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Truesdell C.A., Wang C.C. — Rational Thermodynamics
Truesdell C.A., Wang C.C. — Rational Thermodynamics

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Название: Rational Thermodynamics

Авторы: Truesdell C.A., Wang C.C.


Here, as in the first edition, I chose capriciously. I made no attempt to represent all kinds of good research now being done, no attempt to rank authors or marshal a battalion. Many important writers, I am sure, remain uninvited because I did not know their work. Others I did not invite because some choice was necessary among persons whose researches largely overlapped.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2 edition

Год издания: 1984

Количество страниц: 579

Добавлена в каталог: 26.06.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Dissipation in general      7 103 211 212
Dissipation inequality for mixtures      238 239 300 304 359
Dissipation inequality for single media      71 120 142 161
Dissipation inequality, reduced      See also "Residual inequality"
Dissipation line      11 18 19 See
Dissipation, axiom of, for homogeneous processes      84
Dissipation, axiom of, for mixtures      227 235 289 299 300 304 352
Dissipation, internal      112—117 119 121 148
Distribution function      see "Molecular density"
Divergence, weak      511
Doering, Werner Siegfried      202
Domains of responses      428
Dominant Solutions      451 467
Doria, Michael Louis      235 246 262
Drag coefficients, diffusive      307
Drag, Stokes      308
Drags, diffusive      See also "Diffusion" "Drag
Drags, diffusive in general      242 244 248—250 255
Drags, diffusive, binary      278 370 371
Drags, diffusive, diffusive      274 370 371
Drew, Donald A.      246 247 263 290 301 303 314—316 323 324
Dreyer, W.      281 285
Drumheller, Douglas Schaeffer      247 263 290 293 297 313 317—321
Duhamel, Jean-Marie-Constant      3 4 365 366 376
Duhem, Pierre-Maurice-Marie      viii 1 17 19 28 29 38—35 55 60 114 117 176 185 447 507 508
Dunlop, P.J.      371
Dunn, J.Ernest, III      viii 43
Dunwoody, James      189
Dunwoody, Norbert Thomas      189 232
Eckart, Carl Henry      29 41 42 45 122 395
Elastic materials, Elasticity, mixtures      237—263
Elastic materials, Elasticity, single media      157 185
Emch, Gerard G.      541 543
Endothermic      see "Reaction"
Energetic ("specific internal energy", in some appendices called "energy") in kinetic theory      408
Energetic ("specific internal energy", in some appendices called "energy") in mixtures      227 239 242 273 300 304 346
Energetic ("specific internal energy", in some appendices called "energy") in single media      114 141—156
Energetic ("specific internal energy", in some appendices called "energy"), definition      110 221
Energetic ("specific internal energy", in some appendices called "energy"), free, in single media      114
Energy      See also "Energetic"
Energy, balance of      16 17 67 105 110 174 191 192 224 294—296 504
Energy, ballistic      39 40
Energy, binding      346 511
Energy, flux of      346 347 See flux" "Heating-flux"
Energy, free      70
Energy, growth of      222—224 228 232 294—297 348
Energy, internal      8 10 12 67 84 95 101 102 223 224 511 545 See
Energy, kinetic      67 109
Energy, total      22
Enskog's process      421 436 439 448 471
Enskog, David      384 421—423 433 436 437 439 441 448 471
Enthalpy      115
Entropic ("caloric", "specific entropy")      111
entropy      See also "Caloric" "Calory" "Entropic" "Entropy "Entropy "Entropy "Entropy "Entropy "Second
Entropy a maximum in equilibrium      21
Entropy admissibility criterion      214 215
Entropy flux      227 228 232 264 268 269 349 350 351 417 418 443—449 513
Entropy for deformable bodies      also "Specific entropy"
Entropy for deformable bodies as a primitive quantity      111 141
Entropy for deformable bodies, Coleman $\&$ Owen's proof of existence      482—484
Entropy for deformable bodies, Feinberg $\&$ Lavine's proof of existence      123—140
Entropy for deformable bodies, relations it satisfies      112—121
Entropy for deformable bodies, Silhavy's proof of existence      554
Entropy for homogeneous irreversible processes      67—69 103 104
Entropy for irreversible processes in general, according to Bridgman      36
Entropy for irreversible processes in general, according to Clausius      13
Entropy for irreversible processes in general, according to Gibbs      21 22
Entropy for mixtures      221 226 227 239 268 269 298 299 348—352
Entropy growth      351 See growth
Entropy in classical thermodynamics, discovered by Rankine      9 10
Entropy in classical thermodynamics, equivalent constitutive restriction      12
