vii viii xiv xv 7 29 39 40 43 44 48 72 81 82 122 127 143 144 149 153 155—157 176 181 185 188—190 225 235 298 304 319 322 358—360 362 363 367 369 380 393 395 399 547 554 555
Collision operator 410 411 413 414 416
Combustion 302
Compressibility 167
Concentration See also "Mass density peculiar"
Concentration, mass fraction 220
Concentration, molar 355
Condition 128—131 140
Conduction of heat 3 43 187 See "Fourier "Navier
Conductivity, hydraulic 334
Conductivity, perfect 168
Conductivity, thermal 307
Conductors of heat, strong 167 See
Conley, C. 364
Conservation laws see "Balance principles
Consistency principle 517
Constant continuation, function, etc. 149—151
Constituent of a mixture 219 237 265 290 326 327 345
Constituent space 355
Constitutive axioms, functions, functionals See also "Constraints"
Constitutive axioms, functions, functionals in classical thermodynamics, axioms, functions 5 88 540
Constitutive axioms, functions, functionals in classical thermodynamics, domain 87
Constitutive axioms, functions, functionals in classical thermodynamics, restrictions 7 9 20 93—95 101
Constitutive axioms, functions, functionals in deformable media with internal variables, axiom, functionals 197 359
Constitutive axioms, functions, functionals in deformable media with internal variables, restrictions 198
Constitutive axioms, functions, functionals in deformable media, single, axiom for equilibrium 150—155
Constitutive axioms, functions, functionals in deformable media, single, axiom, examples 142 143 156 191 365 369 370 372 377 380 387
Constitutive axioms, functions, functionals in deformable media, single, axiom, functionals 120 141 143—153 176—178
Constitutive axioms, functions, functionals in deformable media, single, axiom, restrictions 121 143 147 148 153 182
Constitutive axioms, functions, functionals in deformable media, single, axiom, use of approximations 473
Constitutive axioms, functions, functionals in dissipative materials in general 39 66
Constitutive axioms, functions, functionals in homogeneous dissipative processes, axiom, functionals 65 68
Constitutive axioms, functions, functionals in homogeneous dissipative processes, examples 73—78
Constitutive axioms, functions, functionals in homogeneous dissipative processes, restrictions 71 72
Constitutive axioms, functions, functionals in mixtures, axiom, functionals 230 287 300 301 303 319—321 331 332
Constitutive axioms, functions, functionals in mixtures, examples 243 246 250 254 258 259 267 268 307—313 359 370 372
Constitutive axioms, functions, functionals in mixtures, restrictions 247 248 250 254 270 272—274 359 360—362 371 385 386
Constitutive axioms, functions, functionals, attempts to avoid using them 525
Constitutive axioms, functions, functionals, comparison with kinetic theory 412 426—433 436 438—440 449
Constitutive axioms, functions, functionals, use of approximations 473
Constitutive equations see "Constitutive axioms etc."
Constraint pair 165 166
Constraints 159—170 289 297 See constrained"
Contact 108 510
Continuation see "Constant continuation" "Jump "Linear "Quadratic
Continuity set 213
Continuum mechanics of mixtures 219—224
Continuum mechanics of single media 67 107—109 390 528
Convective transport 340
Cooper, J.L.B. 50
Cosserat, Eugene Maurice Pierre 169
Cosserat, Francois 169
Courant, Richard 191 202 207
Cowin, Stephen C. 209 287—289 291 292 294 296 304 306 323—325
Cowling, Thomas George 384 437 439
Cox, R.G. 303 310 323
Craine, R.E. 236
Crawford, Bryce Low, Jr. 387 403
Cross, James Joseph 302 323
Crystalline symmetries 367 368 396—401 See
Curie, Pierre 368 387—391
Curtiss, Charles Francis 379 384 388 392 402
Cycle, Cyclic process see "Carnot cycle" "Process cyclic"
Cyclic heating measure 131
D'Alembert, Jean le Rond 53
Dachler, Robert 336
Dafermos, Constantine M. xiii xv 211 212—218
Dagan, Gedeon 331 334
Dalla Chiara, M.L. 543
Dalton's law 235
Dalton, John 235
Damping see "Decay"
Darcy's law 332 333
Darcy, Henri Philibert Gaspard 332—334
Darrozes, Jean 446
Davies, R.O. 380
Davis, William Chester 202
Dawson, P.R. 302 320 325
Day, William Alan viii xiv xv 43 157 200 369 501 502 547 554
de Donder, Theophile Ernest 354 356
de Groot, Sybren Ruurds 158 276 277 285 375 378 379 384 387 388 392 393 402
De Vries, Daniel Alexander 337 338
Decay of waves 188—190 195 199 211
Definite proportions, law of 357
Deformation gradient, mixtures 241 329
Deformation gradient, single media 121
Deformation, rate of see "Stretching"
density 510 See "Molecular "Number
Descartes, Rene du Perron 374
descriptors 518
Desoyer, K. 336
Determinism See also "Constitutive axioms etc."
Determinism for mixtures 230 231 300
Determinism in kinetic theory 423
Determinism, effective 71 120 161
Determinism, general 68 141 148
Detonation 202 203 302
Diffusion See also "Drags diffusive"
Diffusion coefficients, Diffusion-thermo coefficients, Thermal diffusion coefficients 276—279
Diffusion in general 219—352 356—358 370—372 379 384—386
Diffusion velocity 224 276 291
Diffusion, Fick's theory 276—278 340 370
Diffusion, Self-balancing 352—358
Diffusion, thermal 246 276 278 279
Diffusive drags see "Drag forces"
Dilatancy 310
Dilute mixtures 228 229 385 386
DiPerna, Ronald J. 214 215 218
Director 169
Discontinuities see "Process discontinuous" "Fourier "Kinetic basic boundary "Poisson's "Singular "Wall propagation" "Weak
disparate 345
Dissipation See also "Clausius — Duhem inequality" "Clausius "Dissipation reduced" "Kelvin
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