Entropy in classical thermodynamics, rediscovered by Clausius      10
Entropy in classical thermodynamics, rigorous proof of existence      95 101 102
Entropy in kinetic theory      442—449
Entropy production of a reaction      162—164 See
Entropy rate admissibility criterion      216
Entropy rate, Increase of caloric      116 117 216 217 513
Entropy supply      264 444
Entropy, bindings      514
Entropy, specific      111 See
Equation of state      See also "Thermodynamics First
Equation of state, caloric      60 73 74 76 113 157 377 378
Equation of state, local      17 60
Equation of state, thermal      3 88
Equations of motion, various      245 252 256 257 261 427
Equilibrated force      292—294 297
Equilibrium      See also "Kinetic theory equilibrium" "Thermostatics"
Equilibrium of mixtures      251 255 256 258 306
Equilibrium, false      199 361 362
Equilibrium, general      60 65 66 74 133 142
Equilibrium, Gibbsian      39 See
Equilibrium, local, kinetic      415 452
Equilibrium, response      150—155
Equilibrium, site      152 see
Equilibrium, space      152 153
Equilibrium, state      199 200 360—363 376
Equilibrium, strong      199 201 361—363
Equilibrium, thermal      524—526
Equilibrium, trend to      40 452 453 456—459 see
Equilibrium, weak      199 201
Equipresence      77 120 222 230 231 301 359
Equivalence theorem in acoustics      185
Ericksen, Jerald Laverne      viii ix xiv xv 40 294 322 369
Eringen, Ahmed Cemal      228 231 236 262 323
Euclid      97
Euler — Hadamard theory of fluids      see "Gas flows"
Euler's laws of motion      108
Euler, Leonhard      3 4 17 60 157 185 188 411
Event-point      526 528
Exothermic      see "Reaction"
Experiment      59 78—80
Experiments on diffusion      371
Experiments on heat conduction      368 374—375
extensibility      167
Extent of reaction      197 202 356—358
Exterior      510
Fading memory      143 144 151 412 481
Failure      288
Falkenhagen, Hans Eduard Wilhelm      369 379
Feinberg, Martin      viii xiii xv 43 48 57 123 126 127 158 363 364 524 526 543 547 555
Feynman, Richard Philipps      125
Fick's law      see "Diffusion Fick's
Fick, Adolf Eugen      370
Field equations      16 107—110 224 265 266 see
Fields of gross physics      379
Fieschi, R.      392
Filtration      330
Fine-Coarse theory pair      517—521
First law of thermodynamics      see also "Energy balance
First Law of thermodynamics as an axiom      65 67 103 109 110 223 346—348 511
First Law of thermodynamics in classical thermodynamics      9 10 84 101 102
First Law of thermodynamics in the kinetic theory      413
First Law of thermodynamics, Silhavy's proof      551 552
First Law of thermodynamics, used to define heat      52 53
Fluegge, Siegfried      ix 42 117 156 187 219 230 354 362 371 373 398 399 403 420 422 468 469 473
Fluids      see also "Kinetic theory of gases" "Navier
Fluids in gas dynamics      60 66
Fluids, anisotropic      369 379
Fluids, mixtures      228—235 237 264—325
Fluids, non-simple      423 424
Fluids, simple      468 469
Flux      346 512 see "Forces "Heat flux "Heating-flux"
force      see also "Forces and fluxes"
Force in mechanics      64 65 67 79 108 427 see "Stress
Force, equilibrated      292—294 297
Force, microstructural      287 292—294 313
Fosdick, Roger      viii 43
Foundations Line      11 16 18 19 25 28
Fourier condition      167 174
Fourier inequality      116 117 119 274
Fourier line      4 10 17
Fourier — Duhamel theory of heat conduction      176 187 276—278 365—369 373—375 378 387 388 396—401 494—502 see
Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph      3 4 16 44 110 116 117 174 212 365 376 387 388
Frame-dependence      429—431
Frame-indifference      230 232 242 267 300 373 429
Free energy      see "Energy"
Fresnel — Hadamard — Duhem theorem      185
Fresnel, Augustin Jean      185
Friction, internal      see "Dissipation internal" "Navier
Friction, linear      76—78
Friedrichs, Kurt Otto      191 202 207
Frostman, Otto      416
Functional, constitutive      see "Constitutive axioms etc."
Galileo Galilei      365
Galkin, V.S.      462
Gallagher, Richard Hugo      325
Garcia, D.J.      250 251 263
Gas flows      16 60 112 113 186—189 464 see mixtures" "Kinetic gas-dynamic "Navier
Gavalas, George Rousetos      363
Gaynor, F.      24
Gibbs, Josiah Willard      vii viii 1 2 14 15 19—28 31—33 37—39 45—47 53 83 123 376 443 503—508 523 524 543
Gilbarg, David      191
God      448
Goodman, Malcolm A.      287—289 291 292 294 296 304 323
Gosting, Louis Joseph      371
Grad, Harold      226 384—386 421 422 432
Granular media      286 287 296
Gravitational forces      332—334
Gray, William Guerin      331
Green, Albert Edward      165 170 228 231 294 322
Green, W. Anthony      189
Greenberg, James Martin      viii 39 40 190
Grioli, Giuseppe      169
Gronwall, Thomas Hakon      416
Gross      see "Kinetic theory gross"
Growth variables      301
Growths (in some appendices called Productions)      222—228 230—232 265—267 292—298 328 348 353—355
Gruschka, Heinz Dieter      199
Guiraud, Jean-Pierre      446
Gurtin's theorems      147—155
Gurtin, Morton Edward      ix xiv xv 41 119 122 144 149 155 159 160 161 170 176 177 183 185 188—190 200 208 221 225 233 289 296 298 318 322—324 346 352 358—360 362 369 509 516
H-Theorem      23 415—419 446 473 475
Hadamard's conditions      see "Hugoniot's conditions"
Hadamard, Jacques-Salomon      60 172 173 185 188
Hagan, Robert      216 218
Hall, H.E.      283 285
Harms, Karl Christian Friedrich      369
Hartka, Theodore J.      52
Hartman, Philip      89 218
Hassanizadeh, M.      331
Hayes, Dennis B.      320 321 325
Heat      see also "Caloric Theory" "Conduction" "Heating" "Heating "Heating-flux" "Heating "Latent "Specific "Radiation"
Heat equation      494—502 see
Heat of reaction      198
Heat, absorbed      7 14 87 549
Heat, emitted      14 87 549
Heat, flux of      16 348 512 513 see
Heat, gain of      5 83 87 548
Heat, general      85 110
Heat, sources      367 368
Heat-bath      447 506
Heat-transfer coefficient      307
Heat-transfer line      12 18 19 28 see
Heating      3 67—69 87 110 128—131 524
Heating bound      67—69 77
Heating supply      see "Body heating" "Heat sources"
Heating-flux      16 38 110 221 224 229 230 239 443—447 452 453 456 513
Heinrich, G.      336
Helium II      281—284
Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand V.      8 99 100
Herapath, John      16 18
Hermann, James      16
Herrera R., Ismael      41
Herrmann, Walter      193 321
Hilbert's method in kinetic theory      448
Hilbert, David      421 422 433 441 448
Hirschfelder, Joseph Oakland      379 384 388 392 402
History in general      1
History of a function      68 141
Ho, B.P.      311 323
Holonomic      164
Holtzmann, Carl Heinrich Alexander      8 100
Homocaloric      184—186
Homogeneous body      83 366
Homogeneous process      see "Process homogeneous"
Homogeneous velocity field      402
Homothermal      177 178 184—186 188 see homothermal"
Homsy, George M.      302 325
Horn, Friedrich Josef Maria      363
Hornix, W.J.      53
Hotness, constructed by Feinberg $\&$ Lavine      135—138 524
Hotness, constructed by Gurtin $\&$ Williams      514—515
Hotness, constructed by Pitteri      524—543
Hotness, primitive concept      19 25 83 85—87 484 522 523
Hrusa, William J.      212 218
Hsiao, L.      217 218
Huang, Ming-Nan      281 285
Hugoniot relation      192 193 210
Hugoniot's conditions      174 334
Hugoniot, Pierre Henri      39 41 60 171 172 174 185
Huygens, Christiaan      59
Hydrostatics      415
Hyperelastic material      185
Hyperstress      160
Ideal gas      see also "Gas dynamics" "J-ideal "Temperature ideal-gas"
Ideal gas, classical      3 85 86
Ideal gas, defined by scale of temperature      87 99
Ideal gas, kinetic theory      408 409 414 415
Ideal gas, used to determine absolute temperature      271
Ikenberry's theorem      455 456
Ikenberry, Ernest      405 454—456 458 459 464 471
Incompressible      298
Inertial force      332—334
Inertial framing      528 see
Ingram, J.D.      228 231
Inner parts      221
Instability      see "Stability"
Insulated      112
Interconvertibility of heat and work in cycles      8 9 546
Interconvertibility of heat and work in isothermal processes      8
INTERFACE      332 333
Internal constraints      see "Constraints"
Internal energy      see "Energy"
Internal state variables      39 358—363
Irmay, Shagga      336
Irreversibility in kinetic theory      406 415—419
Irreversibility, "explanation of"      406
Irreversible process      see "Process irreversible" "Dissipation"
Ishii, Mamoru      290 297 313 323
Isocaloric process      70 73 77 114 see
Isolated      112 350 506
Isotropic      242 243 256 369 379 383 388—391 see
J-ideal gas      100 101
Jackson, Roy      246 262 302 322 363
Jaumann, Gustav Andreas Johannes      373
Jaynes, Edwin Thompson      158 403 404 406
Jenkins, James T.      325
Jouguet, Charles Jacques Emile      202 354
Joule, James Prescott      99 100
Jump discontinuity      146 171—210 191—210 214 266 269 333 see "Wave
Jump set      213 214
Kac, Marc      459
Kashikov, A.M.      212 218
Kelly, Paul Donald      219 220
Kelvin of Largs, William Thomson, Baron      vii xvii 7—13 16 26 29 33—35 41 47 50 51 54 55 62 82 83 91 95—97 99 101 102 104 522 544 552 553
Kelvin — Planck theory      126 127 132—140
Kennedy, James Edward      203 205
Kenyon, Douglas E.      334
Kestin, Joseph      49 54
Khinchin, Aleksandr Yakovlevich      376
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